I thoroughly enjoyed the summaries and editorial writing that the respective authors contributed to this publication, updating on current events in our nation and across the globe. Thank you.

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It's our pleasure!

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Odd as it may be, the seemingly Sisyphean tasks ahead of us, when viewed through the recent experience of President Trump's first term versus the two years of internal decay that has followed, are less futile than they looked in 2015. We now know WHAT can be done - in either direction - and how relatively quickly it CAN be done. In the light of current experience and with the expectation that we now have what it will take to remove some of the bigger obstacles, I am hoping for a reverse in the "gravitational momentum" that will result in the restorations that Justin calls out!

Thank you once again for your dedication and your insights.


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So much activity on multiple levels. We are in a global war and each article demonstrated some of the areas advancement has been made on both sides. This was an eye-opening collection that clearly lays out the terrible enemies we have both externally and, more importantly, internally! No wonder we need to be patient as corruption this deep took eons to build and cannot be permanently destroyed overnight. God bless each of you on this team! Thank you.

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If we continue to expose them, and as long as we can convince good people to run for office to carry out the will of the people, we can turn this country around... assuming we can also root out the election corruption.

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Look. I'm just an old man living in the English Midlands, but I tend now to get all of my information from outlets such as Badlands Media, and similar citizen journalist outlets. I was reading the piece about child trafficking-that most heinous of crimes, and I started to ask myself(as I do every time the subject is raised)who are the clients/customers driving this entire heartbreaking mess? There must be thousands of these perverts in society, No less here than in the USA, I'd suppose. How do they stay hidden from the rest of us? At 76 years old, I have no idea of how many such people I have met during my time, and who the hell they are! Thoughts like this worry the life out of me, to be frank, and as the father of three children(obviously all grown up, with lives of their own)it pains me greatly to think that there are kids out there who aren't getting the love and guidance they need, just to enjoy being children. Of all the bad shit that's going on in our world at present, this is the one I want to stop more than anything. If I were a religious man, I'd pray, but as I'm not, I just have to hope, as hard as I can. That's what I'm doing.

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I started reading this and thought...Maybe I should've never had kids. My kids are the best thing I've ever done in my life...or will ever do. But I brought them into hell. And now I've got 4 grandchildren and it scares me what I brought them into. 😳 But I do trust God and I will fight with all I got to make this world better! Thanks for leading me updated!

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Note to Justin Deschamps:

I was taught in school that the word in the Declaration of independence was "inalienable" and that is even the word anyone can see on the wall of the Jefferson Memorial, completed in the 1930's, in Washington D.C.

However what I was taught is wrong. A visit to the Declaration House on the corner of 6th and Market St. Philadelphia shows that the original Declaration of Independence does not contain the word "inalienable". That word was inserted as a result of the Organic Act of 1871.

The original word, penned by Thomas Jefferson was "unalienable." Understanding how they are pronounced and what the root word of each is makes the meaning of each clear.

"Inalienable," is pronounced "in alien able" root word is "alien" which is a foreigner who goes through the process of naturalization in this country. After being naturalized they are given "privileges and immunityies" by the government and what government gives, government can take away!

"Unalienable" is pronounced "un a lien able" root word being "lien." A lien is where someone else has a higher claim to what you say is yours than you do. Example: A mortgage company can have a "lien" on your house and if you fail to make 3 payments in a timely manner you find out that the house you say is yours, actually belongs to the mortgage company and they can sell it to someone else unless you can make up the back payments on their demand.

Now listen to the words; "We hold these truths to be self evident. That all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,..." Those God given rights are unalienable, no one can have a higher claim to them than you have because they were given to you by God, not some government that can take them away at will.

When we understand that and reclaim our unalienable rights government is put back in its rightful place as a means of protecting its Citizens and not as an organization that controls it citizens.

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I had not heard about the 57 children in a truck at the border. There are so many separate side shows going each day, cover-ups and distractions, exposure, what is fake and what is real? I realize all this noise is by design, confusion, fog of war. It’s comforting our movement has a team (Badlands Media) keeping track of the stories. “Our take” section after each news story is helpful sort of as a checking mechanism, we need to check it against our own take, I can’t think of one time the Badlands Media take differed from my own. It’s nice to have confirmation. Keep up the great news round up and excellent writing.

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As always, an excellent synopsis of recent activities in our world! Thank you for your efforts and wisdom!

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Very good. Thanks.

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Excellent! Thank you

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