Jetlag? After a 6 day vacay at Camp David where they commented that he napped a lot??? WTF!!!

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I read that they served lasagna every day at Camp David. I am surprised they did not blame indigestion for his debate failure. Actually that makes more sense than jet lag.

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RemovedJul 5
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Lane, meet Kendra👇🏼

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They’re just grasping at straws now, I think they’ve used just about every excuse they could come up with at this point except maybe that Joe Biden was abducted by aliens and replaced by a shapeshifting gray.

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RemovedJul 3
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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

Kendra, meet Lane👆🏼

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“…precedent being set through these actions — asymmetrical application of law and rules based on political motivations — will be the ultimate boomerang.” - Ashe 🍿 In the DeepState’s fervor to weaponizing lawfare to destroy their opposition, they have ultimately captured themselves…we just had to be patient while they couldn’t resist bending the rules. Reminds me of Napoleon Bonaparte‘s wisdom: ‘Never interfere with an enemy in the process of destroying himself’

Connecting the dots: The United Nations is created in 1945 “to maintain peace and security in the world” …which has seen very little peace and security since the ruling elites of the NWO can’t rule without tyrannical control (which has nothing to do with Peace and Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness). Then CIA was created in 1947. Essentially a core of mafia types gave themselves the government-sanctioned public image of defending our country through intelligence gathering. Two years laters, NATO is formed, to stand against military aggression under the guise of combating communism. The CIA meddles clandestinely and NATO has their unending enemies to keep the profits of war going and the UN maintains their reason for existing. What a racket!

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[They] are nothing if not liars (whoops, I almost typed 'lawyers' 🤣). Racketeer influenced corrupt organizations, passing as organizations acting in the beneficial interest of all mankind.

In these cases, they are not just influenced by the racketeers, they ARE the racketeers. What a racket, indeed!

At least the People now see the emperor is stark naked. More every day. Thanks be to God 💖🙏🕊✝

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“liars (whoops, I almost typed 'lawyers' “… Thanks for the laugh, WildBill 🤣❤️🦅

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Sure, Feather! Have a happy 4th! 🧨

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You too, Bill!! 🧨 ❤️🇺🇸

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Yes, indeed! 🤣🤣

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Everytime I read that Michelle Obama will be the replacement for Biden I think if people vote for her and she wins we will be getting what we asked for and it won't be pretty. People have to remember according to Tulsi Gabbard , and I believe her, Obama and Hillary are running the country. Obama is taking the country down just as he's wanted to from his first day in office and someone else is getting the blame. SO if people are happy with their lives in 2024 then they should vote for Michelle. I believe they will use the millions of illegals votes to keep the Democrats in power forever. Should that happen kiss your freedoms goodbye. Lets all Pray for the best.

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btw: think 45 will ask how long Mike held that healthy chef under the 3' deep water?

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The problem with Big Mike running, is that it would invite numerous investigations into Hussein and friends, that have been pretty much dropped since he termed out. Hussein's connections to Alwaleed, for example. If that all came out (and Joe Lange has already brought some of it forward), it could turn into a maelstrom of problems for 'team O.'

Before 2016, there was nowhere near the motivation nor the organization to take on these criminals. MSM was mockingbird-ing along, paying no attention to the little men behind the curtains; citizen journalism was more or less unheard-of. Unless you could get FOX News to run something, it would never see the light of day.

But the times, they are a-changin. Oh boy, are they ever. Badlands is a prime example but there are numerous others. I don't think Barry and Big Mike want to open the can of worms, and if they do in their lust for power, they may well regret loosing the dogs. I think Trump would tear Big Mike to shreds in a fair campaign.

But it may never get that far, with the Dems trying to unseat Joe and the RINOs wanting to do the same to Trump, all hell may break loose during or after the conventions. When that happens, it's molly-over-the-mountain, and who knows what might happen next? One possibility is for the White Hats to declare martial law, bring out the 3000-page report of 'we caught them all,' put Trump back in the WH where he deserves to be, and start unsealing all those tens of thousands of sealed indictments. There being no way to ensure safe much less fair elections in '24, Trump is put in until '28, by when things will have been put right.

