Right, I'd noticed that going back to at least 2000. How it is possible that EVERY SINGLE ELECTION is 51/49. That is mathematically impossible. Maybe once or twice, but not every single contest. Elections have been rigged in many ways for decades. Starting with every president except Trump is related by blood to King of England. I think it was King James but not certain off the top.
There is actually a YouTube video I think on a nerd guy testifying to Congress
About the ability to set voting machines to a 51 vs 49 split every time.
That was back in 2000 or 2001.
So not positive but quite sure this is how they’ve stolen Oregon Washington even California
This has been all rigged.
As long as they can rig the elections
Print money
Who the F cares what we do!
Until we start pushing back which looks to be more like a collective unconscious of “ I’ve had enough bs” time to go poke holes in the tyrannical bullies.
It seems Revelation Zone
All muck from swamp is coming to surface
Now arrest prosecutions hangings
Would be evidence game is being
Implemented to favor us common hackable animals lol
Yes I know EXACTLY the one you're talking about! I was a database developer back then and when I learned they were seriously using an MS Access MDB file to store and tabulate votes I was utterly shocked. It's a mockery and a travesty to use that system for votes. And, I'm pretty damn sure Gore v Bush was a close finish. I just SMH. What absolute BS are these elections.
For perspective anyone with the MDB could directly open it in Access, alter the votes, and exit saving the file and no one would know what happened. All anyone would see is an updated time date stamp - which back then could be altered to whatever you set the system clock to. Thus: undetectable voting fraud.
I got out of the system as much as.I could figure out how to. It's risky though, so I'm not saying it's the right move for all Americans, but I'll just say for starters that the man you see in the mirror is you, the man you see on your driver's license is a different you, a copy, a facsimile, a legal person, an account tied to a social security number. There is a major constructive fraud and deception that is born when you are, and it's called the Birth Certificate. That paper is their version of you that you use in commerce. It's a person. You are a man. These are very different things, both lawfully and legally distinct.
The hardest part for me was really getting my head around the basic fact that the legal person literally isn't me. It's their's. They created it. But, they trick us to sign the papers and provide a photo which makes us the liable trustee to the account that has a driver's license, SSN, Birth certificate, and every single thing we ever do in banking credit or commerce. Any activity that you engage in that demands your SSN is commerce with a Trust account opened in your name when you were born. The SSN is a private account number linking to your trust for which technically you are the beneficiary. They are the trustee with fiduciary obligation to manage the Trust on your behalf for your benefit. BUT, if you sign as trustee well.... now your the obligated fiduciary.
Sorry, too deep there. Just remember that you are a man, not a legal person. The legal person has an SSN. You have DNA.
My sis lives in WA. Hugely rural, made up of conservative anti-tax, pro arms families. Yet they’ve had mail in voting for years and have known that the 2 major Dem cities completely steal the election every time. Now from the so obvious 2020 steal, they finally feel empowered enough to try to do something. That something is the western half of the state is trying to secede.
She’s afraid to go into OR since BLM and Antifa modified Portland…they usually cross the Columbia into The Dalles to shop but she never goes alone now. Yeah, governor was supposed to be the other guy but I guess he was recruited by her great Sheriff…
Old college economics teacher said Vote everyday with your dollars and footsteps. Only things we got
But our Vote which is to this date never known to be counted. We actually thought our blue Governor won cheating but mail in ballots are being used.
I suspect Oregon Washington blue team has gerrymandered the voting to 51% to 49% gee
Always close but no can do. Consequently
Vote local vote with dead presidents and make your footsteps felt and voices heard.
Right, I'd noticed that going back to at least 2000. How it is possible that EVERY SINGLE ELECTION is 51/49. That is mathematically impossible. Maybe once or twice, but not every single contest. Elections have been rigged in many ways for decades. Starting with every president except Trump is related by blood to King of England. I think it was King James but not certain off the top.
There is actually a YouTube video I think on a nerd guy testifying to Congress
About the ability to set voting machines to a 51 vs 49 split every time.
That was back in 2000 or 2001.
So not positive but quite sure this is how they’ve stolen Oregon Washington even California
This has been all rigged.
As long as they can rig the elections
Print money
Who the F cares what we do!
Until we start pushing back which looks to be more like a collective unconscious of “ I’ve had enough bs” time to go poke holes in the tyrannical bullies.
It seems Revelation Zone
All muck from swamp is coming to surface
Now arrest prosecutions hangings
Would be evidence game is being
Implemented to favor us common hackable animals lol
Yes I know EXACTLY the one you're talking about! I was a database developer back then and when I learned they were seriously using an MS Access MDB file to store and tabulate votes I was utterly shocked. It's a mockery and a travesty to use that system for votes. And, I'm pretty damn sure Gore v Bush was a close finish. I just SMH. What absolute BS are these elections.
For perspective anyone with the MDB could directly open it in Access, alter the votes, and exit saving the file and no one would know what happened. All anyone would see is an updated time date stamp - which back then could be altered to whatever you set the system clock to. Thus: undetectable voting fraud.
