“Every time CNN loses a viewer, an angel gets their wings.”

Thanks for that! Loved it

Q post 3728

Friend/Patriot - hold your head up high.

POTUS was not harmed in any way today other than on paper (history books).

Sometimes you must sacrifice yourself for the greater good.

"I will gladly take all those slings and arrows for you." - POTUS

But, even that, can be undone.

The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD.



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“The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD.”

Promises made. Promises kept.

We must all know the truth.

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When I heard of the "indictment" yesterday, my thought was ....the left has just set another precedent and walked into the "Trump Quicksand".

This allows us to go back to Clinton, perhaps "W", certainly Obama and now, Biden. Was that your list, too, Burning Bright?

I really would like to know what was in those envelopes handed out at George's funeral.....

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Probably their gitmo cell number!! 🚨

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It's an excellent idea to get reservations early. They are booking fast and soon, all the good cells will be taken 🤣

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Do you remember which agency had been tasked for years to protect Potus and his family members, main foreign visitors and personalities, AND your single money ??

I think we'd be better watch their next actions ...

God bless all of you ! ✝️ 🕊️ ✝️

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An unprecedented task and uncharted territory for the Secret Service….yet I strongly suspect that even this has been planned for in such a way as to move Trump and the Nation far ahead in the war against our domestic enemies


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The Secret Service truly is in control here. NYDA can do nothing without their permission, which will not be unreasonably withheld -- but then, unreasonable requests/demands will not be met, either. Such as locking Trump down for the next, what is it, 19 months.

It will be an interesting dance to watch. Nothing like it ever in US history, and we all know how much Trump loves a show. These idiot lefties always walk -- run -- into Trump's traps, without the faintest idea how it will end. Trump truly is The Master.

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[Conservative Brief]

Secret Service gets involved, delays arraignment of Donald Trump

Source: https://conservativebrief.com/delays-72119/

There would be many things to say/write about the date chosen for this indictment, just 42 years after the assasination attempts on President Ronald Reagan

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Yes, many sources have noticed that coincidence as well. Reagan went on to win his 2nd term with one of the biggest presidential landslides ever, 49 of 50 states.


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[Conservative Brief]

Secret Service gets involved, delays arraignment of Donald Trump

Source: https://conservativebrief.com/delays-72119/

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Thanks! ❤️

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Do you mean besides the Secret Service? I know that the Marines would love to.

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S.S. and military ignore Biden real military.

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March is ending with a bang and it is increasingly apparent that the ‘legal’ maneuvering against Trump is allowed solely for one purpose: precedence. Precedence that former presidents and officials in America’s deep state will rue the day they went down this path. At the same time the deep state narratives are in so much trouble that their propaganda networks are forced to begin turning against them. Then, it is also apparent that the manufactured rift between Trump and DeSantis is falling apart. Thank God for all participating in the real news! God is moving against His ancient enemy and as our fearless tiger recently mentioned, the beast is afraid; more afraid daily and his minions are panicking!

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I'm not American (just French, sorry 🇫🇷) but I do agree 💯/💯 with Dave from X22:

Flags out for our President, this is the time, show the world the majority !

I'd be among you in the UNITED States of AMERICA, there would be many giant flags on my frontyard ! 🇺🇸 🐔 🇺🇸

God bless all of you ✝️🕊️

May God have Mercy to THEM ! ✝️ ✝️

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To paraphrase Samuel Clemens, “the reports of the dollar’s death have been greatly exaggerated.”

While I’m all in with the narrative that the petrodollar party is over, mainly because it’s OUR narrative, reality is very far from that scenario.

If we accept the premise that there is in fact a sovereign alliance, then the story that that same alliance is permanently dismantling the US as an economic and financial superpower starts to take on a different complexion.

Imagine the Pacific Ocean, in all its enormous size and depth. That’s the dollar based global economy.

Now image a small hurricane in Tierra del Fuego. That’s the BRICS de-dollarization program. King Dollar ain’t going nowhere folks.

Of course it’s in the alliance’s interest to portray the cabal as a bunch of incompetent morons who are dismantling and destroying everything they touch.

The truth as I see it is that, once again, our forces are creating a highly credible and realistic doomsday scenario where none exists.

In that vein, it will certainly seem and feel like everything is collapsing, over the coming weeks and months. People WILL undergo hardships. Some may even die.

That’s in the nature of warfare.

Trump keeps saying he will reverse all our military, economic and monetary woes very quickly once he’s back.

I have no doubt he can. And will. Stay strong patriots.

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I appreciate these, as I do not pay much attention to other news sources.

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We are getting to a fevered pitch... SHITZ GITTN REAL BITCHES!!!

Loved today's summaries.

Keep up the great work!

God Bless!!!

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“I know we say it a lot, but it's a mantra that must become a reality if we hope to have any semblance of truth in this world.”

~ and that is why there is such a censorship race, and proposed laws to “protect” against disinformation. Protect. LOL.

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Years and years and years and years ago you went to the carnival's side show to see a bearded lady...... now thanks to the trans gender movement, you don't have to anymore.

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I think people should make fun of the men in women's sports ei., they had to compete against women to win. It's obvious but if enough give them grief about it maybe they'll back down.

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DeSantis: I just don't know however am hopeful. My thought on him talking in so many states was to get other states moving in the right direction and to take action. Light a fire and is doing some good. Either way, its a win from this perspective.

Women's Weightlifting: I agree wholeheartedly that this should happen in every women's sport that has been affected by trans infiltration. I watched and cheered him on, in a very positive way of course.

Have a Blessed Day!


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More and more interesting !!

Florida Legislature Reportedly Drafts Bill to Allow DeSantis Presidential Run “Minutes After” Trump Indictment

Source: https://welovetrump.com/2023/03/31/florida-legislature-reportedly-drafts-bill-to-allow-desantis-presidential-run-minutes-after-trump-indictment/

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PEADS act? have anything to do with the senate passing ending covid emergcy??? curious...

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Burning Bright is right. And I would take it even further. 12 years further. The whole would be greater than the sum of its parts.

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Excellent "take" on the bearded weightlifter. He was destroying the trans. Solidarity with his true sister athletes !

Keep "The beard" ! HAHA !



Tore Says...


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Stay Woo...

~ ala clif high twitter


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