Great strategy, Ghost…yes! go after the Republican traitors first.

“I think Washington DC is long overdue for a true season of fear; Not one that is inspired by vigilantes and violent chaos, but one that is inspired by the rule of law, and the order of civilized men. — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry


Russia’s economy is soaring…they have moved into 4th place, ahead of Japan and Russia has little debt! I am happy for Russia!

Great Brief and Take by Ashe on the flawed “science” of gender-affirming care.

“Maybe it’s the election year thing, and Democrats want to appear less insane, perverse, and destructive”….too late for that now. 🙏❤️

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Yes yes and hell yes!!!

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What many of us fail to see is how all of this ties together. About 40 years ago China was still struggling but had a dedicated work force and super cheap labor rates. America figured out that we could export our inflation by importing cheap stuff. But what we failed to recognize is how politicians benefitted by promoting this crazy plan. Our overall trade deficit created a source of “free money” for them to spend without picking our pockets directly.

Our dollars in China were not worth anything and putting them in a bank just made no sense. But, using those dollars to buy high yield Treasury Bonds made a lot of sense. It also created money in our Treasury for the politicians. Democrats and RINOs loved it while Conservatives like me hated it because we could see the long term weakness of this game.

I applauded when Trump said he would make Mexico pay for a Southern wall. He was directly pointing to the problem. We had a $71 Billion trade deficit with Mexico in 2016, so he knew it was just an accounting problem to take enough to pay for a wall! I knew it and laughed at the beauty of his idea. No Democrats or RINOs thought it was funny. They attacked him relentlessly because they were caught by their evil game. Here we are eight years later and we can see how far Trump has come in exposing this. The attacks are getting more and more evil and underhanded but that fact is encouraging. The truth is still working.

The game fell apart when the Fed had to drop interest rates to zero. Who wanted our debt at super low returns? China saw a far better return in buying politicians. There you have the bottom line. Trump said it best, “We have them all.”

That is all we need to know. The game is over!

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It's been over for a while. The good guys have won. Feather's comment from January:


"We as a race, if we could understand that the game is over…that based on the rules of the game the bad guys have already lost… the good guys have already won. Yes, there’s moves left on the table, but those moves are being forced by the player that is going to win."

-- Bill Woods, quoted by Featherjourney

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Hey there, Bill…Thank you ❤️

Been thinking of you. My husband and I have been watching the Secrets at Skinwalker Ranch series (2 seasons in out of 5). Northeastern area of your neck of the woods. UFO and UAP sightings. There was a pretty cool episode with Tesla Coils. Was wondering if you are familiar with the series…I figure you are familiar with the existence of the ranch and it’s mysteries…just curious 🧐❤️

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Hey Feather, yes wife and I have been watching some of the Skinwalker stuff. (She more diligently than I...)

There is definitely something going on up there that [somebody] does not want us to know about. And this is not the first round of investigations there, Robert Bigelow (Bigelow Aerospace) used to own the place and did a bunch of (less publicized) work there, but eventually ran out of time and energy to pursue things, given that he likely was getting pushback from the hands that fed him...

Unfortunately my substack has been spotty of late, sometimes does not come up in usable form at all; last few days it is mostly working again but I've lost the ability (hopefully not forever) to 'like' anything. So if you notice I haven't been 'liking' your posts, it's not for lack of desire, but rather a technical problem of some sort at substack.

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I had that “like” problem awhile back and occasionally other issues with substack, I tried everything and then caved in to Apple iphone updates (I was behind quite a few) and all the glitches resolved.

What is fascinating to me about the Ranch is the orb like UFOs…Steven Greer holds group gatherings with people interested in communication with ETs and the same type of phenomenon happens, only it’s all a higher consciousness experience when they show up and there have even been testimonials of healings. On SW Ranch, it’s all pure science and drama. While I find the science very interesting I wonder if the researchers are missing the consciousness connection (and likely that is due to the skinwalker phenomenon which adds in the scary drama!). My husband watches it…but, like your wife, I am more into it than he is 😊❤️

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Great comment, Jim! 👍❤️🇺🇸

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First time I have simply scanned the morning brief from you all and hit the "Save as New" button. Why? There is just Too Much Great Stuff in there! I don't have time at the moment to dive in. You guy ROCK and the news cycle is getting So Intense! Woo hoo! Found a neighbor waiting on my front porch yesterday when I got home. He wanted to discuss Kim Clement's "2 Presidents" prophecy. I told him all about Devolution (thank God for Jon:). The previous day I bumped into retired HOA president here... he and his wife kept saying, "You've been right about everything!" They always used to listen to me in polite silence. Now they are blabbering:) Love it!!!!!

