Similarly,. Altiyan Childs was an Aussi Rockstar - "On 15 April 2021, Altiyan released a five-hour youtube video on Freemasonry, and its secretly antagonistic relationship with Christianity. Altiyan claims to be a former member of the Masonic fraternity, breaking his Masonic oaths in order to…
Similarly,. Altiyan Childs was an Aussi Rockstar - "On 15 April 2021, Altiyan released a five-hour youtube video on Freemasonry, and its secretly antagonistic relationship with Christianity. Altiyan claims to be a former member of the Masonic fraternity, breaking his Masonic oaths in order to produce his 5 hour presentation. The conclusion of the presentation is that international Freemasonry is in fact Organised Satanism in disguise."
Freemasonry is one of the many orders behind the drive to the NWO. Like the other brotherhoods/secrete societies, at the high levels FREEMASONRY is actually SATANISM.
Similarly,. Altiyan Childs was an Aussi Rockstar - "On 15 April 2021, Altiyan released a five-hour youtube video on Freemasonry, and its secretly antagonistic relationship with Christianity. Altiyan claims to be a former member of the Masonic fraternity, breaking his Masonic oaths in order to produce his 5 hour presentation. The conclusion of the presentation is that international Freemasonry is in fact Organised Satanism in disguise."
Freemasonry is one of the many orders behind the drive to the NWO. Like the other brotherhoods/secrete societies, at the high levels FREEMASONRY is actually SATANISM.
Listen to what he has to say here: