Personally, I would add a "fifth pillar". Our education system. When our young people are indoctrinated rather than educated their entire world view is skewed (& many never wake up). Being taught there are multiple genders, we are a racist/colonialist country, communist idealogy (DEI, CRT,1619, LGBTQ), no patriotism, etc.

Until we clean up our education system our next generations will lack critical thinking skills, disernment of propaganda, understanding our constitution/bill of rights, the value of hard work, family and merit instead of equity.

Teach your children well, the continuation of our republic depends on it. God bless, WWG1WGA

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As a long-time charter school advocate, I agree.

IMHO, there is little reason for me to believe the CIA has not infiltrated the NEA/AFT, as well. Bring in Operation MKUltra, and you have a perfect recipe for LBGTQ+ and extreme division in the population....not to mention "lone assassins".

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Gates put 7 billion into the public private and Charter schools. His "Foundation tax free money" has been drugging/vaccinating kids for the last three generations. Female hormones into boys right under your nose. Testosterone has never been lower in boys. Wake up America and END his influence, his school nurses, psych's, in school clinics, Drs, Dept of ED and politicians. $$$$$$$ that bought off your children's safety and turn your kid into an unrecognizable unidentifiable kid who doesn't know if its a dog or the opposite sex because of all these drugs! Get Epstein Island frequent visitor Gates, out of your schools!!


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Oh that money ---- keeping these awful "institutions" alive to continue their damage!

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Hi Deborah !


After reading Mike's comment and yours, it seems to me as an European 💶 citizen that your whole system resembles much more an octocopter than your simpler quadricopter if I can use a comparison with an emblematic matter in the media !

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Love this article.

These four definitely need to be torn down and replaced. I would also suggest that we not stop there. Education system must go! I continue to say at least 90% of all government needs to go too.

And the good news is ALL this is coming to a theater near you!

The Best is Yet to Come!!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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There is one more pillar on which all the others stand: the law enforcement and justice departments. These enforce the edicts of the other pillars by removing those that object from the field, and as the propaganda used loses its effect, Law enforcement, which includes the Intelligence Community, is the enforcement arm of the pillars upon which the whole sorrid House stands. It protects the propagandists who, by coercion or pay, permeate the communication channels, spreading the "official" line. Law Enforcement divides the controlled media from those who do not toe the line by discrediting them and, if necessary, other more drastic means.

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This is great, Erik! While many of us are familiar with the deeper dives into each of these “4 pillars”, here you have tied it altogether. This is a focused view and caption of “the enemy within”! Thank You for your time putting it together in one essay / report. Very good🙏❤️

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Hi Feather 🪶 !


I just would add and correct you that it is an exceptional report because Erik makes every single piece of these foundational pillars very understandable and very easy to identify and articulate, even for a middle class European 💶 people like me !

Thank you very much Erik !


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I have sent this to my Normie husband who is having a very hard time understanding that everything you have written here is most likely true…thank you. When he wakes up I will know with certainty that the general public Normies comprehend what is going on. He is my canary in the coal mine🫣

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Great article Erik!

I like that! The four pillars that are going to be torn down and rebuilt.

Safeguards put in place and power back to the people.

Poor old Colby, he broke the cardinal rule of the CIA.

Admit nothing and deny everything!

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Thanks Joe.

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"The victor writes history."

For far too long the CIA has been "writing" (fake) history...all around the world...and it is long past due for it to stop, completely.

Steady on, Erik. Your excellent work is most appreciated.

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While I second both the 'education' and 'law enforcement' pillars, I'd like to suggest two more that I think match or beat all of the others in their ability to control the populace.

Those are the energy pillar, and the food/agriculture pillar. Both have evolved from organic, ground-up systems to pillars heavily under the control of the government. While you can avoid the healthcare system easily for the majority of your life, when you're healthy; and you can simply not pay attention to news and elections and have minimal contact with banks, you have to eat and stay warm. (And you can avoid law enforcement and schools if you choose, at least you've been able to until recently.)

It is possible to go outside of the mainstream food and energy systems, but you truly need to live as a hermit and spend 100% of your functional life growing and raising your own food and managing your woodlot. And you have to be content not going anywhere you can't go on foot, or maybe on horseback if you have enough land to provide for a horse.

