Brannon Howse covered a issue on the carbon capture pipeline running through the Midwest, disrupting multi generational farming operations claiming eminent domain. No one is covering this. Very disturbing. Trying to raise awareness and hope Badlands can expose these totalitarianism land grabs
I don't get the "big deal" about a pipeline. Will what is being run through it be flammable or poisonous? The worst part would be if they are demanding a full-length right-of-way with unfettered access. But that's not generally how (buried) pipelines are installed - it's only distributed pumping/valving/monitoring stations that require access. This is presumedly farmland, which by definition is dug up on an ongoing basis. What's so tragic or invading about a short-term trenching operation (assuming it's well-planned and professionally executed)? I'm not a fan of foolish "green science", which this attempt at "carbon capture" may very well count as, but I am opposed to media hyperbole, and also the overall resistance to general-good land use and infrastructure construction.
If I were a farmer and had some government cu#t try to tell me they were coming through with a co2 pipeline on my land, I'd tell them to fuck off,and when they try to force it,I would physically resist. With gunfire and detonations. End or beginning of story. It's time to resist. We have the second amendment to that constitution for a reason,it's time we start using it with prejudice.
re Trump indictment: Presidential Records Act allows the Pres to declassify ANYTHING. Smith and the DOJ know this; it is a sign of their abject terror of Trump and the truth that they are proceeding with a phony indictment anyway. Next comes the bought-off media Clown Show and the repeating of lies over and over again; the hallmark of the Biden regime and UniParty stooges like Kevin McCarthy. It would be funny if it weren't so serious.
I address this message to all the believers who pass by here, and to the defenders of faith in God and Jesus:
There was a dramatic event in France 🇫🇷 this morning, where a Syrian migrant of possible Syriac Christian denomination, stabbed several toddlers and adults in a children's playground.
The man committed his act by shouting "In the name of Jesus Christ" and showing the cross he was wearing around his neck!
This act, to my knowledge, sets an abominable precedent on a global scale: from now on, the media will be able to openly proclaim that Christians also commit monstrous acts against children and innocents (and that Islam no longer has exclusive rights to this form of terrorism). On this point, it's a worrying precedent, which could lead to Christians being condemned or accused, and sow doubt about Islam!
When will Jews or Buddhists be accused in the same way?
And at the same time, a famous Christian actor takes a very clear and assertive stance in an interview, the truth of which ties in with this grim news:
Yeah, well -- I could wrap a rag around my head and run around shouting 'Allahu Akhbar' and that would not make me a Muslim.
This has all the makings of a false flag event. Everyone will remember him running around yelling 'in the name of Christ' which will be repeated over and over in the MSM -- but nobody will care or even hear when it turns out he is some sort of Satanist or whatever.
Evil is everywhere it seems, but we were warned about this in the Bible:
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. -- Isaiah 5:20
We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. -- 1 John 5:19
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
The story is still developing, at least in France.
Regarding the likely false flag, I invite you to read (translate with if needed !) this article from an US-French conservative site (and please take a look to the comments !):
My dear sir Trumpist, I am so saddened to see the devil going about as a roaring lion... at least he is exposing himself for all to see. But, for France. A prophet said that something terrible was going to happen in Paris and the people would rise up and drive the invaders out, that other countries would join, the war would be short and effective. I long for the day! In the meantime, yes, the attack on Christianity is, of course, escalating. Much love to you and your country!
Yes, Notre-Dame. We saw the unsurprising video of the Muslim on the balcony as the fire raged behind him. I bet 'they' got rid of those videos and photos as fast as they could! Muslims have burned down a staggering number of churches in Europe. I have long thought it would be the 'one world religion' of the Last Days. Brutal, murderous, intolerant, and obedient to their leaders who are, of course, bribeable.
The story is still developing, at least in France.
Regarding the likely false flag, I invite you to read (translate with if needed !) this article from an US-French conservative site (and please take a look to the comments !):
Dear Trumpist…what a very very sad day, a disturbing one for sure. I send a Spirit Hug to you….when evil strikes close to home - or far across an ocean!) - it unsettles and can certainly challenge our hold on peace.
