DO NOT impeach Biden.

The democrats deserve to be tethered to Mr. 81 million votes.

They desperately want to eject Him, so MAKE THEM DO IT 100% under their own steam.

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Exactly. Napoleon said "Never interfere with your enemy when he is destroying himself."

Wise advice, Speaker Johnson.

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Fart Backpack has a legit point and lest we forget how the installation of resident K.Harris would make us all want to blow our brains out. On a different note, I say impeachment shm-impeachment! I believe resident Biden committed a felony.

Unless I was being led astray, in October 2020, by the WarRoom Pandemic broadcasts, the infamous laptop contained text messages btw Hunter and The Big Guy about Hunter having sex with one or more minors. Supposedly, R. Giuliani and Bernie Kerik took this information to the authorities in Delaware because it was indicative of endangerment and abuse of a minor. (Nothing happened -merely Russian disinformation? Yeah, right.) All adults in Delaware are mandated reporters. The charge for not reporting is serious...a felony. Felons not allowed to run for president. I would think NOT reporting an incident of sex with a minor would strike a chord with ALL parents no matter how they vote. I believe living breathing adults would be disgusted and alarmed to learn this about ANY selected official!!! Look how the powers that be crucufied Penn State's football coaches, and the Athletic Department leadership, and maybe, rightfully so. Are the virtue signaling selected officials going to bring this information, assuming it IS fact, to light???? Time will tell...maybe.

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I agree. It’s all treason, hang ‘em high crimes. But there is no law anymore for crime. Only destroying Trump, and us.

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Just one? Southern border crisis-treason. Ukraine, no Congressional approval.-treason. Israel mish mosh I think it is the same treason. Always putting America last-TREASON!!! Your point another to tack on. That he never handed in his SIGNED Oath of OFFICE which is mandatory and the penalty is removal.-TREASON. Letting Obama fill in-treason. Enough? There is more.

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I was going for the felony that would possibly cause "broad-based umbrage".

Not fulfilling one's role as a mandated reporter, when one has firsthand knowledge of a child in danger is, I believe, anathema to any living breathing parent. That laptop has many digital exchanges that shows the Biden crime family's influence peddling, meeting with Chinese spies, as well as info corroborating Bobolinski's claims regarding Bidens' breaking laws in all their foreign business dealings. The problem will be the mamby-pamby house republicans bringing this to light in a way that the mockingbird fake mam can spin it into politically motivated "hogwash". I know the Bidens are traitors as are many of our selected officials, and past presidents that I thought were good guys. Same for those 50 FBI pond-scum-bags who signed a document calling the laptop Russian disinformation. They all should be tried for treason. All 3-letter agencies need to be defunded and scrapped.

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And you were right. Didn't I say that there was more?

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I hope someday that someone, more clever than I, can put together a time lapse of the Overton Window. Normies are loosing their safety net while conflicting narratives confuse enough to wake up the inquiring mind, too comfortably dormant for too long! Foundations of allegiance are shifting!

“Truth is the Infinite Player on the Game Board”

Although I am under no illusion about the rocky road ahead of us because of the “military” invasion of our southern border, still, I am fairly free of the emotional matrix while remaining strong in my Trump/MAGA support and in trusting The Plan.

Grateful to the Badlanders and to everyone who leaves comments ❤️🇺🇸🕊

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I’m saving the various Overton window moves BB’s given us as I think it will be fascinating to reread down the road! Blessings to you, Feather.🙏

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Wonderful!! I look forward to that. Blessings back atcha, ALtab ❤️🙏🕊🇺🇸🌎

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"Foundations of allegiance are shifting" -- indeed they are. Conflicts like the one in Gaza are demonstrating to the world that the entire political spectrum, including alliances between nations, is far more complex than the MSM tells us. Rather than a simple, left-right or up-down line, it comprises multiple dimensions, and it is highly dynamic rather than static.

Simplicity suits [them] because it makes for easy sloganeering and jingoism. These are the tools of a Finite player. Nuanced thought is a luxury not available to the Finite player -- only Infinite players have the resources to engage in it; but it is there that the Truth will be found.

