Perhaps getting rid of the income tax and levying tariffs on imports is not a bad thing. I think pretty much every American out there would be glad not to pay income tax. What we (my husband and I) pay in income tax every year would be equal to someone’s really really nice salary. It’s ridiculous and it’s unfair and I believe unconstitutional. Think of what we could do with that money that stayed in our pockets, in our bank accounts. Wouldn’t it also encourage us to buy American Instead of buying foreign produced products? If the tariffs on imports cause foreign products to be more expensive, maybe it would encourage American manufacturing again. Maybe it would encourage people to buy local , buy what Americans produce here. I don’t know that’s just me thinking out loud.

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You are on the right track with the word “Unconstitutional”. That amendment needs serious research because it was never properly ratified by the states. In fact, the Secretary of State “declared” the amendment ratified in a Democratically unethical way. Many states scratched out the word “out” from the word “without” concerning the new tax being “without apportionment”. That changed the amendment totally, but it was declared to have been Ratified.

What is funny is that change made the amendment unnecessary. The entire reason the amendment was needed in the first place was because the Congress wanted to play games with the tax revenue. So, they needed the states to agree to unfairly redistribute the money.

There is so much about our history that needs study. We have been duped very slyly for many years. It is time to set things straight.

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Amen to that!

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You have common sense logic... I agree 100%

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Sounds like a great idea to me! And, aside from the money taken from us, wouldn't it be wonderful not to have to file the dadgum tax returns every year!!!

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"Far right" in Europe means ordinary people who do not want their countries ruined. Also, refer to those who think the 2020 elections were fair as "election fraud deniers."

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Ashe, thank you for highlighting this article by the the AP, pointing out that it is NOT categorized as an opinion piece. It is a prime example of MSM propaganda (I prefer to call the AP Associated Prevaricators.) Your take on it is so great! These slimy, feckless, compromised cockroaches, are birthday party suck-ups, who just love to wrap themselves in the Trump-banner, come election time. Makes me vomit.

One of your Badland writers suggested that when MAGA takes back the executive office, (and the dossier with all the s-elected officials crimes (treason)- my words) Republicans need to be prosecuted first. Hear! Hear! Then the trials will be devoid of the "political prosecution" moniker that the MSM will long for. The rino back-stabbing of WeThe People is the most egregious.

"TOO BIG TO RIG!" That's your slogan, Ashe, and I think we should pass it on and make it a reality Nov 5th!!

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Ooh, I like it - Republicans (RINOs) prosecuted first! Excellent thinking.

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Just when I think I have almost deprogrammed myself, I find more to question! Thank you for all the “Our Takes” Badlands News Briefers

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Suggestion/request for the Badlands team: could there be a writeup dedicated to Bitcoin for Dummies? I get so lost on this.

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Don’t know about specifically Bitcoin, but there is a write up on elementary blockchain, which was interesting for the novice that I am. Might be in the Badlands Substack, guessing a few months back---I have an idea who the author was, but not certain.

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Yes! I just posted a similar comment. All I know about it is I have read the "mining" involves a lot of computers, which use a ton of electricity, solving some kind of complex mathematical problems or something. I don't get it.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Love Ashe’s Take on the first news Brief.

“President Trump didn’t purge the GOP of critics — voters did.” 👍🇺🇸 And Trump’s “political enemies” are not Trump’s enemies, but America’s enemies - the MSM’s obfuscation of Truth is more and more emphasizing the Truth. Exposure is a wonderful thing❤️🇺🇸

“Does AP News believe voters should choose their representatives?”

This line brings to mind a new Badland’s contributor (new to me on substack) The Colonel.


A great Primer on how the Elites decided they know what’s best for all of humanity!

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I agree wholeheartedly. Ashe’s synopsis was brilliant.

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"A great Primer..." and he promised it was only the beginning 💖

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Looking forward to it ❤️🇺🇸👍

Colonel Roxane Towner-Watkins

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She, then? Sorry... I've been trying to shed my 'male chauvinist pig' side for a long time now... goes to show we're all works in progress. Thanks for the info, Feather! 💖

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Without thinking about it, I assumed “he” at first also 😉 Checked out the substack and realized the Colonel is a woman. ❤️

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Not that there’s a contest, but this news brief is at the top. I read it just before going to bed and made me feel like a kid on Christmas Eve.

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Are you really in Taiwan? What's going on among the ordinary people there?

