The News Cycle is almost impossible to track these days. At least, to do so fully.
That’s where we come in.
In the Badlands News Brief, the Badlands Media team is going to take you through a few news items of interest from the previous day in an attempt to give you an overview of the biggest goings-on relevant to the Truth Community while introducing you to some brief, original commentary from our growing team of citizen journalists.
(Feel free to follow the corresponding link attached to each Badlands contributor’s name to check them out on other platforms.)
Now, onto the news from the weekend that was …
'Results are changing quickly': Media, Big Tech take pains to bury Pfizer 'mutate' video
Undercover video that purportedly shows a Pfizer executive explaining the company's "directed evolution" plan to keep COVID-19 a "cash cow," then furiously backpedaling when Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe exposes the ruse, has drawn intense curiosity from members of Congress but intermittent Big Tech throttling and a partial media blackout.
Despite the fact that the figure identified as Jordon Walker belatedly called himself a "liar … trying to impress a person on a date," played the race card in requesting police involvement, and physically attacked O'Keefe and the film crew, a prominent tabloid inexplicably removed its article on the sting. — Just the News
Our Take: “It appears the Project Veritas video caught Big tech and pharma off guard. The lack of media response and deletion of the article by the Daily Mail suggests that the attempt to rebrand "gain of function" as "directed evolution" was not meant to be exposed publicly—at least not yet. Spin, propaganda and manufacturing public opinion is a careful process, as any good con man knows. You have to get ahead of the narrative. You have to be in control of the information as it is released. And you have to manage how people are meant to think about it, using talking heads, influencers and coordinated Project Mockingbird-style campaigns. Recall the Asch Conformity experiments. And recall Zack Vorhies, the Google whistleblower, whose documents show that Big Tech knows how to manipulate our beliefs with its power to shape public opinion via search results and article placement in those results. The response to the Jordan Trishton Walker situation is congruent with the preceding about how media coordinated spin unfolds.” — Justin Deschamps
Pentagon Won’t Rule Out F-16s for Ukraine: ‘We’re Not Going to Take Anything Off the Table
The Biden administration would not rule out sending F-16s to Ukraine after it announced it was sending 31 Abrams M1A2 tanks.
After President Joe Biden announced the sending of the tanks, an adviser to Ukraine’s defense minister told Reuters that the country will now push for F-16s. “The next big hurdle will now be the fighter jets,” Yuriy Sak told the wire.
Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh, when pressed repeatedly at a briefing on Thursday, would not rule out sending the fourth-generation fighter jets.
“We haven’t announced other packages yet,” she said. — Breitbart
Our Take: “For all of the talk coming from liberals and the compromised media regarding Trump leading us into WWIII, it seems we only get crickets when Biden openly puts us on that trajectory. At some point the neurodivergent, transautistic, pixie children of the left are going to have to see the bloody writing on the wall: the Democrat party are the war pigs now, and their "progressive" adherents blind rhetoric is literally supporting the current war machine. In addition to all of the money laundering, and human trafficking that can be done under the fog of war, nothing makes more money than the war itself. the very existence of the vast Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is evidence enough. You can bet your britches that the big-wigs in the MIC aren't losing any sleep over whether or not this war is justified or even in the best interest of America. History has proven time and again that the MIC does not care about the wellbeing of this nation.” — Ryan DeLarme
Mexico finds 57 adolescent migrants crammed into truck
Mexican immigration authorities said they found 57 Guatemalan adolescents packed into a trailer on a highway near the U.S. border Thursday.
The National Immigration Institute said the 43 boys and 14 girls were crammed into the truck’s trailer, along with eight men and a woman and her daughter.
All of the adolescents were considered unaccompanied minors, meaning they had no relatives or parents with them. — Associated Press
Our Take: “No matter how expertly the main stream media weaponizes linguistics to soften the blow, these are children. Children, unaccompanied by their parents, about to be trafficked into the United States to either be put to work, sold, or far worse. If 57 were just rescued, think of how many are NOT rescued on a daily basis.
So why manipulate your reader by calling them "adolescent migrants" in lieu of Child Trafficking Victims? Because child trafficking over our southern border is a massive problem. "Adolescent Migrant" evokes imagery of a young boy being sent by his mother to try and find a better life in America. It's sad, but noble. While this may be the case for a handful, the sad reality is that the majority of these children are kidnapped by adults and given to coyotes as part of their payment to be smuggled across the border themselves.
This is a problem that was being remedied by President Donald J Trump in his efforts to construct a Border Wall. The Border wall creates choke points where traffic into the USA could be more efficiently inspected for narcotics, weapons and child trafficking victims.
At the time President Trump was asking for 5 Billion to finish the wall and the same people currently ignoring this problem fought him every step of the way.
However, the second a border Six Thousand miles away was threatened, $110 Billion was sent over at the drop of a hat—22 times as much as President Trump’s border wall, proving that it is all a game of optics and they haven’t a care in the world for these children, your children, or any children. Interesting, considering for nearly 4 years under President Trump, "Children at our Southern border" was ALL they talked about ...
