To paraphrase Samuel Clemens, “the reports of the dollar’s death have been greatly exaggerated.”
While I’m all in with the narrative that the petrodollar party is over, mainly because it’s OUR narrative, reality is very far from that scenario.
If we accept the premise that there is in fact a sovereign alliance, then the story that that same alliance is permanently dismantling the US as an economic and financial superpower starts to take on a different complexion.
Imagine the Pacific Ocean, in all its enormous size and depth. That’s the dollar based global economy.
Now image a small hurricane in Tierra del Fuego. That’s the BRICS de-dollarization program. King Dollar ain’t going nowhere folks.
Of course it’s in the alliance’s interest to portray the cabal as a bunch of incompetent morons who are dismantling and destroying everything they touch.
The truth as I see it is that, once again, our forces are creating a highly credible and realistic doomsday scenario where none exists.
In that vein, it will certainly seem and feel like everything is collapsing, over the coming weeks and months. People WILL undergo hardships. Some may even die.
That’s in the nature of warfare.
Trump keeps saying he will reverse all our military, economic and monetary woes very quickly once he’s back.
I have no doubt he can. And will. Stay strong patriots.
To paraphrase Samuel Clemens, “the reports of the dollar’s death have been greatly exaggerated.”
While I’m all in with the narrative that the petrodollar party is over, mainly because it’s OUR narrative, reality is very far from that scenario.
If we accept the premise that there is in fact a sovereign alliance, then the story that that same alliance is permanently dismantling the US as an economic and financial superpower starts to take on a different complexion.
Imagine the Pacific Ocean, in all its enormous size and depth. That’s the dollar based global economy.
Now image a small hurricane in Tierra del Fuego. That’s the BRICS de-dollarization program. King Dollar ain’t going nowhere folks.
Of course it’s in the alliance’s interest to portray the cabal as a bunch of incompetent morons who are dismantling and destroying everything they touch.
The truth as I see it is that, once again, our forces are creating a highly credible and realistic doomsday scenario where none exists.
In that vein, it will certainly seem and feel like everything is collapsing, over the coming weeks and months. People WILL undergo hardships. Some may even die.
That’s in the nature of warfare.
Trump keeps saying he will reverse all our military, economic and monetary woes very quickly once he’s back.
I have no doubt he can. And will. Stay strong patriots.