How sad indeed that people eat this research up that exposes the satanic but fail to read God's Bible. My point being that there is good in God that is fought against by evil from Satan. Scripture explains that one third of the created angels rebelled against God and were cast to earth led by one named Satan or Lucifer. And here we are still. So the study of this if one really wants to understand it fully requires the now popular "deep dive" into Holy Writ.

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Absolutely. May I add a few notes?

1) God, the God of the Bible, Jesus Christ, is the DEFINITION of GOOD. It’s not merely that good is in Him.

2) This stuff presented in the video is dangerous. Do not think that this is the truth nor practice it. This false antidote is predicated on exactly the black/white, light/dark duality used to deceive and enslave. God’s word warns against trafficking in ANY of this.

This rebel in the video is full of lies. He’s deceived by his own pride and led by the nose by the very powers he purports to battle.

Justin, your intellect has drawn you into knowing and understanding so much. But nothing, I’m afraid, of wisdom. I praise much of the factual backgrounds you present, but your conclusions are egregious and silly at best — imperiling at worst. The fear of God is The beginning of wisdom.

I also suggest to all, a deep dive into Holy Writ —with humility — and may God speed your way.

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Similarly,. Altiyan Childs was an Aussi Rockstar - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altiyan_Childs. "On 15 April 2021, Altiyan released a five-hour youtube video on Freemasonry, and its secretly antagonistic relationship with Christianity. Altiyan claims to be a former member of the Masonic fraternity, breaking his Masonic oaths in order to produce his 5 hour presentation. The conclusion of the presentation is that international Freemasonry is in fact Organised Satanism in disguise."

Freemasonry is one of the many orders behind the drive to the NWO. Like the other brotherhoods/secrete societies, at the high levels FREEMASONRY is actually SATANISM.

Listen to what he has to say here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qzphzaOAJ0&list=PLbDCSUIIZpRZifpSjDg97242zFghXq-P1&index=1

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Excellent article, Justin. I have spent years studying these subjects as well; you are touching upon some of the most painful truths about human history. Yet this information answers so many questions about why the world is how it is!

Q said, "The choice to know will be yours." I can see why those behind Q intend to intentionally expose only about 60% of the lies we've been told. Most people simply cannot handle it.

Here's a topic that I guarantee is in the 40% -- the Bible is not what people think it is.

If I were to tell you about a father who sacrificed his son and encouraged people to eat his body and drink his blood, you would vomit -- unless I said the sun's name was Jesus. That's where cognitive dissonance kicks in ...

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Accurate. As far as I can tell, every religion and sacred text used therewith, has been hijacked to a certain extent. Modern people don't realize that sacred texts were never for the benefit of the people—they are for the benefit of the priest class to maintain control over the people through the talisman-like quality of the sacred text. That is, people revere knowledge (think: knowledge is power), but only those who can critically assess the knowledge intrinsically gain competence (freedom) from a sacred text. Those who cannot assess it critically, but are socially coerced and encouraged to accept it as true extrinsically, are now dogmatically bound to the knowledge set—bound meaning enslaved by it. And the more people who are extrinsically bound the more group-think like effects are produced, which are in turn used to the great benefit of the priest-class. The alleged inspired and inerrant nature of sacred texts is, as far as I can tell, a weapon of propaganda used to control the masses. And like any house slave, they will defend the basis for which they have superior status over others. It's tragic that nearly all our sacred texts have been used in this way.

Despite these uses, the information within many sacred texts can have incredible value, but only if digested intrinsically and critically. Sadly, most believers never cultivate the courage to engage with sacred texts as genuine children of truth, those who seek personal and intrinsic understanding of the truth. Instead, most believers think they can skip over critical evaluation (discernment), believing that the questioning is itself sinful and offensive to God, when in fact, it's precisely what God wants. Furthermore, Jesus actively spoke out against dogmatism, and his chief enemies were the text-worshiping sadducees and pharisees, who were so spiritually blind they could not recognize the son of man, the son of god, within their midst. And in their spiritual cowardice, they did what most priest-classes do—they killed the prophet instead of engaging in the necessary revitalization of accumulated true knowledge that is required in an evolving universe predicated on the relationship of the infinite with the finite. Unfortunately, the cabal have yet again caused millions of people to worship dogma instead of living truth, evidenced by those believers who seek to worship sacred texts (the alleged word of god) in replacement of inviting that same living God into their own minds and hearts via an active relationship with the truth, through inquisitiveness and active philosophy—living faith.