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Hi Margot. Yes I’m really in Taiwan and have been for 14 years. It’s Saturday morning here and people are walking in the park, playing with their kids, some are going to work, and many are in the morning markets doing their weekly shopping. Basically just normal activity. I know there’s news in the US that China is going to attack at any moment. I doubt this will occur. There’s a lot of sword rattling going on but that’s all it is.

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Thank you so much, Gary. I frequently hear Dave on the X22 podcast talk about Taiwan and wondered about conditions there. Blessings to you from Oklahoma!

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Yes, I hear Dave say that on almost every broadcast. I love Dave but he gets me riled when he does.

My grandfather came from Oklahoma. He left there in 1914 at the beginning of WW1.

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With you, Ghost!!

“If Israel is to be saved, it must be liberated from the clutches of radical Zionism. (Just as Arabia must be liberated from the clutches of Radical Islam.) As of now, they are on the path of certain doom, picking fights that they cannot finish without American blood.

Trump will return, and bring with him the Age of Peace. But we must transform ourselves into the sovereign people we are destined to be.”

— GhostofBasedPatrickHenry

Well stated! ❤️🇺🇸🕊🦅🇺🇸🌎

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Let us not forget the pervasive and perverse radical "Christianity" that has converted the "that which every joint (relationship) supplies" with wave upon wave of hierarchal systems - what Jesus declared "is not so" among His houses of assembly.

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Mankind, as a collective, has a way of subverting just about everything it touches. For some reason, there is a compulsive desire to 'organize' everything along some pattern that never ends up being appropriate. You can (or at least could, when I was there) see it in elementary school classrooms. There always ended up being a pecking order of some sort, and it was not imposed from above -- it was organic.

There is something in our DNA that refuses to accept a simple gift, but must instead remake it along our own urges and desires. I believe that is what Ghost was referring to -- we must learn to accept the world as it is, and work instead on transforming ourselves. God gave us the instruction manual -- all we have to do is follow it.

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It's the sin nature we inherited from Adam.

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Whether it truly will be an age of peace is up to God, but we pray for that!! I ask for Him to use President Trump to do awesome things, for the glory of God.

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The piece about Trump tossing out the idea of funding the government with tariffs breaks me up. He is a genius! It points us directly at the problem that no one sees.

We must fast backward to 1913. Prior to the income tax tariffs provided about 50% of all revenues. Corporate taxation provided the majority of the rest. Today, corporate taxes provide under 10% while 90% comes from either income tax or social security tax. But who pays the 90% in reality? Income tax is deducted from paychecks as is SS payments. I would argue that business pays essentially 100% of all revenues. If you are retired and pay taxes the chances are it is due to dividends which are paid by business.

What Trump is doing is getting America to wake up and smell the corruption. Since 1913 the progressives have picked the pockets of the Capitalists very slyly. They have us thinking we pay income taxes while business has paid it all along. Meanwhile, the Left spends much effort vilifying business as being greedy.

There we have the whole truth in a nutshell. Suggesting that we eliminate income tax and put tariffs on imported goods just opens the door to exposing the bad guys. I love it!

I need some popcorn!

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One other thought. If you are retired and get taxable income from Treasury Bonds you are double confused. All bond interest comes from income tax revenues which I previously showed comes from business. Quite frankly that is what is causing the collapse. Interest payments on the debt is fast approaching a Trillion dollars per year and business is not able to cover the losses any longer. Debt is growing far faster than GDP or the stock markets. The compound growth rate of our debt is 10% while GDP is growing at about 3%. Please, someone, tell me how that is sustainable?

The good news, if Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is to be believed, is Trump solved the problem seven years ago by cancelling the Treaty of 1871. All that remains is educating the public. The better news is America is still rolling along even though we declared bankruptcy in 2017! How about those apples?

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"Why, why are we funding all sides?" Because that's what the puppet masters(the big banks) do - more money to be made that way and you can't lose

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Correct. And it has been that way for as long as history has been recorded.

"War is the health of the state" -- Randolph Bourne (c. 1918)


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Nice to see CP make a cameo or two on The Brief and I barely got done listening to his Endgame just last evening---he’s starting to live rent free inside my head next to Trump---is that a good thing!?! Btw “muh roads” supposedly paid for with “muh taxes” suck in WI on my way to Chicago----almost worse than “muh elections”, which also suck. Lastly, this international stuff is looking and feeling more and more national by the day. God Bless!!!

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

It would be one thing if they actually used the taxes for the roads. That is what really pisses me off...

