Jul 11·edited Jul 12

I pray to God you're kidding about JD Vance as a running mate! The guy is a MOLE. I met him personally and found him to be a dismissive phony RINO. Id hope for Matt GATES as an alternative to this wolf in sheep's clothing Vance of Ohio. We also have a RINO Gov in bed with B Gates Foundation owned and operated Big Pharma. First Gov to shut down OHIO over COVID and kill off the elderly in nursing homes, inject college students in order to stay in college, and MANDATE COVID shots to keep a job. His 'million-dollar LOTTERY for the Jabbed ONLY' (Where did the million come from?). Money paid everywhere to be jabbed. Office for the elderly paid $100 for the Boosters. 80K for covid deaths reported by Flashpoint in hospitals, Nurses who made 10k a week to end life reported by OH attorney Tom Renz. Blowing up a TOXIC Train spill that polluted the rivers downstream that feed the farms for a very long time and turned a small town, Palestine OH, into a death trap, then He slithered back to his town to hideout.

Big Pharma Clinics in Ohio schools announced by him. Now Big Pharma can get at those youngsters. Wake up OHIO parents!! 30 plus years of TREASON! Rigged Elections!! GET HIM OUT! Are there any politicians in OH calling for his arrest over the explosion in Palestine, despite EXPERTS who warned against it. One of the biggest disasters to the health of everyone who eats food grown on a farm from OHIO and every farm downstream, worse disaster since Chernobyl. His latest VETO on a bill passed by the legislature, that would have banned Sex change operation for children in OHIO, goes nicely with Clinics in all the schools. Hello VANCE? Hello Jim Jordan? Hello UNIPARTY? Hello democrats? If anyone of us did what this poor excuse for a man has done, we would be locked away for life! Global poisoning/pollution, cancer for everyone, killer jabs for million$, sex change operations for children. CDC owned by Gates/Congress now in water treatment plants. It's always the politicians and their partners in crime doing the dirty deeds. Id love to hear what VANCE or any other politician plans to do about all of this MESS!

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Aside from what appears to be C's very legitimate concerns ... Isn't way too early to trust JD? Only those with long established MAGA trust get into inner circles ... like Jr

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The YouTube link Ghost posted is well worth a listen if anyone is still confused about Zionism.

Zionism changed being Jewish from a religion to a nationality. Zionism is politics not religion. Israel is not a nation of Jews; Israel is a nation of Israelis.

The rabbi in the interview did a great job of clarifying the distinction.

Thanks, Ghost ❤️🕊

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I agree! That one discussion really helped me to understand the real problem. In America citizens are all Americans, but we are also many different religions. So, our nationality has nothing to do with our religion.

The rabbi explains that in Israel citizens are Israeli, but not necessarily Jewish. Anti-Zion is not anti-Semitic any more than anti- American is anti-Christian. It occurs to me the left has once again created confusion by conflating nationalism with religion. It puts politics in conflict with patriotism.

Isn’t that their game plan? Divide and Conquer by confusing the subject.

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Well stated, Jim!! ❤️🇺🇸

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I think you mean antisemitic (rather than semantic), but yes - good point!

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Thanks. I made the change. I failed to proof read my post, sorry.

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It is also very important to realize that not all Zionists are Jewish. Many in the American Evangelical community, nominally devout Christians, are Zionists for one reason: they believe that the State of Israel's mere existence guarantees, over time, the Biblical prophecies and bringing about the End Times. So some of Zionism's strongest advocates in the US are Evangelical Christians, some of them at least.

(As with all religious communities, it is dangerous and almost always wrong to make generalizations, and I want to make clear that I said "MANY' in the American Evangelical community -- not "ALL" or even "MOST." This is such a hot-button topic these days that I make these clarifying statements to defuse attacks based on misunderstanding my comment.)

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Many are very closed minded when it comes to this and get angry when efforts are made to inform them. But keep in mind these are the very same people who shut churches down during covid because they don’t believe Jesus can heal the flu.

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Thank you for clarifying that, WildBill. I have no idea what the Evangelicals believe or think. So , Israel as a “Jewish nation” has to exist in their minds so that the “end times” can happen?

The rabbi in the YouTube video emphasized that to Jews (of many different nationalities) who practice their spiritual faith understand Israel represents a Holy Land, not a “National Homeland”.

The Zionists did a darn good job confusing everyone!