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I like the way you think wouldn't it be wonderful if thats the way everrything worked out.

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It's just one possibility. We will have to wait and see, but I'm convinced that something is happening beneath the surface, that soon will become apparent to all.

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Don't u mean Big Mike? Cuz that's what Barry (I mean Barack) calls the former Oregon State football player. Why do these F-ers keep changing their names and genders and religions?

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Because, in the end, they worship the current version of Baal…or, Baphomet.

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Big Mike has something that Hillary and the rest of the Democrats do not . . . a teflon sheen with the media establishment - forget about the cojones.

With him, they have a story they will run with that will make it easier to explain away after a bad debate than what they have with Depends-man.

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There will be countermeasures to all cheating. Whatever is planned, cheating, delaying the election, etc., they will not succeed in the end.🇺🇸

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Applying laws equally. About that. If , and WHEN the shoe is on the other foot, it will be necessary to have individuals in place who are up to the task of applying laws that will provide justice for the Rudy Gillianis of the world. It seems that to be a republican, one needs to have lost track of their collective backbone. I can only hope we have Kash Patel, Rick Grinnell, and Mike Davis ( to name only a few), in those roles when the time comes.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

The Bullies at the Corrupt Injustice Dept going after these good men and women, should personally be made to repay the victims and the public's money, wasted on these witch-hunts!

Meanwhile the 'Sex Trafficking of Children' continues on at Headquarters.


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Thanks for today's Takes.

My favorite was from Ashe: "Never stop fighting. We’re winning. — Ashe in America". Great advice!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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“Biden plans public events blitz as White House pushes back on pressure to leave the race”

never interfere when enemies are making mistakes

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Ashe, Was Trump’s sentence in NY really vacated or was the sentencing merely delayed?

I was confused by the delay because of the four lawsuits the “hush money” suit was the one where immunity would not help because it was about personal legalities rather than presidential decisions. The hush money was paid before he became president and the accounting irregularities were in his personal accounts. There was no Presidential immunity to help him.

Maybe I am missing something here. Help please!

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It may be because one of the underlying 'offenses' (the ones needed to elevate those statute-of-limitations-expired misdemeanors into felonies), was election interference. The accounting irregularities in and of themselves are a nothing-burger.

Since the jurors were not required to say which of the three possible underlying offenses they believed Trump to have committed, there exists the possibility that the jury might have felt differently in light of the immunity. I do not see exactly how this works, because election interference is not part of Trump's presidential duties; however, there is a case to be made that it was not election interference if Trump actually believed he'd won and the election was stolen from him -- because one of his duties is to see that the laws are faithfully executed, among them the laws that require fair elections. And the court steadfastly refused introduction of any evidence regarding election laws -- Trump's expert witness, former head of the FEC, was banned from testifying by Merchan.

Evidently Merchan thinks there is a vulnerability. Or maybe, he doesn't think the immunity ruling in any way affects the case; but he is reading the tea leaves and leaving himself a way out given the ever-increasing likelihood of a Trump victory. These rats are nothing if not self-interested, and self-preservation is at the top of the list.

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This one popped up out of nowhere yesterday - Marianne Williamson democrat throwing her hat into the ring for President! Anyone know anything about her? https://youtu.be/vQfOa1KA3WE?si=RYs984dJ9L5i0Lit

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I’m familiar with her because she is popular with a segment of the A Course in Miracles followers but long ago I realized she is not really a dedicated student. She gained popularity writing books about ACIM….I never considered her a good teacher of it at all. That said, I haven’t paid attention to her in many years so I don’t know where she’s coming from anymore.

