Caught an SGTRepot earlier with Michael Hichborn, a Catholic, talking about the Vatican being infiltrated by communist Pope Francis.
Something I hadn’t heard before was some history going back to the 1930s in reference to a Bella Dodd
From Wikipedia:
“Bella Dodd (née Visono; 1904[1] – 29 April 1969[2]) was a teacher, lawyer, and labor union activist, member of the Communist Party of America (CPUSA) and New York City Teachers Union (TU) in the 1930s and 1940s ("one of Communism's most strident voices"), and vocal anti-communist after her expulsion from the Party in 1949.”
Another connection to the infiltration of our educational system but she was also encouraging young communist radicals and homosexuals to join seminaries in order to rise through the ranks to pervert Christianity!
Wonderfully written comment, ALtab ❤️🙏🇺🇸🕊
Caught an SGTRepot earlier with Michael Hichborn, a Catholic, talking about the Vatican being infiltrated by communist Pope Francis.
Something I hadn’t heard before was some history going back to the 1930s in reference to a Bella Dodd
From Wikipedia:
“Bella Dodd (née Visono; 1904[1] – 29 April 1969[2]) was a teacher, lawyer, and labor union activist, member of the Communist Party of America (CPUSA) and New York City Teachers Union (TU) in the 1930s and 1940s ("one of Communism's most strident voices"), and vocal anti-communist after her expulsion from the Party in 1949.”
Another connection to the infiltration of our educational system but she was also encouraging young communist radicals and homosexuals to join seminaries in order to rise through the ranks to pervert Christianity!
Can’t wait to check that out!! Haven’t heard that connection previously! Thanks 🕊️Sister 🙏🙏