The veil continues to be lifted.” — Brad Getz
New House Intel panel member calls for probe into adversaries’ control of US supply chain
Georgia Republican Rep. Austin Scott, a new member on the House Intelligence Committee, hopes the panel will investigate efforts by unfriendly foreign powers to insert themselves into U.S. food and technology supply chains.
"One of the things that I expect us to look into, and hopefully look into, is where our adversaries have embedded themselves in the supply chain of basic necessities for Americans," Scott said on the John Solomon Reports podcast. — Just the News
Our Take: “In war, cutting off the frontlines and other support arms from their supply lines is a key tactic for victory. Why would this be any different during peace time? A nation needs to supply itself. Citizens need food, water, shelter, energy, and industrial components to properly contribute to the nation as a whole. And yet, we've let this vital lifeline in the circulatory system that pumps at the heart of our nation become diseased. But with this new GOP in congress, at least some steps toward solving the problem can be made. However, the real problem is so woven into the infrastructure of our nation, nothing less than what Trump proposed in his announcement declaring his intention to run in 2024 is required. We need to de-centralize food, energy, and manufacturing, which the globalists have had their grip on since the 19th century. We need to put a stop to foreign actors buying up our land, food and mineral resources—taking it away from Americans. We need to put an end to illegal labor and preserve economic markets so that the American people can, in the first instance, receive the benefits of our nation's labor and enterprise. And we need to restore our financial sovereignty and wipe clean our legal system that has been thoroughly corrupt for decades.” — Justin Deschamps
FDA Sued for Withholding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Analyses
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been sued for withholding the results of key COVID-19 vaccine safety analyses.
The FDA’s actions violate federal law, the new lawsuit, filed on Jan. 26 in federal court in Washington by the nonprofit Children’s Health Defense (CHD), alleges.
The suit is seeking the raw results from the FDA’s analyses of reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
The system, which the FDA runs with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, accepts reports of post-vaccination adverse events. — The Epoch Times
Our Take: “It's been said that some of these companies will collapse under a supposed deluge of lawsuits; hopefully the same prophecy can be applied to the regulatory agencies that were instrumental in facilitating the machinations of the pandemic puppeteers. COVID-19, and its subsequent "treatment," as bad as it was, could be the ultimate all encompassing conspiracy that could take down the entire rotten network. The Government colluded with Big Pharma, who in turn funded the legacy media to boost the signal of fear as well as champion the jabs, of course Big Tech had its part to play, but it's the regulatory agencies that were the most critical link in the chain. They rush to approve just about anything Pharma says, since the vast majority of their funding comes from these companies. Once you see the whole system laid out, its hard to deny that some sort of grand design was in place from the beginning.” — Ryan DeLarme
Jordan Peterson announces World Economic Forum alternative
Dr. Jordan Peterson announced that he has set up an international consortium with the goal of creating an alternative to the "apocalyptic narrative" espoused at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
About 2,000 people will be invited to the consortium meeting in London in late October through early November, Peterson told podcaster Joe Rogan in an interview aired Saturday.
He said the meeting will present an "alternative to that kind of apocalyptic narrative that's being put forward at least implicitly by organizations like the WEF." — Just the News
Our Take: “For far too long, WE THE PEOPLE have ceded the global governance and alliance space to the globalists. We live in a world with other nations and groups. The globalists have so thoroughly penetrated our civil institutions, the people and their representatives are unable and unwilling to defend the people's rights on the world stage. But we can, and should, reclaim this territory. Eventually, the globalists will be defeated, and a constitutional-style global alliance of truly free nations will need to be formed to act as a defense against the NWO globalists. While this idea is unpalatable to many due to globalism itself being dominated by NWO-types, the fact that we have inalienable rights endowed by our creator naturally leads to the realization of what has been called the brotherhood of man, jointly recognizing the fatherhood of God.” — Justin Deschamps
Badlands Media Show Schedule
We hope you enjoyed this brief look back at the major news items you might have missed in this ever-escalating and ever-accelerating news cycle as the Information War continues to rage on around us.
The Badlands Media team will continue to combine our cognitive powers in order to slow things down and find the signal amidst the noise as this series expands.
As always, if you have any thoughts on these news items or the MANY others swirling in the digital ether, drop into the comments below to share them with your fellow Badlanders.
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I thoroughly enjoyed the summaries and editorial writing that the respective authors contributed to this publication, updating on current events in our nation and across the globe. Thank you.
Odd as it may be, the seemingly Sisyphean tasks ahead of us, when viewed through the recent experience of President Trump's first term versus the two years of internal decay that has followed, are less futile than they looked in 2015. We now know WHAT can be done - in either direction - and how relatively quickly it CAN be done. In the light of current experience and with the expectation that we now have what it will take to remove some of the bigger obstacles, I am hoping for a reverse in the "gravitational momentum" that will result in the restorations that Justin calls out!
Thank you once again for your dedication and your insights.