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‘…Third Reich’s plans for post-war Europe, had they won… but that’s a rabbit hole for another day. Suffice to say that NATO is not what we have been told it is, nor is the European Union.’ Ghost stated the (now) obvious, nothing worked as we were told…..as to his rabbit hole…what if the Nazis just hid in the aftermath and infiltrated, not only NATO and the EU….but quietly moved their HQ to DC? The actions of DC post WWII seem to suggest this is the case…

I also firmly believe Ashe is right as the cabal’s minions continue their increasing panic, ‘I maintain my belief that the precedent being set through these actions — asymmetrical application of law and rules based on political motivations — will be the ultimate boomerang.’

Ghost’s assessment of the CIA is spot on! Like their handlers, they cannot conceive of doing anything different than they always have.🤣’ Thank you, Jesus, for making these devil-worshipping clowns so stupid, and so lazy. Mocking their incompetence has truly been a real pleasure.’

Trump went to Saudi Arabia first and now we are beginning to see what was begun there…after removing AlWaleed and his corrupt family and friends. Looks like the world is getting ready to reap the results. Not looking so good for the cabal and minions at this point.

Well….looks like Biden and current handler Jill are taking the stubborn route….hmm…how to get rid of Kamala in order to force Obama-controlled Michelle/Michael in? They’re apparently thinking seriously about this as Michelle keeps showing up in the narrative. First tyranny in the WH….kicking and screaming…🤔

A special blessing on Ashe, Ghost, BB and all the truthers on the eve of celebrating America’s independence. God bless them.🙏🇺🇸

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Well stated!

Between the debate and the recent Supreme Court rulings, everything has suddenly shifted 🍿❤️🇺🇸🦅

Just caught a clip of Fauci defending Biden: “very analytical, probing in his questions” “just had a bad night…maybe a cold”


Happy Independence Day, ALtab🙏❤️🇺🇸🦅🕊🌎

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Happy Independence Day, Feather, to you and yours!🙏🇺🇸❤️🕊️. May the journey to our Constitutional Republic roots be shorter than we imagine.🙏🙏

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Beautiful 🙏❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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"Part of keeping your head in the Info War involves developing the ability to put yourself in the shoes of people way dumber than you."

And it is that type of people mentioned above who think/believe that Cackling Kamala or "Big Mike" Obama have a ghost of a chance in a fair election in 2024!

The 2024 election, if there is one, will be run much differently than the fiasco of an eletion in 2020!

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Ashe said it perfectly paraphrasing fight potential fascism with current fascism. I’ve read in several places people calling Trump a dictator, I thought my god these people just don’t want to see what their regime has become.

7 days of preparation? 7 days? …

Biden I thought it was a cold, but I guess it was jet lag now that influenced your poor performance, bring on the second debate between 10 am and 4 pm so there is no sundowner excuse either.


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Maybe high noon at the OK Corral?

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That’s during his 10am 4pm

Schedule that gun fight asap lol

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How about a golf fight?

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Settle the election with a civil game of golf!! Biden says to Trump “you’ll have to carry your own bag, I was a 6 handicap no make that 8

Trump reply

“ that’s the biggest lie you said all night”

Golf ⛳️ it is

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GBPH: "Suffice to say that NATO is not what we have been told it is, nor is the European Union."

I am speechless - once again. Thank you for the insights! Operation Paperclip!

BB: "Part of keeping your head in the Info War involves developing the ability to put yourself in the shoes of people way dumber than you."

I will maintain speechlessness...but I will confess that I am not sure how good at this I am or want to be.

AiA: "I maintain my belief that the precedent being set through these actions — asymmetrical application of law and rules based on political motivations — will be the ultimate boomerang."


And Also GBPH: "Thank you, Jesus, for making these devil-worshipping clowns so stupid, and so lazy. Mocking their incompetence has truly been a real pleasure."

Thank you all for your hard work - Hope is one of the Eternal Principles, you all shared a good dose of it this morning!

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Like the history of NATO!

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big mike for pres would be even more 🤡 than his husband. broncobama at least did two years as a senator or something.

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OMG! You think Trump is jabbed!

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