The News Cycle is almost impossible to track these days. At least, to do so fully.
That’s where we come in.
In the Badlands News Brief, the Badlands Media team is going to take you through a few news items of interest from the previous day in an attempt to give you an overview of the biggest goings-on relevant to the Truth Community while introducing you to some brief, original commentary from our growing team of citizen journalists.
(Feel free to follow the corresponding link attached to each Badlands contributor’s name to check them out on other platforms.)
Now, onto the news from the weekend that was …
Biden 'remains fit for duty,' White House doctor says after his 2nd presidential physical
Joe Biden on Thursday had his second physical as president, at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, more than a year after his first physical since taking the White House.
According to a memo released later Thursday from the president’s physician, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, Biden "remains fit for duty, and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations.”
"President Biden remains a healthy, vigorous, 80-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief," O'Connor wrote. — ABC News
Our Take: “You may think this is preposterous, absurd, malarkey. You may think the doctor is covering for Biden—that he is lying.
I posit to you that he is not and that Biden actually is "physically fit for duty," as the doctor describes.
The senility, the mumbling, the incoherent sentences, etc ... It's all an act.
Biden is the same gaffe prone Swamp Creature he has always been. He just leans into it now when on camera because he's got a script, he's got lawyers trying to narrow what he says, it gets him out of having to answer tough questions, and it distracts us from other things that he says.” — Just Human
15 FACTS on the Dozens of Federal Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol
Dozens if not hundreds of government operatives infiltrated the protests at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
This is a list of government operatives we identified working inside the crowd at the US Capitol on January 6 was started in 2021. The Gateway Pundit continues to add to this list as we learn more. — The GateWay Pundit
Our Take: “The word ‘entrapment’ comes to mind.
Every person that has been targeted by the DOJ and the FBI for something they're supposed to have done on J6 should be set free immediately. Many of those currently incarcerated haven't even been charged with a crime.
This was a straight cover-up of the election theft. The fedsurrection demonized the conversation at the time regarding what happened on election night in 2020, when five states completely flipped their voting trend in the middle of the night. The Capitol Police literally opened the gates and doors to let people in.
Antifa and BLM, the militant wings of the deep state, are allowed to ransack communities as they see fit, but a fed-sponsored field trip through the capitol building is high crime. We need to get to the bottom of Nancy Pelosi's involvement with the FBI and the Capitol Police in this massive fraud.” — Ryan DeLarme
Congress takes first shot at federal censorship: a moratorium on DOJ payments to social media
Stunned by a growing body of evidence showing federal pressure to silence Americans' voices online, House Republicans have unleashed their first legislation to slow government requests to Big Tech to censor content.
The ELON Act, introduced this month by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) and backed by nine other cosponsors, would impose a one-year moratorium on taxpayer payments from the Justice Department to social media firms as well as require an audit on how much money changed hands since the start of 2015 between DOJ and Big Tech firms.
The legislation comes weeks after the blockbuster revelation that the FBI paid more than $3 million to Twitter to compensate that firm for handling a large number of censorship requests dating to the 2020 election. — Just the News
Our Take: “One thing should be clearly understood, which is often not well understood in the modern age: For most of human history shadow men controlled the masses by keeping a stranglehold on any and all information, the sharing of information, and the interpretation of information, whether these shadow men were royalty, the priest class, bureaucracy or what have you.
But approximately 400 years ago, a shift toward a free-range system began; at least this was the appearance. Today, it seems like we have incredible freedoms, which we do, in a way, but we're also just as controlled, if not more than we were in the past.
The truth is, the agenda to control society by controlling information and as a result, human behavior never truly died, it evolved. The use of opposition groups (which appear independent) but were in fact cabal-set up and sponsored became the norm. Big tech is the latest version of that subversive information control system.
The government, which was thoroughly taken over many decades ago, uses taxpayer money (our money) to pay other citizens to suppress free speech and thinking. This is wrong on many levels. But within the legal framework established by the constitution, it is unconstitutional.
The fact that the government was paying big tech social media companies to suppress free speech is an open and bold violation of our rights and the laws of USA. As odd as this may sound, this is beneficial. Why? Because, we've blinded ourselves to the truth of our freedom-suppressed society, so much so, we have lost our capacity to identify the loss of our freedoms. But the boldness of cabal-controlled big tech and gov is making an already bad situation easier to see and recognize for WE THE PEOPLE.
