"Leading Scientific Journal Humiliated After Publishing Fake AI-Generated Paper About Rat With Giant Penis"
I believe I mentioned this before, however, we are now seeing the fruits of what has been going on for years. In the mid-1970's I was part of the Smithsonian Institution's "Endangered Species Project" (now that is another story whic…
"Leading Scientific Journal Humiliated After Publishing Fake AI-Generated Paper About Rat With Giant Penis"
I believe I mentioned this before, however, we are now seeing the fruits of what has been going on for years. In the mid-1970's I was part of the Smithsonian Institution's "Endangered Species Project" (now that is another story which needs telling). There were 2 women who were working on a project to identify areas for potential conservation. They were always trying to get my data for plant distribution. One had a MA in Forestry from Yale ..... a good Forestry School at the time. The other had done articles for National Geographic. I observed their willingness to play fast and loose with data to arrive at their agendas. One day I said to the Yale graduate: "If you fudge your data or fib, when the general public catches on.....and they will....academia will be forever trying to get their reputation back."
Boys and girls, we have arrived at this point and gone far beyond. Who "trusts the science", medicine, academia, government, judges, companies, FBI, CIA......I could go on and on, but you know the drill. The damage and destruction to society when people can get away with lying about anything and everything is monumental.
Like the Smithsonian, eh? Standing there tall on its perch as a beacon of enlightenment -- but in reality, nothing more than a stooge for the Cabal's plans.
"Leading Scientific Journal Humiliated After Publishing Fake AI-Generated Paper About Rat With Giant Penis"
I believe I mentioned this before, however, we are now seeing the fruits of what has been going on for years. In the mid-1970's I was part of the Smithsonian Institution's "Endangered Species Project" (now that is another story which needs telling). There were 2 women who were working on a project to identify areas for potential conservation. They were always trying to get my data for plant distribution. One had a MA in Forestry from Yale ..... a good Forestry School at the time. The other had done articles for National Geographic. I observed their willingness to play fast and loose with data to arrive at their agendas. One day I said to the Yale graduate: "If you fudge your data or fib, when the general public catches on.....and they will....academia will be forever trying to get their reputation back."
Boys and girls, we have arrived at this point and gone far beyond. Who "trusts the science", medicine, academia, government, judges, companies, FBI, CIA......I could go on and on, but you know the drill. The damage and destruction to society when people can get away with lying about anything and everything is monumental.
You are correct, and many of the lies actually go back to the inception of these institutions. They deeply deserve what is coming.
Like the Smithsonian, eh? Standing there tall on its perch as a beacon of enlightenment -- but in reality, nothing more than a stooge for the Cabal's plans.