Each and every day, the minions twist and turn in the wind of the patriots’s exposures via court actions, congressional ineptitude, lone wolf shootings in ‘gun-free’ areas, and the ongoing headlines regarding the two proxy wars. They absolutely have no idea how to respond except via their standard plan; one that is very well known by the world leaders (think Trump, Putin, MbS, Africa, South America, etc). and millions of patriots for sovereignty! Whereas, the patriots around the world have been, are, and will be employing countless countermeasures to their known plan.....and, although they will try, they are unable to twist free from the traps or the consequences.

The three main powers are the banking, defense industrial complex and the media industrial complex! Each are extremely worried and are weakening hourly as the awakening people are in the majority. We must remember that they must prevent truth from obtaining the presidency and, now essentially cornered, they will become extremely dangerous and I believe the fear mongering is a distraction from what? (as Ashe pointed out). They must have their war, and unfortunately for them, that’s not going to succeed. That doesn’t mean there won’t be more attacks.... We are, and the planners are, fully aware of the consequences of the open border, as the MSM is shouting to the world about the military age Chinese, etc., in addition to those same military age men from all other parts of the world, too.

Cornered people are dangerous, but so is a freedom loving population awakening to the reality that there IS an evil global system that wants 90% of the population dead, while profiting from it. I’m betting God’s not on the side of the ones who are planning to destroy His creation....made in His image.

God bless this community; keep us strong and steadfast, provide us your entire armor as we proceed.🙏🙏

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Wonderfully written comment, ALtab ❤️🙏🇺🇸🕊

Caught an SGTRepot earlier with Michael Hichborn, a Catholic, talking about the Vatican being infiltrated by communist Pope Francis.

Something I hadn’t heard before was some history going back to the 1930s in reference to a Bella Dodd

From Wikipedia:

“Bella Dodd (née Visono; 1904[1] – 29 April 1969[2]) was a teacher, lawyer, and labor union activist, member of the Communist Party of America (CPUSA) and New York City Teachers Union (TU) in the 1930s and 1940s ("one of Communism's most strident voices"), and vocal anti-communist after her expulsion from the Party in 1949.”

Another connection to the infiltration of our educational system but she was also encouraging young communist radicals and homosexuals to join seminaries in order to rise through the ranks to pervert Christianity!


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Can’t wait to check that out!! Haven’t heard that connection previously! Thanks 🕊️Sister 🙏🙏

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There was a vicious attack last night, but few know about it. Kind of tells me 'last gasp.'

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What vicious attack?

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Around Tennessee.

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Yes…desperate actions increasing.

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Thanks for your Takes and today's headlines.

If you can Defect as Kyle & BB discuss weekly on their Sunday night show and not react to any narrative deployment things continue to flow in the direction of We the People. We are winning BIGLY!

First I say I put all my faith in God.

In this earthly realm the two pillars I take most comfort in are:

1) Trump's often repeated mantra of "Never Give Up"

2) PANIC (Patriots Are Now In Control)

When you look at the absolute clown show that is Biden's World it is hilariously absurd. No sane, objective person can look at what the DS Rat Bastard's MSM is putting out and not call BULLSHIT!!! (ever play that card game :-))

I remain ComfyAF. Keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Biden needing to send my money to Ukraine to “revitalize our defense base…” while Chinese, Iranians and Hamas are hiking North toward my barn?

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Perhaps you (and we) should be 'revitalizing our own defense bases...'

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“Censorship Industrial Complex…”. Ashe, that’s great.

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Anyone following John Yoo’s house blowing up? After armed personnel vehicles and swat teams drove up to have a chat. Picture of his father with Ted Kennedy. Yoo had twittered that the Jan6 FF was a planned event by DS…which we know but he hinted at proof.

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It is still dangerous to stand up to the Deep State. We have not heard the last of all this, but the revelations to come are going to leave many, many people gobsmacked.

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"Kennedy urged that all of this “was before anybody knew about Jeffrey Epstein’s, you know nefarious issues". Maybe the "public" wasn't aware of what Epstein was doing, however, the Kennedy's had to have known what was going on at the island.

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I’d bet it’s the same as the charge against Trump a while back. Flew a leg of the flight, but never went to the Island. His name wasn’t on the flight list, either, just as Trump’s wasn’t.

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That’s what No Name McCain’s celebrity widow said…”we all knew…”

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1. We didn't know.

2. We knew, but had no part in it.

3. We had a small part in it, but not the 'bad stuff.'

4. OK we did some bad stuff, but thought nobody would ever know.

5. (classified)

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Overton’s window moving.

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Of course, they did!!

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Suddenly getting the feeling McCarthy is stepping down because he has future plans of running the RNC when Rona finally gets kicked to the curb.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire, that.

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Asking for a friend: If we are in the middle of Trump’s 2nd term, why is there no southern border? How many military-aged unaccompanied Chinese men do we need here? 😇

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Trump said people had to see how bad it could get, before they would be ready to know the truth.

They are waking up. Soon the truth ('we caught them all') will come out. When the time is right. It will be well before the 2024 elections, I expect.

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Putin is the leader of the free world and MbS knows it. America was a golden cup to the nations but no more.

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With Trump off the stage, Putin is indeed leading the Sovereign Nations. For those who have not seen it, have a look at this post:


The USA is, along in many ways with the rest of the world, in a fight to the death with the Globalist Cabal. Trump has said that 2024 is the final battle, but despite what many think, this is not limited in scope to the US 2024 election. 2024 will be the final battle for humanity. The US election, and the Disclosure and Justice phases of the US Truth Operation, are all part of this greater struggle.

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Thank you for link. I waver…it’s scary at times.

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Remember, Miriamnae, [they] want you to be scared. Your knowledge and discernment are powerful tools against them. As we see the acceleration and exposures coming ever more quickly, we understand that [they] are scared, running out of time and ammunition (both Actual and Narrative), and making errors. They are still dangerous, but they are fighting like a mortally-wounded beast. I expect the climax of their downfall will be in 2024, just as Trump told us. The cleanup may continue for some time, but as for the main battle, it will be all over but the shoutin'.

This scripture, Ephesians 6:11-12, is helpful in times such as these:

"Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

From the New Testament, but it could as easily have been part of Psalms or one of the prophetic books of the Old Testament. Or even from Solomon.

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Be sure to read the following verses, which tell us what the pieces of armor are:

"13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. 14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; 17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God"

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BB, you’re right: we are going to survive the rest of this…

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... and like how it ends.

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Everyone flying on EPSTEINS plane? What was he, the American Airlines for the ELITE? The rich and famous UBER? Let the Man who has not SINNED aboard the Mile High Club...Flight 69.... Step forward!

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BB, Could U pls wave a magic wand requiring all People on Earth to Always Tell Truth? If not speaking truth, can U require all people to speak what they are actually thinking? Especially KM Vampires, Child Traffickers, DC/EU Swamp Rats, MSM, Judges lawyers, police, doctors, Big Pharma execs, Big Ag, Mil Ind Complex, Bankers, priests, vicars, rabbis, imams & e/b else. I am so tired of liars. Millions of lifetimes of so much completely unnecessary obfuscation. E/t would transform in a snap of fingers if people were just fully transparent. Idk how 45 manages 2 hold character in the movie!

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They can't hide from God! He knows EVERY thought, word, deed, and motive.

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New Civil Liberties Alliance. Go get em!

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As you said law does take time, but it eventually gets there.

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