As such, the sleeping giant that is the American freedom-fighting populace can all the better rise from their slumber to begin the process of uprooting corruption, not only online, but everywhere it might have planted roots.” — Justin Deschamps
Don Lemon removed from CNN morning show to start the week; discussions about anchor's future 'ongoing'
After Don Lemon made sexist remarks on Thursday about presidential candidate and former ambassador to the UN under Trump Nikki Haley, Don Lemon was out from his CNN morning show host chair on Friday. Now, sources say that Lemon will be removed from show on Monday, too.
Sources told Confinder that a new schedule is in place per CNN management, and Lemon is not on it. Instead, Poppy Harlow will be accompanied by Sara Sidner and Kaitlan Collins, who is in Poland, the Daily Beast reports.
"There are ongoing conversations about Don’s future," a source told Confider. "He is a constant distraction."
Lemon apologized to CNN staffers over the remarks on Friday after having said "Nikki Haley isn't in her prime, sorry," Lemon said. This in response to Haley calling for politicians over the age of 75 to take "mental competency tests." CNN CEO Christ Licht had said he was "disappointed" by the remarks. — The Post Millennial
Our Take: “Upon taking control of CNN, new CEO Chris Licht said his goal was to take the network in a far less partisan direction, and he appears to be doing just that.
Regardless of any opinions of Haley, Lemon was demoted over attacking a Republican politician with his woke leftist views.
Is this a signal that CNN is veering away from being the far left rag that it has been? Only time will tell, but this is a step in the right direction.” — AbsoluteTruth1776
Trump-Era Officials Were Aware of Suspected Balloons in U.S. Airspace
A small circle of intelligence officials at the Pentagon during the Trump administration monitored a series of mysterious objects—now suspected to be balloons—but the incidents were never reported to the White House because it wasn’t clear what they were, former U.S. officials said.
Following the shootdown earlier this month of a Chinese high-altitude balloon, the Biden administration revealed these past incidents, but didn’t say where they had flown, and added that they likely went undetected by the previous administration.
Now it appears some intelligence officials at the Pentagon were aware of the incidents and harbored concerns that they were related to China, believing Beijing was using them to test radar-jamming systems over sensitive U.S. military sites. The data collected about the Trump-era incidents was limited to a basic assessment and therefore wasn’t shared more broadly within the government at the time ...
On Wednesday, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence briefed Trump administration officials about the Chinese balloon program, including former national security advisers Robert O’Brien and John Bolton, former deputy national security adviser Matt Pottinger, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the former director of national intelligence, John Ratcliffe. The Biden administration is working to schedule briefings with several other former officials as well, current and former U.S. officials said." — The Wall Street Journal
Our Take: “Why would these intelligence officials not send this information up the chain?
Why would the Biden Administration feel the need to, or even want to, brief Trump Administration officials about these seemingly small incursions ‘over Navy sites in Coronado, Calif., Norfolk, Va., and Guam’ years after they occurred?
Did they want to, or did they not have a choice?” — Just Human
Thousands Protest Against World Economic Forum-Backed ’15-Minute Cities’ in UK
Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Oxford on Saturday against the World Economic Forum-backed idea of so-called 15-minute cities as the local government announced that it would be trialling such a scheme.
Last year, the Oxfordshire County and City Councils in England proposed a “traffic filter system” trial scheme that would see licence plate-reading cameras installed for the purpose of fining citizens who drive their cars to other areas of the city without exemptions or resident permits during certain times of day.
The plan, which is set to begin a trial phase next year, is part of a broader movement for the formation of a supposedly more environmentally friendly ’15-minute city’. — Breitbart
Our Take: “The idea of 15-minute cities is a totalitarian nightmare, completely rooted in the modern socialist agenda, and further highlights the urgent need to evacuate the major cities in favor of self reliance and starting rural communities.
The uber-rich Davos crowd believe that our civilization has reached a point where the average joe is so reliant on modern conveniences that we'll willingly obey any kind of overreaching edict so long as we can still buy their packaged food, pay their exorbitant energy costs, and consume their junk food media.
Claiming that this about the climate is an insult to our intelligence. You can bet your sweet bottom that there will be no 15 minute restrictions on their private jets and yachts.
It should be OUR choice how we live our lives, yet the elected leaders in the United States of all places are in lockstep with these UN agendas like: Agenda 2030, America 2050, and the Wildlands Project; all of which are attempts by social engineers to herd the chattel.” — Ryan DeLarme
The woke brigade has come for Roald Dahl’s books
When it comes to the books, though, it seems silly to target racism and misogyny because the reality is that almost all the adult characters in Dahl’s books are scary and ugly. Children take pleasure in the macabre, bizarre, and scary, especially when humor and a happy outcome are involved. And for children, who have moral clarity before leftists get hold of them, a happy outcome means the good are rewarded and the bad are punished.
