Erik, Another awesome post, I agree whole heartedly, Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, the best way to win a fight is don't be there, it takes 2 to fight. If you don't show up you won. He also states that if you are reduced to war you have already lost! Discernment is required and many have been manipulated by the indoctrination system we call SKool, When they stop teaching math, English, science and start teaching grade school children with their forming brains that they can chose what gender they want to be and allowing them to be cats and poop and pee in a litter box the absurdity of sending children to those places becomes more relevant to the observers. This is why Homeschooling is becoming more and more popular. The parents see the agenda of public SKool as an indoctrination camp and not a learning facility. The education system doesn't identify a student's strengths and weaknesses and teach that child to do more of what they love to do. No they squash any individualism out of the children and abuse them to conform to the structure that isn't child friendly or a benefit for the child. Academics is part of the system of systems that is flawed intentionally. We are watching the collapse of the system of systems, the question is was this a planned crash or did we blow the engines off in mid flight to keep from infecting others... Love your work... Great article... Peace

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The modern education system was designed by the Prussians "to indoctrinate Prussian children to become loyal servants of the State." It was then imported across the pond to do the same here. Read about it on Will Zoll's 'Prussiagate':


The crash was definitely planned.

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Well actually, in Alex Newman’s book, he writes:

“The real story of government education can be traced to a long-forgotten communist commune in Indiana called New Harmony, established by Robert Owen in 1820.

It failed after 2 years, but Owen wrote articles about his “utopian” ideas and how they would work if only we could educated the young children. When the Prussian Ambassador of that time visited, he was impressed with Owen’s ideas, went back to Prussia, the Prussian King loved the whole notion “And thus, the Prussian system of education - schooling of the state, by the state, and for the state - was officially born.”

The book:

Indoctrinating Our Children to Death - Government Schools’ War on Faith, Family and Freedom..and How to Stop It

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Interesting. Thanks for that bit of additional history, I'm always learning new things from you and my Substack friends 💖. I don't actually see it in conflict with Will's work at all, rather it explains where the Prussians got the idea; and indeed (I have not read everything of his) Will may well cover that bit of history on his substack.

Interesting factoid: there is a town named New Harmony in southern Utah not far from where I live. Was this Indiana commune affiliated in any way with the Latter-day Saints (Mormons)?

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That I don’t know…I’m only on ch 4 and haven’t come across anything about that. Newman moved on to Horace Mann and John Dewey, socialists credited with having created the modern public educational system in the U.S. both were of the communist persuasion of needing to undermine Christianity and remove religion from schools…etc…and here we are today, the dumbing down of American well underway

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The Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist (communist), Francis Bellamy. Note how it slyly replaces 'defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic' with a pledge to a symbol -- the US Flag -- which despite its felt importance to many, especially military, is symbolic. Even 'under God' was only added in 1954; godless Socialists would never have included that. They also used the word 'indivisible' in an attempt to codify that it was now impossible for a state to leave the Union -- a question which today has renewed significance.

The Pledge is a classic example of 'control through language.' It must be subtle but persuasive.

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Thank You, Bill…I didn’t know that, and it seems to me another very important piece to this puzzle of just how deeply infiltrated we have been and for so long! And yet so many still here to educate and defend 🙏❤️

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Well stated, Wizard! I agree 100% on the public schools!!

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I honestly wish I could sit down and show you what I have uncovered since I retired in 1984. I began really studying the stock markets and how they have performed since 1837! The key today is in seeing what we have lost due to socialism.

Actually the real loss has become serious since 2008. I can prove that the markets grew at an average annual compound rate of 8% for over 100 years including the 1929 crash, the 1987 crash and what went on in 2000. Still, that 8% CAGR held. The problem is we should be at DOW 58,000 today! But we are at just 38,000 or 20,000 points too low. The question is, “Why?”

When we are told the markets are making new highs, we are being misled into buying mediocrity. Donald Trump had America on a trajectory to get back onto our sustainable CAGR. COVID was a roadblock and the stolen election was the end game for killing the recovery that was needed due to Obama’s picking of our pockets.

Business in America is what pays for everything. The stock markets measure business’ ability to grow over time. That ability can be clearly graphed since 1837 to today and the collapse in the growth rate is irrefutable if we look at it. The problem is no one is looking at it because no one is really trying. The experts are into selling us on how great things are while the ship slowly sinks. There is still money to be made as long as we have buyers and sellers. The ship is going down slowly so the experts just need to outlive the ultimate collapse. I find that attitude to be unacceptable.

