The absolute Truth that Trump's "Official" president elect status means to the DS Rat Bastards is best summed up by BB: "while continuing the underlying thread to the Deep State that they're absolutely fucked." Why can I not get this SMILE off my face:-)

Ashe I am delighted to hear and cannot wait to watch Culture of Change now that the show's focus will be DOGE... What an amazing time to be alive!!!

Got my virtual ticket, so safe travels y'all!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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More than any substack posts, Badlands News Brief kept me from losing my f'ing mind during the illegitimate, criminal, pedophile Biden regime while all sane Americans were anxiously awaiting the third Trump landslide. All the folks who make up Badlands are exeptional observers of our messed up world run by socio-psychopaths like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and those above them, and below like serial rapist, Bill Clinton, the Bush Crime Family, sadistic rapist, according Carhy O'Brien, Dick Cheney, and his POS daughter, Liz, etc.

The decline, and imminent death of the presstitute bordellos can't happen soon enough. The reality is that all of them have much, much lower viewerships than they report. There's no accurate way to measure the viewership of television shows. The presstitute bordellos have long been money laundering operations for criminals who want to control humanity. Their demise is long overdue, and very welcomed.

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Thanks guys for another amazing News Brief. It's very cool to see the death of MSM propaganda...I don't believe the department pics are as solid as being represented just like I don't believe the Kari Lake thing is being ignored. There's still alot going on behind the scenes because Trumps not "technically " the President. Seeing this..Donald Trump is a sly bad guy stuff shows why the deception has to play out! Good job with each piece of the whole!

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My general reaction to today's takes from the hard-working folks at Badlands Media:

Keep asking questions! Keep exercising discernment! These are not paragons (as BB has often reminded us) but cyphers of change! True accountability and true justice do not discriminate!

Victory at the polls was just the beginning of the "We the People" activation. In battles for minds (and hearts), there should be no hesitancy to take, keep and utilize the "high ground". Leverage allows us to maximize the efficiency of our efforts; hard earned leverage should not be yielded back!

PS - GBPH: We have close family that have worked with Huckabee's show for several years. My intel would suggest you are exactly correct on the John Bolton analogy. I am praying for special discernment for Mike in this role - great things could happen if his role results in his true awakening; good things could still happen if it does not.

PPS - Taking a trip to SC this weekend...should be quite interesting!

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Nov 13Edited

GBPH - interesting piece from Seymour Hersh on Bibi. Things are coming to a boiling point. There may be a pay wall - but worth it. From the essay:

'What is already known makes it clear that Netanyahu has turned his office, as an Israeli friend said to me, “into an office of organized crime. He has taken the country hostage and is willing to sacrifice his people to keep out of jail.” '


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Cabal minions with severely ‘puckered butts’ is exactly what the country should see after the majority of citizens give a mandate. Sucks to be them, and this is just the beginning before the flood of exposures begins. God gifted so many people for this!🙏🙏

DOGE = collapse of the house of (corrupt, treasonous) cards. July 4, 2026 will be a very good day!🇺🇸

Ghost! 😄 You KNOW it’s all related and, in fact, ALL connected! Lots of back channel activity during the past 7-8 years.👏. You are also spot on with Huckabee….there is definitely more to this move; but there will be no leaks!

MSM collapse is the end of the CIA’s propaganda/programming, too.

Israel saved for last for a reason, looks like Trump apparently has had (no surprise here) several back channel contacts there. Much more to ALL of this, looks like the exposures are starting there, too….

God bless BB, Ashe, Ghost for your dedication to exposing the truth! What blessings you are!🙏🙏

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Ghost, that’s one hell of a leap of faith you have about Huckabee being used like Bolton. I sure hope you’re right. Pray for peace 🙏

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Sometimes when you're trying to defeat an enemy, it's better to give them a 'helpful' push than to try to slow them down. Exposure, disclosure and justice... doesn't only apply here. Worldwide -- enjoy the show! 🍿🍻🔥

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Burning Bright and Bad Lands... use of the f``k word in your response will not do. We get this juvenile inarticulate use of language everywhere. Do better. If this continues I will get my news elsewhere.

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Okay, cupcake, take a hike. People who are offended by rough language are often controlling, sanctimonious Karens. I don't care much for too much rough language, and don't use it too often but being offended by it is really for weak sorts. GTFU.

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My thoughts exactly and I commented as such. Sometimes fuck needs to be said more often than it really is.

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I agree. The language and crude "humor" is why I've stopped watching Badlands' DPH shows and some others. I was just thinking the other day that it is so nice to read the print articles on Substack because they don't do that in writing. Yet, here it is. These excellent writers and speakers are better than that! MEGA - Make English Great Again!

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While I am not at all offended by the occasional use of the F word here or anywhere, I do love your sentiment: Make English Great Again. On that note, BB has certainly enhanced my vocabulary and his use of phrases that summarize concepts.

I had a job I loved (I would have done it for free) driving a school bus, all grades K-12 and when dealing with the angry f word occasionally I would simply remind the individual and the whole bus that “Good Manners are important and in case you don’t know this, good manners are back in style now”. For some reason it worked! ❤️

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Exactly that Margot. I too do not expect perfection, and can even excuse a slip...but the planned (written) use of vulgarity does not add in anyway to the insights. Maybe I am old-fashioned...or maybe the restoration of America needs to embrace the ideas of civility and deference...as GBPH put it: time will tell.

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Sadly, I fear we are in the minority these days - but maybe that will change. At the Republican convention, I was thrilled to hear Pres. Trump say Franklin Graham had called him out on the use of profanity, and he said he was working on it!

