In his book "A Conflict of Visions" Thomas Sowell suggests that those with a constrained vision recognize the flaws in mankind and depend on the larger masses to help mitigate man's sinfulness (my word not his). Those of the unconstrained vision believe that there are those at "the top" whose genius and altruism (my word not his) should …
In his book "A Conflict of Visions" Thomas Sowell suggests that those with a constrained vision recognize the flaws in mankind and depend on the larger masses to help mitigate man's sinfulness (my word not his). Those of the unconstrained vision believe that there are those at "the top" whose genius and altruism (my word not his) should be allowed to make the important decisions for us plebes.
Grant's article seems to suggest that we should give up our efforts to hold the scoundrels responsible for cheating (because they really have our best interest at heart - the lack of profiteering in politics is our proof - sarcasm intended) and return to the Grecian formula of selection.
Ultimately, which ever of the heads of the dragon are in control, the lack of peace, the bondage of tyranny and the death of war and sorcery (Rev. 6:3-8) will be their fruit. God has a plan - but in that plan it is on each of us to choose in whom we place our trust.
I had to use Deepl to understand the deep meaning of your comment, and I think President Donald TRUMP seems to be a outstanding sample of the sort of people is needed to bring this whole world back to God !
🙏🏻✝️ God bless President Trump and all of those who are fighting for the Truth alongside him ! ✝️🙏🏻
I find Sowell's words from 'The Vision of the Anointed' to be most illuminating in our present situation:
"What a vision may offer, and the prevailing vision of our time emphatically does offer, is a special state of grace for those who believe in it. Those who accept this vision are deemed to be not merely factually correct but morally on a higher plane. Put differently, those who disagree with the prevailing vision area seen as being not merely in error, but in sin."
Redemption through belief is a powerful tool. Like all tools, it can be used for good or evil. Like all battles, our current struggle is between good and evil. A religion of God, or a religion of men and Satan. I pray that when that time comes, the vast majority of people will choose wisely. 🙏🕊✝
In his book "A Conflict of Visions" Thomas Sowell suggests that those with a constrained vision recognize the flaws in mankind and depend on the larger masses to help mitigate man's sinfulness (my word not his). Those of the unconstrained vision believe that there are those at "the top" whose genius and altruism (my word not his) should be allowed to make the important decisions for us plebes.
Grant's article seems to suggest that we should give up our efforts to hold the scoundrels responsible for cheating (because they really have our best interest at heart - the lack of profiteering in politics is our proof - sarcasm intended) and return to the Grecian formula of selection.
Ultimately, which ever of the heads of the dragon are in control, the lack of peace, the bondage of tyranny and the death of war and sorcery (Rev. 6:3-8) will be their fruit. God has a plan - but in that plan it is on each of us to choose in whom we place our trust.
Thank you for this outstanding point ! 🙏🏻
I had to use Deepl to understand the deep meaning of your comment, and I think President Donald TRUMP seems to be a outstanding sample of the sort of people is needed to bring this whole world back to God !
🙏🏻✝️ God bless President Trump and all of those who are fighting for the Truth alongside him ! ✝️🙏🏻
I find Sowell's words from 'The Vision of the Anointed' to be most illuminating in our present situation:
"What a vision may offer, and the prevailing vision of our time emphatically does offer, is a special state of grace for those who believe in it. Those who accept this vision are deemed to be not merely factually correct but morally on a higher plane. Put differently, those who disagree with the prevailing vision area seen as being not merely in error, but in sin."
Redemption through belief is a powerful tool. Like all tools, it can be used for good or evil. Like all battles, our current struggle is between good and evil. A religion of God, or a religion of men and Satan. I pray that when that time comes, the vast majority of people will choose wisely. 🙏🕊✝