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Road contractors don't pay as big of bribes as defense contractors and foreign countries do. Just ask the Bidens.

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That’s both sad and pathetic!!

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

They are too busy putting up cameras to spy on us, not to mention that 5G system turning us into mindless robots. Those vacations to Dubai and their private islands that don't lack for anything. Thats where the road money goes. It's all about control over us and pleasure for themselves. Heffers!

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Government never does anything that is cost effective or done well bc there is so much corruption! Think of the levees in New Orleans, the Big Bridge Project in Boston that took 10 or more years, truck route highway work in P.A. and other places that is never finished, etc. We need honest private contractors paid at the state level where they can be monitored by we the people. If they are doing poorly, we can say. “You’re fired!”

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I asked this in a comment, but what is this word "muh"? I don't understand.

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somewhat derogatory term towards people making or buying into excuses for example paying taxes for my or “muh” roads

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"If Israel is to be saved, it must be liberated from the clutches of radical Zionism. (Just as Arabia must be liberated from the clutches of Radical Islam.) As of now, they are on the path of certain doom, picking fights that they cannot finish without American blood."

YES, YES, YES! Thank you GBPH!

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Thanks to all the people who add to the original writers….Everyone adds to the discussion. I do question the hatred of Ghost by Mr. Cushman. I do know, however, most of us do not have the entire story about the Israeli/Gaza situation…..especially since we know about the ties to the Prussian Zionists and the CIA!

God bless you all as we head directly into this extraordinary (and very hot) summer.🙏🙏

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It's 91 in the shade right now (7:30 pm) with 61% humidity. Not very nice, and it isn't even summer yet!

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You must live in the south….same here. We just returned last night from the (much higher and cooler) elevations in the west…. My chickens are happy for dark! Me, too, at this point!

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And God Bless You, ALtab…one of my favorite minds enhancing our comment community! 🙏❤️

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Oh, Feather, what a blessing you are to us….God always knows when we need a friend!❤️❤️📚🇺🇸🙏

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In it together, Spirit Sister!

It is fascinating and exciting but also very challenging to navigate The Great Awakening especially through the context of trying to discern the truth of our History as a Nation as well as the true History of the many other Nations that share the globe with us…so much struggle, conflict, created by arrogant narcissistic elites (still sorting that out!). I have for decades believed in a shift for us all to a higher level of consciousness. I still believe it! Spirit Hug 🙏❤️

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Thank you for the hug….one for you, too 🙏❤️

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Such positive news, great reporting, the clock is ticking to Nov 2024 election. Love the TAX idea from My President. Abolish the IRS of England. TRUMP 2024 MAGA🎆

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As always - the briefs today reminded me to breathe deeply, read patiently, and think critically - thank you one and all!

BB: "If you have two brain cells to rub together to make a third, you'll already know that's an argument put together by Prussians (literally,) meant to cow you into the belief that we need the government to steal from us in order to build the very infrastructure a free market would already very obviously put together in order to transact, live and thrive free of intervention.

BUT ... we wouldn't be in an Info War if the logical answer was the way to counter decades of engineered propaganda and systematized control."

Crony capitalism was Adam Smith's arch-enemy - IMO he thought of it as worse than socialism.

GBPH: "Unconditionally supporting Israel is a traditional Republican position. However, I would argue that unconditionally supporting any government—especially a foreign government—is antithetical to true American values."

Including our own when (not if) it violates our constitution.

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Another great set of reports, guys & gal. Moreover, I see no English mistakes at all! Congrats.

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There were a few minor mistakes, but I'm not going to be nitpicky and point them out! ;) Now don't you go re-reading the entire piece to try to find them!!

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I saw no mistakes but I'm not perfect. ;-) However, I try not to nitpick. I like to point out errors that are amusing (i.e. wrong meaning) or interesting. The majority of errors stem from the fact that people no longer read books (modern fiction doesn't count) so they guess the spelling and get it wrong. Also, most people don't understand the use of commas or apostrophes but, again, I'm not going to comment unless the error really changes the meaning.

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I agree. I couldn't resist teasing you a little bit! English in school was an easy subject for me (way back in the days before computers), and I worked for many years as a secretary and office manager, so the same errors you point out are usually obvious to me as well. I often wish i could somehow mark mistakes in red and send the corrections back to the author. However, good writing that reveals clear thinking is the most important thing. Nobody is perfect, except Jesus. Have a great weekend!

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