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This piece is the fifth entry in the ongoing Badlands Media China series, which started with ‘Taiwan Tipping’ and continued with ‘Tigers and Flies,’ ‘The Two Chinas’ and ‘Empire’s Enigma,’ and is best read following those features.
If I haven’t lost you yet on my continued deep dive into the various contradictions—or seeming contradictions—between what the Media Industrial Complex, prominent Globalists and the Deep State apparatus have told us about China and more importantly, its leader, President Xi Jinping so far in our budding series, then I think it’s safe enough to begin to draw a clearer line from—and not between—him and some of the other leading figures in what I have been dubbing the Sovereign Alliance as I attempt to parse the factions, ‘sides’ and end goals of the Fifth-Generation Information War that we all track on a daily basis.
Of course, ‘Information War’ is just one of many terms for the conflict we all study, read about, write about and pontificate on, as this war spans virtually every System and function of global society. From the Economic and Financial to the Kinetic and even the Psychological, there is a war both FOR and AGAINST your mind, your bank account, your economic and social power and yes, probably even your very soul being waged every night and day, in all the various turnings of modernity.
I am not the first person in this movement to suggest that we aren’t simply on the cusp of World War 3 … we are already in it. We have been in it, potentially for decades, though things certainly heated up when a certain Orange Man came riding down a golden escalator not so very long ago and provoked the Deep State to go ALL IN in defense of their expansive, vast, domineering and ultimately more brittle and vulnerable than you would believe System of Systems.
I was first drawn into the coverage of this fascinating conflict because, in addition to actually caring whether or not we have a sovereign future in this world, and in addition to desperately wanting to see justice visited upon the enemies of humanity—and yes, the enemies of whatever God you do or do not believe in—I have always been drawn to stories.
Stories of heroes and villains, myths and legends, good and evil. Stories that are so complex that their simple lessons are imparted that much more soundly in the subconscious of the reader or watcher along with stories that run opposite modes, delivering deceptively complex ruminations through seemingly-simple and even surface-level narratives.
While we are currently in the midst of an infinitely complex war between the forces of Globalism and Sovereignty worldwide, I believe that the complexion of the ‘story’ of that war we are being sold by one side and told by the other fits the second scenario more closely: deceptively simple.
As we take a step back and take in the entire game board, from the continued devolution of the US political and economic system to the continued exposure of the toothless bureaucracy of the European Union, the hypocrisy of engineered social movements, a kinetic war involving Russia and a trade war involving China, one might be forgiven for thinking we are simply observing an ideological, fiscal and sometimes-kinetic conflict between the paradigms and paragons of East and West.
And in so doing, one would miss the forest for the trees.
For just as many in this community are all too aware that our societies and systems have been subverted, coerced and subjugated by a once-hidden enemy that is not so hidden anymore, I also believe that we have more allies than we know, and in more places than we might think.
This is why I engage in Macro-level thinking and Directional thinking as I attempt to apply my own analysis to both Actual and Potential/Narrative Events and Deployments, as I wish to peer through the surface and unearth the truth at the heart of these Deployments.
In so doing, I believe I have come away with a broad, albeit incomplete grasp of the overall conflict, the sides on the Game Theory game board, and have potentially caught a glimpse into a more hopeful, free and yes, sovereign future for us all—one that mirrors suggestions made in the infamous and genius Q Drops and that tracks with the analysis of plenty of other thinkers in this movement, and likely with many of you.
In the end, we are watching a War of Stories play out that is laid over the very real Financial, Kinetic and Psychological War being waged in more theaters than any of us can parse alone, and as I often say around these parts, we have better writers.
That said, stories, at the end of the day are only as good—only as compelling—as the characters that inhabit them and that bring life to their drama and codify and embody their themes.
And we have some highly compelling characters inhabiting this story, don’t we?
From Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping to Joe Biden, these characters can be both real and unreal at the same time, playing out roles that have either been assigned to them or that they have taken on, taking action and deploying Narratives of their own free will and volition or unwitting and largely unwilling as they are hemmed in on the Game Board—trapped by better players with longer-term strategies at play.
While there are dozens upon dozens of prominent figures to analyze in the war between Globalism and Sovereignty, those I wish to focus on today represent what is in my view a Trinity of seemingly-disparate and sometimes seemingly-opposed leaders that could together usher in an age of stability, peace and even prosperity, should they have the public mandate and the personal will to do so.
It may seem outlandish to some to suggest a ‘secret’ alliance between Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, while the very prospect seems obvious and apparent to others.
Before you even begin to engage with the prospect that these three men—and those that pushed them into the spotlight and guide them through the twists and turns of Fifth-Gen Warfare—could represent a more unified Sovereign triumvirate than it would appear at first blush, it is worth fighting through the cognitive dissonance that could be assailing you right now as you remember that all three have faced coordinated and mirrored attacks by the very Globalist Deep State Media Apparatus this community, this writer and this publication were forged to fight against.
