
Repeal the “Surveillance Act!” (Formerly known at the Patriot Act)

Thanks guys for my morning fix. 😊

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Repeal the Patriot Act…Absolutely!

Mossad and the CIA - two sides of the same coin (and that coin isn’t real gold; it is fools gold)

NATO…the new boss is the same as the old boss because NATO itself is a failed system of Nazi infiltration.

“If the system is protecting pedophiles at the expense of children, then the system needs a revolution.” — Ashe in America🙏

Africa: Operation Gladio vs The Sovereign Alliance. Thank you,Ghost, for putting it into the clearest context and for your article(s) keeping us informed…all eyes on the real enemy of humanity.

And finally…Tucker’s talk to an audience of Australians - not mentioned here - but highly recommended to watch. Link below if you missed it (scroll down for the full interview)..I mention it because Tucker made 2 comments that I found important because I hadn’t heard it yet: One, that Mike Pence on MSM has taken the position that freeing Assange is a ‘miscarriage of Justice’. (What?!)

and then Second, a statement by Tucker that “Pompeo is a murderer” since while he was CIA Director, he plotted to kill Assange. Tucker stated that this was a fact.


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I don't know what to think about Pence and Pompeo. I'm still clinging to hope that they are white hats playing a role, but I am willing to admit I was wrong if we ever find out the truth.

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My take has been the opposite on Pence but like you, I am willing to admit I was wrong, and sometimes, I hope I am. It would take Trump telling us that Pence was playing a role for the WhiteHats for me to ever believe it.

But Pompeo? I am confused 🤔

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Confusion is a Cabal tool. They like to sow FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) wherever they go.

Remember this is a 5GW, and your mind is their battlefield. You have the right to refuse to play [their] games. As frustrating as it often is, the best choice may be to refuse to decide. Place certain items in the category 'Awaiting further insight.'

After all, with them on the sidelines, what difference does it make whether these guys wear white hats or black? It's also possible that many of them wear hats in 'shades of gray,' or that they have changed hats from time to time. They are human, after all, subject to the same FUD and temptations as others.

In the end, the truth may be more complex than we imagine. At least then, we will know the truth.

"So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”"

-- John 8:31-32 (ESV) 🕊🙏💖

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I actually don’t mind being “confused”…it’s like a piece of the puzzle that I thought fit but doesn’t quite fit. I like puzzles 🧩

From Joe Lange’s articles, Pompeo as CIA Director emerged in my mind as someone helping fight against the cabal. (https://badlands.substack.com/p/everything-is-connected)

And now, Tucker (on global tour) calls Pompeo a criminal. Tucker’s exact words: “Pompeo is a murderer”

So now, that puzzle piece 🧩 “Pompeo” has to be set aside….

It doesn’t fit and the confusion is more intriguing than baffling.

The layers to The Plan, to Trump and Q, are like a mystery thriller, red herrings everywhere making for plot twists keeping me on the edge of my seat. I trust that the end of “the movie” will sort it all out and everyone’s role - white, black, gray - will be revealed.


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Yes, but unlike a normal movie, "the end" will not happen in a few minutes. It will go on for some time, simply because there is so much exposure and resulting justice.

But everything will come out, and though it will take time, it will be coming out fast enough to keep us on the edges of our seats trying to follow it all 🍿🍿🍻

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Assange has reportedly brought a lawsuit against Pompeo and the CeyeA

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Discovery should be interesting...

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Didn’t know that…Thanks!

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Suspect this is a diversion as well…..it’s the season for diversions everywhere….

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Your 5GW is waiting on aisle 47...

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Sure sounds like deliberate distancing between Trump administration and Assange. The clown show administration is taking (credit/blame). Reminds me of the post that tells us we will believe bad guys to be good and good guys to be bad. (Erroneously). Hmmm…. I tend to consider that the vast trove of Assange data has been collected and copied by the patriots. They can delete it all from the site and will make no difference.🙏🇺🇸

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👍🙏 fervently hope and pray it's so.

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Pompeo - a CIA POS. NEVER trusted him - never will.