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Hence, the divine is best discovered through direct experience -- gnosis -- rather than through self-proclaimed intermediaries and their "sacred" texts.

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Yes. And you will be so very wise, in your own eyes, men.

The hubris is palpable.

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Justin, So much knowledge, so little comprehension. Just enough to be a teacher, but too little to be a good one.

Jesus was a prophet? Merely?

Or was, is, He God in the flesh, born as a man, crucified, and risen as the first fruit of all who put their trust in HIS and OUR God? Jesus—wholly God and wholly man who, according to the eternal plan, came to rescue man from sin. And He accomplished it.

THAT Jesus, or one of man and Satan’s convincing invention?

You have another Jesus, I see, another spirit and another Father.

As you wish, but I pray that He will reveal Himself and Truth to you. You could be a very good teacher in His hands.

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David Anthony: Hubris of the most banal order. Like Justin, you are wise in your own eyes. Puffed up. Don’t dream thinking people don’t see through it as you establish your ignorance. Full of knowledge you think YOUR mind can fathom the ways of God. Stupid man!

Echo chambers are so...reassuring.

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Yeshua is the eternal, universal Christ, the one who was sent, who defeated Satan, Rose from the dead, and sustains us in Grace.

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idk why Dick is trying to police everyone's connection w Christ.

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Ryan, my response to this oblique cuff can be found at your indictment post below.

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Thank you, James, for your response (which I somehow missed til today). I appreciate your earnest answer and I think that we’re in agreement — insofar as I understand your meaning. The word “universal” I’m not clear about. I’ll explain why I find it pertains to this thread and seems important to clarify.

We all know that words can have hidden or double meanings. In this comment section, a dichotomy has emerged between historic biblical Christianity and an esoteric gnostic christianity. They are in avowed opposition and it’s the historic Christianity that has been vilified here (and, I should add, misrepresented — as have its adherents.). if you read through the comments, along with the author’s likes of others’ comms you’ll see this. It’s implicit in the article but stated outright in several of the comments. Also find that the posts referred to are unmistakably didactic in nature; teaching their own dogma, predicated on hidden knowledge. This is gnosticism. Very often a Christian (Biblically-based) can be swept into a blurry netherworld, carried toward a mirage that appears to be TRUTH, and unaware that the words they knew have new and different meanings and related concepts are deeply explained by those who seem to *know*.

Hence, my question. Because the Jesus of the Bible is not the Jesus of gnosticism. You know (in reading my admittedly caustic posts here — and I’m ordinarily a peaceable & encouraging soul) where I stand. I wanted to clarify to you what is the underlying topic here. You needn’t continue our exchange; you’ve been most kind in even replying. But out of respect for that and in view of some criticism of me I see here today, I felt I owed you that explanation.

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I think I understand better where you are coming from. For the record, we are not proponents of Gnosticism. We recognize that Gnosticism is a gateway drug to Satanism or any other incarnation of what they call "the old religion". In my research I have come across examples of how this Cabal has tried to twist or create double meanings when it comes to the story of Jesus, so I understand your concern. I'm actually thinking about doing a SubStack on that topic, from the inversions made by the supposed "Merovingians" (the idea that Jesus brother was the true messiah, and that his body was removed from the tomb by others) to the double meaning in Davinci's "Last Supper". They fear Christ because Christ is king.

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Ryan, I am so very glad to read your note. I appreciate your thoughtfulness as well as the thoughts themselves and I look forward to reading those pieces.

I’m also mightily relieved (!), having just finished a scathing reply to your public admonishment of me posted here — I was about to post it; it still lies on the tip of my cut & paste finger, happily, to be cast into oblivion.