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Well stated, WildBill! ❤️

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Every time I read the MSM ‘narratives’ and the takes of our truthful journalists here, I immediately think of the cabal as an octopus who’s attacking and reacting with the arms reaching deep into the infiltrated entities in the various countries. 2023, from the 40k level, is demonstrating the increasing panic among the leader puppets, including the cabal’s intelligence armies, as Putin and Trump remain calm and resolute. BRIC’s involvement possibly provides the opportunity for Israel’s ‘real leaders’ (and their true allegiance) to be exposed. Yes, it appears Hamas attacked Israel, yet, I can’t get the fact out of my mind that Mossad created Hamas... Now, Iran and others are talking about Israel committing genocide. And our cabal puppet CIA head is flying everywhere involved to make sure all the puppets remain in line. Zelensky begging at the big banks....🤣. Time will tell, but as the WWIII mantra builds, so does the public knowledge that the corrupt DOJ regime has NOT followed the rule of law in many areas, not just the J6 prisoners and Trump... Meantime, the riots are planned, the Trump trial is exposing the deep corruption, the election fraud is being exposed more and more, the hypocrisy of the ‘open border’ officials is exposed (and their personal corruption) and the election trial is not too far away. Meantime, we have peacemakers also raising in the public to educate all to the fact that we DON’T have to go to war. It looks like everything is progressing well toward awakening the people still dozing, including the young folks.... It will take all of us.

God bless our patriots here.🙏🙏

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Mossad also left that border undefended. Of this there can be no doubt. You don’t just fool the IDF. They are not incompetent. They are redundantly competent, best in the world.

The invasion was made to happen.

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Concur completely!

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The octopus is losing its tentacles, one by one...

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Zelensky will be disappointed, the Big Banks are all going under including the Nazi Rothschilds/Illuminati. WWIII seems to be the precipice I've dreamed about. When people finally say ENOUGH and come back. Pitchfork and backhoe time.

A little intel from the front. Remember the ships the USS. Mercy? I forgot the name of her sister ship. We're (Project Sheepdog a semi-classified op) sending wounded military people from every branch to ships like that (not water bound though). VAs have shown that they are not what we want.

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Yes, I knew Zelensky was not going anywhere in the long run. Very thankful to hear about Project Sheepdog…. My husband has cancer and I only let him get a couple of meds through the VA…. Bureaucrats are not known for caring or intelligence. VA perfect example! Blessing for you, Rob. I always appreciate your thoughts!🙏🙏

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Some friends and I had to take my friend Jim to a real doctor. He had cancer and was dying waiting for abed in the VA. So yes you were dead on that they are uncaring.

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Look up Fenbenazole Cancer on Facebook. Many groups helping people with cancer using Joe Tippens Protocol. Also Dirt Road Discussions on Telegram. Lots of help for cancer that the Medical Industrial Complex doesn’t want us knowing about.


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I thought Mark would say fake or something.

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Here’s a couple of sites too: https://fenbendazole.substack.com/p/case-report-metastatic-melanoma-age

That’s just the post I copied but lot on the stack.




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Oh my…very sorry to hear what your husband is dealing with, ALtab 🙏 Prayers🙏

Vigilant News did an article on the six benefits of Ivermectin…

#6 It has profound anti-cancer properties

Inhibits a protein (PAK1) essential for the growth of more than 70% of all cancers


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SSSSSHHHH! Can't have the plebes know that a ten-cent pill works as well or better than [their} $15K/month snake oil, now, can we?? 💖

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Please see my post to Rob Polans below.

I hope and pray these resources prove miraculous. Blessings, ALtab!

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I found the links. Thanks so much!!🙏

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Pitchforks, backhoes and heads on pikes! (h/t Sarah Hoyt)

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That works. When I saw "walking dead man" attributed to Schwab, Gates, Obama and a couple of others I laughed. Somebody else is playing my game too.

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Know-how and experience deposited since 1789 by the proud People of France !