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Time will show who are traitors and who are patriots. I expect we will all see some major surprises!🇺🇸

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Fascinating how Africa is being revealed more and more openly as the West’s dirty little secret, and how its resources (and abuses thereof) are not sidebars, but major pieces of the international gangster complex. Ah, these breaths of fresh air called Clarity are th kfully becoming

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Omigosh, these little buttons on the phone!!! As I was saying before my right thumb rudely interrupted me: the breaths of fresh air called Clarity are thankfully becoming more and more frequent, which explains why there were so many attempts by swamp puppets to sweep away the prosecution of blatant crimes with the tired cries of ‘Nothing to see, here!’ The tangled web, vast as it is, is getting untangled, one micro knot at a time. Godspeed to all the frontliners!

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Sympathize with the right thumb interference. Mine is just as naughty, lol.

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Well stated! ❤️👍

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Ashe - Does this ever say it all!

"We’re going to have a repeat of 2020 on censorship. It never really went away for most of us — freedom of speech but not freedom of reach and all that — but I won’t be surprised if they start deleting accounts again."

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Mine was deleted (forever, no appeal) from Elon's "X" thingy, due to publishing the results of my nationwide Control Group study. See the peer-reviewed and publish paper on the study HERE: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/40

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For me it was a 10000 member FB group, a 1000 name email list and a youtube group. - But who's counting. I was a small player - without the clout to fight it.

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They freaked out when I got 3K followers almost overnight and that was enough to shut me down for GOOD.

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You wrote: “ Because 99.74% of the U.S. population is vaccine-exposed”. Is that referring to people who got one, two, or more bioweapon jabs? 99.74% seems awfully high to me. Or are you including the shedding of the spike protein to reach that 99.74%?

Either way, I cannot comprehend getting kicked off X for it!

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Nope. If you've NEVER been injected with ANY vaccines, (post-birth) then you are truly "entirely unvaccinated" which was the requisite qualification to participate in the nationwide Control Group Study. Just because a person skipped ONE, (or more) of the MANY vaccines available, doesn't mean they're entirely unvaccinated.

The reason for being scrubbed, is that the published paper showed that there is only a one in 3 times the number of ATOMS estimated to exist in the entire universe that vaccines are NOT the cause of well-over 90% of the deadly and debilitating diseases and disorders suffered by Americans today.

The baseline rate for ANY condition or disorder within the 99.74% vaccine-exposed (at ANY level of exposure) is now over 56%, (over 60% past the age of 18).

The ENTIRELY unexposed population (completely unvaccinated, who also avoided the aluminum-filled K-shot at birth) suffers only a 2.64% rate of having ANY disorders, and they are mostly MILD (none of them deadly or disabling in any way).

So, the study showed that if you prefer the much lower lifetime risk, (at 2.64%) to the over 56% risk, then avoid ALL of their jabs;-)

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Ah! I apologize for jumping to the conclusion that the poll was profiling the covid bioweapon jabs. This makes more sense and becomes shocking really! Thank you for clarifying. What is really beyond belief and so disturbing is that these days, from birth to college they’re up to 100 +/- jabs. Evil!!

Edit: Great comment btw…Thank You 🙏❤️

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Thanks for taking the time to understand. Yes, the older jabs were the "soft (slower) kill." Now we're a few years into the warp speed "hard kill" jabs. Seems a great many frogs are jumping out of the pot now with the warp speed death jabs.

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As Ghost points out, Elon’s solution isn’t perfect, but it is a step…

Ashe’s comments are always pertinent, ‘As the election draws near, the majority has emboldened the government to leverage private companies to silence dissenting voices — a brazen violation of the Constitution.’ Sure smells like increasing public exposure of the blatant Fascist Biden regime. Section 666. Of course. Not much difference in bribes vs tips. Mostly semantics.

Who has standing? We The People.

Hmm…Dutch boy takes the NATO helm. Holland has a long history of major leadership corruption…. Boomerang incoming? Or, just straight exposure?

Normalization of pedophilia is evil and the efforts to do so is the slippery slope to the truth of the (children) at the core of the cabal’s criminal organization.😈

Ghost, ‘The recent string of reported coups—most recently in Kenya—are now starting to make a lot of sense.’ This is the most abused continent front and center of the cabal’s greed for the earth’s resources…. Kept poor and ignorant worked for ages…..no more. There is a HUGE difference between stupid and ignorant. Africa awakes!

All the hype about this ‘so-called’ debate. It’s simply truth vs lies. Of course, the liars are stacking everything for the liars. The truthers will totally expose the liars in this ‘show’ between the hamstrung Lion and the protected bumbling idiot. I expect this clown show will boomerang, too.🤡.