Edit: I should have written:

Some Evangelicals ; )

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Erik Carlson's piece from back on October 13, a week after the 'Hamas attack,' is worth a re-read, even though I'm fairly certain you read it back then; things have evolved in the ensuing months and the perspective Erik offers is as meaningful today as it was then:


He goes into the history of the Middle East, the creation of Israel, and why the Cabal did what they did back in the middle of the 20th century in the Middle East, including but not limited to the creation of Israel.

As for the Evangelicals, yes, some of them believe that Israel will bring about the conflict that will result in the end times. So they strongly support the idea of a Jewish state in the Middle East -- this is the definition as I understand it of Zionism. Eric does not discuss that particular facet of the situation in the Middle East; rather he concentrates on how this situation came to be, and what it means today. He does discuss 'Zionism' and 'anti-semitism' and other hot topics, still as hot (maybe more) today as last October.

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Yes, I did read Erik’s excellent post back then…but I enjoyed reading it again just now, thanks to your link!


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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

Ashe your comments on the fake 50/50 split in the USA could not be more on point. This has been going for as long as I have been paying attention back to Bush v Gore. Almost every election was 51/49. Once? Maybe. But every single time? Bullshit.

Unfortunately, my parents in their late 70s now are obviously still watching the news EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. so they are truly unable to see or beleive that they are being lied to by American news. There is still a contingent of avid TV watchers out there that needs to turn off their God damned TVs but they absolutely won't. Those people will be asleep unto the bitter end.

That's yet another thing that Project Mahem got right in Fight Club. I actually wanted to do that, but people thought I was crazy. I'm like, guys - we literally do need to destroy media and banking! And... here we are - 20+ years later... I so deeply pray we're finally going to see the death of legacy media and banking cartels.

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I don't even think its that close 51/49. What also fools people is the cheating in elections. Makes the country look like its 50/50. Way off.

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And in the polls -- fake news too. Created to provide a presumption that the election is close, so we won't be too disappointed when their fraud delivers them a 50.5 to 49.5 win -- as it did in the two Georgia US Senate runoffs. There's no way those two crazed leftards really won those seats. Not in Georgia. Maybe in Atlanta and Fulton County, but statewide? No way on God's green earth. "But the polls said it was close... hopefully we'll do better next time."

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I agree. On a given subject we might be 72% to 28%. On another we are 65% to 35%. So, combined we are 50:50 because we don’t agree the same on different issues.

This same ridiculous logic is what the judge in NY used. If you think Trump is guilty of anything at all, you must find him guilty of everything. The left ain’t real good at logic and reasonable thought. They are expert at confusion.

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"Well I FEEL like..."

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Between the Cook report and the Big Picture I feel like the 5D chess that Trumps playing will completely destroy the corrupt Uniparty before the election. Just my thoughts, but it's brilliant!

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I doubt it will be completely destroyed that soon; but then, it does not need to be. The Uniparty just needs to be exposed to the point that it is hobbled, prevented from carrying out its plans. Like cockroaches, once exposed to the light, they will scatter. The Uniparty will then disappear into the slime from whence it came.

Sunlight truly is the best disinfectant.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

A walking through the sand match, a lifting of a beach chair match, stair climbing match, and a finding your way off the stage match.... add those to the list.

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Awww Catherine, you really want to rub Ol' Joe's nose in the mess, don't you!

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AiA: "They have to protect the 50/50 country lie with everything they have. It’s one of their biggest lies of all, responsible for perceived national division and solidified through ceremonial and theatrical ‘elections.’ As long as we are a 50/50 country, they can claim a tiny majority and do whatever they want."

One of the few concrete actions that I can take to shine light on the lie is to deny the accuracy of EVERY poll - not just the ones with results I don't like. Might sound extreme, but it has actually caused enough pause in conversations to get folks to think critically.

The only way to defeat the DOUBT (the truth), DENY (the consequences), DECEIVE (the lie is better for you) Dialectic that has been in use for thousands of years is to embrace the Truth that stands apart and beyond ourselves!

GBPH: "I wrote the other day about how a very radical Messianic Movement created by Meir Kahane has emerged in Tel Aviv, and out of political desperation..."

Even after their Messiah was resurrected, but before He returned to the Father, His appointed messengers (the "apostolos") asked Him, "Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?" They had been promised over 500 years earlier that "David" would return and restore the kingdom, and it was a promise they desperately clung to AND deeply misunderstood. Despite 3 1/2 years with Jesus, even His closest followers missed the point. In His conversation with Pilate, after being asked by the governor if He was the King of the Jews, Jesus told him, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm."

