That’s a great point !!! Actually never even thought about. This is what makes Americans dangerous
Look how NZ Australia, Great Britain, Canada all muscled their citizens. And Trudeaus use of the bank card tells you that’s their leverage, yet add guns to the game and you’ve changed the game.
Go ahead biden send in your f15 jets and shoot down your own citizens whose had it up to here with your stolen election, j6 insurrection, invasion, inflation, lawfare, criminal grifting wars and egging for Armageddon. FJB and Obama Corp.
rise up common men and put the fear of god in them all!!!!
That is a great point, and as Americans don’t have a long history of being controlled by a feudal system or royalty, it’s in our very blood to NOT comply…..
Totally different situation here. “They” can only go so far here with all the guns the citizens have. I believe it feeds a lot of their rage that we have all those guns and they can’t get them from us. Can you even imagine if we didn’t have them.
It was Australia or NZ where they had law enforcement at the ends of streets w machetes during those lockdowns - remember that? There aren’t any guns anywhere in Europe either. They took those Dutch farmers lands and there wasn’t anything they could do. They don’t even know how many guns we have or where they all are or how much ammunition. Don’t think for a minute that doesn’t affect what they do.
Of course I don’t remember when I a white guy became the enemy it must of started when I was spanked out of the womb and spanked em back
Don’t touch me bc I’m now the sworn enemy of my own country that has slowly lost her moral compass. Bc I was too busy making a living raising kids to notice but surely my dad knew when he’d tell me point blank” you’re considered expendable” he was West Point Korean War…
And he knew!
Sadly I grew up in portland a progressive
Place and most friends don’t get me and my hair on fire they are trying to kill US!!
Their reply nahhhh that’s not true
I’ve I am unlearning everything
Since when am I an enemy bc of my skin color, sexual preference, political bent,
I identify as a black slave transvestite
Blood sucking demonically worshipping Ukraine flag waving victim
Love it!! My mom was Danish/English and my dad Greek! We have serious stubbornness and loyalty. I’m thankful you came and happy that apparently it’s your role to wake up the citizens!! We grew up with grandparents teaching us how our government is supposed to work. I am certain that people here have been asleep to truth for a long time. All the people I know in Kansas and those here in the South are adamant about their right to carry. I expect we will see many more awake during the spring! God bless you for reminding us what all of this means!!🙏🙏
First all glory to God! Second God Bless you too!!
At the local downtown a kinda of everything hardware camping store,
Woman comes in wants to know well
How many people carry firearms 9 out of 11 customers raise their hands.
Now growing up guns were tools
Farmers ranchers Pappy and Sandy had guns. Guns shoot go target practice
Basement shoot pistols at Alka Seltzer
Tablets or target 🎯 zones.
I was not much on guns I loved skeet shooting liked that we got taught young
I virtually I did live on Paul revere rd.
At a very young age about 7 I ran with the Minute Men Militia with all authentic
Guns rifles at their sides
Concord Bridge
Captain orders
Don’t shoot till you see the whites of their eyes
The red coats are coming
As little kids every stick a gun
Now patriots everywhere have guns
And it drives them crazy
Good bc they’re driving us crazy
Guns don’t kill people kill with guns
Military kills
Wars kill
They are hot to trot killing 500,000 Ukrainians
Hot to kill everyone!
With their bioweapon counter measure shots
Take my Gun
Orcas the sign says FAFO
Fuck Around Find Out
Another sign picture of a barrel of a pistol say “We Don’t do 911 here”
Guns 2nd Amendment
Protecting Free Speech the 1st
Land, liberty, property, the right to protect what’s mine from a band of thieves who rape, steal, kill, and their indifference is arrogant and condescending. The proud will weep, the brave shall celebrate all that’s good and true to God we keep
I grew up in the country, and learned to shoot. I still love in the same rural county in NYS where guns vastly outnumber people. Interesting fact, though, there were NEVER any school/mass/accidental shootings where I grew up. Dumb city kids played with dad's loaded revolver in the nightstand, often with dire consequences.
Love your rant! I grew up in Kansas and my grandfather had several guns and he owned a grocery store in a small town….the guns weren’t only for rattlesnakes!!
The Canadians and the European farmers don't have guns. This is a huge distinction that is overlooked.
That’s a great point !!! Actually never even thought about. This is what makes Americans dangerous
Look how NZ Australia, Great Britain, Canada all muscled their citizens. And Trudeaus use of the bank card tells you that’s their leverage, yet add guns to the game and you’ve changed the game.
Go ahead biden send in your f15 jets and shoot down your own citizens whose had it up to here with your stolen election, j6 insurrection, invasion, inflation, lawfare, criminal grifting wars and egging for Armageddon. FJB and Obama Corp.
rise up common men and put the fear of god in them all!!!!
That is a great point, and as Americans don’t have a long history of being controlled by a feudal system or royalty, it’s in our very blood to NOT comply…..
Ok just for a story my moms side came here to this country early 1700 s
My dads side my great grandfather
Came 1888
So he could own land
Raise his own sheep
Basically america you had opportunity
That you did not have in old country.
And yes by fate or dna a rebellious nature of F the king or any one who assumes such powers is a direct threat
So I’m getting gun
Fuck around find out attitude
Totally different situation here. “They” can only go so far here with all the guns the citizens have. I believe it feeds a lot of their rage that we have all those guns and they can’t get them from us. Can you even imagine if we didn’t have them.
We’d be sheep to slaughter asap
This and this alone plus the FOIA
Has kept us from being rounded up in fema camps
And access to truth way after the facts
I watch countries like
Great Britain
All low on guns and being crucified
By their vampire states
That only respect power
Guns gives us the power
It was Australia or NZ where they had law enforcement at the ends of streets w machetes during those lockdowns - remember that? There aren’t any guns anywhere in Europe either. They took those Dutch farmers lands and there wasn’t anything they could do. They don’t even know how many guns we have or where they all are or how much ammunition. Don’t think for a minute that doesn’t affect what they do.
