So what is the FBI accusing J6 protesters of doing wrong?

1. They were trying to stop an illegal election from being certified.

2. Check: We now see evidence of a stolen election.

3. They were entrapped, framed by FBI provocateurs and Pelosi, Schumer, Capital police, and Mayor Bowser.

4. Check: doors opened, police escorts.

5. It was not blocking a legal proceeding as Pelosi denied a quorum.

6. Check: “The minimal number of officers and members of a committee or organization, usually a majority, who must be present for valid transaction of business.”

7. Mike Pence refused to follow the rules when there are called to re-examine votes.

8. Check: he was supposed to delay certification until further verification of vote counts by the state.

9. So why are the J6ers charged with a crime but the crime we now see was commuted by the crooked DOJ, and the Dems?

What is Chris Wray’s answer to this?

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Here's an informative update that points a burning finger at the culprits you've itemized:


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Very interesting article. Love your expression "burning finger"!

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Treason is punishable by execution. I guess they wanted to be allowed to commit their crime without facing the consequences and what better way to avoid consequence than to deflect accountability on to innocent parties?

Same thing they've been doing for decades, it just finally got obvious enough for many to see. They've been stealing elections going back to at least Bush with their Access.mdb voting solution in 2000. And then of course is the fact that CFR has been getting "their guy into office" for 50+ years now.

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We got caught completing the insurrection started before the 2020 election. Whoops, sorry US citizens. 😢. Don’t you know that’s the primary reason we brought in the illegal aliens? Oh, yes, we’re implementing an ID program this summer for them so we can fool the US sheep into signing them up to vote….Yes, that’s likely similar to Wray’s response.🍿

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Chris Wray's answer is, "Yeah, so what?"

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Stay alert during the next presidential election. The moment it looks like Trump is winning in a landslide, as it did it 2020, if all 6 swing states stop counting simultaneously you'll know they will be installing another Democrat in the WH. HUGE Red Flag.

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May 13·edited May 13

All of these "Hollywood STARS" doing drug commercials for PFIZER, 😂 and that double shot of Flu and Shingles BS. TWO Band-Aids are better than one!! Everyone I know who got the Shingles VAX, got Shingles 6 months later.

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Thank you, Ghost : “the CIA knows where the Hamas leaders are, and yet none of them are being targeted as part of this military operation against Hamas”.

First thing that comes to my mind is the CIA has a vested interest in protecting their covert trafficking operations - drugs, weapons, humans(??). War and conflict is profitable for the CIA. Hopefully they are being exposed right along with the Zionist Netanyahu.

“So does Israel illegally possess the very weapons of mass destruction that Benjamin Netanyahu has breathlessly accused all of his Muslim neighbors of possessing for decades?” — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry

Thanks for the history lesson, Ghost!

It will be interesting to observe earthquake activity in the coming weeks following the solar flares. The latest flare hits the earth sometime today. I paid no attention to the MSM reporting over the weekend (or ever)….nevertheless, we, the Earth, are part of a system - a solar system as well as cosmic system - and while our magnetosphere helps to shield Earth from harmful space weather, we are not immune to all such influences.

This morning in the central Northeast, the sky is a beautiful perfectly clear blue…no chemtrails…yet.

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Exactly. They aren't going to clean up a mess that they engineered to maximize their influence in the area. Also, an old adage applies: "Me thinks he doth protest too much."

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The Frankfurt School mission statement: "We must do all we can to organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilization stink. Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.”

I'm no historian but I've looked into enough history to understand that what's happening in western culture these days fits the pattern that Vladimir Lenin introduced for destruction of Russian culture. Stalin & Mao perfected those techniques. The communists who boss Meat Puppet Joe Biden have added new techno-refinements and an asymmetric brand of violence to their destruction of western culture. Every shocking headline reflects the effectiveness of these cultural assassins.

Below, please find the latest release from Omega4America. It is an on the nose explanation of what those of us who want to be left alone know is happening. It is also a sad reminder of how damnably complicit the corrupt leaders of RNC, the RINOs, and Conservative Inc are, as they acquiesce, again & again, to the relentless and implacable evil of man-made communisms. Have a look:


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It's deeply disturbing when first confronted with these facts, but it's a discomfort everyone needs to work through.

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re Rafah operation: Netenyahu wants to build the Ben Gurion pipeline to connect the Red Sea with the Mediterranean Sea, and tap the LNG reservoirs off the Gaza coast. The Saudis want Israeli help to build their trans-Arabian pipeline. The proposed Saudi smart city of NEOM will butt up against the southern tip of Israel, and I don't believe that is a coincidence. What if the displaced Palestinians in Gaza will be used as a work force to build NEOM, the Ben Gurion pipeline through Gaza, (which will compete with the Suez Canal in Egypt), and the trans-Arabian pipeline? This is a cynical statement but how many people have already been killed in Gaza? It seems that the Israelis want to completely reclaim that land and no amount of international outrage, or peace proposals, get to the real issue. Wherever there are pipelines there are resources, and conflict. It's all about money and "security." It's hard to believe Netenyahu will get away with this, but the international media, as usual, is providing the smokescreen and cover for this operation. "Nothing to see here, just another Israel-Palestinian conflict."