©️ 🇫🇷


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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

“American Muslim Alliance”…? CAIR is another one. Rashida DaBleed, da bitch… These criminal succabii have ruined Europe and UK. As they tried during the moorish invasions when Islamic conversions were forced at threat of sword everywhere they went. Think Turkish Kahzar…a brief country reabsorbed into Russia at the time of Muslim onslaught but now has become another Jew hating lie we are swimming in. Shovel them back to Abdullah, Assad, Khomeni and get them gone. Or, realize we will be raising arms very soon in self defense. Votes? Voting ourselves out of this? Isaiah 7: “the enemy have camped in Ephraim…” Genesis 48 clearly tells us what “gentile nation and group of nations” Ephraim, son of Joseph would be in “the end of days.” O, say, can you see…and better still, that after centuries of fighting over whether messiah came, didn’t come, the brothers Ephraim and Judah (found returned to Eretz Yisrael) will unite and become one man Ezekiel 37. And Isaiah 11:11-14 again, speaking of the exact day we are in (Ezekiel 38 war) says these 2 brothers (nations) are going to fight and prevail against—GET THIS—the very nations that have surrounded Judah today. Wakey wakey narrative probers. Lock n load n read the best history/prophecy ever written.

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Interesting! I'm getting out my Bible.

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And CAIR is 50% of antifa and BLM.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023


40 min PEDOGATE 2 w/ Q drops included.... Starring my HERO..... President TRUMP

Johnsons right, "follow the evidence" and it will EXPOSE the many SWAMP(s) and lead to the final END of all involved.

Trump will make CLOWNS out of his CLOWN-SHOW TRIAL.


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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

“ members of Congress are being blackmailed by globalists to do their bidding because they’ve been “compromised by sleeping with children.”

The pendulum has swung so far into the depravity zone!! Exposure. Disclosure. JUSTICE.

Sound of Freedom is actually available to stream on Amazon - imagine that. (although they aren’t allowing Dinesh D’Souza’s new documentary: Police State)

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That's bizarre, that Amazon is ok with showing "Sound of Freedom" but not "Police State". Red Pilled America (Patrick Courrielche & Adryana Cortez) had some VERY interesting podcasts about Sound of Freedom and Tim Ballard. The rest of the story, so to speak. Worth checking out.

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I caught Epoch Times interview with Dinesh (and others involved or at Mar a Lago for the premiere showing of Police State) and he said amazon hadn’t allowed it on for streaming. Everyone interviewed (many) including Gen Flynn all said we’re in a police state now, not just heading there.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

Oh yes, Mike Flynn was great in this piece. Finally…someone at the top saying the entire mess in DC is corrupted.

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You are correct. The 'Biden impeachment investigation' is far more important for what they are NOT telling you about -- "EXPOSE the many SWAMP(s) and lead to the final END of all involved."

Biden is the excuse for the investigation, but he is not the real target. He will perhaps be taking some flak along the way, though in the end 'cooler heads will prevail' and he won't be impeached.

But once they start down that rabbit-hole, there is no end in sight to where it might take them. Jim Jordan is the perfect man for the job.

"The board is set, the pieces are moving. We come to it at last...

The great battle of our time."

-- J.R.R. Tolkien, Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

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❤️” The board is set, the pieces are moving. We come to it at last...

The great battle of our time."

-- J.R.R. Tolkien, Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King ❤️

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Thanks for a spark to get the week started!!!

"you begin to see how 'Bad News' to the many can appear to be 'Good News' to the few.” — Burning Bright".. and "the few" gets BIGGER and BIGGER every day:-))

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

24 Min is all TRUMP will need to have Zelenski cuffed and carted off! "WAR ENDS"

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Zelensky is already on thin ice at home. Only a matter of time until the coup, then peace. Trump might be able to accelerate the process, but IMO it is a losing proposition at this point for him to go to Ukraine.

Zelensky is frantic that he has lost relevance. Nobody will visit him, or let him visit them. Too bad, get over it.

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A fake girl shot the kids?

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Yes, It seems to be a "He-She" not an Actual Female.

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BB - I missed the brief yesterday but it was for a worthy cause. :)

Best wishes to Patrick and his new bride!

DPH from Texas was fun too.

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You’re right about “evidence”, Ashe. It’s the interpretation of it. Evidence does not speak for itself. people will usually interpret evidence according to what they want to believe.

