Everytime I see Putin with other World leaders, it reminds me of Trump going around to all the countries. You'd have to be really stupid not to realize the significance of this. And it's comforting to know that, while we expose the evil swamp in the US government, Putins got the soccer ball. Good stuff!

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If you can't enjoy the winning now you truly must be sleep walking through life... GBPH says it so well: "This is winning, and we have only just begun. — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry"

Once again you nail it BB:"(for them,) conclusion that they already lost some time ago. The rest is a matter of timing ... and awakening. — Burning Bright"

Loved today's Takes, thanks for another shot of Victory!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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The Dems proving again, THEY are the threat to "democracy", and to our Republic.

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The brainwashed US citizens are getting hit hard. Next in the awakening process: Just how much did/does the MSM know and how complicit have they been in the coverup of Biden’s Brain…AND…what else have they been lying about??

Thanks for your report, Ashe ❤️

My favorite line today is from Ghost:

“That's called "4D chess," and the Saudis have played the central bankers like a fiddle.”

Zelensky’s begging has less and less clout and reveals many arrogant mistakes, moves, on the board…surprise: Checkmate ♟️ 🦅

BB, I need to mention how much I like your titles, whether in your headlines for the daily Briefs and Takes or for your own articles! I look forward to that every day 🙏❤️

Wow…Thank You, Ghost, for the feel good education!! I didn’t know about the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle. God Bless Putin and Modi “a Christian leader bestowing a Christian accolade on a Hindu leader.” I LOVE this 🙏❤️🕊

And wow again…I did not know about JFK’s relationship and influence with Saudi Arabia. “JFK instilled in the mind of Faisal that the Saudi Royal Family could only be truly great if the people of their Kingdom were also great”

“The current Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, is the spiritual successor of Faisal, just as President Donald Trump is the spiritual successor of JFK. Both men seek prosperity and greatness for their people, and both men are deeply despised by the same forces that opposed their predecessors. “ -GBPH

There is so much good being excavated from the swamp mud slime. Treasures of Truth are seeing the Light of day❤️🇺🇸🦅🕊🌎

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Love the 'mud slime!' It's almost as if the Lost City of Atlantis has been found, and the White Hats and friends are out there with the pressure-washers, getting rid of millennia's worth of 'mud slime' from the antiquities. Revealing the Treasures of Truth for all to behold. 💖🕊

Once they are done, it will be impossible for anyone to ignore what has happened. It's hard for me to believe that there are still people out their with their heads in the sand; at least there are less and less of them each day. Special thanks to our Badlands authors and supporters for helping to make this happen. One normie at a time.

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Thanks for the “mud slime” visual! Got me giggling!The great pressure washer movement of anons ❤️

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The JFK relationship with Saudi Arabia in 1961 has come full circle at last. What is interesting to me is Nixon tried the exact same discussion with China just a few years later. His suggestion was to put the power of the Chinese population to productive enterprise by embracing Capitalism. In other words, create profitable businesses to produce competitively priced goods to sell in the international market place.

Look what this idea did for China. They are a player today instead of being the failing society we saw in 1972. My how things have changed for China.

The Chinese use slave labor in their factories but the cheap goods are in demand here. They have learned to use our system against us!

The problem for China is they are not really bringing their people wealth. That will be their downfall.

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Agree with all! I have friends and family who read what I share and others I know who do not. Those people think it’s just another 4 year election. One thinks we’re doomed and the others are engaged in the msm right vs left. They are Trump supporters, at least there’s that. I know in the end they will see the light but in the meantime it’s so frustrating. Again thanks BB, Ashe, and Ghost! Knowing what’s going on in the world is so important to understand the “Plan.”❤️🇺🇸😊🙏

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BNB once again hit it out of the park for me today! I so look forward to reading each morning. I was not aware 1961 secret meeting between JFK and CPF. Loved GBPH quote or I’m paraphrasing “The current Prince MBS is the spiritual successor of Faisal, just as President DJT is the spiritual successor of JFK.” I’ve personally learned so much about SA through you all. Thank you !

It continues to help connect those dots.

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An excellent piece from Clandestine, if you haven't seen it, from mid-2022:


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That article reminded me of a key piece of our puzzle. In November of 2015 the New York Times had an article ready for publication that exposed the corruption in Ukraine as well as Hunter Biden’s involvement in that country. As a courtesy they sent it for review by the Obama WhiteHouse. The NYT was told to hold the article because it was highly secret and involved national security. The White House had it under control and would handle it.

