
What a difference a year makes. Just a year ago I had cognitive dissonance r/t a number of subjects including Netanyahu. Thanks to immersion in this community and the brain “re-train,” the path ahead becomes more clear, and more glorious by the day. Those who provide this publication are sent from above.

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Amen. Once upon a time, I started my mornings with the Chronicle. Now it's Badlands. 😁

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Do you happen to recall if there was any specific article that "cracked the resistance" or was it just a summation of all points you mentioned over time?

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No specific article. I was always a Drudge Report girl, and then when that went sideways, Revolver and Epoch Times. I would read headlines and try to guess the news outlet from which they “originated.” That was some good training in itself. For years my husband sent an aggregated news brief every morning to some family members and a few military “subscribers.” People were disappointed when he gave it up, but he and I both felt like so much of what came across the feed was made up. I worked for the Department of State at the embassy in Australia and when I arrived home from a “congressional delegation,” my husband asked if I had gotten mixed up in a reported “security breach.” I certainly had, but the article he showed me was “tabloidesque,” and not responsibly congruent with actual events. My first taste of clickbait.

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Not trying to be a jerk and no offense intended, but ‘Calvary’ is the site of the Crucifixion and ‘cavalry’ is the military unit of horsemen. Keep up the good work, patriots!

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Possibly a freudian? ✝️ 🐎

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Oh - perhaps!

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6 hrs ago·edited 45 mins ago

2 square miles 28K people is Hamtramck. 100% Muslim city council and now Mayor. Where is that "DIVERSITY" used against "WHITE" US Citizens? Polish Americans flushed out by their invasion. The "Call for Prayer" alarms daily and the fight by Muslims to close down Polish Bars became unbearable for the polish citizens who fled to the suburbs. Sorry if im not overjoyed by the news. Prior Mayor liberal Majewski facilitated and cheered on the "CALL FOR PRAYER" loudspeakers several times a day, to go out. Now shes OUT....Karma. I grew up at a time in Detroit when those religious Muslims were selling drugs right from the counters of their stores and welfare foodstamps were bought for half their amount from parents who preferred cigs and booze or drugs over their kids meals. These people are smart and conniving and know how to take advantage of this backward system in the USA.

Good for Trump that he was indorsed by the New Islamic Muslim mayor who came here to USA when he was 17, but this is a relatively small town. Detroit recently sold part of its city to Dearborn to facilitate an even larger Islamic population that has taken over the Michigan Ave SW Detroit area, turning corner stores and bars into Mosque. Whats the deal City Council members of Detroit? Take it from a WHITE AMERICAN who grew up there, Detroit is one of the most racist cities against White Americans. I do commend the Muslims for not taking their shit and actually planting roots despite the crime there.

"After several months of contentious debate and pressure from Muslim residents, Hamtramck City Council voted Tuesday night to allow the religious sacrifice of animals on residential property.

Muslims often slaughter animals during the holiday of Eid al-Adha and Hamtramck has one of the highest percentages of Muslim residents among cities in the U.S.

The all-Muslim city council voted 3-2, with Mayor Amer Ghalib casting an additional vote in favor making it 4-2, to amend a city ordinance to allow religious sacrifice of animals at home. After the vote to approve, applause broke out from members of the public, who packed the meeting to speak out before the vote." Detroit Freepress


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You must spend your nights doing research I commend you on your thoroughness

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Qatar is going to be interesting as Netanyahu plans to enter Lebanon. Trump entering the scene vs the current fake administration seems to be a devolution proof. Apparently Qatar has been the hub for the CIA, Mossad,etc., to act with impunity in the Middle East, especially since the various terrorist organizations were all created by the same intelligence apparatus….🤔.

Varney on Fox Business this morning joined his guests in stating Trump’s take on China/US farmland should be managed by the market, not forced action by the government. I told my husband Trump deliberately stated this to get the exact reaction we were watching. Most don’t have a clue that to achieve the goals Ashe mentioned, we must remove the cabal’s grab of our farmland via proxies, including Bill Gates…

Macron is panicking and Africa’s nations’ sovereignty is rising.

BB’s right. WWIII is almost entirely a war of stories. It has to be all about the awakening to the evil we face, because the plan is too brilliant to not have planned for all contingencies with its goal to save lives.

You can bet all of the unions clearly understand the threat that millions of illegals pose to their livelihoods. Hence the vote for Trump.

NK’s poop balloon story is truly hilarious 🤣

The elites supporting the AI art exhibit piece is definitely the reason the attacker is the hero. The art community has been a great source for money laundering.

Zelensky is truly an idiot actor. He does everything else on our dime, why not stump for the cackling one?

Dems are NOW worried? Must be getting too big to cheat cleanly….

God bless and protect the truth community tirelessly working to awaken mankind to their would-be enslavers’ plans.🙏🙏

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Nothing can be 'managed by a market' if a party or parties with an ulterior motive and overarching agenda is involved. Markets presume all players have equal information and are participating in good faith, each motivated by their economic best interests. These things cannot be presumed when state actors (and evil incarnate, such as the Cabal and its minions) are involved. Their goals are not economic. In such situations, markets fail. [They] will pay above market rates to meet their strategic goals.

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Agree, the art community has been and continues to be a money laundering source.

