Wow... the whining Republicans sound like a couple of my friends who watch tv...depressed about the debate. But Badlands are patriots and just had me thinking Trump did it on purpose, so she'll do another one. Brilliant. I can't get enough of the Sovereign Alliance and all the countries coming on board. If Christians would start acting like the Sovereign Alliance we could end this quicker. Thanks for uplifting news! I'm sharing this with my whiner friends!!

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I like that thought. "Appear weak when you are strong"

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Good points, Deb. Trump had to know this one would be a total cheat & lie fest. Surely, if there is another debate, Trump's people will make certain the enemy does not know all the questions in advance! Checking for earpieces would be good.

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I agree. Trump knew very well the hostile environment of that debate and I believe Kamala’s handlers knew that outright lying would goad him into a reaction strategy that would appear to be in their favor. Did they take the bait? She won’t want to debate on a less friendly (or even neutral!) platform…if it happens, we will have to endure a lot more of her kackle, which I suspect is a nervous tell.

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Hat tip to Leonard Leo

Badlands media, the new MSM

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The new well-researched, truth-respecting MSM.👏

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Had Kamala done anything noteworthy to "win" the pseudo-debate", we'd heard all sorts of sound clips yesterday proclaiming her marvelous dominance. What did I hear?? Nothing. Crickets. Seems to me she was a bust. Reminded me of Junior high girls I used to teach with her silly puerile facial reactions. Haters are gonna hate...to quote that philosopher, Taylor Swift.

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I remember vividly Donna Brazille's confession to providing Hillary the 2016 debate questions in advance of the Hillary/Trump debate. Then I found out Donna Brazille now works for ABC. If that isn't bad enough Dana Walden head of ABC is a close friend of Kamala's and the moderator Ms.Davis is a sorority sister of Kamala's. But this debate was as legitimate as the 2020 election.

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I stopped watching Fox News when they hired Donna Brazil. Haven’t watched it since. A year later I got rid of the TV completely

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I commented on that yesterday (tho’ you said it better!) the teen-age facial expressions & how she kept looking to the “moderators”…like a bad-girl leader with her coterie when challenged by the outsider. Classic.

— Kudos for “puerile”, too. …I dubbed her “Kalumny”.

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I am encouraged!

I am encouraged because this battle we are in has predictable and positive outcomes as long as we wage the war the way we have been taught.

I am encouraged because our enemy is predictable - the Doubt, Deny, Deceive dialectic is their primary weapon and has been throughout human history - and it is easily defeated by knowing the truth.

I am encouraged because we are promised that a relatively small cadre of fools will continue to deny the truth, but ultimately the masses will awaken and we will enjoy the victory together.

Thank you BNB team for your persistence!

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Ashe mentioned the DOW-30 dropped 550 points due to the fear that Kamala picked up some power due to the debate. I want to use that fact to prove something about Capitalism versus Communism.

Almost exactly a hundred years ago the DOW was at 100. Today it is over 40,000! Due to excessive hype, by 1929 it had soared to 380 and the depression saw it fall to just over 80.

So, a drop of 550 today is five times greater than the entire market value in 1924. It is 1-1/2 times the peak in 1929. That should show us the power of Capitalism. Compound Annual Growth is a very powerful force and it has existed in America since our founding. This force is what makes us great and, unfortunately it has helped Socialists to pay for their Communism by slowly robbing us of our Capital. This evil was designed long before the depression and it actually used the depression to sell itself to us.

Let’s look at the bottom line. From 100 in 1924 to 40,000 in 2024 we find a compounded growth rate of 6.2% and an average dividend was paid of 2.5% along the way. Many stocks have done much better than 6% but others have not. The point is we have a measurable index that proves beyond doubt that Capitalism works and has allowed wealth to be accumulated by American citizens.

What we are witnessing today is the collapse of this excellent system because Socialism has been allowed to run amok. Multi-Trillion dollar budget deficits are bankrupting America. Growing debt at a compound rate of 12.6% is catastrophic to our future and Trump knows this beyond doubt. The numbers do not lie.