CIA is the expert on coups. Wonder if they’re still being allowed to operate in Bolivia to accelerate their awakening?

France optics interesting….all the cabal’s minion’s plans appear to be on life support.

Aah, truth is a good thing, even as we know that the use of misinformation of both sides of this war is necessary. God bless the truth.🙏

I’m actually going to watch the comedy show tonight (for as long as I can stomach it)….

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CIA is everywhere, all at once. The scary thing about them is even if Trump were to defund them and close them down, they have the internal resources (courtesy of controlling most of the world's trafficking operations) to support themselves, and their evil, for eternity.

OTOH, this would expose them and what they are for all to see. There would be no more possibility for them to pretend to be a legitimate arm of the US government.

Exposure, disclosure and justice. The plot moves ever onward to its inevitable climax.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

All of you guys should really look at this tweet that’s somewhat starting to spread:

1) https://x.com/KAGdrogo/status/1806170273550590390

This is coming from the son of the current president of Uganda. He’s literally saying that the US “Deep State” is Israel, the “Uniparty” is Israel, and the “Swamp” is Israel. He’s saying most people know this but America doesn’t. If you think about it more, it makes sense because 1) There was an NY Post circulating that Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad agent that was sent by Israel to blackmail Bill Clinton when he was president at that time. Whether this could be true or not, you do have to take into consideration that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell was considered Mossad agents and had dirt and blackmail on a lot of people that could of went back to Israel, making them have the upper hand of the majority of public figures in America, 2) Like I said before in the other post, AIPAC funds both sides of the political parties as long as your pro-Israel and will write laws and legislation that will suit them. Also, again, like I said before, Thomas Massie already said that the majority of congress has “AIPAC babysitters” (https://x.com/AIPAC?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor), 3) Israel always focuses on what happens in America than any other country and Israel is the only country that America gives a lot of foreign aid to, going over billions of dollars, 4) They use the American Jewish diaspora to do their dirty work here by making sure they get into high positions, whether it’s in politics, business, entertainment, journalism, etc. so the American people don’t know the truth about Israel, 5) Think about it, why isn’t no one allowed to criticize Israel, their government, Mossad, IDF, certain Jews, and other things about them? Everyone has a lot to say about America, the government, foreign policy, the CIA, and other things, which are not wrong, however, if you criticize anything about Israel and certain Jews, you’ll be labeled an antisemitic, and 6) Yes, the CIA has been causing mayhem around the world for years, however, hearing this tweet, it’s now looking like Israel controls the CIA. They took over every institution in America and used Mossad and its agents to blackmail public figures here so them controlling the CIA isn’t too far-fetched and everybody already knows about the CIA. Another thing, thinking about it, if you look at the majority of the politicians and officials here in America, in Washington DC, they don’t look like they’re that smart and sophisticated enough to think about well thought out plans, much less, overthrow certain governments and can’t even hide their tracks very well, including the CIA. Overall, I’m now inclined to believe that Israel controls the CIA, despite the MI6 creating the CIA itself. I think, I could be wrong, even if the CIA is dismantled, you still have other agencies like Mossad, MI6 and other intelligence agencies to deal with. Also, again, I could be wrong, I think they condition the American public to hate America and hate being an American citizen

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Great comment! Yes…CIA and Mossad, 2 sides of the same coin.

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Love it!!

MI6 and Mossad are essentially the same thing, Israel exists because of Britain (1917 Balfour [to Rothschild] Declaration), British Royals aren't Brits, Israel power centers aren't Jewish, Bolshevik Revolution murdered 10s - 100s of millions Christian Russians, but Bolsheviks aren't Jewish, USA was infiltrated by "communism" at exactly the same time (post WW1), called out by General Smedley Butler on live TV, most decorated and respected General in American history at that time, and Germany made to pay 100% the price...

Why do so many "Jewish" people have German and/or Russian names? White skin. Blue eyes. Weren't Jews Hebrews from Egypt? Why so few with Hebrew names? Which tribes warred in the Caucuses? Who are the Khazarians? Why were they significant? Why are they downplayed on the internet, when they in fact controlled 100% of the land trade routes between what is now Russia, China, and India to the entire European continent? How much power would such a state have?