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Excellent, but don't get too cocky. There are still moves left on the board. We need to consolidate our gains and move to the next phase.

Again, congratulations! I hope you have many more such wonderful experiences. It makes all of those moments of polite silence worth it in the end.

And there are still a lot of normies, who still have not figured out what is going on. Soon it will all come out -- and they'll come running to their local conspiracy theorists (i.e., us) to help them understand. We must be understanding and patient with them, showing them the truth. In fact, I believe that this will be the greatest role we have to play in this battle to save the world from evil -- helping others who have not yet figured it out.

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I love the throw back to Han Solo era jive but honestly Jim, it's already over. We're just watching the last moves get played out. All the power players on the board have already capitulated and did so back before 2018. The rest has been a Deep State death rattle snuff film, but in painfully slow motion such that the brainwashed can slowly be walked back into the light from the darkness they've become conditioned to. Yes, we all are playing an important part in reverberating the echo through the zeitgeist, but this plan didn't leave anything human to chance.

The craziest theory I'm starting to give serious consideration to is the relationship between Trump family and Nicola Tesla. Tesla discovered far more about realities than we give him credit for. What if Trump really did travel into multiple timeliness to guarantee the outcome of this plan? How did Q accomplish what he wrote?

Anyway, my point is nothing was left to chance. We were all literally in the end game (and most had no clue). It was either global population reset, or purge the psychopaths. Fortunately for all of us sitting ducks, despite our collective actions over the years to try and best this enemy and this system, a real plan with the power of force behind it was designed. I believe the NSA's access to all global communication enabled military intelligence to collect all the data needed to prove beyond the shadow of doubt who all the players are, down to the last dollar, pound, euro, and yuan and that Trump already collected the necessary parties to see this all the way through.

We literally are watching the greatest show on Earth, and my popcorn is delicious.

>clink< Congratulations that we made it here to witness this. Epic. And truly Biblical.

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Yes! I cannot WAIT to find out what parts of this were done by God (drawing attention to things, doing things) and which were done by man. So delightfully confusing!

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Sorry, I'm preaching to the choir here. it's just amazing to me that this is real. I'm so grateful...

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Point taken and thankyou:)

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Bill, did you catch Clif High’s recent substack (today)?

It is my favorite one he’s ever done! Many yrs ago I came across mention of energies from our galactic center affecting our times now, our consciousness, the “shift of the ages”…in our lifetime! ❤️🕊🌎

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Yeah, I saw it. Clif is one interesting character for sure. He's had a fairly decent record of predicting strange stuff that later comes true.

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BB commented on the way the events in Europe are portrayed as Nazi-like by their media. Nazi is a word that is short for National Socialism. I find it funny that the media wants to conflict the public by confusing the word Nazi with the Nationalism we are witnessing today. The truth is the present move is National Capitalism. It is very different. In fact it is what made America great the first time around. We call ourselves Patriots and our plan has been time tested. Nazism succeeded for about twenty years. Our Patriotism is still going at 248 years but it is being severely tested by the Left.

Playing with words is one of their favorite tricks. Calling us Nazis is just another one of their evil tricks. We are the opposite of Nazis. It makes no sense to accuse Capitalists of being Socialists. It just makes me laugh at the stupidity.

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Truth is not the strong suit of propagandists -- who are paid, basically, to lie and convince you they are telling the truth. Twisting the meaning of words is one of their favorite tricks.

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Great point, Jim!!👏👏

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We also need to go after all the traitor rhinos in our states as well!! Ohio had a republican majority and was sold out by 22 rhinos who sided with the democrats and cut deals that is hurting Ohioans. They elected a rhino speaker and he is selling out our state!!! The fight needs to be taken to their home districts so they can never walk with their heads up again!!! It’s time to get tough!! It’s our future and our kids future that is at stake as they ramp up the next plandemic and deadly jabs!

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

Im in Ohio too and the POS DeWine should have been arrested and fried after the Palestine City TOXIC BOMB he ordered blown up. It poisoned everyone downwind and has made its way into the soil and water that feeds the crops that feed America.