In fact, as we explored in recent entries in the China Series, swapping out the headlines of Globalist rags from Trump, Xi and Putin leaves one disoriented and guessing at which of these enigmatic, and yet, larger than life characters draws the ever-shifting, ever-poisonous ire of the collective of collectivists and their puppet-string financiers such as George Soros and his ilk most strongly at any given time.
It has been said and it is rarely argued by any in this community that the subversive enemy that we have been fighting on an Informational and Psychological level for years—and that some of our former leaders have been fighting for far longer—solidified their now-fraying grasp on power worldwide through infiltration instead of invasion.
I would simply submit to you that the opposite could also be the case, and when you take even a surface-level look at the rises, early agendas and continuing actions and deployments of this Trinity of leaders, you might begin to see a picture being painted of a return to global—rather than globalist—cooperation, support and mutual sovereignty that belies the surface-level tensions that have largely been drummed up by the very subversive matrix we’re toppling one deep dive at a time.
So then, while we will take deeper dives on each of these topics in the future, on a Macro level, what is it about Trump, Putin and Xi that suggests more coordination and sharing of vision than Q Drops have suggested and flights of fancy would hope for?
I would suggest that we can break the makings of these leaders down into a Mirrored Quadrant:
1)Â Â Â Populist Rise
Surely both American and international readers need not be inundated with a treatise on Donald Trump’s rise to power in the United States. In addition to all of the hinted-at and aforementioned clandestine operations that may or may not be underway on either side in the war between Globalism and Sovereignty, the baseline, memetic and meteoric rise of Trump and Trumpism can be owed to a war on the former and a defense of the latter.
Donald Trump is the first American leader—perhaps the first major world leader—in decades to wage a Narrative War—and one with very real net effects—on the Globalist class, breaking from decades of subversive, engineered and Administrative tradition by extolling the virtues of independence, strength and idealism that closely mirrors Presidents Reagan and Kennedy before him.
This rise awoke within the American populace a sleeping giant that was tickled and ultimately tricked by the Bush Jr. Admin and utterly demoralized under the communist, Marxist reign of Obama.
Trump did not create the preconditions of sovereignty in the American zeitgeist; he tapped into a well that was already there, gushing, flowing and crashing beneath the surface, waiting for the right figure at the right moment in the right era to break the brittle ground atop it before it could fully calcify.
This rise closely mirrors that of Vladimir Putin in the near east, as I have chronicled extensively in the series that first put me on the Truth Community map, Righteous Russia, as the Russian people are no strangers to communist infiltration, Marxist subversion and Soviet subjugation and eradication.
And as I have explored in recent pieces in this growing series at Badlands Media, I would argue that Xi Jinping rode a similar populist wave en route to an almost unheard-of swell in nationalist populism in the far east, running his very campaign on a promise to go to war with the ‘tigers and flies’ of an entrenched, embedded enemy that would control them from on high.
2)Â Â Â Military Backing
Donald Trump might not have a public background in the military—although he did attend the New York Military Academy in the 1960s—but he tapped into the same Military and nationalist base Bush Jr. subverted as part of his own American rise.
More to the point, Trump broke from recent tradition and recalled Kennedy’s cabinet appointments and civilian advisory councils by leaning heavily on his support within the US Military, specifically the marines. Hell, his inauguration speech was conducted while ringed by marines in what many—myself included—took as a shot across the bow to the collectivists.
And who could forget this infamous moment?
Vladimir Putin, for his part has a far more extensive military career than Trump—that we know of—and made similar appointments on taking the Russian Presidency in a bit of a shock rise in the late 90s, ushering in a new era of Russian sovereignty and nationalism not seen in literally a full century following the tragic and forced ending of Czar Nicholas and his family.
And as we explored in our last feature in this series, Xi Jinping broke heavily with LONG-term Chinese political tradition by forming his own Secret Service/Security equivalent rather than relying on that appointed and funded by the CCP, restructured the Chinese Chain of Command in the People’s Liberation Army to effectively make him Commander-in-Chief in a mirror to his counterpart in the west and placed renewed focus on the kinetic power of his nation in service to a worldwide vision that he dubs as ‘multi-polar’ in contrast to the globalist vision for collectivism and subjugation.
3)Â Â Â War on the Oligarchy
With regards to the Military ‘careers’ and backing of this potential Sovereign Trinity, it is worth applying a healthy dose of skepticism to the prospect that said backing alone does not always or even often signal political or kinetic intent on the part of the leader who rides it into the halls of power.
After all, how many former Presidents and world leaders have worn their respective nations’ sense of national pride and history as a subversive skin suit en route to embroiling their people into Forever Wars in the Middle East and beyond meant to enrich the Oligarchic class that is the true collectivist and financial might behind their respective thrones?
I’ll get no argument from this community that Donald Trump broke from this very morose tradition by immediately going to war on a Narrative level with the jackals and crows in the US political class, using the Media Industrial Complex as a means of boosting his own messaging while putting the corporate and political cronies on the defense in a way no leader has before him.