There is no rational way to explain such an attack. Of course, committing such an attack “In the Name of Jesus” makes no sense.
Serious mental, emotional, and spiritual illness…a terrible darkness possessed that man.
We want to somehow understand why…but we cannot. There is a spiritual sickness rampant on the earth and we are all warriors for Light and Truth in these days.
There are more good people on this planet than not.
We pray for the victims. We pray their wounds will heal and that fear will not take hold in their hearts.
Lack of critical thinking has got us to where we are now.
If you believe everything put in front of you then you're part of the problem not the solution.
You believe everything these substack authors without a shred of proof? If you do you're part of the problem.
Once again if what theyre selling gets you all gushy inside that's hopium. That's propaganda. Theyre telling you what you want to hear. Then in turn you reject anything anyone else puts forth because it's not hopium.
I'll let you in on a little secret.....the truth is neither convenient nor warm and fuzzy. Alot of times it's ugly and uncomfortable.
That's why you despise my comments, because it's not filled with propaganda and hopium.
I don’t believe everything ANYONE says…never have. I just believe it is better to encourage instead of criticizing.. There is an unending list of things to criticize. It’s not typically a productive endeavor.
If we believe in Devolution ( which I did the instant I read Jon's first article) then we don't need to fear a Trump indictment. And whatever news propaganda sounds scary is really just to expose more truth. Picture Kermit with his tea..relaxing and watching the show! That's me baby!!!😉
First off that's a horrible thing and very tragic. While I agree that you have a valid concern, we always go faith against fear. Faith always cancels out fear and we can unite in prayer because the Bible states " if two or more pray in my (Jesus) name it will be done".
So you and I will pray that God stops anyone who falsely accuses Christians, that evil be stopped, and surround your Children with a legion of Jesus name Amen 🙏 I hope this helps my friend ❤️ Always go to God with your troubles....or me and I'll go on your behalf. I'm going to pray a special prayer for you!! 🥰
Pedophilia is an ancient sin and it is the worse crime against humanity when it (and all of its sick associated ills) are used against the most innocent among us. Justice for God’s innocents must be what unites humanity.
‘Provides Narrative Shielding to DOJ for indictments of former Heads of State, while setting legal/psychological templates. (h/t Just Human )
When you accept we're in a War of Stories, comfiness intensifies, and coziness follows.” — Burning Bright’. Yes sir, indeed!!
Ever get the feeling this year is leading up to something?
“ Ever get the feeling this year is leading up to something?” 😊❤️
I mostly stay - choose - to stay positive….as I gather you do…as many “awake” do. The [enemy] falls into that old saying - which Karl Marx lived to the fullest :
Misery loves company.
After WW2, the intellectual Marxists came here. They sat around on a lovely hillside in beautiful (then) California and commiserated on how depressing, to see cheerful Americans going about their day. (I read that in an article years ago, don’t remember the source, but never forgot the sentiment)
We carry on for America the Beautiful; for wonders to behold that have been suppressed (health, technology); for the next generations; even for the brainwashed captured sleepers.
Something wicked snuck in while AMERICANS enjoyed decades of prosperity. But we have been courageous enough to look evil in the face, explored all the rabbit holes of dark, miserable souls and the tyranny they have tried to establish.
Me? I think we escaped the nightmare because we know how to dream better…we cultivated discernment and understand The Art of War to achieve The Art of Peace.
Ok, call me Pollyanna…I loved that movie when I was a girl and still have prisms that catch the light.
