The template of bundling bad loans into securities goes back to Citibank and the market crash of 1929 and might also go back further in other countries.
It’s a template that was created long before 2008.
The template of bundling bad loans into securities goes back to Citibank and the market crash of 1929 and might also go back further in other countries.
It’s a template that was created long before 2008.
Maybe Fink put a twist on it? Or just plagerised it, re-branded with a new name? The latter fits the elite playbook. I'm hunting now for the articles touting him a genius for what he did with derivatives
Larry Fink was sued in 2013 by 19 State AGs for causing the 2008 subprime market crash, under the guise of Debt Securitization. Co-founder of BlackRock in 1988. The U.S. government contracted BlackRock to aid its recovery after the financial crisis of 2008. Laurence D. Fink is Founder, Chairman and still the Chief Executive Officer of BlackRock. Laurence D.Fink and Feike Sybesma join the World Economic Forum Board of Trustees 2019.
While I think there are rungs above him, that doesn't dimish Fink's power, or Soros' for that matter. Maybe I should call them generals, bit I prefer the diminutive Lieutenant. What's the difference between a Lieutenant and a Private First Class? The private has been promoted twice!
I have to respectfully disagree here. Fink, through BlackRock, commissioned the creation of Aladdin. Aladdin is the oldest and most advanced AI This AI manages the world markets, and allows them to manipulate it with Naked Shorts and Dark Money, especially after hours of whichever market they are exploiting.
Kanekoa the Great did an expose on Fink a couple of years back, that made him a person of interest to me, but the YT has been removed and it appears to have been scrubbed from search reaults. I miss my old Copernic 2000 meta-search aggregator! As of 2015 Vanguard and State Street were the top two Capital One shareholders, (Vanguard and BlackRock are a circular ownership construct).
The template of bundling bad loans into securities goes back to Citibank and the market crash of 1929 and might also go back further in other countries.
It’s a template that was created long before 2008.
Thank you for the info.
Enlightening. Take care. :)
Thank you JMR!!
Maybe Fink put a twist on it? Or just plagerised it, re-branded with a new name? The latter fits the elite playbook. I'm hunting now for the articles touting him a genius for what he did with derivatives
I think he’s just another cabal puppet that was doing what the cabal wanted him to do.
Larry Fink was sued in 2013 by 19 State AGs for causing the 2008 subprime market crash, under the guise of Debt Securitization. Co-founder of BlackRock in 1988. The U.S. government contracted BlackRock to aid its recovery after the financial crisis of 2008. Laurence D. Fink is Founder, Chairman and still the Chief Executive Officer of BlackRock. Laurence D.Fink and Feike Sybesma join the World Economic Forum Board of Trustees 2019.
I don’t think Fink is anything but a wealthy puppet.
The puppet masters like Soros and Alwaleed were being funded by governments and their financial wealth disclosures are false.
They aren’t billionaires, they actually once controlled trillions but that was before Trump. They also controlled countries.
The WEF are just wealthy puppets too in my opinion.
Yes, there are still a few rungs above these puppets on the pyramid….
While I think there are rungs above him, that doesn't dimish Fink's power, or Soros' for that matter. Maybe I should call them generals, bit I prefer the diminutive Lieutenant. What's the difference between a Lieutenant and a Private First Class? The private has been promoted twice!
I have to respectfully disagree here. Fink, through BlackRock, commissioned the creation of Aladdin. Aladdin is the oldest and most advanced AI This AI manages the world markets, and allows them to manipulate it with Naked Shorts and Dark Money, especially after hours of whichever market they are exploiting.
Now, with what we think is going on with the war on Central Banks, I sincerely hope he is sweating bullets.
Kanekoa the Great did an expose on Fink a couple of years back, that made him a person of interest to me, but the YT has been removed and it appears to have been scrubbed from search reaults. I miss my old Copernic 2000 meta-search aggregator! As of 2015 Vanguard and State Street were the top two Capital One shareholders, (Vanguard and BlackRock are a circular ownership construct).
Yipes! Thanks for pointing this out.
He is the financial arm, like Soros is the political, both lieutenants, imo
But he has more power than most nations
Oh, great essay btw! Sorry, I just jumped in with my question 😅
No worries!