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I agree completely! I haven’t shut up about that since the EPA has no burn regulations for leaves in the fall yet, they allowed the most toxic chemical to be burned that poisoned the entire area plus being forced into other states from the wind! All the private contractors said to begin with not to burn it! Plus I’ll never quit sharing the photo of him and the other talking heads toasting the water there and laughing that it was safe!

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

Slimy little Prick is now taking Gates money to force Clinics in all the schools...His big announcement that "wont it be nice to have clinics in the school so the kids wont have to make a special visit to their own doctors". Now they can have complete control of your kiddies and tell you Johnny wants to be a girl and Janey wants to have a D. Parents better wake up and fight this with every fiber. Vaccine experiments on all the kids! PS Id like to WB him in that water

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Exactly!!!! I am so glad my kids are adults! Parents today need to be parents and tell them to shove it!! He did this as soon as the constitutional amendment passed enshrining abortion and transgenderism into our constitution! Nothing is ever a coincidence! Plus he still needs hung for killing all the elderly with the lockdowns in nursing homes!!! He did that to keep the whole state in lockdown and it was their deaths he caused that did it!!! We don’t see enough about that yet, and these monsters need fully prosecuted!!!

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It's coming out. Slowly at first, then suddenly. NCSWIC. 💖✝🙏🕊

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

What area of OH are you in Joni? The AG is obviously as corrupt as well as every other agency because not a peep from them. Ive sent them all the info on the effects of those toxin as well asked them to stop the planes over our heads dumping toxins and not one has contacted me back. EPA plays DUMB. These agencies MUST be abolished for a better cheaper and more effective system. When we all have to buy bottled water tainted with ? as an alternative to the garbage coming out of the faucet, they have failed, and should be criminally charged. I believe with all the COPD, they just want to charge us for AIR eventually if they arent already. Ive never known so many people with COPD that never smoked. I think thats the plan. Pay for air or choke on the trails.

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We are fighting the same fight! I am in Summit County!! Everything you mentioned is of concern and we must start organizing to stop these chemical assaults on us. I’ve been in contact with people in other counties as well. The chemtrails are getting worse and worse!

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Hard to get “redder” than Louisiana and we have John Kennedy and Bill Cassidy and Mike Johnson! I don’t know what to say about that. Scalise too - always votes w Johnson. It’s all that down ballot that is so concerning.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

They are all talk! They take the money and talk big S in front of the TV cameras, while doing nothing.

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Yes. Or doing evil.

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Not that GBPH is ever shy about "proofing" cause for controversy - but this morning I read an almost giddy level of glee...and I applaud it. "...Washington DC is long overdue for a true season of fear; Not one that is inspired by vigilantes and violent chaos, but one that is inspired by the rule of law, and the order of civilized men. " Encore, bravo!

In the language of the New Testament the word for "Justice" is also the word for "Righteousness" - and it declares that the exercising of justice is based on the self-evidence of what should be done. This is a Greek concept fully embraced by the writers of the New Testament. Just saying...

A very enlightening Tuesday of Takes! Thank you all.

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…and think of ALL the precedent and evidence captured in the last years….🇺🇸

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Slowly at first, then suddenly... drip, drip, FLOOD!

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Amazing grace comes to mind.

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Good stuff... THANKS!

Ashe I am truly inspired by JFK (my initials too BTW): "‘In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility - I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.’

Vive la révolution. Nous accélérerons. — Ashe in America" This Is Our Time!!!

BB once again you nailed it (I think Detroit roots & Boston roots see things very similarilly:-): "So suck it, you Clown World commie propagandists.

This is only the beginning of the sovereign renaissance. — Burning Bright"

Man-oh-man GBPH your idea of going after the Uniparty(r)s first is brilliant... let's see if it comes to pass... Oh what fun:-))

Y'all hit it out of the park today!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Multiple home runs everybody!

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That JFK quote reminds me of another, spoken at about the same time (March 30, 1961) by Ronald Reagan:

"Our Founding Fathers, here in this country, brought about the only true revolution that has ever taken place in man's history. Every other revolution simply exchanged one set of rulers for another set of rulers. But only here did that little band of men so advanced beyond their time that the world has never seen their like since, evolve the idea that you and I have within ourselves the God-given right and the ability to determine our own destiny. But freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it and then hand it to them with the well thought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same. And if you and I don't do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free."