We are the masters of our own destiny. And we know now what we do not choose. Wide awake in The Great Awakening ❤️🇺🇸🦅
How wonderfully stated, Featherjourney!! God created a beautiful world for us and Satan’s working hard to destroy it. It’s easy to stay positive from the 40k view, especially so since God’s word keeps us grounded and reveals who wins! God bless you, too!🙏🙏
It’s about increasing standards and prices til you can no longer afford your house so you lose it to the feds then get stuck in a 15-minute city. You will own nothing and be happy 😃
Very well put. And that is what they do to get you on their poison meds., change the parameters. There is no way the average American can afford an Electric Car, all new appliances without great debt. Our AC/Furnace is just 2 years old. the old one died after 20+ years. We chose to put in a large Tankless Hot Water Heater, the one this starter house had was just a small one, you had to stagger showers, and washing clothes. And not one of the new EPA regs means squat in changing the climate .01%. Not even if you killed off all food animals. Zoo animals would become the next meat source would be Elk, Moose, Buffalo, ducks, turkey, or Deer. They already get better health care than we do. Man is a MEAT eater. The Dutch Farmers are fighting back.
My uncle never bought meat, he hunted it.
We are not, it is Traitor Kerry's plan to eliminate Beef. and use plant-based or lab-grown. That plant stuff has to be bad, it doesn't sell, whereas the rest of the frozen meals have empty shelves.
BB - there is something I think is a very big story line either for you, John or one if the talented Badlands writer/researchers. It is all about the origins of “Le Cercle”. It seems the very origins of the mess the world is in. Been doing lots of reading of the major players. You should have a look at this. Right up your ally
BTW - everything you are doing 🙏 brilliant as usual
Wow that letter on election reform is exciting! And Burning Bright's take, brilliant, as usual:
“If our election systems get a mass overhaul nationwide (or near nationwide) just prior to the 2024 election, further energizing MAGA to get out and vote, it will be even more tacit confirmation that the 'Biden Administration' is just the second Trump Admin, and is and has acted as a Mass Disclosure Op."
Brannon Howse covered a issue on the carbon capture pipeline running through the Midwest, disrupting multi generational farming operations claiming eminent domain. No one is covering this. Very disturbing. Trying to raise awareness and hope Badlands can expose these totalitarianism land grabs
I don't get the "big deal" about a pipeline. Will what is being run through it be flammable or poisonous? The worst part would be if they are demanding a full-length right-of-way with unfettered access. But that's not generally how (buried) pipelines are installed - it's only distributed pumping/valving/monitoring stations that require access. This is presumedly farmland, which by definition is dug up on an ongoing basis. What's so tragic or invading about a short-term trenching operation (assuming it's well-planned and professionally executed)? I'm not a fan of foolish "green science", which this attempt at "carbon capture" may very well count as, but I am opposed to media hyperbole, and also the overall resistance to general-good land use and infrastructure construction.
This is true. Grew up in this area.
Hello ALtab !
Please, I'd like to have your take and support about this:
If I were a farmer and had some government cu#t try to tell me they were coming through with a co2 pipeline on my land, I'd tell them to fuck off,and when they try to force it,I would physically resist. With gunfire and detonations. End or beginning of story. It's time to resist. We have the second amendment to that constitution for a reason,it's time we start using it with prejudice.
re Trump indictment: Presidential Records Act allows the Pres to declassify ANYTHING. Smith and the DOJ know this; it is a sign of their abject terror of Trump and the truth that they are proceeding with a phony indictment anyway. Next comes the bought-off media Clown Show and the repeating of lies over and over again; the hallmark of the Biden regime and UniParty stooges like Kevin McCarthy. It would be funny if it weren't so serious.
TY news analysts! I appreciate all of you!
Hello everyone! 🙋🏼♂️🇫🇷
I address this message to all the believers who pass by here, and to the defenders of faith in God and Jesus:
There was a dramatic event in France 🇫🇷 this morning, where a Syrian migrant of possible Syriac Christian denomination, stabbed several toddlers and adults in a children's playground.
The man committed his act by shouting "In the name of Jesus Christ" and showing the cross he was wearing around his neck!
This act, to my knowledge, sets an abominable precedent on a global scale: from now on, the media will be able to openly proclaim that Christians also commit monstrous acts against children and innocents (and that Islam no longer has exclusive rights to this form of terrorism). On this point, it's a worrying precedent, which could lead to Christians being condemned or accused, and sow doubt about Islam!