Democrats lie and just promise more free stuff and higher taxes on the rich. This is what they said in 1935 to use the depression to sell Communism to us.

I hope I have helped to define our problem for you. This is likely why math is not taught properly in our schools. The Left doesn’t like us figuring out how their Ponzi scheme cannot succeed. But, the math proves they are crooks. Actually, this has been treason by design.

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Naval intelligence officer Bob Woodward was\is the front-man in a determined, well-executed plan to destroy honest journalism in the United States. The evil mission is accomplished. Now it's up to us, the people, to straighten things out. Full-force CIA co-opting of journalism in the USA began with Watergate. Watergate was a pack of lies sold as "truth." James Rosen has encyclopedic knowledge of Bob Woodward's doings over the years since. This article is a real eye-opener:


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I love when the liars are exposed!!

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Same,.nothing better than these villains showcased in their own documentaries.

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Hillary wore some kind of hidden ear piece and Kamala's ears had some kind of bluetooth, according to an engineer's post yesterday. And the fact-checking was not fact checking at all, it was lies repeated. Whole thing a waste of time.

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I like a scenario where Kamala, all confident because she thinks she has an earpiece hidden, but something “strange” happens and it doesn’t work. What a stumbling kackling show that would be!

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"The people beleive what we tell them to believe, so tell them what we need them to believe and everything else we can project"

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Excellent News Brief. Proving how stupid real "cowards" are, ......and how scared commieDIMs really are.


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Geopolitics gets sexier every day! And I am definitely looking forward to MBS and KJU going on a date.

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As far as the debate goes, I watched the entire show right to end and was very happy Trump got the last word. I instantly reaction was that the debate did it go well for Trump. But in fact, it looks like Trump did indeed win and as time passes each day his graph on winning continues to climb. It’s that old 24 to 48 hour rule at work. Pundits (including a few on Badland Media) who immediately pronounced Harris the winner right after the debate should have waited. Now those pundits look kind of stupid IMO.

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Hmm, A post by Burning Bright without “bicamaral” in the body. Dude, are you okay?

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Don’t underestimate the power of the cat/pet lovers.

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Watching Swalwell melt down about the cat memes was one of the funniest things I've seen in ages. That and people asking for a "wellness check" on Catturd. I almost died laughing. :)

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House Republicants. Eunuchs. Cuckold submissives.

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I feel for them. Ohhh! They moan. So CONFUSED! Human (barely) tennis balls, they don’t know which way to go. Who’s going to butter my bread next year? One day it’s one side, the next day it’s the other. What’s a corrupt guy to do?

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Complicit in treason.

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I am going to have to remember tapwater goblin.

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I know, right? LOL me too

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Ashe nails it again, ‘I’ll take the power of people over the pompous political pundits every day of the week.’ That includes the RINOs, too.

Ghost is very likely correct in his well-researched assessment of the Middle East situation, it’s wonderful that the Sovereign Alliance appears to be poised to solve both proxy wars. Timing is everything, isn’t it?

Did you all note the billionaire, Leonard Leo, isn’t working through a ‘foundation’ but a ‘trust’? The MAGA team is shaping up to take action immediately!

Taylor isn’t swift, just another traumatized Hollywood puppet. Puppets everywhere, including the rPresident at the fire station in a MAGA hat. 🤡

🤣 Obamala took the bait!🤣🤣

I don’t trust the Israeli government. Period.

Hmmm…. Congress actions (& inactions) are interesting…another trap?

BB reminds us, ‘The only way out is through.’

God bless the truth warriors!🙏🙏

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Ashe is on it today. Heck. They all are.


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I am with BB, let the Truth flow: "Let the sifting accelerate, and let the mass psychological, political and cultural chips fall where they may. The only way out is through. — Burning Bright"

And GBPH the Trumpamania is always funny.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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