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Thank you, Ghost : “the CIA knows where the Hamas leaders are, and yet none of them are being targeted as part of this military operation against Hamas”.

First thing that comes to my mind is the CIA has a vested interest in protecting their covert trafficking operations - drugs, weapons, humans(??). War and conflict is profitable for the CIA. Hopefully they are being exposed right along with the Zionist Netanyahu.

“So does Israel illegally possess the very weapons of mass destruction that Benjamin Netanyahu has breathlessly accused all of his Muslim neighbors of possessing for decades?” — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry

Thanks for the history lesson, Ghost!

It will be interesting to observe earthquake activity in the coming weeks following the solar flares. The latest flare hits the earth sometime today. I paid no attention to the MSM reporting over the weekend (or ever)….nevertheless, we, the Earth, are part of a system - a solar system as well as cosmic system - and while our magnetosphere helps to shield Earth from harmful space weather, we are not immune to all such influences.

This morning in the central Northeast, the sky is a beautiful perfectly clear blue…no chemtrails…yet.

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Exactly. They aren't going to clean up a mess that they engineered to maximize their influence in the area. Also, an old adage applies: "Me thinks he doth protest too much."

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