Feb 28·edited Feb 28Liked by Joe Lange

Thanks Joe for another deep dive.

It is very interesting to see that these DS Rat Bastards have no new tricks, they just keep reusing the same old tricks and screwing We the People royally. But as people like you shine the light on these cockroaches and their evil ways We the People are now armed with critical Truth that we can wield to destroy their slavery.

Can't wait for your next article.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Early Haitian history was eye opening and the details behind the generational oppression was brilliant. I knew of the oppression but didn’t understand fully how “banksters” did it. Now we are at the Good Prince, Bad Prince. The fall of King Saud, sword dances and maybe even the truth about the Vegas Shooting. Great work, thank you Joe!

Side note: the first Credit Card was started by the Mob. Diners Club.

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You can serve one of two masters: money or God…. Choose wisely!

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Feb 28Liked by Joe Lange

Thank you Joe...your articles drive home the fact that USA has been a very naughty boy in our past. It's vital that we foster the New News Media in order to get the real story on Who, What, Where, etc. so the people won't be lied to as we have for decades

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Feb 28Liked by Joe Lange

I thank God for giving you the intellect and passion to dig into the details of the filthy “banksters “. My grandfather was a successful pharmacist and lost everything in 1929, he was broken and died shortly after. The pain of that crash is still a real part of my history

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Feb 28Liked by Joe Lange

Nicely done. I’m looking forward to the rest 👍🏼👍🏼

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Feb 28Liked by Joe Lange

Another exceptional article, Joe! A real cliffhanger too. Can't wait to read your next installment. : )

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Great story and great research.

This type of reporting and research is why Badlands Media is now my go-to destination for News about the dismantling of the Elite Deep State that has controlled we Sheeple throughout history.

All of Badlands Media's content providers have a certain specialty in the various aspects of how the DS has controlled the World.

Jon has Devolution, Kyle has the Court filings, Gordon has the Middle East, BB has Russia, China and philosophy, Zack RedPill78 has the Conspiracy theory angle, Kate has healthy living and family matters, Brad and Abby and others cover current events with their intelligent and sometimes comedic commentary, Matthew has the Science/Physics Nerd covered, Justin and Ryan have Vigilant News, Canncon and Ashe have elections and daily news, Canncon and Alpha have our great veterans, Abs and Joe have "Q" then there are the few shows I just really don't have enough free time to watch and participate with.

I have learned more from watching the various shows that Badlands Media produces than I have when I only focused on 3 or 4 shows for my current event's news.

I always knew this was going to be a large operation to take down the elite DS that has ruled as puppet masters throughout time, this even bigger than I had originally thought or imagined it could be.

I originally thought draining the swamp meant Washington DC, only to find out we are taking down the Elite Families that have controlled Countries and Governments throughout history through the manipulation of wealth, power, and propaganda.

Now I see this clearly and am I enjoying the heck out of this current Clown Show they are putting on for our enjoyment or rage depending on how you react to the Old Breaking News.

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Feb 28Liked by Joe Lange

What an excellent article revealing Citibank’s ties to the cabal…..and to the governments. I can’t imagine why the military were persuaded to take boxes of gold from Haiti; they must have been told some whopper lies to convince US military members to steal. You’re right about Haiti and I understand why you’re leaving the Haiti/Clinton Foundation, etc., etc., until later and won’t comment either.

It pretty easy to understand as you’ve laid out the history, and more importantly, the connections between the various versions of Citibank, and the political elites in government. The reestablishment of a combined commercial and investment bank truly was to create bubbles and profit immensely from the fall. I knew about the Terry McAuliffe purchasing the property for the Clintons (so Hillary could run for the Senate) conveniently after JFK, Jr’s untimely death.

The crashes devastated millions and so many lost their homes and huge percentages of savings in each crash. You’ve nailed the AI boost and after enough get in, the market will crash again. Interesting investments from members of Congress in the technology occurring as I write this….Hopefully this time will be the straw (boomerang) that breaks the central bank’s back and the corruption will be exposed and the participants actually face true justice.

You’ve alluded to the various ties prominent politicians in the US have had with several Saudi families, including the Bush-bin Laden connections, and the bin Laden CIA connections and Obama’s connections….. The truth about the current top tier of corrupt political elites is happening… much of it thanks to you, Joe! Much of their corruption falls within the designation of ‘crimes against humanity.’

God bless you for using His gifts to you for all our benefit! 🙏🙏. Your commitment to the truth is much appreciated!! ….waiting with bated breath….👍

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Feb 28Liked by Joe Lange

Great job, Joe. One of the things I really appreciate about you is how you quickly reply to everyone who comments to your posts. That is a really nice touch. Thanks for everything you do, Joe, and may God bless you and keep you. 💖

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Feb 29Liked by Joe Lange

I've been tearing up those Citibank credit card offers coming in the mail every day!😂😂😂

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Feb 28Liked by Joe Lange

Does anyone remember investigative Breitbart reporter, then on Sputnik, Lee Stranahan talking weekly on a truther show…about Ukraine, Russia, an American guy named Bill Browder? I’m in the middle of Browder’s true autobio, ‘Red Notice’, 2015. About Russian / American financial markets. Not one boring page. All the names are there…And now this great article.

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Feb 28Liked by Joe Lange

Joe Lange, tease extraordinaire 😂🤣😂

You’ve most certainly set the scene for your next instalment ! Jeez, I feel like a kid again waiting for Santa to visit at Christmas 🤣😂🤣

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Feb 28Liked by Joe Lange

I’m looking forward to the continuation…the research, the writing…thank you!!

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Feb 28Liked by Joe Lange

Wow! Never made the connections with deregulation! Thanks, Joe!

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Hmm,I thought Larry Fink invented the housing derivatives scheme that caused the crash and then was appointed by

Obama to manage the housing and bank bailout (and introducing DEl or ESG as a requirement to get bailed out)? This is after founding Blackrock and while serving as the banking oversight 'advisor' for the WEF?

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