Never heard the machete story.
Did not Europe is gunless
And they have tried real hard with all the school mass shootings ( some seem staged) can’t speak to that rabbit hole.
Can tho to KC shootings, Newsome right away says we need more gun control.
Yeah Gun Control = Accuracy with Both Hands
Let’s see no guns
Antifa goes around with baseball bats
Lighted fire throwers
Dudes dudettes WE Got Guns
They steal our Gold
Diminish currency
Give an enemy 85 Billion dollars worth of weapon
Make enormous money out of gun smuggling
And these same people want your guns.
The same people their puppet threatens us with our own air forces F 15 Fighter jets!
and they want your guns the same people that leave a trail of dead bodies everywhere it’s expedient
And they want your guns allowing what dome 8 million complete strangers some military age, some out of prisons
And they want your guns
Isn’t it Charleston Heston, that said go ahead pry it out of my hands,, or was it dead hands.
And they want your guns the same people who hire their own body guards
Sick sicko antifa,,blm, transvestite terrorist into our midst..
And no you can not, will not, have, take, steal, beg, borrow, kneel, our Guns away.
This is War!
Go Wolverines! (h/t "Red Dawn")
Ok watch later today !!! See they make Russia out to be the bad guys
It ought to say america is being invaded by narcissistic pedophiles that are vampires living in Washington DC
The F traitors are attacking their own
Yup, the enemies are different this time. If it's a movie in the 80s, it will always be the Russians. Remember that Hollywood is part of the Cabal.
But the underlying theme is that the good guys -- the regular citizens -- were/are the heroes.
Of course I don’t remember when I a white guy became the enemy it must of started when I was spanked out of the womb and spanked em back
Don’t touch me bc I’m now the sworn enemy of my own country that has slowly lost her moral compass. Bc I was too busy making a living raising kids to notice but surely my dad knew when he’d tell me point blank” you’re considered expendable” he was West Point Korean War…
And he knew!
Sadly I grew up in portland a progressive
Place and most friends don’t get me and my hair on fire they are trying to kill US!!
Their reply nahhhh that’s not true
I’ve I am unlearning everything
Since when am I an enemy bc of my skin color, sexual preference, political bent,
I identify as a black slave transvestite
Blood sucking demonically worshipping Ukraine flag waving victim
Now give me free rent and food
You’ve got spirit!!!👍👍
Well I come from a long line of sarcastic free thinking scotch/Irish that dealt with
Kings and traitors and to this I owe my Spirit to my Kin! Also coursing my veins arteries is a Love of God, family and country!!
Apparently our country is being stolen
But reclaimed
I’d be happier if I saw Americans protest like the Europeans out by the millions
Demanding changes
Until such time send out my rage by
Written words
Planting seeds to wake up the lions
And sheep
Any ears that hear
The hours grow late
I did not come here to be enslaved by a banking political evil worshipping
Mafia that holds its badges for respect and authority
They deserve none of my respect nor
My mom was a red head
She breathed fire 🔥
I’m just carrying on the family tradition
Don’t tread on me
I know this is a slow game
5 D chess
Evil needs exposed
And there’s lots of that going on!!
Love it!! My mom was Danish/English and my dad Greek! We have serious stubbornness and loyalty. I’m thankful you came and happy that apparently it’s your role to wake up the citizens!! We grew up with grandparents teaching us how our government is supposed to work. I am certain that people here have been asleep to truth for a long time. All the people I know in Kansas and those here in the South are adamant about their right to carry. I expect we will see many more awake during the spring! God bless you for reminding us what all of this means!!🙏🙏
First all glory to God! Second God Bless you too!!
At the local downtown a kinda of everything hardware camping store,
Woman comes in wants to know well
How many people carry firearms 9 out of 11 customers raise their hands.
Now growing up guns were tools
Farmers ranchers Pappy and Sandy had guns. Guns shoot go target practice
Basement shoot pistols at Alka Seltzer
Tablets or target 🎯 zones.
I was not much on guns I loved skeet shooting liked that we got taught young
I virtually I did live on Paul revere rd.
At a very young age about 7 I ran with the Minute Men Militia with all authentic
Guns rifles at their sides
Concord Bridge
Captain orders
Don’t shoot till you see the whites of their eyes
The red coats are coming
As little kids every stick a gun
Now patriots everywhere have guns
And it drives them crazy
Good bc they’re driving us crazy
Guns don’t kill people kill with guns
Military kills
Wars kill
They are hot to trot killing 500,000 Ukrainians
Hot to kill everyone!
With their bioweapon counter measure shots
Take my Gun
Orcas the sign says FAFO
Fuck Around Find Out
Another sign picture of a barrel of a pistol say “We Don’t do 911 here”
Guns 2nd Amendment
Protecting Free Speech the 1st
Land, liberty, property, the right to protect what’s mine from a band of thieves who rape, steal, kill, and their indifference is arrogant and condescending. The proud will weep, the brave shall celebrate all that’s good and true to God we keep
Ourselves and children safe
Guns speak
And so do your words and actions
Rant over !!
Bravo, James!
I grew up in the country, and learned to shoot. I still love in the same rural county in NYS where guns vastly outnumber people. Interesting fact, though, there were NEVER any school/mass/accidental shootings where I grew up. Dumb city kids played with dad's loaded revolver in the nightstand, often with dire consequences.
Love your rant! I grew up in Kansas and my grandfather had several guns and he owned a grocery store in a small town….the guns weren’t only for rattlesnakes!!
….on to my next rant!!