The energy system was started by -- no surprise -- the Rockefellers and Standard Oil (1870). The monopoly was 'broken up,' but it's pretty easy to argue that the industry is still heavily controlled by the system. Same with the electric grid, it started locally but with the Rural Electrification Act (1936) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (1977) (not to mention the EPA), the electric system is firmly under the control of Big Brother today too. Like the oil and gas companies, the electric utilities are not only regulated, they are heavily controlled by the BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street cabal (who also heavily influence the other pillars).

The food system also began locally and even when I was growing up in the 50s and 60s, much was still produced nearby. But companies like Archer Daniels Midland and Cargill and Monsanto (who back in the 60s were a general purpose chemical company, competing with Dow Chemical, DuPont and Union Carbide -- the 'big four' of the chemical business) have taken over much of agriculture and there are numerous cabal-controlled food processing companies, almost all of which are owned by a few large groups. Nestle comes to mind, but there are a few others. And all of them are regulated by the Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration, and owned by BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street.

I have a feeling others will contribute more to your original 4 plus my 2 and the other 2 reader-nominated pillars. This thing will look more like a hydra than a table, before long...

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Thanks, WildBill…excellent addendum to Erik’s 4 pillars!

(And well written!) ❤️

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Ah! The drone mystery solved! Posted by Trump on TS


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Christy is such a disgust to the human race. maybe his punishment maybe NO MORE MICKEY D TREATS.

That would be glorious to see

Will check Truth Social. I am laughing just thinking about this scenario

Thanx, Feather and God bless

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Makes as much sense as anything the ***s in the government have come up with.

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Indeed my friend, in damn deed!!

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…before long, the ‘pillars’ look like the vertical bars in a jail cell, don’t they?

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Especially if you're on the inside, looking out... 😟

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Dear Mr. Erik,

With utmost respect and a helluva lot of Love, may I remind you that it was not only America this happened to?

Canada was hit just as hard under the umbrellas of these pillars, and we didn't have a break, aka 2016 - 2020, to regain a breath or two before the next onslaught. We've been plowing through the whole shit storm under a traitor like no other, like the troopers we are, to arrive to where we are today, WHICH is exactly where our beloved Southern neighbors are.

Absolutely NO trust in the health system.

Absolutely NO trust in the financial system (remember the frozen bank accounts?).

Absolutely NO trust in elections (they have, and always have been, been determined by two provinces only - Ontario and Quebec, cuz "ridings" - and China). The basic dictatorship loving "Governor of Canada" ran on abolishing First Past the Post (2015) in our elections, and then reneged on it immediately once in office.

Absolutely NO trust in the media.

The main reason I bring this up my friend, is because your wisdom, intelligence and takes (and those of the other Patriots in this fight) via substacks, podcasts, interviews, the EYE, etc. etc., are being shared to assist in the HARD SMACK upside the ASS END of the OBLIVIOUS ostriches to pull their deeply buried heads out of the sands of blissful ignorance.

I, for ONE, make sure of that. Diligently and Unrelentingly.

Therefore, it would be awfully nice for the MANY of those that these are shared to, (tell 12 friends, that then tell 24, that then tell 48... ) to see themselves, even if only once in a while, as recognized and included Patriots in this battle together for True Freedom.

When Americans joined in our fight via the Freedom Convoy 2022, we were overjoyed. We all thought we were on our own, but dammit, we were STILL gonna fight the fight! When that movement went world wide, we watched in awe at the Power of The People. When President Trump recognized our plight and praised it, receiving a Standing O no less, our ambitions surpassed the moon, reaching for the stars!

To be recognized as participants on the battlefield of taking down the Jackasses, does wonders for the soul and has immense impact on the TEAM aspect.

To be recognized, in print, of how WE The PEOPLE have become unwilling and/or unknowing subjects of abuse, deception and evilly sinister plots in the quest for world domination, helps to open across border eyes.

When Canadians see themselves included in American truth media, they say, "Wow, we are actually being seen too!" Ostrich heads actually start popping out of the sand!

Perhaps I am just being "a girl" about this, however, every LIONESS that ROARS, is a roar worth noting.

Especially when many ROARS are in sync.


Anyhoo, as always,

*Tips hat


PS. Your take on "Open Borders Finally Make Sense," is coming into full view.