The “handler” who was assigned was no other than the guy who became the whistle blower in impeachment #1. He came up with the idea of diverting attention away from Ukraine and using Russia as a scapegoat. That was exactly why Russia, Russia, Russia was invented in the summer of 2016. It fit the narrative already established to change the subject to Paul Manafort and his Russia connection. That supposedly tied Trump to Russia.

That, by the way, was what caused the whistle blower so much anguish when Trump brought it up in his call with Zelenskyy in September 2019 just after the Mueller investigation fell apart and Trump was exonerated.

Ukraine is the key! It keeps being pulled into the picture when the whole idea was to make Russia the main point of attention. But, a war between Russia and Ukraine is just too great to imagine if we know the whole story.

You can bet the NYTimes is watching. They are complicit in aiding this whole debacle and, if I know about it, you know people of influence know even more. There is so much to be uncovered and we are just seeing the tip of the ice berg.

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I'm surprised the NYT just took Hussein's claim about secrecy and national security at face value and did not dig deeper. Why the hell would corruption in Ukraine and Hunter's private ventures be 'national security concerns' of the White House?? If I was the author of that piece, I'd want to know a bit more about what was really going on. If I was a journalist, of course.

Ukraine is indeed a key part of understanding the Cabal. From their origin in Khazaria 1000+ years ago and their journey since then, Ukraine has always been a key part of [their] plans. Russia just got in [their] way when Putin went in and closed down the biolabs, child trafficking and the rest of the Cabal's dirty enterprise. And then told the world about it. That was Clandestine's motivation in starting his substack -- making sure this all got out for people to see.

Oh, and the NYT -- along with WaPo and the rest of them -- on their way to being a mere footnote in history. Low-info readers don't read legacy media anymore, except maybe their crossword puzzle; and those who seek the truth know to look elsewhere. RIP, MSM!

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One other thing. The handler/whistle blower was associated with both the FBI and the CIA. He interfaced with people from Ukraine in meetings with key people in Washington who all worked together to kill the Biden connection.

My main interest in all this was because of how it all tied into the killing of Seth Rich! This whole story is almost unbelievable because it is so complex and simple at the same time. The real key is most Americans are just too busy living their life to take the time to sort all of this out. The good news is the truth is always here to be found. That is, if honest people can get in charge of telling it.

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It's amazing never a peep on any conservative news and much of social media about BRICS and the multi-polar alliance. Spread the info, encourage people to join badlands and be confident in the outcome God expects for planet earth!!

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Thank you for the takes!

Pardon me while I nerd out just a bit:

Speaking of manipulation. The calculation of vacancy rates, on paper should be simple math not calculus.

It seems the large corporate REITs and property managers have been able to benefit, over the last few years, because of the long-term leases that companies were "stuck with" after they were forced to close offices because of pLandemic authoritarianism. In other words, if you were to calculate the office space actually being used (not just technically occupied) the probability is that number tanked in 2020-21 and has actually been slowly rising as office space is converted or renovated and employers have been requiring a return to office.

In the meantime the capitalization rates (meaning the ROI or return on investment) has actually gone up over the last three years and is forecast to rise this years as well. (Costs/sqft have only dropped 0.7% nationally since last year, while the five most "attractive cities" have seen a rise of nearly 20%.)

So what creates confusion is that companies that own their own office buildings returned their employees to those offices ASAP - though their "occupancy" is not included in the standard calculations because their space is not "rentable". Companies who had short-term leases renegotiated (as did a few with the clout to affect long-term lease renegotiations) which most likely did not reduce and maybe even raised their cost/sqft, though their total square footage shrunk and therefore required updates and upgrades. Companies with long-term leases - which it made sense to acquire while the price per sq ft of office space was continuing to rise (metro areas were running at around 5% vacancy in 2017) - were stuck between a rock and a hard-choice. But the property owners/managers were/are continuing to run profits.

My question then, is why are "they" telling us now how bad things are? What benefit will "they" derive by stating (as AiA puts it) what everyone but this administration and the narrative peddlers like Axios have known?

Outrage may be an effective driver of change, but fear and animosity have a proven track-record of enabling the system of system to drain the masses of their will to resist their siren's song of "security".