Real history is far more interesting than the crap they push out in Hollywood, but Hollywood wants everyone to believe that CIA, MI6 are heros, Jews are victims, German Nazis are evil, whites enslaved blacks (most claimed to be Jewish, but they aren't Hebrews), etc. And everyone knows that Hollywood is run by more people who claim to be Jewish, with mostly German names.


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Great Takes and (if I may be so bold) almost Greater comments by the Crowd. Thanks to you all!!

Quick thought - if we continue to support companies that we also accuse of destroying the values of the founders and our faith, we need to accept the consequences. When I buy via Amazon instead of say Public Square - that's on me. If I post to "X" (which I have never used, though I gather is still being influenced by censors) or Facebook and YouTube instead of Truth and Rumble I must recognize that I am supporting "the enemy". I am not unsympathetic - I just think we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard than those we criticize hold themselves to.

Change can come slowly, especially positive change: honest self-evaluation helps to speed it along.

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True, easier said than done. Sounds familiar to all we sinners, doesn’t it? We are blessed that God loved us enough to send His only Son….🙏🙏

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He does expect us to repent from sin, however. Salvation is ours by a simple decision; that decision must be followed by a lifetime of repentance and learning, trying to follow God's instructions to us. God does not expect us to be perfect, but he does expect us to try. As you said, easier said than done -- but worth the effort in the long run.

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I lost faith in SCOTUS when I discovered that the chief Justice (Roberts) was on Epstein's flight log as a visitor to child-rape, (torture and slaughter) island. Of course, I later came to understand what the Dredd Scott decision did to our Nation as well. This is back when SCOTUS "ruled" that blacks are not human, and so therefore they have no "God given" rights under our founding documents. Shortly thereafter, America went through a civil war which ended with Lincoln covertly handing us over to the Brits again. So from there forward, ALL Americans could be "equally" enslaved (financially) and Lincoln would look the hero.

The South didn't fight the union because the mere 1% who owned slaves would now have to set free and pay their workers. That 1% was UNABLE to cause a war between the states, and the 99% who did not own slaves did NOT care if blacks were freed, certainly not enough to go to war. The South fought to stop Lincoln from placing the American economy under British rule again.

EVERYTHING we've been told is a LIE, literally everything. SCOTUS is just as bad now as they were then. If they'd simply acknowledged that blacks are HUMANS, (made in the image of God) Lincoln would've been stripped of his excuse to put America in debt to the British crown by causing a civil war.

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The list of 'important' people NOT on Epstein's flight logs is much shorter than the list of those who are on the logs. This will all come out.

Clearly Roberts is compromised. He's not the only one, though. Which is why everything in the Swamp is so evil. Erstwhile good, solid people are taken in by the power and compromised.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

I used to hear lawyers say how crooked the judges were and how many were notorious for letting rapist/child rapist go free. We've seen the cases over the years. Maybe now they will just leave the bench willingly after they are shown the evidence on them.

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I'll bet those judges are pedophiles, too. Trump said 'we caught them all' and I don't think he was referring only to election fraud.

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🎶 to my👂

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27


He will be stepping down as soon as Trumps back. Maybe even hauled off in cuffs. I believe there may be one more beside him saying adios as well. Trump will have his own picks and Ill bet they will change everything that is wrong with that court now. Have Faith, that swamp is going to be drained of all these criminals in ALL the courts..ect. Trump is like undercover BOSS. He infiltrated the courts to expose the frauds and they are none the wiser as they go after him full force, probably being monitored through their communications. The 60 cases or so he is fighting simultaneously in several places are total exposure. Its a great show of courtroom corruption we are witnessing. The greatest STING! He will win them all in the end!

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When the child part is released, how many will resign and take the easy way out?

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

The beauty of it is that they are being spied on and recorded by the very apparatus they use to spy on us. 😁 The Patriot Act is turning out to be just that!! Who Knew? "What has been meant for evil will be turned to good"

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I place my faith in God, not in any man.

But yeah, God wins! ALWAYS. And I do have faith in God.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

I meant "Faith" in the process. This is all Gods doing and NO MAN can take credit for this miracle, however I thank GOD for TRUMP!

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You might want to check out Matt Ehret's work on Lincoln. He also cohosts Breaking History with Ghost on Badlands Media. I used to think of Lincoln as the devil until I started following Matt. He's also on substack. The Canadian Patriot, I believe. Britain played both sides against each other in the Civil War, so while I believe Lincoln had his faults, he realized that Britain was funding both sides of the war.