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I'm a US citizen of the great state of Texas and I pray for Canada every day, hoping that Fidel Jr. somehow finds himself OUT of power prematurely! I've prayed for y'all ever since I learned what your gov't/edu system did to Jordan Peterson and that was years ago. Please don't give up --- FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!

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Thank you friend.

Truly grateful for your Love and Prayers.

As for giving up, not a chance!

I don't know how my story will end, but it will NEVER have I gave up in the narrative.

100% guaranteed that millions of Canadians feel the same. We've been through too much and fought for too long to just say, "Meh, Whatever."

Not even remotely near an option.

Bout as close as "Fidel Jr.'s" proximity to reality actually!


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Thanks again, Erik, for putting it in such a succinct way!

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Erik, great post, but in my humble opinion is a bit short sided. Those of us who have been doing deep research for a long time have long ago realized that the system of systems were intentionally flawed. To be completely broken to create more chaos at an upcoming time. I will start with your first pillar and the same principals can be moved to the other pillars with similar examples.

Doctors go to school for 4-12 years depending on speciality, during this time they are told they will learn everything they need to know about medicine. They are taught how to calculate dosage by weight, mg/kg or milligrams of dosage by kilograms of body weight, to understand the chemical compositions of the poisons. What organs are effected by the poisons, etc. But during this time they get at most 19 hours of nutrition, and that information is the FDA's food pyramid, which is required to be inverted to be healthy (part of the deep state programming agenda, invert and mirror everything so it's upside down and backwards). Ask most doctors what you should be eating, the most common answer is "it doesn't matter." Why doesn't it matter? Because they weren't taught nutrition, unless they were a Functional Medicine doctor or a Nutritionist.

Our problems run much deeper and begin in a pillar that you didn't even touch upon. Our problems began with being lied to about the Revolutionary War. We were all taught we won that war. Lies!!! The British won but only took control of 1/3 of our Constitutional System. The Judicial Branch!

All Attorneys have ESQ after their name. What does ESQ stand for? It stands for Esquire, which is a Title of Nobility! What was the Original 13th Amendment to the Constitution? TONA or The Titles of Nobility Act. Which would require anyone holding or accepting a Title of Nobility to renounce their citizenship and allegiance to the country. How many members of Congress (the house and senate) hold a title of nobility? How many Presidents held a title of Nobility? All ESQ's are BAR attorneys, what does BAR stand for? British Accredidation Registry.

What is The Constitution for the united States of America? It's an international trade contract for government services. The several Nation States, independent countries, joined together to conduct international trade. Thus the several states created the Constitution via their international country status. The Constitution requires the Federal Government to use the Law of the Water, Sea, Maritime or Admiralty law!!! The Courts are the Courts of the Water Jurisdiction, yet The Constitution is the Highest Law of the Land Jurisdiction. See the game here??? So the Federal Government is supposed to be controlled by the States. We The People created The Several States. Thus any law not designated to the Federal Government are to revert to the States or We The People. Chain of Command is critical.

The Declaration of Independence is the document for We The People!!! How many people died signing The Constitution? NONE!! How many were left destitute or died signing The Declaration of Independence? Of the 56 signers, 19 families were left destitute and 12 members and many of their family's died. Which does the deep state want us to focus our attention on? I had to pass the Constitution to pass the 8th Grade and graduate to High School! We the People are supposed to follow the law articulated in the first paragraph of The Declaration of Independence. The Constitution is pushed to keep us from focusing our attention to the document that tells us it's our duty to throw off a tyranical government. Do you think this is coincidence or by accident?

The media was supposed to be controlled by We The People and was supposed to be the 4th branch of Government to keep the government honest... It's beyond time to enact the designs articulated in the Declaration of independence... Great article keep on keeping on.... Peace..

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Declaration of Independence is definitely the true founding document.

There are probably many pillars to the System of Systems, Erik is right and so are you; the indicator for how the system is designed flawed, goes right back to Shay's and Whiskey Rebellions.

The most important foundation to any society is Trust, and Trust Law shows the level of infiltration the control system has in it, designed to benefit the controllers.


I left a comment which also leads to this Note.

----- Cheers

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Thank you for replying to my post I always appreciate your input, you have a better grasp on the whole picture than I feel I do. I look forward to reading the link...