When will Jews or Buddhists be accused in the same way?
And at the same time, a famous Christian actor takes a very clear and assertive stance in an interview, the truth of which ties in with this grim news:
"Fast and Furious Star says Hollywood is “Normalizing the Devil”:
May God and Jesus bless all and each of us !
Grace and Glory go to God !🙏🏻✝️🕊️
Yeah, well -- I could wrap a rag around my head and run around shouting 'Allahu Akhbar' and that would not make me a Muslim.
This has all the makings of a false flag event. Everyone will remember him running around yelling 'in the name of Christ' which will be repeated over and over in the MSM -- but nobody will care or even hear when it turns out he is some sort of Satanist or whatever.
Evil is everywhere it seems, but we were warned about this in the Bible:
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. -- Isaiah 5:20
We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. -- 1 John 5:19
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
-- Ephesians 6:12-16
Hello Wild Bill ! 🫂🙋🏼♂️
This story is developing further every new day, and more observators and pundits warn about this likely false flag, as Pamela Geller does:
I wish you a nice Sunday ! 🌞
And to you as well! Stick with the immortal Truth and it will not steer you wrong.
Hello Wild Bill !
The story is still developing, at least in France.
Regarding the likely false flag, I invite you to read (translate with if needed !) this article from an US-French conservative site (and please take a look to the comments !):
My dear sir Trumpist, I am so saddened to see the devil going about as a roaring lion... at least he is exposing himself for all to see. But, for France. A prophet said that something terrible was going to happen in Paris and the people would rise up and drive the invaders out, that other countries would join, the war would be short and effective. I long for the day! In the meantime, yes, the attack on Christianity is, of course, escalating. Much love to you and your country!
Hello my dear Anne! 🙋🏼♂️
Thank you for your nice and kind words 🙏🏻
I think many evil things began when Notre-Dame de Paris was set on fire on April 15th, 2019.
This very symbolic and dramatic picture tells us all:
I don't know the prophecy you're talking about, but that wouldn't surprise me.
Yes, Notre-Dame. We saw the unsurprising video of the Muslim on the balcony as the fire raged behind him. I bet 'they' got rid of those videos and photos as fast as they could! Muslims have burned down a staggering number of churches in Europe. I have long thought it would be the 'one world religion' of the Last Days. Brutal, murderous, intolerant, and obedient to their leaders who are, of course, bribeable.
Hello Anne,
This story is developing and God and Providence seem to be in the driver seat since the beginning:
Grace and Glory go to God !🙏🏻✝️🕊️
Wow, what an arrangement! And for his obedience to the Holy Spirit he will be at the Notre-Dame celebration!
Hello Anne !
The story is still developing, at least in France.
Regarding the likely false flag, I invite you to read (translate with if needed !) this article from an US-French conservative site (and please take a look to the comments !):
Smh. 🤦
There’s not enough rope nor millstones on the planet. Someone tell me please that the good guys win! I’m in need of hopium!
The good guys win ❤️🇺🇸
Hello Featherjourney!
Please, I'd like to have your take and support about this:
Dear Trumpist…what a very very sad day, a disturbing one for sure. I send a Spirit Hug to you….when evil strikes close to home - or far across an ocean!) - it unsettles and can certainly challenge our hold on peace.
There is no rational way to explain such an attack. Of course, committing such an attack “In the Name of Jesus” makes no sense.
Serious mental, emotional, and spiritual illness…a terrible darkness possessed that man.
We want to somehow understand why…but we cannot. There is a spiritual sickness rampant on the earth and we are all warriors for Light and Truth in these days.
There are more good people on this planet than not.
We pray for the victims. We pray their wounds will heal and that fear will not take hold in their hearts.