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Obviously Lincoln was right to oppose SCOTUS when they proclaimed that blacks could be trafficked and had no rights. But this opposition did not require a war with the Southern States to fulfill. The REAL reason the South wanted out of the Union was that they wanted sound MONEY, and not to be covertly controlled by the British Crown under the Union, the way the Northern States were. Lincoln and company, used the slave issue to clothe their movements in virtue, when the fact is, it was the SCOTUS (run by the UNION) which declared blacks to be chattel!!!

History is written (rewritten) by the victors. SCOTUS decision in Dredd Scott was ONLY "controlling" in the NORTHERN states which honored/abided-by their decision. Lincoln did not honor it, and he didn't honor anything other than the ability to cause war over HIS OWN supreme court's ruling.

The South carried on with their own MONEY, and Lincoln didn't like this AT ALL, so he declared war on the SOUTH - when it was the judicial branch of the UNION which had formally declared slavery to be legal.

Lincoln SHOULD HAVE gone to "war" with SCOTUS!

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It was the UNION'S Judicial branch which formally declared blacks to be chattel/property. Lincoln went to war with the South because they had their own MONEY. He used the Dredd Scott decision (which emanated from HIS judiciary) as an excuse to go to war with the Southern States (those who used the Confederate money system) even though less than 1% in the south owned any slaves.

Lincoln should have gone to war with SCOTUS and let the south have their own CURRENCY while locating ways to better enforce the U.S. Constitution - which HIS OWN judicial branch was ignoring entirely via their Dredd Scott ruling.

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Go look up the SCOTUS "Dredd Scott" case. SCOTUS has always been nothing more than treasonous SCUM.

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I will. It’s been a LONG time since I studied Dredd Scott. If you’re correct, it will not be a surprise. Corruption typically starts at the top. I will do the research. Thanks!🙏 🇺🇸

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Regarding the debate, while I could care less about anything they argue about, I am most interested in seeing the ratings - specifically which channel ends up getting the largest audience. Hoping beyond hope that CNN again ends up in last place.

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I for one hope Ghost stays in the rabbit hole which seems to be turning into more of a foxhole---who’s gonna jump in with him!?! The SC punting on censorship and the Israeli surveillance on X seem to be heading toward some kind of cliff!?!---was a bit disappointed nobody commented on my Prussia Gate micropenis reference to fred/hitler/bibi!?!---either nobody got it, it wasn’t funny, or both, sorry Will Zoll, I tried!?! God Bless!?!

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I got it. Don't remember but I think I "liked" it. If not, here you go 👍👍👍

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I saw that and haven’t had time to check….Weinstein, too..

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The Murthy case is not the only 1st Amendment case in the SCOTUS docket. Despair not yet, fellow Badlanders. Better yet, Berenson could use all the help he can get. He actually does clear the hurdle for standing. https://open.substack.com/pub/alexberenson/p/the-supreme-court-has-ruled-for-the?r=1prd4n&utm_medium=ios

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Thanks Donald; you picked a real winner (Barrett). She sides with authoritarianism every, single, time.


Should government ban Voodoo? This is a peculiar question on its face, but one worth asking in order to get to the heart of free speech or lack of. You see, Voodoo provides a unique backdrop to analyze the intersection of speech, belief, free will and harm, but before we begin, a few more questions must be raised.

1. Does belief in Voodoo matter? If belief in Voodoo on behalf of the victim is necessary for harm to occur, then the victim could simply choose to not believe in order to avoid harm. If the victim’s belief is not required for injury to occur, then free will is dead and perhaps government intervention is arguably justified.

So what is Voodoo? Voodoo is a practice of intention designed to influence the lives or conditions of self and or others. So whether an outright ‘incitement’ to violence such as ‘Kill all Democrats’ is shouted from the rooftops or dolls are poked with pins, both actions and beliefs ‘underpinning’ them (pun intended), constitute hate speech based on the ‘belief’ that they will likely lead to harm. In other words, simply uttering the magical incantation ‘Kill all Democrats’ or ‘Kill all Pedophiles’ (often, but not always, the same thing) should be sufficient to transform otherwise law-abiding Citizens into mindless Zombies capable of the most unspeakable atrocities, atrocities said Zombies will be utterly powerless to resist. In other words, the power of Voodoo for believers is so total as to be a nearly perfect cause/effect relationship regardless of the belief system of the target.

