I've been following AI and automation for several years now as it intersects with the WEF's agenda on multiple levels. Its only now that the herd of Normies are getting a glimpse of what it can do, and this literally is just the beginning of a economic paradigm shift. This is far more profound than the steam age industrial revolution, or the advent of electricity in the average home.

The assumption was AI would replace tedious, low skill labor, but its actually replacing white collar labor more aggressively. Those layoffs you saw from several Big Tech companies are going to rapidly escalate as Copilot and Google Workspace compete to bring the most productivity enhancing features to their platforms. There's a reason why program developers are popping sedatives like skittles.

Walmart announced just earlier in the week they were going to replace up to 65% of their labor force with automation, catching up and surpassing what Amazon is doing. The other chains either follow suit, or get left behind. These giants employ the unskilled, Walmart is particularly aggregious in their exploitation of employees and low wages/benefits. Now those laid off will have nothing and no where to go.

Industries such as pharmacies, health care, education, federal, state and local gov't, financial, these all comprise the majority of the US Job market. They won't be eliminated, but they will need a heck of a lot less people and no, the jobs lost will not "easily" be replaced with new jobs servicing the bots or AI.

What people don't grasp is how AI develops, its not linear, its not even doubling like Moore's Law of computing power is. Its **logarithmic**. And more importantly, self-correcting as its part of a massive network, each node learning a new thing or a old thing done in a new way.

The job displacement will be staggering. And don't think that UBI and CBDCs don't factor into this. UBI will be just enough to keep the masses obedient as all their needs will be paid with a CBDC that will have programmed controls such as what/where/whom you can buy from and expiration dates.

The thing to note is that this revolution, holds a tremendous promise for humanity. Provided it is in the hands of those who love humanity. That is unlikely to be the case. Whoever wins the AI race, controls the world and so far, that's the psychopaths calling themselves our community positive corporations and their political minions. We're already on the receiving end of the early stages of this stuff as mentioned in the article quoting General Flynn.

So yes, Bitcoin, gold, silver, and lead. And also, if possible, homesteading, preferably with like minded to form a community. The best, and most effective way to not need UBI and their CBDCs is to be as self sufficient as possible.

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I wholeheartedly agree with the notion that we must strive to understand and harness the power of these technologies to ensure a prosperous future for generations to come. Being proactive and adaptive is crucial in order to mitigate potential risks and maximize the benefits. Ignorance or resistance, on the other hand, will only lead to unintended consequences and potential misuse by nefarious actors.

The author's approach to exploring each technology's complexities and potential impacts is commendable. Encouraging readers to think critically, do their own research, and draw their own conclusions is essential to fostering a well-informed society. This collective effort is vital in navigating the multifaceted challenges posed by these transformative technologies.

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Patriots In Progress,

I really enjoyed this Piece. Besides all the details, you started with the salient vibe, that both, I think, people are sensing invisibly, & of course, are seeing many manifest changes. And they are all happening at quickening pace.

I heard of the movie on George Webb's Substack. His Work is on trying to figure out the origins, source, players, organizations related to the vaccine. He used the movie, (similar to the way you wrote about the present phenomena), as a simile to his Work.

I think your description was most accurate & helps your Readers. Especially, if any feel too anxious at this accelerating Time.

It's all gonna work out, Powered by Good Intentions & Thoughtful, Careful Work.

I enjoyed the song ! Shadilay !

Happy Holiday !

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Philosophy and ethics are already a kind of softwar. There are still those who would forever prolong hard warfare and avoid the mental battle that would lead to peace and goodness.

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Keep your Virtual Reality Helmet and Tarot Cards, I'll stick to my shiny rocks.

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Hello my friend.

I tried replying just to you and it was rejected. But I want you to know how much I appreciate your comments. Why? Because it makes me feel that God is validating me through you. Thank you so much and I hope you have a blessed day!🙂

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I actually contemplated not commenting... but this is an important topic. I've recently concluded (all on my own) that Revelations in the Bible is not about end times, but the "revealing" of the demonic system we're in. Reading this about AI creates concern and fear...and the thought that maybe it SHOULD be end times. But that doesn't reflect my faith. Awareness is the beginning of change so going on that premise I believe we're being shown the possible consequences of using AI. I also believe going back to a simpler time could be good for humanity...., or is it? The Great Awakening is where we are heading and I see the necessity for people to share the word of God, so that we can move forward the way God intends...not Satan. I'm going to finish setting up my Substack today. And as it's Easter Sunday it seems perfect.🙂

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Finally a strong coherent voice of reason and logic. I will absorb this in detail when I get back to my bigger than a phone screen. Thank you for your work!

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AI will never experience consciousness the way humans can. In addition to developing a weapon like Bitcoin to defeat AI in cyberspace, humans need to cultivate their consciousness in order to rise to a superior level of intelligence. Hence, the need for a spiritual awakening, too.

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Enjoyed this article and was glad I had seen most of it last night on Rug Pull. You make some great points and effectively relate Bitcoin to a real solution to this (and many other) problem(s). I am only about a 1/4 of the way through Softwar but it is a GREAT read.

We live in very interesting times and God has opened our eyes and given us a front row seat for a reason. I am not sure what the reason is but I know God has a Plan. So I continue to pray for discernment and that I am open to God's Plan for me.

Keep up the great work!

God Bless!!!

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"...but we are faced with several that are all converging on the same timeframe in history:..."


Everything Everywhere All At Once


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"Past Is Prologue"


"Listen the tapes and decide if this is an actor.

If so, the actor portraying Lawrence Dunnegan may be the greatest voice over actor in the history of acting! It sounds and resonates as legit to me, but if I’m a Sweet Summer Child, then present the case, please! Sharpen steel here."

~ Sage Hana


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