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Just look at Engoron in the 'NYC Fraud' witch hunt. $18MM for Mar-a-Lago?? Hell, at that price, I'll take two... 🤣🤣

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Love this and thank you again for my morning-coffee news. A news paper always hid my face from the rest at the table when I laughed, now they need to know what I am reading about that is so entertaining. Sharon

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An addition on Ukraine,

an "American" speaking combatant was presumed killed by Defecting Ukrainian soldiers. Was the American and one other combatant killed with him Posted to Prevent Disertions from the Front Lines???

Also a Zelensky-Ukrainian Military Staff Officer was killed when a "Present" was opened in his Apartment and a Grenade Exploded.

A Video of a Ukranian Tank Crew refusing to go forward to plug "a Gap" in their vincinity.

It's Over, Demoncrazy has Lost in Ukraine, the USSA Victoria Nuland NeoCon & BlinkinNod democRat Stateless Dept is unconsolable. Only the USSA Con-gress & Pantygone can save the day by Funding the Replenishment of the USSA's Empty War Stockpiles...... a Middle East War would Empty any "Stockpiles", btw,

imo.... "Just In Time" for the Southern Invasion of the USSA by infiltrated foreign Military forces. The numbers on these Infil Troops are Regimental in scope, (Not counting the Cartels)

Hopefully this Departure from Our Normalization Snoozing is just a Figment of Deranged Dreaming.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

Time for a 'YUUUUGE!' roundup and deportation.

edit: add link --


"I’m Going to Run the Biggest Deportation Operation the World Has Ever Seen!"

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❓❓ Could there be a link with the recent events in Maui? ❓❓

I find this article by Noah raises many new questions about the 2017 Las Vegas "Mandala Bay" massacre !

Especially when the same sinister protagonists are involved in both cases...


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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

Joe Lange keeps teasing us with an upcoming piece about this case, and all the tie-ins to Al-Waleed, whom he discussed in this article in June:


Apparently the Saudis owned a large part of that hotel and had several floors reserved for their exclusive use, with their own elevator and back entrance and things like that. Also there was more than one shooter, there were helicopters in the air, basically a lot, a LOT, more that nobody has talked about.

I wonder if someone 'asked' Joe not to put out that piece??

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Hi Wild Bill ! 🙋🏻‍♂️🇫🇷

I agree 💯/💯 as I did read his first installment several times.

I do share your last question, but we also know it seems to be a very dark and deep rabbit hole to dig in, and that can't be humanly easy for anyone.

He needs our prayers and God's blessing and help to strengthen him !

🙏🏻✝️🕊️ May God bless him and enstrength him in order to be able to go through this evil swamp and bring His Light to us ! 🕊️✝️🙏🏻

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Amen! 🕊️✝️🙏🏻

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Hi Wild Bill ! 🙋🏻‍♂️🇫🇷

I'm not sure you have seen/read this thread I just updated... 😉


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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

Thanks for the link, definitely worth watching. Readers can also see the film directly here:


This agrees with what Erik Carlson told us three weeks ago: "I still find it impossible to believe that Mossad was caught completely offguard. I just can’t accept it. I can’t squint hard enough to see the situation the way “they” want us to see it.

"When it is all said and done, I’m confident that the same people who architected the State of Israel and took over Iran in a coup, and who have controlled most of the Middle East, will be exposed as being the same people who have instigated this current crisis: The British Cabal."

-- https://badlands.substack.com/p/women-children-and-terror

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Missed ya yesterday. Gotta disagree re Johnson snd impeachment. Sounds the same but what reads like wolf crying again is true. 20 subpoenas coming for Bidens. Johnson is a move from God being proven again and again. Iran . Takyiia x20. Gaza was planned for a year and 1/2. Iran saying peace is bullshit. Pure. FB sends a 14 year old memory sayin 'jihad is a permanent WAR institution to establish Islam... 11/7/09 in the thick of learning about Islam. Yesterday FBI gave Congress states and cities terrorism is expected. Iran? Planning till the cows come home. Terror cells here FBI said. As if we don't know it.

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