So does the belief system of the SCOTUS matter? Well, we can easily determine whether or not any given Justice is a believer in Voodoo based on how he or she views the First Amendment. If he/she believes in abstractions such as Hate Speech, he/she is a true believer and will rule in favor of protecting Citizens from the mindless hordes of Zombies triggered by magical incantations. If he/she is not a true believer, any ruling he/she makes will be easily summed up in just three words ‘sticks and stones.’

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Well that was interesting, a little bit of a logic puzzle and I’d still have to think about it some more but I tripped off on wondering how we can “know” the underlying belief system of anyone who gets appointed to the SC. We hope their alignment with conservative vs progressive values and thus their allegiance to the Constitution is enough to ensure our confidence. Voodoo is a belief in magic. What does magic thinking have to do with it? Hopefully nothing.

But I enjoyed the thought exercise.

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I’m not sure if your analogy fits, though. For a Voodoo command to be effective, wouldn’t the actor have to have been subjected to a kind of mental conditioning? Isn’t it more akin to, say, an MK Ultra scenario rather than rhetorical political speech?

I also wonder if the reason why yelling “Fire!” In a crowded theater was found to be unconstitutional was because it resulted in deaths, which would mean that there has to be a harmful result in order for the speech to lose the 1A protection?

Personally I abhor the thought of any speech being curtailed.

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I like your reply, Chantal.

We are somewhat conditioned to think of MKUltra in terms of extreme conditioning but those psychopaths that originally came out of the Frankfurt School were experienced in using psychology to manipulate the masses to their will and vision and we have all been subjected to it to varying degrees…SC justices included.

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Hahaha you can say that about the SC justices. Especially Thomas, Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett - baptism by fire!

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Well, if watching the idiot box 8 hours per day isn't conditioning, I don't know what is?

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That’s why I don’t!🤣

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Good point.

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Hmmm…was she appointed to expose the corruption in the Supremes? I think it’s very possible…..

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I hope you are right. Personally I think she (ACB) is of somewhat weak character in general…and also perhaps has been putting her family’s safety ahead of her true convictions? The DeepState is a very dangerous animal.

Time will tell ❤️👍🕊

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My first thought yesterday was she has a house full of kids. Your first thought probably true as well.

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Well, she clerked for Scalia, so that’s important. Although she tends to stick to the letter of the law, I think as she matures (and her kids grow up) she will become more like Thomas and Alito rather than Roberts.

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Clerking for Scalia was a strong check for her from the beginning. I like your thinking and hope she becomes a great SC Justice as time goes on. It is a terrible climate for the conservative justices right now for sure

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I truly don’t know….wasn’t as impressed during her hearing as I was during Kavanaugh’s. I just normally question everything at first glance. My husband reminds me I’ve been wrong before!🤣

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I would advise not to read too much into this specific ruling.


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Burning Bright - The other pattern I was looking at was the source of the article. No one can be shocked that Newsweek would present a story about the court that was not biased. EVEN FUNNIER that they used the quote "incredibly dishonest about how law and facts are cherry-picked" to make their point.

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I also noticed how they framed it as “balanced” by stating that judges “on both sides” are speaking out, yet the three quotes came from democrat appointees.

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I had to look up David Ige, as I had no idea who he is. Former governor of Hawaii and a Democrat. Surprise, surprise

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They can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

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Yes, I found that interesting!

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Thanks for the NEWS!

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

"Congress will need to repeal the Patriot Act and all ancillary legislation that stemmed from it. — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry."

Exactly right and when we see that happen, that's absolute confirmation of the intention of the so called white hats, and every black piller will finally get the proverbial kick in the head they needed. Liberals will still be holding on to their Stockholm. syndrome for a few more moves but afterwards?

Glorious peace for 1000 years, or perhaps the whole Age of Aquarius. What humanity is about to accomplish is going to be remembered for millenia...

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Taking bets on how many years it will take. 😉

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The Lincoln Project. The Real Log Cabin Republicans. Film Actors’ Guild. Who knew?

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“And the country will likely regret it”

Sometimes screenwriters nail it - “I believe they set aside their law as and when they wish. Their law no longer has rightful authority over us. All they have over us then is tyranny. And I will not live under that yoke. So I will stay here no longer.”

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