Did anyone hear Zelensky say that the US needs to send our troops to Ukraine and help them fight. Yes, your troops will die too...this is not our war!!!

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Zelenskyyy said this in a press conference on Feb. 24, IIRC when Brandon was in Poland.

It was widely covered in the media (see for example https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/03/zelensky-us-will-have-to-send-sons-and-daughters-to-war/), and discussed in the comments to yesterday's News Brief; see the comment by Lisa Liberty and ensuing discussion.


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"How can we rediscover the joys of dedication to serving and ministering to our fellows?

How can we make citizen-led stewardship and trust popular again?"


Wonderful Justin !

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By example!

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The absolute best way!

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The public perception is changing about Ukraine. It is perhaps the one subject waking up the normies. As far as the pentagon report, does anyone believe anything coming from our Government or mainstream media? It’s laughable. We checked, everything in Ukraine is fine. 🥱

Keep up the good work at Badlands Media!!

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re Pentagon "investigation." Catherine Austin Fitts, along with a researcher from Michigan State University, has shown that 21 TRILLION dollars in Pentagon and HHS spending cannot be accounted for. The Republicans are playing politics and are not asking the hard questions that will expose the deep state. Jim Jordan is a joke and the Republicans, other than DeSantis and Trump, are just controlled opposition. The Speaker will never permit any real investigation into the corruption and the sabotage and the open border that is killing us.

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Desantis isn’t anything special outside of Florida he’ll even in Florida he can’t match trumps popularity

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He's on the right path, though...

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If you count getting campaign contributions from George Soros and other WEF/KM aligned entities on the right path... remember, he who pays the piper always eventually picks the tune. They have not yet called in their chips, but they will.

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Hmmm, was not aware of those angles. Are these coming from back-room meetings or are these attempts to poison his character by creating connections he isn't even aware of? I assume you're onto something as De Santis doesn't completely pass my sniff test anyway, but I'll take a "trust but verify" approach like we always should...

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I am also not completely sure of anything, but I know I don't trust DeSantis in the same way I trust Trump (and for that matter, Putin). These guys (Soros et al) cover their actions with a web of entities having murky connections, so it is not possible to know anything for sure; but even if Soros is not directly contributing to DeSantis, the fact is that DeSantis unlike Trump needs large amounts of outside campaign cash, and whoever is coming up with that cash expects to get something for it. It is almost worse if his donors are RINOs -- at least with Soros you know what you're getting. And DeSantis could take his chances on turning against Soros if he were to win, counting on his power to prevail. One cannot be sure.

With Trump, and his allies (patriots, white hats etc.) you know what you're getting, love him or hate him. He has been very consistent and sticks to principle. Most of the rest of 'em, who knows? The ship is still at sea regarding folks like Pence -- traitor, loyal servant asked to 'take one for the team,' whatever. We won't know until more of the mists clear and the various roles of the players are made clear. That won't happen all at once, either -- it will be disclosed and exposed over time.

Trust as little as possible, verify everything -- to the extent possible. It is a tough assignment in today's world, though.

Thanks for the comment.

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Amen - very well said.

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These daily briefs are amazing - thank you !

Passion to defend and protect - love this JD...

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Justin writes great takes.

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I know what I tell my kids, we win by putting the full armor of God on, when it’s on nothing can stop it and evil can not penetrate it..

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Thought-provoking piece on Maxwell, an excellent way to begin my day in the East.

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If we hadn’t allowed our government to remove God from all areas of our public life, then we would still teach and express caring for those around us with respect; raising our boys and girls in 2-parent homes, and when a debt is paid, life resumes. We have more problems than this, but it likely is the root of our pervasive lack of personal responsibility. God bless all of you men who take responsibility personally and share it with patriots.🙏

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Very well said today.

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Hey BB! Wednesday was March 1st. Not a leap year.🤣

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Dates are not his strong suit. Give him a break 🍻

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Do not think the Pentagon geeks are working for you. They are only out for themselves. Hating it, I've worked with them, the deep state is slimy, swamp creatures? What's the next thing under them? That's Pentagon quality.

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