For fun, research Christian or Biblical astrology. Like the magnificent stained glass windows, the stars and planets tell the Biblical story of life. But unlike the windows, the picture changes as the celestial bodies move and tells the story in real time as well.

Peace, gracious brother. And Blessings to you.

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No sense in calling each other out. Raise your consciousness with each new piece of information, sit with it, pray on it - and learn. Let Yeshua be your spiritual guide.

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James, is this a Cosmic Yeshua, Jesus, to whom you refer as spiritual guide?

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Good people living their lives, raising their kids, and loving their neighbors have a difficult time comprehending such evil, even though they are aware that evil exists. Their minds just don't work like that. Such evil, with malice and total disregard for innocence, is unthinkable. That's why this is such an eye opener. It makes sense that there is a link from the Occult to False Flags.

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The only thing you're missing is the top of the pyramid. Satan is the one who taught the priests to despise and exploit the populace. They didn't discover any secrets about the universe, they had those secrets dictated to them from below. Check out my substack where I'm transcribing a 400 year old book by King James 1, where he, through a paraphrase of Revelation, exposes the Synagogue of Satan, and the false Jews (his words and the words of John of Patmos, not mine). Today the false Jews are commonly referred to as the KM or Khazarian Mafia. In the last half of the 17th century, anticlericalism, or the hatred of priests, came into fruition. Today, the priests try to erase this history. That's why someone erased all the works of King James from the archive and open library, and there is no reference to these works on wikipedia or elsewhere on the internet. I downloaded a copy of this 700 page book when I noticed all the others disappearing three years ago, and now I'm transcribing the book and publishing it for free. The effort of the priests at base is to disguise the Christian ethical system as a religion and to prevent the populace from understanding that Christianity antagonizes the ethics of Satan and his priests. The priests want to replace your Christian (humanitarian) ethics with doddering religious superstition. That's how they maintain power and control.

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I would be most interested in your book! I have read similar info in the past, but not in time to download the 700 page book.

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I've already transcribed the entire paraphrase and it's free to read. I've been telling everyone I'll send them a copy of the .pdf on a thumb drive for $150 (I've had no takers). To be honest, I really don't want to do that. It's a work in the public domain and anyone can sell it or reproduce it. I wouldn't be surprised if one day electronic copies pop up again on the archive. The copy I have was scanned in 2013 and deleted in 2019. It was listed under its long title (on the title page) and that's why it wasn't deleted with the others. Because this copy didn't have a cover it escaped and that gave me time to download it. This post allows comments and questions: https://palamambron.substack.com/p/more-about-the-book

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Just in case...Yeshua is Jesus in Aramaic, the language of Jesus.

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Interesting the resistance one receives writing on this topic. I think there is significant importance in understanding this dark side and how we are living with false flags today. Funny, if you had written about 5th generation warfare, you would have been given applause. It’s the same damn thing. Deception is just that, in good hands or bad hands, we are better off knowing the seedy dark side of deception but realize too, good men deceive too. Didn’t it all begin in the Garden of Eden where the serpent deceived Eve? From that moment forward, deception became our world.

There are those which deceive in the name of God, others Satan. Truth of the matter is, man doesn’t need to worship God or Satan to deceive. We live in a world of deception.

God gave us “knowing”, it’s inside of each one of us, answers are from within. God is our light, this world of deception is dark but we have the answers inside us, we know......

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I read some time ago that the story of Adam and Eve was just that...a story. It was a successful tactic to malign the divine feminine. If I can find that article, I will relay it as food for thought.

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Incidentally, it’s strange how many professional group symbols include snakes. Makes me wonder…

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That would be worth reading!