-- Ronald Reagan, "Encroaching Control," a speech given to the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, March 30, 1961


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Love that! Thanks for posting it!

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Sure, glad you liked it 💖

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"So suck it, you Clown World commie propagandists."

ROFL...what a great way to start the day!

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GBPH, that is a good idea to go after Republicans first as we need a thorough cleansing especially those who allowed the sham J6 hearing. But, name some real law breakers in the GOP - maybe Epstein list being exposed would open the flood gates and the people would welcome prosecutions no matter their political affiliation.

The people have waited too long and need to see Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Stozck, Vindman go to prison for their crimes. There's too many to list.

It will be fun to see what Trump does first and hopefully he'll change election rules to include a National day off for election so same day voting can be done. I'm counting on a Trump win this Nov by being too big to rig. If they end up with cheating again to override the true results, the only thing I will be interested in is revolutionary actions.

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Well John Kennedy (my senator) voted for every single Ukraine dollar and NO to a 4 billion dollar bill to help AMERICAN gyms restaurants and small businesses Is that law breaking? Completely voting against the desires of your constituents ? But I know what you are saying and I do agree with it.

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I’m amazed he’s (apparently) compromised…. Shocked, actually.

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Are you talking about Kennedy? I think he’s a plant personally. He wasn’t born in Louisiana didn’t go to college here no one here talks that fake corn pone talk like he does. He’s not one of us. Went to Oxford - biggest globalist college in the western world. He has that Jed clampett schtick he uses to amuse people so they don’t check to see how he votes. Then we have Cassidy who voted to impeach Trump when we voted 65/35 Trump even with all the dead people in NOLA voting. Two absolute losers.

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I should have expected Kennedy to be a plant. I’m not from Louisiana….never had a reason to look up his background. Thanks for exposing the real J Kennedy. 🇺🇸

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They plant them in dark red states but I was unaware of this until 2020. Kennedy a plant. Cassidy a MD totally owned by pharma. They both vote like Dems. I think trump will be re elected but I am very concerned about the Congress that he will have.

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It depends on how much truth of their treason is revealed. They may resign suddenly to prevent public knowledge of their crimes. They may take another way out. Either way, I’d not be surprised if a special election is used to fill in gaps. I’m sure, if they’ve been given a deal, they will be 100% banned from any political/government position.

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Just remember that this whole government is a sham corporation pretending to be a government, it's going to be entirely dissolved as we return to seat the real congress which has been abandoned since the Civil War.

A while helluva lot of going to change for the better in the coming years. It's up to the people how quickly it happens IMO.

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The crimes each one listed here include several punishable by death…..not prison. We MUST send a lasting message AND teach our children how to protect our constitutional republic.

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Nuremberg on steroids, eh?

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And a public execution is indeed warranted.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

Notice how triple-chin McConnell is able to speak UNFROZEN when he is worried about his own azzzz getting fried along with his caretaker, mouthpiece and wingman, mr Thune. I'll bet money, he has a case of FROZEN anus, once in custody though. Both of those criminals are long overdue for punishment. Yeah, that's right fellas, righteous REVENGE is coming for you. Jumpsuits and chains 2025😁💩😁🍿

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Naww, they're too old and confused to be prosecuted. We now have a precedent, remember...

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

Yes indeed WB.

McConnell can act like a frozen popsicle if he wants. Shove one in his mouth, It will just make the electric chair that much more lit! 🎇🎆🎇🎆🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

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The media and the Mccabes etc like to frame the retribution as Trump riling us up when the reality is WE found him. These comments testify to that. Like Trump said recently “I ran bec I saw stupid stuff and I won because y’all agreed with me “. I’m paraphrasing but that’s close.

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Before I took on the handle “CommonSense🇺🇸ExArmyNurse, I was “Ultra🍊Semi-Fascist🍊Kelly.” Do I need to change it back??? Maybe update it to Neo-Fascist. If the new populist leaders are “neo-fascists,” I’m with THEM.

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“Personally, I think Washington DC is long overdue for a true season of fear; Not one that is inspired by vigilantes and violent chaos, but one that is inspired by the rule of law, and the order of civilized men.”


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And all the credit goes to Our Lord and Savior!!! The days of trafficking children, drugs and perversion in our schools and hospitals is coming to an end. Lockup 2025!! Every parent/individual must be activated. Its going to take all of us to put our foot down and end this insanity!