Thanks again

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Color me ALL THE WAY skeptical.

Entrenched bureaucrats don't just change their daily routines and develop new found endeavors to serve others based on an election or "awakening."

Corruption will increase until the return of the Prince of Peace.

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Entrenched bureaucrats are not so invincible when out of a job or incarcerated. Funny how the daily routines change then!

We must each serve as a representative of the Prince of Peace; that will be, in effect, His return.

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I believe the Prince of Peace is helping, supporting and lifting up these GREAT warriors and patriots who are working to abolish this evil. I believe this from the bottom of my heart.

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Me too ! 🇫🇷💕🇺🇲

And I do hope Europe 💶 and France 🇫🇷 will soon follow the same right path you're pioneering for the whole world 🌍!

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Me, too. God has gifted so very many to fight the enemy and we see that proven daily….🙏🙏

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Me too ❤️🕊

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Me too. 😊

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The four pillars of Solomon..

Like in the front of the White House..?

Mason manipulation is overrated..😆

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Every word is true. If I were to add anything, it would be the emergence of the information technology sector and our reliance/dependence nowadays on computers and smart devices to run our lives. I wish we could go back in time and never have become such a technologically-oriented society, but am afraid that cat is out of the bag.

Excellent work, Erik!

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Many people lost social skills, and they transfer to the work world. Work from home computers and too much cell phone time.

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Hi Trumpist de La Fayette! It's been a while. Glad to see you are still on Substack : )

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Hello Bianca!


I've been back for several weeks, much slowed and diminished by my cognitive difficulties, but continuing to follow the change that is underway before the eyes of those who want to see !

Participating in the comments and exchanges are part of my own daily challenges, supported by your positive and soothing prayers and thoughts.

💒🕊️🌎 May God bless, in His infinite wisdom and immense goodness, all those who contribute to this Homeric struggle, each at his or her own level and with the means at their disposal!

Amen! Amen! Amen!


Fight! Fight! Fight!

🇫🇷🇺🇲 MAGA 🇺🇲🇫🇷

[Thanks to Deepl for helping me write this comment] 🙏🏼

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Glad you're back, hang in there, and sending prayers your way!

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Hello Bianca !

I take advantage of this comment to wish you and your loved ones a happy MAGA new year ! 🇫🇷🕊️💕🇺🇲

I brought you an update in a thread I hope you'll enjoy as I did (please read the whole thread…):


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Wonderful! Thank you so much, Trumpist de La Fayette! I appreciate the link and will read this asap : )

My holidays and New Year are going well and I pray the same for you!

God bless and nice seeing you more these days : )

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Oh my fricking gawd...I never saw that take on Nixon coming! I've read a lot of bios and histories covering post-WW2 on. I remember reading about "jet-setter" Americans being hired by CIA when they traveled to Europe for any gossip they could extract. Gloria Steinem was one of them. Also, BILL EFFING BRADLEE, longtime WaPo Editor in Chief and his first wife. So..... are you saying that Deep Throat was a CIA plant to feed Woodward and Bernstein the "facts" to take down Nixon??????? Geez, I majored in journalism back in the 70's to be the next W&B. I was so gullible!!!! (So glad I switched to accounting!) Poor Nixon, he got screwed twice???? No wonder he was so paranoid! And I knew from reading that Joe paid to steal IL and was it WV too? This makes even more sense why the mob would want JFK/RFK taken out. Now, consider poor Ike. All throughout the 50's, the new CIA was causing havoc trying to covert topple regimes around the world and Ike had to come in and clean them up covertly. Probably caused both his heart attacks! No wonder his Farewell Address warned us about the Military-Industrial Complex's power. I always thought it was not characteristic of him to just out and do that, but I now think that his golfing buddies the Dulles brothers and Prescott Bush, were attempting to manipulate and control Ike, which he let them think they were, then he flips them off with his Farewell Address. And never had another heart attack and lived another decade. I also have to wonder why JFK/RFK defied Joe's deal and took on the mob anyway.

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Sorry, make that BEN EFFING BRADLEE.

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The Department of Education is the purveyor of the other four pillars. Indoctrination 101 !

Pillar number five is President Donald R Trump with the able bodied assistance of Elon R Musk. They are the anti establishment pillar.

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