Thanks for the interesting headlines and your summary analysis. It went well with my coffee this morning!
I have come to the conclusion, and my conviction grows stronger every day, that all "news" is bullshit! Some is so absurd while some is just comically asinine. As a result I have dramatically improved the quality of my life by refusin…
Thanks for the interesting headlines and your summary analysis. It went well with my coffee this morning!
I have come to the conclusion, and my conviction grows stronger every day, that all "news" is bullshit! Some is so absurd while some is just comically asinine. As a result I have dramatically improved the quality of my life by refusing to watch ANY MSM news. This began the the night of the election (Big Steel) and I see no end in sight. Rush Limbaugh began saying this a few years before he died but I really didn't get it (I stayed tuned into Fox News) until the Fox News Rat Bastards called AZ. Once I turned it off everything began to improve!
Now I cannot even stand to watch any MSM programs. Even if the main content is digestible (VERY little qualifies) the commercials are so WOKE that I want to throw up (or throw bricks at the TV).
Rumble is now 75% of my viewing content and I use the mute button liberally any time I watch other content.
Last night my wife was watching old episodes of the twilight zone, and the ads were all from cbs, who carried the show 60 years ago. But it was todays ads. I realize what it must feel like to be a member of 12% of the population. Every ad, every single one, was either all black,or mostly black with a token white, Asian, Indian, muzzie, Hindi, or unidentifiable but unwhite. And there were the queer ads, men and women kissing. The same sex. Every ad. There was an ad that rapped about blacks having their own razor for pubic hair. It was almost mesmerizing to see the wokeness these ad agencies will promote, when in fact 90% of the population has none of these traits. And sickening at the same time. From a streaming channel I believe called Pluto?
I come back to this "old private exchange" for solliciting your spiritual support for a young student who has not yet crossed the path of Jesus and God altough she's been blessed and baptised. She'll need some support for these next weeks because she has few money and is invested in preparing for a selective examination for entering our Magistrates National School.
I can't help and support her much more as a neurological disease weakens me every day a little more .
If you know a prayers group or chain, could you help about this ?
It will be a difficult period for her these 3-4 next months ...
She just needs to feel supported, enstronged and confident to succeed !
I thank you in advance, as anybody more who could help by praying with me for her !
She's named Zoé.
I already sollicited EternallyHis in the same way and she kindly agreed 🙏🏻
I'll be happy to do so, because I understand that it's also important for the people who pray, and I consider that giving news is a fundamental respect for them !
Thanks for the interesting headlines and your summary analysis. It went well with my coffee this morning!
I have come to the conclusion, and my conviction grows stronger every day, that all "news" is bullshit! Some is so absurd while some is just comically asinine. As a result I have dramatically improved the quality of my life by refusing to watch ANY MSM news. This began the the night of the election (Big Steel) and I see no end in sight. Rush Limbaugh began saying this a few years before he died but I really didn't get it (I stayed tuned into Fox News) until the Fox News Rat Bastards called AZ. Once I turned it off everything began to improve!
Now I cannot even stand to watch any MSM programs. Even if the main content is digestible (VERY little qualifies) the commercials are so WOKE that I want to throw up (or throw bricks at the TV).
Rumble is now 75% of my viewing content and I use the mute button liberally any time I watch other content.
Sorry for the long rant... but now I feel better.
Keep up the good work.
God Bless!!!
Last night my wife was watching old episodes of the twilight zone, and the ads were all from cbs, who carried the show 60 years ago. But it was todays ads. I realize what it must feel like to be a member of 12% of the population. Every ad, every single one, was either all black,or mostly black with a token white, Asian, Indian, muzzie, Hindi, or unidentifiable but unwhite. And there were the queer ads, men and women kissing. The same sex. Every ad. There was an ad that rapped about blacks having their own razor for pubic hair. It was almost mesmerizing to see the wokeness these ad agencies will promote, when in fact 90% of the population has none of these traits. And sickening at the same time. From a streaming channel I believe called Pluto?
Btw, I stopped watching lamestream media easily thirty years ago. I went 20 years without a telly. Saw no use.
I normally mute any ads, however, even muted (when I bother to look up from the book) the woke junk is everywhere. These people are sick - weird, too.
Love it!! Exactly when I pulled the plug, too!
Hello ALtab !
I come back to this "old private exchange" for solliciting your spiritual support for a young student who has not yet crossed the path of Jesus and God altough she's been blessed and baptised. She'll need some support for these next weeks because she has few money and is invested in preparing for a selective examination for entering our Magistrates National School.
I can't help and support her much more as a neurological disease weakens me every day a little more .
If you know a prayers group or chain, could you help about this ?
It will be a difficult period for her these 3-4 next months ...
She just needs to feel supported, enstronged and confident to succeed !
I thank you in advance, as anybody more who could help by praying with me for her !
She's named Zoé.
I already sollicited EternallyHis in the same way and she kindly agreed 🙏🏻
🙏🏻✝️ May the glory and grace go to God ! ✝️🙏🏻
Trumpist: keep us posted occasionally on Zoe’s progress, please.🙏🙏
Hello ALtab !
I'll be happy to do so, because I understand that it's also important for the people who pray, and I consider that giving news is a fundamental respect for them !
Please thank warmly each folk implied ! 🙏🏻
Our Sunday school class prays regularly for folks like Zoe. I’ll pray separately for her, too, and for you as well, my friend.🙏🙏
I thank you and your class members warmly and heartly for their prayers for me as well (I didn't realize it when first reading! ) 🥲🥲
🙏🏻✝️ May God bless you all for your devoted and kind help ! ✝️🙏🏻
So powerful !!
I agree 💯/ 💯 🍺👏🏻