I got out of the system as much as.I could figure out how to. It's risky though, so I'm not saying it's the right move for all Americans, but I'll just say for starters that the man you see in the mirror is you, the man you see on your driver's license is a different you, a copy, a facsimile, a legal person, an account tied to a social security number. There is a major constructive fraud and deception that is born when you are, and it's called the Birth Certificate. That paper is their version of you that you use in commerce. It's a person. You are a man. These are very different things, both lawfully and legally distinct.
Yeah ok you’re much savvier than I in these two topics.
Ok 1. So it’s true pure election fraud undetectable damn.
When that said that 2001? I knew that the 51% 49% is just a damn sneaky way to get your power players in postitons.
Pliable pirates.
So basically you’ve created this systematic game of just winning
And why be concerned race is rigged
And why care about your voters
They didn’t count the votes
Now the birth certificate I’m come across this often
Not sure I understand it all
So, I’m a property of the state?
Which is a corporatation
I as a Man
I as a person
Lawfully legally distinct
Can you would you elaborate on the distinction bc I’m confused.
And does this have anything to do with maritime law ?
So back up I was born in Missouri
Child of God
Traveling through
Who has the right to claim me
Or did my authentic inalienable rights get bargained away by something I’ve done or not done
Thanks for clueing me in the machines
Diebold DIE BOLD
The old machines
We got to go to all paper ballots
Hand count
F the machines
We’ve seen enough get the ropes
The hardest part for me was really getting my head around the basic fact that the legal person literally isn't me. It's their's. They created it. But, they trick us to sign the papers and provide a photo which makes us the liable trustee to the account that has a driver's license, SSN, Birth certificate, and every single thing we ever do in banking credit or commerce. Any activity that you engage in that demands your SSN is commerce with a Trust account opened in your name when you were born. The SSN is a private account number linking to your trust for which technically you are the beneficiary. They are the trustee with fiduciary obligation to manage the Trust on your behalf for your benefit. BUT, if you sign as trustee well.... now your the obligated fiduciary.
Sorry, too deep there. Just remember that you are a man, not a legal person. The legal person has an SSN. You have DNA.
Thank you!
I’ll just keep it simple for now I AM a Man.
Thought so. Under Gods Authority his her Divine plan!
Question if I didn’t have a SS #
I do
But if I did not how would I get a bank loan
Or a job?
So does th is mean in part that I’m a legal indentured servant
Ok so can this be reversed?
How do you unmatrix your corporate personhood if that even makes sense?
Well I used to remember they would caution never give out your SS # hell I use it like coffee
I know it by heart
Everyone wants that number
So does this mean in a technical sense
I’m just cattle with a number
Could I ask these benevolent kings for a low interest loan to build a fort ? Castle
But a country ?
Thanks for lesson tho
I’m a man unless I’m confused about my gender and
Being practical that’s the easiest correct answer
I got no number no name just a ghost
On the train
Enjoy the views
Like the sun better than the rain
I am a man
God said so
Part of some crazy plan
Exalt thy soul
We still got it all understand
Exit stage right we go
My sis lives in WA. Hugely rural, made up of conservative anti-tax, pro arms families. Yet they’ve had mail in voting for years and have known that the 2 major Dem cities completely steal the election every time. Now from the so obvious 2020 steal, they finally feel empowered enough to try to do something. That something is the western half of the state is trying to secede.
Good!!! I swear we got cheated in the last governors race!! I live in Washington but consider myself an Oregonian.
Basically take a line across the cascades
Left liberals cities
Right conservatives country
Take eastern Washington Oregon
Join Idaho
She’s afraid to go into OR since BLM and Antifa modified Portland…they usually cross the Columbia into The Dalles to shop but she never goes alone now. Yeah, governor was supposed to be the other guy but I guess he was recruited by her great Sheriff…
Tell her I’ll meet her the Dalles lol
I drive there everyday
At least on the right side of the state
Black truck bumper sticker says
Black trucks matter
In the window of another truck says all pedophiles shall be hung
The Dalles is Red zone.
Hood river Blue
Farther east south in Oregon Red
Our future is Red join Idaho would be a good thing!
It won’t happen I bet but it would serve the country citizens better. We have nothing in common with portland
You must be neighbors. Up on a mountain in Klickitat County…
Love the bumper sticker, BTW…
Me too I saw it twice in one day!!
God says share lol 😂
This falls under small world
I tell people I live there they instantly ask well do you know ole what’s his name
It ain’t that small but it is good location
Mostly red ranchers country folks
Some old hippies in the woods
Surrounding town
I just so happen to live in Goldendale downtown
Not many people know the word
And that’s a fact lol
lol…she’s in Goldendale a lot. Lyle…small world. Very conservative so I hope you meet. She’s worse than me not being on social sites.
Tell her if she ever wants to talk
I’d be happy to … I’m a lone wolf
My hippie friends went vaxx
Family won’t talk about any current events
I have close friends I can call
But my social circle shrank in Covid
This is a good place to be if you can winter south lol 😂
Lyle Goldendale close to home!!
No social sites
There’s a point where it’s best not to know bc there’s much to do in 3D land
Not many people know this area cool that’s she’s here!!
I meant eastern half…lol…