Jim Schout

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Feb 5Liked by Erik Carlson

2008 was the year the Manchurian candidate, Obama, entered office and began his part of the 16 year plan to destroy America and he partially succeeded, but no matter how many MKULTRA school shootings, he could not remove the guns. In fact gun sales have been on an upward trajectory for years now. I tend to think that, no matter how botched the country is now, the people here live in the only country to buck the control, and as noted, Russia helped. Europe, Asia and nearly every other nation have lived under socialism with fewer rights for a long time. Americans still have an independent streak and the constitution to back it up. That stubbornness is why Obama couldn’t take the guns and why Trump was elected in the first place…..Now, the majority, if not fully awake, is awake to a degree, and that terrifies the cabal and their minions. I do not see us losing this war. Of course, I could be completely wrong, but time will tell. God bless you.🙏

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Yes, ALtab, the 2nd Amendment is the tripwire that lets you know there is danger afoot

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An interesting read, if you've not seen it (below); there is one country in the world that has fought on the side of the United States in all of its major wars. It is:

A. France

B. Canada

C. United Kingdom

D. None of the above

Correct answer is D, none of the above -- the country that has done this is Russia.


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Yes, I knew that! I have totally rethought everything we were told about Russia and Putin; I read some of his background after he invaded Ukraine. When the media jumped immediately on him and attacked incessantly, I realized there was a lot more to this story. About the same time I stared reading Will Zoll’s work on Prussia. Interesting that Kiev plays a key location in both the state of Prussia and the Khazarians……. Everything started to come together at to that point.. Still reading Zoll’s later posts. I had already come to ‘my’ conclusion about the Holocaust, Israel and the infiltration post WWII of DC. What a wake up this has been to a girl raised in KS….

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Or a boy from Michigan, an unusual place in that it really is not on the way to anywhere (except maybe to Canada from Toledo). If you find yourself in Michigan, it's probably because you're going to Michigan. A fairly sheltered place to grow up, actually.

BTW congrats on passing the quiz. 💖🙏 Few people know the answer.

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I’m amazed people didn’t know that. The linked article was excellent! Yes, I can understand that Michigan is more sheltered. I sing in a community chorus and heard on the way home that Tucker is going to interview Putin! That will definitely be a must watch. The left is freaking out. Thanks, Wild Bill, for all of your comments; I’ve learned a lot! Blessings.🙏🙏

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"Tucker is going to interview Putin" -- well, I learned that from you, just now. I knew he was in Moscow and 'everyone' has been speculating that would be the case; but this is the first confirmation I've received.

Though I usually knock off about 5 PM MT for dinner and family time, so late news is still new to me the next morning!

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Normally, me too!

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Burning Bright's "Righteous Russia" (I think that was the title) articles were a real eye-opener for me.

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Yes, I found them a while after I realized Putin hated the one world government agenda. My assessment solidified when the cabal minions came down on him. It changed everything and BB ‘s series filled in the rest. He’s wonderfully gifted! That’s been good for us (as, no doubt, God intended)🙏🙏

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A few yrs ago I finally took the class and then coughed up 100 bucks to get my concealed license to carry - I’m not a big gun person but I did it because I believe in the 2nd Amendment. (I did pretty well at the class shooting range for a newbie)…still, I would rather knit and spend money on yarn 🧶❤️🕊

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I’d rather paint (I’m an artist), too., but I believe I mentioned that I possess a pretty significant stubborn streak!🇺🇸

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Kindred spirits in the realm of stubbornness!

I remember catching that you are an artist ❤️

Maybe one day you’d post one of your paintings on your Notes 🙏❤️

Maybe in my next life…

I like to doodle ; )

My profile pic is one of my little doodles

Happy creativity to you ❤️

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That’s beautiful, Feather! I see you are an artist in many ways!! Wonderful!❤️

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Thank you❤️ I love beauty wherever I find it…kindness is so beautiful…thank you for yours🙏❤️

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Feb 5Liked by Erik Carlson

The hardest part for me, since I believe I’m pretty much surrounded by people either fully immersed in wokeness and it’s labeling, or people living in denial, is to disengage, but to what? I live my days with the best of the best(Badlands is at the top of my list) on Truth Social, but find it increasingly difficult to have live meaningful conversations. I’m about at my wits end finding real live people, not to convince so much(they’ll wake up in due time), but to befriend for like mindedness. Not looking for sympathy, just more tangible progress, I guess. Undoubtedly it’s coming and always know God/Jesus are there for me. Loved the pinpoint article. God Bless!!!

