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Yes, I knew that! I have totally rethought everything we were told about Russia and Putin; I read some of his background after he invaded Ukraine. When the media jumped immediately on him and attacked incessantly, I realized there was a lot more to this story. About the same time I stared reading Will Zoll’s work on Prussia. Interesting that Kiev plays a key location in both the state of Prussia and the Khazarians……. Everything started to come together at to that point.. Still reading Zoll’s later posts. I had already come to ‘my’ conclusion about the Holocaust, Israel and the infiltration post WWII of DC. What a wake up this has been to a girl raised in KS….

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Or a boy from Michigan, an unusual place in that it really is not on the way to anywhere (except maybe to Canada from Toledo). If you find yourself in Michigan, it's probably because you're going to Michigan. A fairly sheltered place to grow up, actually.

BTW congrats on passing the quiz. 💖🙏 Few people know the answer.

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I’m amazed people didn’t know that. The linked article was excellent! Yes, I can understand that Michigan is more sheltered. I sing in a community chorus and heard on the way home that Tucker is going to interview Putin! That will definitely be a must watch. The left is freaking out. Thanks, Wild Bill, for all of your comments; I’ve learned a lot! Blessings.🙏🙏

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"Tucker is going to interview Putin" -- well, I learned that from you, just now. I knew he was in Moscow and 'everyone' has been speculating that would be the case; but this is the first confirmation I've received.

Though I usually knock off about 5 PM MT for dinner and family time, so late news is still new to me the next morning!

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Normally, me too!

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Burning Bright's "Righteous Russia" (I think that was the title) articles were a real eye-opener for me.

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Yes, I found them a while after I realized Putin hated the one world government agenda. My assessment solidified when the cabal minions came down on him. It changed everything and BB ‘s series filled in the rest. He’s wonderfully gifted! That’s been good for us (as, no doubt, God intended)🙏🙏

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