Peace, my Friend ❤️
Thank you for your take and stand ! ❤️
It seems there will more to come:
Just coming back here to send good thoughts your way today, Trumpist. Hope you are doing well ❤️🇺🇸🇫🇷
Hello Featherjourney,
This story is developing and God and Providence seem to be in the driver seat since the beginning:
Grace and Glory go to God !🙏🏻✝️🕊️
The devoted Christian… ‘the backpack hero’ – ‘le héros au sac a dos’
Thank you, Trumpist!!! Hadn’t caught up to the better part of the story yet…the uplifting and inspiring part.
We all have access to the Higher Guidance of our true God created Selves…if we are willing to listen.
Have a lovely day, my friend 💕🇺🇸🦅🇫🇷🌎🙏
Hi Featherjourney !🙋🏼♂️
I thank very much for your nice and kind thoughts ! 🙏🏻
I do enjoy the support of people who live with God and Jesus in their ❤️
May God and Jesus bless you for your kindness, it's a gift and a treasure which I hope you know their actual !
Solidifies what Dan Bongino talked about in his show yesterday. They are not covering up for Biden, they are covering up for OBAMA!!!
Comfy and cozy from the higher altitude comprehension of the crazy narratives.
Thanks Badlands!!! ❤️🇺🇸
The narratives don't get any crazier than they do here!
You still here shill?
Yes first line defender!
So, Terry, please explain why you are here?
What difference does it make why I'm here?
What do you care?
Freedom of speech that's why I'm here.
They have an agenda and so do I.
OK. Have a great day.
Just wondering if you have asked everyone else here why they're here?
If not why are you asking me?
Your the only one criticizing everything here. Have a great day, Terry.
Propaganda should be criticized.
Lack of critical thinking has got us to where we are now.
If you believe everything put in front of you then you're part of the problem not the solution.
You believe everything these substack authors without a shred of proof? If you do you're part of the problem.
Once again if what theyre selling gets you all gushy inside that's hopium. That's propaganda. Theyre telling you what you want to hear. Then in turn you reject anything anyone else puts forth because it's not hopium.
I'll let you in on a little secret.....the truth is neither convenient nor warm and fuzzy. Alot of times it's ugly and uncomfortable.
That's why you despise my comments, because it's not filled with propaganda and hopium.
BTW: Do NOT despise your comments at all. I understand clearly how inconvenient the truth is. Have a good day!
I don’t believe everything ANYONE says…never have. I just believe it is better to encourage instead of criticizing.. There is an unending list of things to criticize. It’s not typically a productive endeavor.
It's absolutely productive!
If propaganda is never criticized then propaganda will always win.
This is what is being pushed here in these articles.
It's all part of Operation Trust 2.0.
Have you looked up Operation Trust?
If you in fact have an open mind you'll see the connection.
I’m going through Operation Trust.
If we believe in Devolution ( which I did the instant I read Jon's first article) then we don't need to fear a Trump indictment. And whatever news propaganda sounds scary is really just to expose more truth. Picture Kermit with his tea..relaxing and watching the show! That's me baby!!!😉
Hello Deb !
Please, I'd like to have your take and support about this:
Did you ask for links to prove devolution?
Here you go, enjoy!!
That's not proof. 🤣
One always learns something around these parts.
(ˈkʌmfɪnəs ) noun.
the feeling
or quality
of being comfortable.
Great, All The Way Around !
Sing On !
"The 'Kids'...Are Alright."
Graci !
Hi Trumpist,
First off that's a horrible thing and very tragic. While I agree that you have a valid concern, we always go faith against fear. Faith always cancels out fear and we can unite in prayer because the Bible states " if two or more pray in my (Jesus) name it will be done".
So you and I will pray that God stops anyone who falsely accuses Christians, that evil be stopped, and surround your Children with a legion of Jesus name Amen 🙏 I hope this helps my friend ❤️ Always go to God with your troubles....or me and I'll go on your behalf. I'm going to pray a special prayer for you!! 🥰
Hello Deb !
Thank you for your nice and kind words which always help ! 🙏🏻
And I thank you much more especially for your prayers !!
The only fear I can carry about this would be regarding a collective misleading, a false-flag op against the Christianity.