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It appears we now know the real reason behind removing ALL Palestinians from Gaza; plus killing so many women will prevent more children. I guess it has always been follow the money (and control). God protect the innocents.

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All sides Cabal controlled.

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The Greater Israel project will be completed with or without your help, Goy!!!

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Oh, forgot the manipulated bird flu….just in time for the WHO’s evil vote and the election. They truly are inbred….same s**t again. Too many awake this time. We knew the ending plays were going to be insane as they sense justice coming behind their bravado.

God bless those seeking truth and keep them safe.🙏🇺🇸🙏🌎

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Ghost’s assessment of the situation in Israel is telling. More and more, although I can identify with the people-at-large on both sides of this conflict, there are several things that are making me consider that genocide might be the ultimate solution Israel’s government actually desires.

1) Hamas was actually a product of the Israeli regime to fight Arafat’s PLO. How much was Mossad and the CIA involved?

2) They were given intelligence that the attack was going to happen and the ‘protectors of the Israeli citizenry’ did……nothing.

3) Mossad, arguably the best intelligence service in the world did ……nothing.

4) I’ve mentioned before that the John’s Hopkins DNA study of Israelis and Palestinians revealed less than 3% of Israelis are descendants of King David, whereby more than 70% of Palestinians are. Are they afraid the covenant won’t cover fake Jews?

5) There’s the highly protected nuclear buildup by Israel at the same time they have screeched about the nuclear threats from their neighbors…

6) If Hamas is the true target and the CIA has provided Israel the locations of Hamas leadership, why is Israel not destroying the head of the snake?

I just don’t know, but all of this surely smells of the cabal’s influence over their minions that control Israel…. Does all of this have to do with Israel last?

Stormy Daniels and Cohen….the prosecution is so unbelievably lame/stupid/corrupt they put these two 1st class liars on the stand.🤣🤣

Same with lame Lindsey….what an absolute fool.

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Joe Lange’s new post / report is out 😊❤️ Awesome read..speaking of the CIA!


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Yes, it is absolutely their end game and always has been because they want the entire region for themselves. People need to come to terms with a simple truth - most modern Israelis are not the same people as those spoken of as Israel in the Bible.

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Concerning the Solar Storms we had this past weekend, I normally recommend Badlands Media to my family and friends when it comes to truly understanding what is happening Politically and Geopolitically, not this time because I am embarrassed at how, not all but a few on Badlands, mock and belittle Space Sciences and established Scientific fact. I will most likely not be welcome in the chat rooms anymore after I write this, but it has to be said if Badlands wants to truly be taken as a serious news website. All this "everything is fake and Ghey" is destroying Badlands, I have to now add in the caveat that hosts push the Flat Earth/Hollow Earth theory and when I try to explain to them why, if Badlands reports honestly on political and geopolitical events, then why do they allow the mocking of established Scientific facts? My only response to them is because they do not censor on Badlands Media, they believe everyone has the right to believe whatever they want, it is the mocking, laughing at, insulting the viewers who believe in the Science.

When the Hosts come on and mock, belittle and insult viewers over this topic, Badlands loses all credibility.

With that said I tried to inform everyone about this Solar storm, I am fascinated with outer space, even wanted to be an Astronaut when I grew up. I post daily morning videos concerning the Sun's current activities because over time I have seen Earths protective magnetic shield weaken dramatically over the past decade, all the evidence is pointing to the Earth going through another Magnetic Pole flip likely near the 2040s. With Earth's magnetic shield as weak as it is right now, these events are only going to increase in intensity and will be spectacular to view, giving the MSM all the END OF DAYS doomsday headlines, I tried to prepare my friends and family for the event telling them not to fall for the MSM fear porn reporting on it and that all we will get from this solar storm damage wise will be sporadic satellite interruptions and some isolated power transformers overloading, power lines arcing to ground causing small wildfires, able to view the Aurora Borealis in Southern Latitudes and this is exactly what happened. I tried to get as many people interested in this subject as I could so they could teach their children and grandchildren about Earth and Space sciences as well as being able to view the Aurora Borealis in the Southern United States this was a once in a lifetime experience to share with friends and loved ones.

I hope I have not ruined my friendship with Badlands Media by pointing this out, and I know I will be attacked by some for saying it. I have supported Badlands since it's conception and would hate to lose this friendship over something this silly.

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So Badlands writers are pushing flat Earth now? I missed this.... very sad.

I wouldn't dismiss all of hollow Earth just yet, something weird is going on at the Antarctic but I really can't say definitively.

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Yes, there’s a reason Antarctica is essentially off limits.