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Feb 5Liked by Erik Carlson

I agree it’s hard. The only flesh and blood person I know who is awake is my plumber and I only see him once or twice a year. I have a short list of online people I trust, Erik being one. I’ve grown used to my own company, fortunately or not I don’t have normies around me either,pretty much on my own, family broke off contact as I was outspoken about the madness of covid and jabs. I have strong faith that for now things are meant to be as they are and will change for the better in God’s time. Keeping patient.

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Yeah I totally agree. I’m in California, a former liberal/Democrat before I woke up, and I’m starving for some intelligent conversations to discuss ideas such as what Eric presents here. All my friends/family here are brainwashed and blinded by TDS.

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Feb 5Liked by Erik Carlson

I am getting off X because there are too many brainwashed idiots who just repeat what the fake news says. They cant think for themselves and it drives me crazy and i end up replying with some mean words and responding to their name calling which is not me. You cannot debate these people cuz they have no logic or common sense. Ain’t never in a million yrs going to change their mind. Great Great post agree with everything 100%...thanks

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Agree 100%!

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Excellent. Thanks for all the hard work codifying this. I, too, revisited Orwell and Huxley.

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Excellent Commentary on how totalitarian authoritarians corrupt our language to erode the ability of people to Think Clearly. … As any good Psychological Warfare Expert will tell you, if you can make people’s words “fuzzy,” you make their thinking “fuzzy.” If you can make their thinking fuzzy, you can control how they act, what they do. … THAT is a highly effective way to take over and subjugate a population of people. … I watched it happening way back in the Sixties when “They” replaced the Phonics Method of Reading with Dick, Jane, & Spot — the stars of the Look-Say Method of “Reading.” … I was only 16 years old (53 years ago) when I wrote my first essay on communism. It was titled: “Dick & Jane Is A Communist Plot.”

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Common core math is designed to make children robots and not independent thinkers. Oh and Obama made a lot of money off of it of course.

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What was Obama's connection to Common Core?

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😁 Love that title!

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Feb 5·edited Feb 8Liked by Erik Carlson

About 25 loons with rainbows and signs that read "Trans people lives matter too" in front of Chick filet in OHIO yesterday. This is the second Sunday in a row. Who ever said they didnt matter? Every life matters. This isnt about lives mattering, its about pushing this garbage on our kids lives. Obviously, something is about to be pushed in the D Party. Big Mikes coming out party,,,Ill bet!The net is erasing all negative video. Lets remember Gay marriage wasn't legal until 2012, they're "married" in 1992. Never legit 1st lady has some spla'nin to do and yrs of Tax Payer money to pay back. Criminal Charges for fraud are in order!

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5Liked by Erik Carlson

All I can say about this BOOMING economy the MEDIA is peddling, is that 6 local small mom and pop food businesses within a mile from me closed over the last month. If that's GROWTH, I must be living in an alternate reality from those rich guys and gals making money!

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You are 100% right. As I commented, the "GROWTH" is a lie. The government GDP metric does not measure economic growth, it measures debt-fueled spending, including fast-growing government spending.


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Feb 5·edited Feb 5Liked by Erik Carlson

Erik, Thank You for this very well written article. I loved reading it!!

The woke mind is a strange place…because they have been educated to believe that their Feelings define reality; they don’t operate from rational thought. Our public schools have done this. (Dr Jan talks about this in some of her interviews). I like to remember this because it helps me have compassion. I hope someday there will be brilliant therapists that can help them recover their own independent minds.

Like you said, “arguing with people who have lost the ability to think logically is pointless. Arguing with them in their state of mind only makes things worse; it causes them to retreat even deeper into their irrational mind.”

I knew Obama reversed the Smith-Mundt Act making it legal for msm to lie but I did not know “when Obama left office, and on his way out the door, he set aside hundreds of millions of dollars of government tax-payer money to fund thousands of woke journalists to write propaganda for two years”!!!!