I wish you a nice and kind week-end ! 🥰
Good stuff and like BB says Stay Comfy.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
Pedophilia is an ancient sin and it is the worse crime against humanity when it (and all of its sick associated ills) are used against the most innocent among us. Justice for God’s innocents must be what unites humanity.
‘Provides Narrative Shielding to DOJ for indictments of former Heads of State, while setting legal/psychological templates. (h/t Just Human )
When you accept we're in a War of Stories, comfiness intensifies, and coziness follows.” — Burning Bright’. Yes sir, indeed!!
Ever get the feeling this year is leading up to something?
“ Ever get the feeling this year is leading up to something?” 😊❤️
I mostly stay - choose - to stay positive….as I gather you do…as many “awake” do. The [enemy] falls into that old saying - which Karl Marx lived to the fullest :
Misery loves company.
After WW2, the intellectual Marxists came here. They sat around on a lovely hillside in beautiful (then) California and commiserated on how depressing, to see cheerful Americans going about their day. (I read that in an article years ago, don’t remember the source, but never forgot the sentiment)
We carry on for America the Beautiful; for wonders to behold that have been suppressed (health, technology); for the next generations; even for the brainwashed captured sleepers.
Something wicked snuck in while AMERICANS enjoyed decades of prosperity. But we have been courageous enough to look evil in the face, explored all the rabbit holes of dark, miserable souls and the tyranny they have tried to establish.
Me? I think we escaped the nightmare because we know how to dream better…we cultivated discernment and understand The Art of War to achieve The Art of Peace.
Ok, call me Pollyanna…I loved that movie when I was a girl and still have prisms that catch the light.
We are the masters of our own destiny. And we know now what we do not choose. Wide awake in The Great Awakening ❤️🇺🇸🦅
God Bless you, ALtab ❤️
How wonderfully stated, Featherjourney!! God created a beautiful world for us and Satan’s working hard to destroy it. It’s easy to stay positive from the 40k view, especially so since God’s word keeps us grounded and reveals who wins! God bless you, too!🙏🙏
What are you doing here?
We just put in a new Hav/vac system 4 years ago, old ond died. Wasn't cheap either.
Biden Admin Targets Another Household Appliance Amid Gas Stove Fallout
It’s about increasing standards and prices til you can no longer afford your house so you lose it to the feds then get stuck in a 15-minute city. You will own nothing and be happy 😃
Very well put. And that is what they do to get you on their poison meds., change the parameters. There is no way the average American can afford an Electric Car, all new appliances without great debt. Our AC/Furnace is just 2 years old. the old one died after 20+ years. We chose to put in a large Tankless Hot Water Heater, the one this starter house had was just a small one, you had to stagger showers, and washing clothes. And not one of the new EPA regs means squat in changing the climate .01%. Not even if you killed off all food animals. Zoo animals would become the next meat source would be Elk, Moose, Buffalo, ducks, turkey, or Deer. They already get better health care than we do. Man is a MEAT eater. The Dutch Farmers are fighting back.
My uncle never bought meat, he hunted it.
We are not, it is Traitor Kerry's plan to eliminate Beef. and use plant-based or lab-grown. That plant stuff has to be bad, it doesn't sell, whereas the rest of the frozen meals have empty shelves.
He hasn't the fucking authority.
Thank you!!! ❤️
May those blessings return to you a hundredfold!! ❤️🇺🇸🇫🇷🦅🙏🌎💐
BB - there is something I think is a very big story line either for you, John or one if the talented Badlands writer/researchers. It is all about the origins of “Le Cercle”. It seems the very origins of the mess the world is in. Been doing lots of reading of the major players. You should have a look at this. Right up your ally
BTW - everything you are doing 🙏 brilliant as usual
Wow that letter on election reform is exciting! And Burning Bright's take, brilliant, as usual:
“If our election systems get a mass overhaul nationwide (or near nationwide) just prior to the 2024 election, further energizing MAGA to get out and vote, it will be even more tacit confirmation that the 'Biden Administration' is just the second Trump Admin, and is and has acted as a Mass Disclosure Op."