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AND SO Mr T Uttered 'April Fools' 7 Times at the recent CPAC conference (told it was 7 AND significant by blogger respected / connected ex-mil) . ... AFTER reading Excellent above brief by Mark Passio , ex-satanist , one's mind soars w delightful ideas (i hold them to be MOST Plausible) that a 'reverse-of-fortune' pending now upon DS blaggards along w their 'institutions' - - timeline is the present i.e. Spring Equinox until May 1st . ....... 7 Reversals - Not quite the 10 Plagues of Egypt but Humiliating to the N th Degree never-the-less . Egypt had gods for flies and frogs and crocodiles and so forth that turned against them - - likewise our beloved DS has Banks and Media and Academe and Pharmacopoeia and Priest-Craft (religion,false) to irritate and sicken our very daily lives . .... So let's expect to see their very own 'gods' rise up and bite-them-in-the-ass . ....... AFTER All it is way-overdue to happen , n'est-ce pas ?!? .......... .... shalom to all

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Very enjoyable article! I’m glad you mentioned Beltane (May1). I first heard of this day while listening to Max Igan after Osame Bin Laden was supposedly caught and killed. (I’m near certain that was not Bin Laden that they killed that day. The fact they “dumped the body at sea” was very telling. Don’t they need to show us the body? I call b.s. Oh and afterwards the 5 military personnel that captured him were killed in a bombing. Hmmm... I call b.s.)

So whomever they caught and killed on that Beltane day was simultaneously part of both a sacrifice and a psyop. I will never look at May 1 the same way again...

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Having loved ancient history, this article resonated with me, because all of the known (somewhat) ancient civilizations knew the heavens and clearly understood the year as well as the 26,000 ‘year’ and associated the span of a year (prepare, birth/plant, harvest, and death/winter) with the observed ‘movements’ above. Even as a Christian, I have always had questions. From this viewpoint, God didn’t require sacrifice of humans in the Old Testament, and none were necessary except for the one-time sacrifice of Jesus Christ to make the payment of man’s sins. Yet, Satan has required human sacrifices from the time humanity appeared. People must awaken to the fact that Satan’s minions will always require human sacrifices. When Texas was ready to stop abortions, the Church of Satan sued and stated that abortions were sacrifices to Satan. Humanity, under the right circumstances and influences, can commit anything. You’ve clearly demonstrated this through your expanded list. Many, many more exist. God’s greatest anger against the Jews was reserved for their worship of Baal...and the sacrifices of innocents required by Baal. Satan has been given control of the world for a time. I wonder if that time is coming to an end?

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Did you know Merrick Garland was the chief prosecutor of Timothy McVeigh?

"The FBI’s admission last week that it has known since at least March about more than 3000 pages withheld in the Oklahoma City bombing case may force the reopening of the case."


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WOW, did not know.

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This comes off more as an introduction to the study of astrology and a way to tempt people to immerse themselves in it. I smell a rat.

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I can see how you might think that but you're wrong. Surely it's possible to write about a topic without promoting it at the same time? If a writer reveals the research about child trafficking does that mean he is also promoting child trafficking? I think your logic needs to re-evaluated.

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Justin, combined with the content of the video included here your neutrality is strained. I posted an evaluation of your lack of wise discernment a previous comment here.

Revealing also are your assertions in various Badlands discussions which I have followed. I’m a nobody. Pay no attention.

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Stop policing others connection to Christ. If you think you have some infallible understanding of the lord, you are the one with hubris, dick.

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Yes, I imagine it is possible. But I wrote what it seems like to me. Maybe I'm wrong but maybe I'm right.

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Demonstrably right.

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"If a writer reveals the research about child trafficking does that mean he is also promoting child trafficking?"

That depends entirely on how it's presented .

Is it presented as evil? As something to be resisted and overcome with thoughts, actions and words? Or is it presented as "food for thought"?

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The problem here, David, is not the presenting of facts, but that along with that solutions and analysis are presented...or hinted at. The analysis and solutions here are of the same vile substance as the evil they purport to battle, because your philosophical world consists of this substance. Such a very small world you live in! It limits the “thought” because the “food” is clearly set on the table in such a way that the reader will be led into that prison world...as you — some others here — have been. I find this post disingenuous and coy. Or else, you deceive yourself.

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Keen sense of smell, Consuelo!

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Just want to point out that the seasons that begin on those initiatory dates are of course reversed in the Southern Hemisphere.

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I found your article extremely interesting and feel that I now have a better understanding of false flags. I fortunately have a very questioning mind so I always suspect the false flags but now I can understand the how's and why's. Thank you!

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