BB, Could U pls wave a magic wand requiring all People on Earth to Always Tell Truth? If not speaking truth, can U require all people to speak what they are actually thinking? Especially KM Vampires, Child Traffickers, DC/EU Swamp Rats, MSM, Judges lawyers, police, doctors, Big Pharma execs, Big Ag, Mil Ind Complex, Bankers, priests, vic…
BB, Could U pls wave a magic wand requiring all People on Earth to Always Tell Truth? If not speaking truth, can U require all people to speak what they are actually thinking? Especially KM Vampires, Child Traffickers, DC/EU Swamp Rats, MSM, Judges lawyers, police, doctors, Big Pharma execs, Big Ag, Mil Ind Complex, Bankers, priests, vicars, rabbis, imams & e/b else. I am so tired of liars. Millions of lifetimes of so much completely unnecessary obfuscation. E/t would transform in a snap of fingers if people were just fully transparent. Idk how 45 manages 2 hold character in the movie!
BB, Could U pls wave a magic wand requiring all People on Earth to Always Tell Truth? If not speaking truth, can U require all people to speak what they are actually thinking? Especially KM Vampires, Child Traffickers, DC/EU Swamp Rats, MSM, Judges lawyers, police, doctors, Big Pharma execs, Big Ag, Mil Ind Complex, Bankers, priests, vicars, rabbis, imams & e/b else. I am so tired of liars. Millions of lifetimes of so much completely unnecessary obfuscation. E/t would transform in a snap of fingers if people were just fully transparent. Idk how 45 manages 2 hold character in the movie!
They can't hide from God! He knows EVERY thought, word, deed, and motive.