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Accurate. As far as I can tell, every religion and sacred text used therewith, has been hijacked to a certain extent. Modern people don't realize that sacred texts were never for the benefit of the people—they are for the benefit of the priest class to maintain control over the people through the talisman-like quality of the sacred text. That is, people revere knowledge (think: knowledge is power), but only those who can critically assess the knowledge intrinsically gain competence (freedom) from a sacred text. Those who cannot assess it critically, but are socially coerced and encouraged to accept it as true extrinsically, are now dogmatically bound to the knowledge set—bound meaning enslaved by it. And the more people who are extrinsically bound the more group-think like effects are produced, which are in turn used to the great benefit of the priest-class. The alleged inspired and inerrant nature of sacred texts is, as far as I can tell, a weapon of propaganda used to control the masses. And like any house slave, they will defend the basis for which they have superior status over others. It's tragic that nearly all our sacred texts have been used in this way.

Despite these uses, the information within many sacred texts can have incredible value, but only if digested intrinsically and critically. Sadly, most believers never cultivate the courage to engage with sacred texts as genuine children of truth, those who seek personal and intrinsic understanding of the truth. Instead, most believers think they can skip over critical evaluation (discernment), believing that the questioning is itself sinful and offensive to God, when in fact, it's precisely what God wants. Furthermore, Jesus actively spoke out against dogmatism, and his chief enemies were the text-worshiping sadducees and pharisees, who were so spiritually blind they could not recognize the son of man, the son of god, within their midst. And in their spiritual cowardice, they did what most priest-classes do—they killed the prophet instead of engaging in the necessary revitalization of accumulated true knowledge that is required in an evolving universe predicated on the relationship of the infinite with the finite. Unfortunately, the cabal have yet again caused millions of people to worship dogma instead of living truth, evidenced by those believers who seek to worship sacred texts (the alleged word of god) in replacement of inviting that same living God into their own minds and hearts via an active relationship with the truth, through inquisitiveness and active philosophy—living faith.

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Hence, the divine is best discovered through direct experience -- gnosis -- rather than through self-proclaimed intermediaries and their "sacred" texts.

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Yes. And you will be so very wise, in your own eyes, men.

The hubris is palpable.

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Justin, So much knowledge, so little comprehension. Just enough to be a teacher, but too little to be a good one.

Jesus was a prophet? Merely?

Or was, is, He God in the flesh, born as a man, crucified, and risen as the first fruit of all who put their trust in HIS and OUR God? Jesus—wholly God and wholly man who, according to the eternal plan, came to rescue man from sin. And He accomplished it.

THAT Jesus, or one of man and Satan’s convincing invention?

You have another Jesus, I see, another spirit and another Father.

As you wish, but I pray that He will reveal Himself and Truth to you. You could be a very good teacher in His hands.

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