Keeping my eyes on the Truth that doesn't change and praying for wisdom and discernment for us all!

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Great comment! Thanks ❤️

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is camela heels up harris really smart enough to know anything about cognitive normality?

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

What we have is complete INSANITY running the Insane Asylum. Pfizer Mind Altering Peloza! PMAP

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How much of the Republican leadership has known of Bidans dementia?

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ALL...or they're SOOOOOOoooo compromised and coerced that their cognitive faculties have shut down completely.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

Exactly! How many know of Palosi's dementia, or Schumers Epstein visits or how many participated in the same deviant criminal behavior of trafficking children through the halls of government secret hideouts. Mcconnell's shipping containers of ill repute, payoffs to members of the government, COVID concentration camps for US Citizens, silence over the 'OPEN BORDERs for CHEAP LABOR'. Bunch of uniparty Good-For-Nothings who need to be shown the entrance to Guantanamo and served their last meal of shit-on-a-shingle!

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When you consider the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) lobbying group…the answer would be ‘way too many”!

Netanyahu has surely been aware of Biden’s “weakness” and how Israel can use it to their advantage. Every “anti-Semitism” label is a thread that connects to Israel’s control.


From the article: “Many Republicans also benefited from AIPAC’s donations in November. Among the top recipients were California Republican Rep. Ken Calvert ($99,226), the Speaker of the House Rep. Mike Johnson ($98,336), and Texas Republican Michael McCaul ($98,026), who is chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Alabama Republican Mike Rogers, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, received over $52,000.”

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Another FABULOUS roundup!! Thank you, SO MUCH, Miss Ashe, for naming the treasonist complicity of the VP, Congress, Whitehouse staff and officials, etc for what it is -criminal conspiracy!!! In a comment on the news brief from 2 days ago, I called it "presidency by committee". Thanks for including oligarchs in that infamous group as well. Like I mentioned in my comment, we knew it LONG BEFORE this! The Emperor hasn't had any clothes on for 5 years, at least.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

In the end it looks like Biden gets a pass and everyone else who conspired to cover up this Sham against every living US Citizens, gets tried for TREASON! The mirror image of their crimes should haunt them day and night every time they look into it! 🙏 God is great! Military Tribunals will be great too.

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No way is Biden getting a pass. That guy in the negotiations with the Democrats is not Joe Biden. For all we know maybe Biden has already gotten his due.

I just hope we get the full story soon.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

He's "too incompetent to stand trial your Honor". Death my natural cause will be his end. If Biden is an Actor, he's played his part well! Democrats are toast!!

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I don’t know if anyone saw this yesterday, but the Dems went into that meeting and came out completely changing their stories about changing horses. What I heard in one report was Biden handed each one a Manila envelope when they got into the room. I wonder what was in the envelope…if the report is even correct?

I immediately thought of the packages Trump delivered to the various meetings back in 2018 that turned everyone around and got 650 plane loads of Gold returned. What changed everything that an envelope might hold?

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Trump, in 'visiting' with all of the major world leaders during his term, has so sweetly set up the trajectory of the movements culminating around the globe in a rising rejection of the 'Quid Pro Quo' status bullshit. The growing refusal of these world leaders to support what is so far beneath they and their people is a testament to what the breaking of the fetid chains that once bound them has brought about. Fruit from the Trump Tree is so very sweet.

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Love all the takes today!

Ashe’s take on the media cover-up of “Brain-dead Biden” is really scorching.

And when Burning Bright says, “They are SO close to figuring out what's really going on, but that would require considering the full breadth and scope of 'The Plan,' and coming to the unwelcome (for them,) conclusion that they already lost some time ago,” I think of Wile E. Coyote, suspended in midair, in that precise moment before he realizes he’s already run off the cliff — that comically delightful, fleeting moment of dramatic irony in which WE know before THEY know.

And Ghost is right when he says it’s all starting to make sense. And I love how he concludes his take on the Modi story: “Both men seek prosperity and greatness for their people, and both men are deeply despised by the same forces that opposed their predecessors.” And thanks for the photo of Trump receiving the gilded Collar from King Salman. I remember well the Sword Dance, but I don’t recall the news showing that other ceremony. Very interesting news that hit my doorstep seven years after it happened — ha! Talk about “informational time travel.” (H/t BB)

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