I understand the desire to defend YHVH; as it seems His word has not been fulfilled. I too would feel despondent if the promises I believe God had made were not accomplished; and I would likely go to great lengths to vindicate His honor. But then, it is likely He can defend Himself!

Thank you all again!

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Loved today's Takes, they kept a HUGE smile on my face throughout!

Ashe I loved this quote: "When our countrymen figure that out — that we are not a 50/50 country, and they only believed that we were because outlets like Axios abused their trust — everything will change. — Ashe in America"

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

The Obiden Regime will need to get another LOOK-A-Like-JOE quick, fast. and in a hurry, before next debate.

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They need another puppet and I think thats why Obama pushed for Kamala as VP couldn't be anything else. I may be wrong and time will tell.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 12

Yes, and then Kamala gets taken out by "Accidental Death", like 'the Chef who knew too much', and replaced by her VP Big Mike "Ladyboy". Don't need a crystal ball to see their plans. K better grow eyes in the back of her head...

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I have to laugh at all the articles discussing Biden this and Biden that when he probably doesn’t even have a clue or remember. I am dealing with an elderly person in dementia who also came from a toxic family and there is no longer a train of thought or “plans” or “focus” available to them.

Even Substack speaks as if Biden is making decisions and plans - when it’s his “handlers” and whoever has been in place in this administration behind the Biden figurehead.

See clearly - speak clearly and accurately of the truth. As far as I’m concerned since he was elected, I knew it wasn’t Biden doing anything. Even his recent “letter” is laughable. Who wrote that? Try seeing Biden that focused and decisive face to face. And no one can.

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“scrotus” 🏌️‍♂️👏

busts me up everytime.

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Me too! I love it!

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Talking about the 2024 Plan, the focus needs to be on the Democrats and the Establishment and the Media - who, hiding behind Depends-Man, have been running this country into the ground. No one believes Biden has made a single decision. He is the puppet who announces it. And that's it..

Focus on the devastating policies.

Focus on the blatant lies.

Focus on the Lawless Lawfare.

Focus on the price of gas.

Focus on the prices of everything.

Then ask if anyone might ever want 4 more years of it. Because if they lie their way through another election and maintain their hold on the reins of power, the World is F--ked!

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We challenged "Cornpop"🙃

You all always make me smile.

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Ashe is absolutely correct about this, ‘When our countrymen figure that out — that we are not a 50/50 country, and they only believed that we were because outlets like Axios abused their trust — everything will change.’

Ghost’s comments about Trump is coming actually made me chuckle!🤭 The cabal’s minions all over the world are truly panicking as their end inches closer….liked the observation he made about NATO limping into its convention.😀

BB’s observation of the millions that can only be transferred to the cackling VP is rich….hilarious.🤣

I am reading the Project 2025 plan that has the minions panicked, too….as they whine Trump’s name is in it 125 times….oh my!!

Panic reigns supreme as the panic will soon escalate to serious and dangerous proportions. Eyes on all here.

God bless these people who stand for ‘truth, justice, and the (hopefully) the American way’!


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Your last point, ALtab, that 'panic will soon escalate' is one well taken. We must all be prepared to survive what is now an almost certain though ill-defined 'crisis event' that will occur later this year, possibly continuing to next year. I would not be surprised to see Guardsmen and Reservists in the streets, keeping order in a way nobody else could. But it will be a rough patch, perhaps the most critical juncture in the history of our Constitutional Republic.

BTW did I ever mention I don't want 'their democracy?' All I want is our Republic back.

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Amen! We’re not a democracy! Even though we’ve ignored the Constitution; the fact the we are striving to regain the Constitutional Republic of our founding is the purpose for the focus on us. We must return to remembering the Creator .🙏

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Wow, those last two story blurbs... Burns/the CIA leading negotiations re: Isreal/Gaza? Not our usual State Dept. goons? (Granted, they have been useless outside of stoking mistrust and non-cooperation.) And the MSM/IC already employing the Russia narrative against Trump?

Can we please return to civilian control over our government and media? None of us (outside of Dem circles, that is) signed up for the replacement of our once constitutional republic with the military/intelligence-controlled techno-feudalism now seemingly being deployed.

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