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I have a T that says: "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength"

This one: https://t.co/gp7BK55eFB

"War is peace" refers to the idea that by placing the nation in a constant state of war, individuals tend to ignore any discontent they may have with their government, or their harsh way of life, thus ensuring a perpetual domestic peace.

"Freedom is slavery" refers to the notion that absolute freedom can lead to chaos. This means that the individual in such a chaotic society has no rights, no protective laws, no plan or tangible structure. This would lead to the individual becoming vulnerable to the vagaries of a potentially inimical world and therefore slave to forces beyond the control of the individual or of society.

"Ignorance is strength" can be understood as being analogous to the aphorism "ignorance is bliss." It follows then that if one is not concerned with truth, one's existence assumes a level of contentment not attainable otherwise.

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If I could share photos here, I would. Through this technology suggested by Tesla, Trump was able to disassemble the 5G towers. It's the periodic table of the elements. CO V Fe Fe Together they are magnets that essentially cleanse the atmosphere of harmful 5G.

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You had me at Kekistani

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A wonderful travel through deceptive history! Riveting! Our ancestors and even now our speech is peppered with metaphors. Intriguing!

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What a great education on the past, present and future cyphers as well as the possible consequences. For those of us who are not anons, this is extremely helpful! Thank you. God bless you.🙏🙏

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I was interested in your mention of the woman Culper Ring member, Agent 355. There is a DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) chapter formed in the Chicago area about 10 years ago. The name of the Chapter is "Culper Ring Agent 355". I am an associate member of that chapter.

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I did not get any answers but you sure are making me think.

Love your work. Thanks for sharing.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I have one question:

Stone = the force / strength capable of YIELDING power to act on info

So that does NOT mean "projecting" power, but rather in "stepping back to allow others to use power..." like, we yield the right of way.

My question, then, is.... and assuming that everything has meaning and this was not an inadvertent word choice (mistakenly (?) using "yield" instead of -- perhaps -- "wield" as in "to hold and use")

is this in fact what is happening -- the "stone" is purposefully having some sort of "force or strength (guts? courage? ability to remain in place, as a "stone" so that others will be uncomfortable and will feel compelled to make a move which will be their undoing) in stepping back to allow others to wield or use the power, to achieve the desired outcome? A trap....

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Regarding covfefe, Trump tweeted on 5/31/17. Twelve days later, the COVFEFE Act of 2017 was introduced to the House. Coincidence?

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Love it Sean, you amazed me again. I know you stopped doing the videos of your substacks, but whatda ya say, for ol times sake!!!! Love ya brother!!

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I rather liked the Periodic Table theory, where Co = Cobalt; V = Vanadium; and Fe = Iron.

This doesn't move us very far forward though. The atomic weights of each, for reference are:

Co = 59

V = 51

Fe = 56

Fe = 56.

For a total of 222.

Perhaps others can make something of this.

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Covfefe is a bill !

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I LOVE Kekistanis!! 🙂🐸 Their language is beautiful. 😋

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Not a single Patriot who is strongly considered to be a whitehat has ever mentioned Kwast, yet these guys inject him every chance they can. He has clearly infiltrated Badlands, but to what end? Watch is initial interview with Jon Herald. He says absolutely nothing in favor of Trump or Patriots, nor does he acknowledge the capture of our elections (he openly blamed citizens for election problems) His opinions should be ignored- no matter how cool his uniform is. Just say no.

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