Justin you ALWAYS bring it. I hope it doesn't bother you that I screenshot your writings and put it in my Facebook story as my way of waking people up. This is good stuff!

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You're too kind. Not a bother at all. Want a job? I need help posting my writings to all the socials.

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Thanks for your takes on these articles. Tucker seems to have moved into a bigger role of spreading the truth and that is good for Normieville.

I choose to follow BB's train of thought and refused to deeply engage with any MSM story (they LIE, constantly). Like BB I believe it is all staged to boomerang back on the DS Rat Bastards once the BOOMs begin.

In the mean time I refuse to play ANY DS PC games. Fuggem! And I happily go about my life with a prayerful heart.

Keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Didn’t the pentagon “lose” around $6 billion dollars not so long ago? And Hillary’s state department too? 🤨

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Don’t forget the 3 trillion ‘lost’ just prior to 9-11.

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Did the Big Guy get his 10% in those case ??

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Likely it was spread among the deep state puppet-masters and the puppets/actors related to 9-11. Especially building 7, as there was no reason for it to collapse unless intentional. Bushes up front and center in that tragedy. Planned and executed. The truth will eventually be revealed about it. GITMO too good for these (and many more horrendous) crimes against humanity.

I’ll be glad when satan’s time ends.🙏🙏

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Yeah, why do you think all those high-ranking government officials keep on traipsing over to Ukraine? Hint: it's not for the mineral waters...

What on earth would Janet Yellen need to go to Ukraine for, except to collect her cut of the laundered money... likely in gold bars, and while she's at it, bringing back cuts for her friends and associates too? On a US government aircraft where she does not have to go through the typical customs and immigration formalities that she'd have to, if she flew commercial.

And I don't mean to pick on poor Janet here, she's just one of the more recent in a long line of high-level functionaries who've tripped to Ukraine for less than necessary purposes. It's all a big game -- or club as George Carlin said -- and we ain't part of it.

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That’s a true statement!!🤣

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unrelated to this article. sorry.

2 best films about human/sex trafficking.

2007 "Trade" starring Kevin Kline. Movie was buried by the establishment. shows exactly what happens to children. and where they go.

2017 "You Were Never Really Here" starring Joaquin Phoenix. Politicians grooming and sacrificing their own children. these people are sick. I can't believe this movie was even made.

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Prime video has this.


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You’re correct on 2 counts: these people are sick/evil and, someone had to have overcome Hollywood’s evils to produce this. 2017. Hmmm...

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With a very strong and friendly thought for "Devolution Jon" and with a lot of emotion, I'm pleased to share this promotional article for Kash PATEL's recently released book:


"Government Gangsters: The Deep State, the Truth, and the Battle for Our Democracy"


Enjoy AND share !!

God bless him and all of us !


Nothing can stop God's WILL !


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That single chapter is damning to the corrupt DC political elites. We must make it #1!

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Hello ALtab !

I do think this matter has been deliberetaly chosen to be put at the very 1st place in the coming MAGA conservative TO-DO-list

🙏🏻✝️ I pray it will happen in the shorter time that will be possible under God's watch ! 🙏🏻✝️

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He’s performed many miracles, hasn’t He?🙏🙏

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Wonderful picture of the American political reality!!

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Hi ALtab! 🙋🏼‍♂️🇫🇷

Could you help answering and arguing with an other Bill regarding his comments in this thread ?


I'd like to help but don't know how to argue about Free Speech out of 🇫🇷...

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Corruption rampant in DC.

Two tier system of justice up front and center.

Election interference 💯

Announcing the next pandemic. This one, however, albeit timed to allow 2024 cheating, also is likely MUCH more virulent thanks to DARPA, pharmaceutical genetic modification in one of the 200+ active bio (weapon) labs remaining around the globe.

DC must go. Time for all patriots to get educated and engaged with our roles/responsibilities in returning to our constitutional republic.

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How many among the Patriots can believe President Trump DID such a "slip of the tongue" about THIS name ??

To me I CANNOT believe this was a slip: President Trump doesn't spell himself "F*** Joe Biden"

Nor do I believe that he can confuse JFK Jr. // RFK jr. !!

President Trump: “JFK Jr. Very nice person, I Know him very well”


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