Perhaps it’s that ultimate moral clarity that really explains why the wokerati have come after Dahl’s writing (emphasis mine):
“Words matter,” begins the discreet notice, which sits at the bottom of the copyright page of Puffin’s latest editions of Roald Dahl’s books. “The wonderful words of Roald Dahl can transport you to different worlds and introduce you to the most marvellous characters. This book was written many years ago, and so we regularly review the language to ensure that it can continue to be enjoyed by all today.”
By comparing the latest editions with earlier versions of the texts, The Telegraph has found hundreds of changes to Dahl’s stories.
Language related to weight, mental health, violence, gender and race has been cut and rewritten. Remember the Cloud-Men in James and the Giant Peach? They are now the Cloud-People. The Small Foxes in Fantastic Mr Fox are now female. In Matilda, a mention of Rudyard Kipling has been cut and Jane Austen added. It’s Roald Dahl, but different. — American Thinker
Our Take: “The globalist sponsored cancel-mob is not a natural emergence of irrationalism on the part of the left. Cancel culture isn't organic; it's by design.
Lawfully, the cabal can't maintain their status as quasi-benevolent rulers over humanity (trustees of God) if they engage directly in canceling and suppressing individuals. Of course, this status is itself a fraud. But the self-policing slavery system that we live in today is based on this idea of the slaves policing themselves and a "benevolent" cabal that engages in philanthropy. Therefore, the cabal acts through proxies—corporations, celebrities and influencers—to push the censorship agenda directed toward persons.
That said, the cabal plays a more direct role in group censorship. In this case, the cultural warfare is directed toward Roald Dahl and his books. They argue they are offensive, push prejudice and hate, and it's triggering to sensitive people. But it is vital that a society has a healthy place to explore and make sense of humanity's capacity for evil and inhumanity.
Dahl's books helped in this regard.
Fiction plays an important role in the spiritual immune system of any culture. When it's suppressed, ironically enough, the spiritually-confused masses engage in more malevolence.
It is my hope that on the other side of the great awakening we will relearn how to incorporate the whole truth (good and bad) so that we can choose goodness knowingly and expertly, instead of as a blind adherence to the dictates of virtue signaling moral police, be they leftist atheists or fundamentalist theists.” — Justin Deschamps
Amateur Balloonist Groups Fears the Air Force Might Have Shot Down Their Balloon
An Illinois-based amateur balloonist club has announced that one of the small balloons it released is “missing in action” and feared shot down by the US Air Force. It last reported its location in Alaska on Saturday and the USAF claims to have shot down an unidentified object in the same region at around the same time.
The group, the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade (NIBBB), announced as much in a blog post, saying that the 32-inch-wide “Pico Balloon” had been airborne for more than four months and circled the globe seven times and then went down over Alaska. The group did not blame the USAF in the post. — American Tribune
Our Take: “Things have a way of working out in the direction that most embarrasses and damages the Biden Administration.
So, imagine the scenes if it turns out that Biden ordered the US Air Force to use a $400,000 sidewinder missile to shoot down a $200 weather balloon belonging to American amateur balloonist club. Hahaha, this is farcical enough to actually be true.” — Just Human
Badlands Media Show Schedule
We hope you enjoyed this brief look back at the major news items you might have missed in this ever-escalating and ever-accelerating news cycle as the Information War continues to rage on around us.
The Badlands Media team will continue to combine our cognitive powers in order to slow things down and find the signal amidst the noise as this series expands.
As always, if you have any thoughts on these news items or the MANY others swirling in the digital ether, drop into the comments below to share them with your fellow Badlanders.
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Thanks for the interesting headlines and your summary analysis. It went well with my coffee this morning!
I have come to the conclusion, and my conviction grows stronger every day, that all "news" is bullshit! Some is so absurd while some is just comically asinine. As a result I have dramatically improved the quality of my life by refusing to watch ANY MSM news. This began the the night of the election (Big Steel) and I see no end in sight. Rush Limbaugh began saying this a few years before he died but I really didn't get it (I stayed tuned into Fox News) until the Fox News Rat Bastards called AZ. Once I turned it off everything began to improve!
Now I cannot even stand to watch any MSM programs. Even if the main content is digestible (VERY little qualifies) the commercials are so WOKE that I want to throw up (or throw bricks at the TV).
Rumble is now 75% of my viewing content and I use the mute button liberally any time I watch other content.
Sorry for the long rant... but now I feel better.
Keep up the good work.
God Bless!!!
Good morning and thank you again for your news briefs/commentary. I look forward to reading it every weekday. Keep up the great work folks and keep it coming. Sending love to each of you from your Badlands grandmother in spirit living in CT.