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I live in a building in woke Toronto which does not want to see the word "Christmas tree" on its BB poster as if it was a swear word.

It's a different set of problems, and I will write to the Board about their sanitizing woke cancel culture history erasure.

Stupid priorities at a time of homelessness, joblessness, (except for immigrants) and high debt.

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Feel free to leave because quite frankly fuck needs to be said more often than it actually is. It’s actually one of my favorite words. It’s really quite useful and a lot of articles, sentences, situations. Sorry if it offends you but it gets the job done

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Lots of thoughts, but in the car so: 1. Culture of change DOGE season 🔥🔥🔥2. Purge of general officers is absolutely necessary. Anyone involved with lobbyists (family included) needs the boot.

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I agree. Close down K Street and make it an open-air park.

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"...Narrative cannot outrun data forever..." The lying shills and shillettes are getting a little taste of comeuppance. Finally. As someone supposedly once wrote, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour." As Paolo Conte once wrote and sang: "...Happy Feet, oh how I love it..." MAGA.

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“the signs are everywhere that the corporate media have turned the corner into irrelevance” 🎉

What an uplifting trend! They 100% lost relevance for me (and seems like most of us here) after the stolen 2020 election but it is very satisfying to watch their decline into irrelevance!

Love the announcement: Culture of Change, Ashe and company, will be exclusively dedicated to covering the D.O.G.E. from here on out!! This will be our way of staying well-informed on one of the most exciting happenings in Trump’s new Administration. 🙏❤️

Whoa…Not sure at all about Huckabee being the US Ambassador to Israel. This will be one to watch and I look forward to GBPH’s keen observations on how this all plays out with Peace in the ME.

I sometimes wonder what the Middle East would be like without the global mafia, world bankers creating the Balfour Declaration in 1917!?! Reminds one of the brilliance on the part of our Founding Fathers who understood the necessity of separation of church and state.

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The Cabal are truly chess grandmasters -- of the old, 2D style of playing chess. It's all they know.

Now they're up against The Master -- who plays the game on a level [they] cannot even comprehend.

"Check and mate!"

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Ashe - I was laughing (and writing) about the Education Department fun last night:


Waiting to watch leftie/normie heads explode over this. Popcorn popped!

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When you accept ill gained donor monies in the millions and millions you cease to be your own man and you are owned. And Trump is showing he is beholden big time to the money power brokers. I have followed all the narratives, the pitches and flowery commentary/narratives for these last years on many forms of media, social and otherwise, watched and tracked the numbers and as we are ex military, followed back channels for a different perspectives based on strategy, risk and profit centres and good old fashioned political training in theatres of conflict, seen good men die or forever damaged fighting for manufactured war fronts on behalf of several bought and paid for US presidents and their financial gains.

Over the years we have defended Trump and his behaviours and we had serious high hopes for finally a global shift in US Foreign Policy. Picks so far are not looking so worthy of those who voted and put their faith in him and his campaign rhetoric. As the military industrial complex, Wall Street and BlackRock wait in the background until their are rewarded in spades for their “investments” from the run to the WH, the ordinary people included those in other nations hopeful of change are beginning to consider that yet again they perhaps got duded but this time it potentially has the hallmarks of being worse because in this man we trusted - a vote for much needed change. What has been put forward so far has is hardly inspiring or trustworthy. Already their well documented rhetoric and opinions is hitting the public.

I accept it is still early days yet but in my professional experience who owns the money, shapes the play, decides the outcome and it in that time nothing changes - only the players.

And so says Shakespeare - “ all the world’s a stage”…………

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Keeping an open mind. IF we get full transparency via the disclosures and justice promised, then we at least build / restore the foundation of the principles and values that our country was built on. Can Trump and his new MAGA Administration do EVERYTHING we hope for in a mere 4 years? I doubt it but it’s a darn good start. I think Trump is keeping future generations in mind and they will soon be at the helm…with a deeper respect for the Brotherhood of Sovereign Nations, free(er) from the global mafia cabal than ever before.

Time will tell

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Will keep an open mind and with optimism but my side of the ditch finds it hard to have high regard for those who have run the administrations for decades. We hope that this time it will be what was promised. As we know many start out with good intentions, just does not turn out that way. sometimes it is just stacked against you.

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In general I tend not to trust ex-or-current military since our U.S. Armed Services are one of, if not the, largest organized criminal network on planet earth. Anyone without moral compass enough to participate in a major organized criminal network isn't too bright in my opinion. There are alot of great enlisted folks just as there are great priests even though there are many priestsbthat are pedos. I just despise our military. It was the U.S. Department of Defense that ran the covid and modRNA bioweapon democide, and the scumbags at DOD have been poisoning enlisted troops, and civilians for decades. DOD is run by total scumbags criminals. Trump should crush them.

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not in your military but you go tell the men and women over the decades who have come back broken and unrepairable from fighting in wars initiated by the USA that you find them untrustworthy or without moral compass or not too bright. fcuking insult and we who are US allies have had guns in our faces fighting your shit wars with no thanks. Time you had a good look at yourself and your prejudices and your lack of intelligence. bloody moron.

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What is going on with Lake loosing twice in a rigged election? Ghost of the NoName regime?

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More unraveling of the fake mysteries of Israel is mind blowing, astonishing, and seemingly quite correct. This dermer dude(?!?) reminds me of the kelegri dude during the preemptive world wars times---always nefariously working behind the scenes to subvert good in favor of evil globalist level control!?! God Bless!!!

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Wait! The negative high military should be examined closely for dark deeds before being removed and given full pensions! Can’t wait to see how they will re-cast our educational system.

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