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Amen, sister 🕊🙏✝💖

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JFK: ‘‘In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger.’ This is that generation and many, including Ashe, are exceptionally gifted by God to serve in specific roles. Long live the revolution indeed…..to return our nation to its Constitutional Republic roots.🙏🇺🇸

The next President (Trump) must have a mandate from ‘we the people’. It’s OUR responsibility and Ghost has a great idea, ‘Personally, I think Washington DC is long overdue for a true season of fear; Not one that is inspired by vigilantes and violent chaos, but one that is inspired by the rule of law, and the order of civilized men.’ There is now a ton of precedent and evidence that wasn’t available in 2015….the truth for ‘their’ fear of a Trump administration. Plus, our Constitution clearly calls for ‘we the people’ to remove corrupt government via legal means.

Ashe is right again: ‘In other words, BRICS is enabling national sovereignty at the very moment the people of Europe (and, honestly, the world) are demanding national sovereignty. How deliciously destabilizing for the EU!’ (Ashe: We drove through Denver yesterday and said a quiet prayer for you.🙏)

Ghost’s right on the proposed treaty: ‘I have enjoyed laughing at these idiots, as they perpetually trip over themselves in their foolish attempt to project strength and competence.’

I agree with our fearless Tiger, no coincidences in this war.

Foreign agents in Trudeau’s administration. Say it isn’t so….🤣. Kind of similar to all the duel citizens in Congress here. One can only serve one master and it’s obvious they aren’t serving the American citizens. Like in Canada….smells a lot like treason.

BB: ‘So suck it, you Clown World commie propagandists.’

God bless and protect these truthers. 🙏🙏

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Great comment! 👍❤️🙏🦅🕊🌎

It’s a ‘tell’ of their panic and fear that the left always refers to Trump’s enemies and “his” retribution! No. They are OUR enemies and the retribution is ours and for the good of our country! ❤️

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“So suck it, you Clown World commie propagandists.”

Day made. 😂

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Ashe: "Nous accélérerons"

Il est longtemps depuis j'ai entendu le français dans l'école mais je pense que ça devrait être "accélérons" without the extra "er".

Ghost: "Not only does Saudi Arabia..."

The phrase "not only" has to be followed by "but also" and you seem to have lost the "also" somewhere in the rather meandering sentence. It's acceptable to split "but" and "also" so I would suggest "...have also spent..."

"In fact, it is MBS who Joe Biden will probably need to rely on..."

Should be "...MBS whom Joe Biden..." because MBS is the object of the sentence.

Zero Hedge: "...and pretend they are the company's..."

Just to prove that the "professionals" also make mistakes!

BB: "...was meant to come a way’s down the road..."

The standard idiom is "some way down the road" but, if you insist on using the America-only colloquial version, please don't add an apostrophe. (Tip: if you are writing for a worldwide audience – and, like it or not, you are – then it's best to avoid obscure idioms, which don't translate into anything meaningful in a foreign language.)

"...reeking havoc on Apple..."

Oh, dear. The word is "wreaking". Please don't try to emulate Zero Hedge.

Ashe: "...don’t care who you have sex with..."

Whom not who, because it's the object not the subject.

"...serves as a beard for pedophilia...."

I'm fairly sure that you didn't mean to type "beard". It makes no sense. Did you mean "bridge"?

Palestine Chronicle: "Due to it having limited power..."

Should be "Due to its having..." Hmm, "professional journalism". But perhaps the writer's first language isn't English.

OK, that's what stood out for me. I hope it's helpful. Checking your own work is almost impossible, I know, so don't feel bad about it. Unless a publisher employs a copy editor, mistakes are inevitable.

Thanks to you all for yet another excellent set of reports!

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

Yes, Ashe did mean to type "beard" and not bridge. Beard is a common slang term for a coverup (like a beard covers the face so you can't see what a person really looks like). An example, a gay man who is still "in the closet" will marry or date a woman as his "beard" to appear to the public that he is straight and not gay. Many celebrities do this, both male and female.

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Interesting, thanks. Before I commented, I did a search for "serves as a beard" and found nothing. I've heard of "fig leaf" meaning "cover-up" (same phrase in German, too) but never "beard". Anyway, this simply confirms my point that it's not a good idea to use obscure idioms when writing for a worldwide audience.

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