And thanks for some pertinent summary of 1984…many decades since I read it.

2+2=5 Winston!!

A great read. Thank you for the work you put into it, Erik ❤️🙏🕊

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Feb 5Liked by Erik Carlson

It's worth reading Animal Farm too. I read 1984 when I was in public school (imagine that; things were very different ca. 1970) but I had not read Animal Farm until a couple years ago..

As with 1984, many poignant observations, the most famous being the quote "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than the others." Does that sound like what is happening today, or am I just crazy? BTW the 'more equal' animals are the pigs. Appropriate.

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Read that a long time ago also!

So many books to read…news to follow…substacks…comments…hard to find time for books!! ❤️📚

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Feb 5Liked by Erik Carlson

Wow, Erik! This is a truly amazing piece! You have just provided a great college lecture on reality and controlled alternative reality, the history of manipulation, the role of eugenics, the importance (to our would-be rulers) of erasing history, creating false history, destroying our language and attempts to destroy sanity in favor of total unreal mind control, and all the other ways to recreate a global feudal society! The Prussian ideology that was put in the City of London. What a gifted mind God gave you….that is a blessing to all your readers! We recently watched War Games again after decades. It’s amazing to me how many movies I’ve watched and never cared to remember or watch again. But, the writers made a great point that you’ve applied liberally and extremely accurately….”The only winning move is not to play.” You’ve also made another point that is important and that is to not waste time seeking to debate with the true sheep as they will not comprehend. God bless you, Erik.🙏🙏

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I rewatched V for Vendetta this past weekend. It explains the Covid agenda years before it happened.

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Feb 5Liked by Erik Carlson

Exactly... Don't play their game.

God Wins!

God Bless!!

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Thank you. So much history I have studied except the very important part of the Russians preventing the Cabal English from getting to the South. Then paying dearly later with Lenin et al. Wow.

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Feb 5Liked by Erik Carlson

The Cabal's hatred for the Russians actually goes much deeper, and earlier. Many of the Cabal's ancestors were the Khazarians, a barbarian people, robbers and looters who lived in what is now eastern Ukraine, southwestern Russia, and the trans-Caucasus. The Russians (Kievan Rus, at the time) forced them to adopt one of the Abrahamic religions, in the hopes of civilizing them.

They 'chose' Judaism, supposedly because it did not proscribe lending at interest which Islam and Christianity do. But they never really were Jews in the religious sense, they basically never changed. So ca. AD 1200, the Kievan Rus along with the Persians kicked them out; many were killed but the leaders had advance warning and were able to escape with much of their stolen wealth to eastern Europe. This group went through various incarnations, alliances and evolutions to become today's Cabal.

The Cabal hates the Russians because the Russians kicked them out of their original homeland. And this is why Ukraine has a special place for them too -- the US Deep State led 'color revolution' in 2014 (Maidan) was their attempt to retake their ancestral homeland. Something the Russians were not about to let stand, and that is why we are here today.

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Exactly, I was afraid of getting too far away from the topic and stopped at the American Civil War. Thanks for the additional information.

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Yeah, I get it. The rabbit holes run deep, don't they?

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5Liked by Erik Carlson

I think it may come to this: enough people have come to the realization that something is very wrong, and enough realize that we need to pay attention to our Legislature, Judicial, and Executive, like never before. First priority is fixing our election process (probably eliminating the need for term limits, in theory). There are some things We The People are not able to do, so we MUST get used to demanding results from our Representatives. This is only the tip of the iceberg, but once Trump re-occupys the White House, the "trainables" will accept fate and go on with their lives like they always have. Your historical nuggets are especially valuable in showing how things were done, and what to look out for in the future

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Feb 5Liked by Erik Carlson

Bravo! Well written and it communicates data and nuggets throughout the piece. Thx

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Feb 5Liked by Erik Carlson

Consider what Jesus said when he was brought before Pilate: “ “.

However, with regard to this quacking business, we were not created to quack like a 🦆 (or lie, for that matter), but ducks were.

So, I would say that the quacking of a duck makes much more sense than anything that might be regurgitated out of the mouths of the cud-chewing brain dead. 🙂

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Did you forget to insert a quote?

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Feb 5Liked by Erik Carlson

Whoops! That was supposed to be Herod! Lol. Jesus didn’t say anything when Herod questioned him - per Eric’s comments about not engaging the zombies.

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