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Early this morning I got a message from someone I’ve known for years. An acquaintance had contacted her about a family he knew in Lebanon, whose house had just been bombed (and destroyed) by Israeli forces. The husband had been buried in the rubble for three hours before finally getting extricated. The man has a wife and two children. He refused to go to the hospital because it meant he would have to leave his wife and children alone. Our friend in the area contacted us to see if we knew anyone in a safer area in Lebanon where this family could stay. I don’t know anyone over there but it did kind of haunt me all day. I’ve never been in a war of any kind, so this story really confirmed for me that anyone who decides war is a solution for anything must be insane. Protecting yourself, your friends and family is sane and becomes a necessity.

The problem is that one insane idiot like say a Victoria Nuland, or a Joe Biden, or a Hillary or a Kamala Harris can manipulate events in order to cause a war, like attempting to get Ukraine membership in NATO knowing very well this will get a reaction from Putin. Similar to Hamas killing Israelis and others at a music festival. Or now Netanyahu bombing Lebanon homes. Action - reaction. The thing is, none of this is accidental or circumstance. It’s done on purpose by people who despise and are afraid of other humans.

This is why Trump is the only sane choice in this election. It’s not only the best decision for the USA, it’s the best decision globally.

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Sad, just sad. Where is PETA? In regard to trans men in women’s sports and bathrooms where are the feminists? I’m not a fan of either of these organizations and it goes to show that they have specific agendas, which are not truly about saving animals and supporting women, respectfully. No surprise here.

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Excellent as always!

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Investigation shows over 9,000 soldiers were trained using materials calling pro-lifers 'terrorists'


J6. Miley disobeyed President Trump's orders. General Milley Ignored Trump Order to Deploy Nat. Guard at US Capitol Prior to Jan. 6 - Then After J6 Riots, He Reportedly Placed Military Under His Control.



Who exactly is running the country? Certainly appears to be Jill Biden — and not Joe


Whether it’s Jill or someone else running the country, the bottom line is that we don’t have a functional president.

Edith Wilson did it on the QT.

The U.S. Army responded to Congressional questioning, revealing over 9,000 soldiers were trained using slides calling pro-lifers terrorists.

Would-be Trump assassin has ties to CIA, says former official



Another odd fact about Routh is that although he had a criminal record boasting at least 74 arrests and 100 charges, he did not spend a day in jail prior to his alleged attempted assassination of Trump. When US Customs and Border Protection agents flagged Routh last year as he returned from Ukraine, the Department of Homeland Security refused to investigate, according to Just the News.

Kamala Is Begging For Another Debate Because She's Losing


If Kamala Harris were truly running away with this race, as public polls purport, there's no way she would be clamoring for another debate.

Why 'Comrade Kamala' memes are taking off among Latino exiles


The Democratic Party is not a socialist party, nor does it claim to support communist regimes. But some high-profile members like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have described their political views as “democratic socialist”.

When she was a California senator, Harris co-sponsored Sanders’ Medicare for All bill, which would have brought a single-payer health care system to the US. She has since said she no longer supports a single-payer health-care system, which would have abolished private insurers.

Moderator for VP Debate Tied to Donations for Radical, Pedo-Friendly 'Lincoln Project


The husband of one of the two moderators in next week’s CBS News debate featuring vice presidential candidates J.D. Vance and Tim Walz appears to have made two donations of $250 apiece to the controversial Lincoln Project during the 2020 election. Records from the Federal Election Commission show that Ali “Yado” Yakub, the husband of Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan, contributed on July 2 and Sept. 26 of that year to the anti-Trump super-PAC.Screenshot of Ali ‘Yado’ Yakub’s donations in 2020 to the Lincoln Project

Companies are quickly firing Gen Z employees


A whopping six in 10 employers had already fired college graduates who were hired in 2024.

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Hell is heating up and Harris is the snowball.

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The planned dock workers strike is just what America needs to understand the evils of deficit spending. I doubt the media will explain it the way I see it, but that that is to be expected.

The workers have been harmed by the same inflation as 100% of all of us. Part of our problem is the media is mostly biased toward Democrat policies and refuse to see the facts. Inflation is a monetary imbalance problem created by too many dollars chasing too few goods. But, you say we have plenty of goods to buy, don’t we? And that is true. The problem is not a shortage of goods, it is an abundance of dollars! Inflation is actually deflation. What is being deflated is the value of a dollar. So, inflation of an economy is created by deflation of buying power of the fiat currency. This is what is being missed by the public. We are just left to deal with the reality created by piss poor management in Washington, but no one bothers to really explain it. That would destroy the Democrat party because they love to give away free money to their friends. Who doesn’t like giving free money away? Why isn’t everyone a Democrat?

Do we agree we have a problem with Liberal logic? It seem to be very popular today.

Anyway, all of this explains the dock strike and why it is needed. The workers have chosen to give their bargaining power to a union that is supposed to argue for fair treatment of the union members. Inflation has caused every member to get $4 worth of 2019 goods for $5 in 2024 dollars. So, what is fair is a wage increase based on 21% inflation in just a few years. So, the union asks for 70% assuming the inflation will get worse and they do not want to come back and strike again next year.

The problem is the wage increase is inflationary to the economy because the pay increase has to be paid in higher prices on everything shipped by boat. So, our inflationary spiral is just going into the second phase. The FED is cutting rates when inflation is just changing gears and stepping on the accelerator. This is what deficit spending does by design. Everyone please say, “Thank you Kamala and Joe!”

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