Thanks for the interesting headlines and your summary analysis. It went well with my coffee this morning!

I have come to the conclusion, and my conviction grows stronger every day, that all "news" is bullshit! Some is so absurd while some is just comically asinine. As a result I have dramatically improved the quality of my life by refusing to watch ANY MSM news. This began the the night of the election (Big Steel) and I see no end in sight. Rush Limbaugh began saying this a few years before he died but I really didn't get it (I stayed tuned into Fox News) until the Fox News Rat Bastards called AZ. Once I turned it off everything began to improve!

Now I cannot even stand to watch any MSM programs. Even if the main content is digestible (VERY little qualifies) the commercials are so WOKE that I want to throw up (or throw bricks at the TV).

Rumble is now 75% of my viewing content and I use the mute button liberally any time I watch other content.

Sorry for the long rant... but now I feel better.

Keep up the good work.

God Bless!!!

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Good morning and thank you again for your news briefs/commentary. I look forward to reading it every weekday. Keep up the great work folks and keep it coming. Sending love to each of you from your Badlands grandmother in spirit living in CT.

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I don’t understand how we can each comfortably enjoy our lives knowing there are Americans being held (not free) accountable for the J6 fakery. These Americans need to be freed. Where are the 1400 hours of video at the capital (or is 14,000 hours)? Why hasn’t the new Congress assist in getting these prisoners free?

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"We need to get to the bottom of Nancy Pelosi's involvement with the FBI and the Capitol Police in this massive fraud.” — Ryan DeLarme


Ya Got That Right !

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Absolute truth spoke of the notion that the cabals over the history of human life have worked behind the scenes to keep information away from the masses so they can control them for whatever reason to protect themselves from being the losers they started out as. As they stole, killed and amassed land and money from their populations, some people noticed and some people like our founding fathers decided to set up a place that was so new so far from the Europe king/pope reality that America was their creation and answer to their dilemma...to prevent the same thing from occurring in the virgin land. It worked.....for a while.. however the bones are still here. The three tier separation of powers, the constitution, the rule of laws the republic which favored majority rule. All these measures prevented tyranny and for the first time in history the world looked at us and gasped with fear (loss of power for kings and popes but hope and prosperity for those who wanted it and were willing to work for it) and hope..

So by you saying it like its nothing new, you missed to opportunity to say THAT WAS THE REASON AMERICA WAS FOUNDED...THOSE controlling powers WERE THE REASONS THEY HATED SO MUCH THAT THEY STUDIED THE VOICES OF ENLIGHTENMENT AND ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT.....Sure they may have argued about it, fought about it to streamline and improve it...but they did it with the thought that a new world was awakening, all the time realizing after they died it was going to be hard to maintain it.

Well maybe someday we can use those bones and resurrect those bones and make this country what it was originally meant to do.....provide a respite for those who want freedom from the oppression and even though the cabal may have the internet at their disposal now....so do we. We must grab back what was stolen.....

Musk just did it....I just want you to know that its very very important that you keep reminding people how different our country was when it first started....and how we could we must go back to the future as they say.....yes the future can be ours....we can once more take our country back to original state of freedom with majority rule...we need to fix lots of things that’s for sure but it isn’t impossible....yet.

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My Monday is drawing to a close here in the East. Thanks for doing these news briefs they are useful

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🌟James O’Keefe this morning!:


He belongs on Badlands! Invite, gentlemen (& ladies)?

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Regarding Roald Dahl Books, I find it sooo funny how the left is going insane over Florida and other states making rules about the books held in school libraries and taught in our classes. At the same time, they seem to be behind the rewriting of history. It is distopia beyond anything imaginable to anyone who actually read 1984 or Farenheit 451.

But Roals Dahl is not the first. Dr. Seuss has been under this same attack for years. Usually they are just disappearing his book. If you want to have some fun, look up Dr Seuss's "I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew" It's message was particularly funny duing the last few years issues at out Southern Border. The message of the book was, shall we say, inconvenient to the left.

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Very Interesting "Take" ~ Just Human !

(On 1st Story, Biden's Brain).

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So thankful. You guys all rock !!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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"Fiction plays an important role

in the spiritual immune system

of any culture."

~ Justin Deschamps



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~ Ryan DeLarme

"Thousands of protesters

took to the streets

of Oxford on Saturday

against the

World Economic Forum-backed

idea of..."



that will BECOME

the new trend of the times.

10-90% Proportionality.

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~ Justin Deschamps

"For most of human history shadow men controlled the masses by keeping a stranglehold on any and all information, the sharing of information, and the interpretation of information, whether these shadow men were royalty, the priest class, bureaucracy or what have you."



"Today, it seems like

we have incredible freedoms,

which we do, in a way,


we're also just as controlled,


if not more


than we were

in the past."







And, with the passage of time, "assuming" things (i.e. Man) would get better, the above stated Truth, should give anyone, pause.


"The truth is, the agenda to control society...evolved."

~ JD


Yank out the roots of CORRUPTION like yer startin' up a mower.

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BB: [ In hopes that you, the sitemaster, will read this & pass it on to whomever it may concern]

A very nice but cryptic note from “Badlands” landed in my email bearing a well wishes, a phone # & a friendly invitation to call it.

The note was not a comment, but was added to the usual reply-to-comment notification which was linked to a reply here, in this News Brief’s comment section (why I’m writing here) — but there was NO comment! Not mine or anyone else’s! Very mysterious. Scratchin’ me head here. (Yes, I did call & left a voicemail (being a very shy but intensely curious badlander). Even tried to email a reply but it would not send.

...if you or anyone knows about this please drop a message via your Badlands bottle.

With utmost appreciation— and this wee little word to our hard-working Badlands boys (& girls) : Be confident(!) but never lose the humility you had at the outset. Check yourselves at every turn! You are much loved.

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Dang, now it’s Ronald Dahl? Instead of censoring/banning/rewriting, why can’t the cancel culturists just add a brief preface at the beginning of the books of concern explaining that there may be sensitive or controversial content in the writing to watch out for?

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