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No doubt that something was discovered there that "John Q Public" cannot see. And, if air force reports are accurate, it's pretty mind blowing and counter intuitive.

But one thing it's not is a massive wall of impenetrable ice that marks the edge of a disk. SMH

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I haven’t been aware of Badlanders pushing the flat earth theory (which I don’t bother with at all.). That said, I am intrigued by the Hollow Earth theory and have been for decades.

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Also, just so you know you have plenty of company - all truth sayers are skewered first before later vindicated but never apologized to. It's a thankless but important position.

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I understand Badlands medias stance on free speech, I support it, it's the laughing, belittling and mocking that is the problem, You can point out how ridiculous something may appear with facts and evidence proving or supporting your side of the debate, it's another when you laugh at people for their legitimate belief, they are not showing the same respect for our views as they expect for theirs.

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Thank you! I don’t have time to listen to a lot of podcasts, but I follow the weather and the solar impact on it. I also have paid attention as I can to HAARP. Its activity has gone underground and we don’t know what their experiments on the Ionosphere are going to do to earth’s atmosphere.

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The way HAARP works it should not be able to induce Aurora Borealis?

If there really was a massive coronal discharge that could cause such an effect but it would really need to be absolutely GIGANTIC to have had the effect it did.

Do you happen to know if anyone has charted global siting locations from over the weekend?

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No, I have not, I have been keeping an eye on current impacts and future forecasts here, https://seetheaurora.com/live-data

Chatting with friends and family. HAARP can produce small, very localized Aurora's, but the amount of energy needed to create a Worldwide event down to the equator is astronomical I think one professor I follow said he estimated it would take 3 months of combined energy production of the entire planet just to create one around the Northern latitudes, the Sun can easily produce the energy required to cause this effect, this is not the worse of it, soon we will have ground to sky lighting, and near the end when the magnetic poles are right on the verge of reversing and the field is at its weakest we will start seeing Odin's Lighting which can cause devastating damage if strong enough. This short video will give you a basic idea of what's coming.


and here is a playlist of Earth catastrophe series of video's that are very informative.


I can suggest other websites if you are interested.

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I find his sign off "Eyes open, no fear, be safe everyone" to be... a bit inconsistent with the content. When you liken Earth's pole shift to a theoretic loss of magnetic shielding around Mars which led to it's total and so far permanent destruction, I'd say that's premium fear porn which I don't throw down for myself.

Speaking bluntly, if the pole shift actually does lead to a total loss of shielding during a massive solar storm, there's literally nothing you can do to stop it, and all life on the surface will be fried - so to me there's no point in knowing such information. We all die someday.

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No….good place to check.

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“Ladybug Lindsey” 🏆🫳🎤🪦☺️

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“Why are cannibals so unreliable?”

Vegans. Cannibal vegans hurt no one. No energy due to low protein diet…and being dead. Mystery solved.

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Regarding the solar storm-Badlands hosts need to do their research! Please check out Ben Davidson’s work at


We love Badlands and its’ content! But the earth is experiencing geomagnetic changes that NOONE in media is talking about…very important information that’s being overlooked!

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Thank you! I follow SuspiciousObservers also


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Thanks. I thought Bens 11 minute summary really put this recent Kp index of 5.8 in perspective to other historical solar flares and the effects of a weakening magnetic field.


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Biden Moves to Take Federal Control of All National Guard Units

With every day that passes, it looks increasingly likely that Donald Trump is going to win the 2024 election in a smashing landslide. The lawfare cases against him are falling apart. They can’t jail him, so they’ll have to beat Donald Trump in an election. Unless, of course, wannabe dictator Joe Biden invokes the nightmare scenario and tries to prevent us from having an election at all.

It looks like this is exactly what Biden is trying to do. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is calling on Congress to place the National Guard units of all 50 states and all US territories under the authority of the Space Force. This would upend the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 and give Joe Biden control of a domestic military force to clamp down on the American people and usher in a dictatorship with Democrats permanently in charge.

For this to happen, Congress would have to amend Title 32 and Title 10 of the U.S. Code. The amendments that the Biden regime is requesting would require Governors to allow changes to National Guard units.


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Also, keep in mind that technically, once Military Intelligence observed the theft/subversion of 2020 US election, they could have deployed then. Everything since has been theater. Trump is still president, Fake Biden is resident scrotus. We are coming to the 3rd act IMO.

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Resident scrotum. I’m totally stealing that that is awesome.

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I'm pretty certain National Guard could be deployed any/everywhere in USA without violating Posse Comitatus.

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So Ladybug Lindsey actually knows the secret nuclear program in Israel has to be kept on the down low? Astounding he would be in the know on anything. Thanks for keeping us informed on this conflict.

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There are NO VIRUSES...just laugh and mock these morons

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The main reason Trump was able to rid U.S. of ISIS so quickly was he stopped funding them. Obama funded ISIS for years. No money, no attacks, bye, bye.

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