It does seem likely to me that Tucker is on Trump’s VP list. Reading the above excerpt didn’t sway me one way or the other…but then I took the time to read the entire American Thinker article by Andrew W. Coy and wow, the energy, the persuasion behind his T2 pitch is very enjoyable, maybe contagious!

Ultimately, I completely trust Trump’s VP pick. First time, Trump was still exploring who his friends / enemies were. Now he knows for sure! Can’t wait for that announcement!! ❤️🇺🇸

Thank You, you wonderful Badlanders! Love the Briefs and Takes

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I agree, Tucker is great diseminating truth, almost as good as the Badlands team. ;-) No, politics is not where he shines in fact, heshould stay away from there as best he can. He may pull Trump down to a level that is really lower than he's used to, now that is thinking WAY outside the box. If you'd heard what I did, Trump is a Plieadean, ET. That one had me on the floor laughing.

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Trump Tucker have a lot in common! They both have experience in broadcasting and the entertainment industry. New Yorkers who are ready to clean up.

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Yes and no. Trump's experience was all before the cameras. To be brutally honest, he was clueless as to what went on behind the scenes. However, you're right that they are two New Yorkers ready to clean up.

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Yes. Trump admits that he didn't know DC or how deep and wide the swamp is when he was elected. I didn't either. We can all see it now.

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‘super seriousness’, ‘...irreparably dysfunctional and useless.’ Lol. I don’t agree with Ashe because of the cathartic effect of employing this (delightfully) descriptive language, but because it’s true. Jesus himself didn’t retreat from using biting sarcasm to expose systemic rot. If it’s good enough for God, then why not us? You go, girl!

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2023 is definitely leading to more congressional ineptitude on all counts - including the bar fights on the floor!! (Except laundering more money through car companies, etc., in Ukraine)! Cheating for ages in elections definitely proves that cream rises to the top. No ‘cream’ in DC.

Bidan over DeSantis...👀🤣.

BB’s right again and how the entertainment industrial complex is being received proves the tide has turned...

Hmmm. The ridiculous response of the market yesterday when the true costs of the most important things people use daily (food, energy) are purposefully excluded in order to maintain the facade of an improving economy....how stupid do they think we really are??

Trump and Tucker. Wouldn’t that be a hoot? Probably a distraction of some kind, but warm feeling to consider for the rest of the year!

God bless the truthers.🙏🙏

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Trump/Tucker also known as T-N-T…. Very explosive!!!!

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While T2 Ticket = MAGA DREAM Team, NESARA must happen before Jan 1, 2024 w/ All Pols put on sidelines for minimum 120 days (most getting or already got proper GITMO Justice). So much authentic public disclosure must occur in condensed timeframe. Can we pls shift this 5th Gen Info WW3 into pulic limelight ASAP?

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"...we will not be intimated..."

Intimated? What is American Thinker thinking?

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What a difference a couple missing letters makes... the bane of the spell-checker strikes again.

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English reduced to thumb-typing and icons.

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No cosying us up…? 😁

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As for the hockey incident, the AP description does not seem to jibe with what the video clearly shows. The MSM can spin it as some sort of dreadful accident so as to avoid some replay of the 2020 George Floyd "summer of love" all they want. It was a deliberate attack.

Do contact, compare it to the infamous 1989 Clint Malarchuk incident where the NHL Buffalo Sabres goalie's neck was inadvertently sliced in a tussle in front of the goal neck. Malarchuk survived, and is a retired hockey coach. It was determined to be an accident, and measures were taken to protect goalies from potentially fatal injuries.

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Verbal challenges in Senate hearings, Actual physical attack in the halls of Congress! My, oh my; it's only a matter of time until the fists fly for real. The gloves are coming off.

"The board is set, the pieces are moving. We come to it at last, the great battle of our time."

This is what governance in the USA has come to. Union leaders and our elected representatives mixing it up on Capitol Hill. No wonder we've all had just about enough.

(Quote: J. R. R. Tolkien, Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)

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“ a short little quote that encapsulates the Hope that Tolkien infused his stories with:

‘… despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt. We do not.” Edit: Gandalf


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Quaintly we recede. Haven’t heard ‘passing gas’ since grandma got onto grandpa…who always grunted that every politician was a thief and a liar and should be hanged.

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So how long till the readjust the CPI numbers?

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Seriously, though, once people have forgotten, the real numbers will come out. Just like the employment data. The corrections always come out on Friday nights. How 'bout that?

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I don’t see a Trump/Tucker ticket. Who ever Trump picks will be running for president in 2028. I see a Trump/Trump ticket.

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Trump / JFK (Jr)

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You must mean RFK Jr -- JFK Jr died in a plane crash in 1999. (Or so [they] tell us...)

Unfortunately, RFK Jr has been showing his liberal roots lately. Reparations? Seriously?

I too had hope for him for a while, but he is best left as a spoiler. Trump could use him in his Admin though, put him in as Secretary of HHS and he could clean house in the FDA, CDC, NAIAD...

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They tell lies continuously. The Deadman switch saved him. We can only speculate. All I know is we’re going into another shutdown any day now haven’t you heard?

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“Republican leadership is calling this a ‘win’ and talking about their levels of super seriousness.”

Tells you everything you need to know about Republicant “leadership”. All of them.

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