The result of this Narrative campaign has been the steady and complete exposure of a plurality of the American ‘Elite,’ who can no longer hide behind their projected independence, as everyone from Fortune 100 companies to opposition party and even intra-party government officials closed ranks against a man—and a movement—they considered an outsider and therefore a threat to their dominion, and to their entire Systemic illusion.
Vladimir Putin’s rise in the 90s did not come directly on the heels of the USSR’s communist collapse. In fact, it came after a decade of faux capitalist rule, as the means of Soviet/Russian production, money lending and favors was split among the Russian Oligarchy—perhaps the most infamous in the world—en route to a system that was somehow even worse for the Russian people than communist rule, as they traded Marxist masters for corporate and energy overlords.
Putin vowed to put an end to this sort of crony ‘inside baseball,’ and following his installation as President, he spent the first decade of the new millennium doing exactly that, waging a legal and sometimes even kinetic war on said Oligarchs en route to a steady transfer of their corporations, businesses and assets back to the Russian people all while the Narrative drum beats sounded among the toothless bureaucrats in Brussels and Washington, DC, painting him a ‘threat’ to ‘their Democracy.’
And once more, as we have explored in this series so far, Xi Jinping not only seems to march in lockstep with Trump and Putin where it concerns his views on and actions toward the Chinese Oligarchy, represented by Legacy families and Bloodlines that stretch back farther than we in the west can conceive … he’s actually put them to shame.
Xi has not only gone to war on a Narrative and Legal level with the Chinese Communist Oligarchy, he’s rooted them out, arrested them and imprisoned them, often with shocking military deployments and even in mass style, having officially punished millions of ‘enemies’ to the Chinese Republic charged with corruption, but also thousands of government and administrative insiders accused of the very same.
While it is difficult or impossible to know if Xi’s arrests—much like Putin’s before him—are justified, the net effect of his reign of terror—to [them,] I would argue—has been the purging of legacy families from a CCP that served its people up on a silver platter to the American Oligarchy represented by Apple, Google, Amazon and the rest en route to farming out a veritable slave class to the collectivist west.
Add to this the happy coincidence that the engineered COVID pandemic/scamdemic and ensuing lockdowns have resulted in a staggering and rapid decoupling of the eastern and western economic systems, and you might recast the trauma of the last few years in an entirely new light, as we will in a future piece.
4)Â Â Â War on the Globalists
The fourth and final Mirrored Quadrant among the budding Sovereign Alliance runs concurrent with the third, as the embedded terrestrial and national Oligarchies these leaders have rooted out, purged or at the very least shaken in their respective rises coincides with the decoupling of their respective nations from the collectivist system best represented by the aforementioned American Oligarchy and the Administrative and illusory power base of the European Union.
While Trump did his part in highlighting the inherent weakness and corruption of the Globalist and Globalist-aligned system to a sleepy-eyed, but steadily waking American populace, Putin’s approach has been far less subtle, as he has effectively neutered the Globalist system on the world stage by his shocking, effective and ultimately successful Special Military Operation in the proxy state of Ukraine while the jackals on the borders of his empire threaten, sneer and ultimately remain rooted in powerless and actionless fear as he does his work.
And while Xi Jinping has been decried by conservative and sovereign-leaning westerners as readily as he is by the very leftists that sang his praises not so long ago, I would argue and will continue to argue that Xi’s antagonistic stance toward ‘leaders’ such as Biden, Trudeau and the council of hissing serpents in Brussels, along with his open and strengthening economic and military ties with the BRICS nations represented by Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa and the SATE nations represented by Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt are more indicative of the sovereign cooperative he seeks to help forge.
Of course, these three figures are not alone, as Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, Viktor Orban in Hungary, perhaps Giorgia Meloni in Italy and many more beside them are rising in their own respective corners of the globe as they attempt to root out and stamp out their own heads of the Hegelian Hydra we are all at war with, but this trinity of the US, China and Russia, if realized and actualized, could be the only one that is capable not just of creating the conditions for peace and sovereignty on the world stage, but of mandating it.
While deeper dives on each of these respective Mirrored Quadrants are needed in the future, and while I would never suggest that I can see all endings, I do believe that, in taking a Macro, zoomed-out view of global events and reframing the exposure of the System of Systems I write about so often of late, we might see that the pieces are already being moved into place for the Sovereign world to come.
And what a world it will be.
Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.
Continue on to ‘CHIPS and Dips,’ the follow-up to this piece on the Chinese theater in the Shadow War.
Badlands Media articles and features represent the opinions of the contributing authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Badlands Media itself.
If you enjoyed this contribution to Badlands Media, please consider checking out more of my work for free at Burning Bright, where I focus on Narrative Deployments and Macro Concepts in Fifth-Generation Warfare.
I have secretly imagined the alliance between the three super powers with their common enemy. Of course, if we knew for certain, it wouldn’t be a worthy well thought out plan. But one can’t ignore their actions, their common battle. President Kennedy, in my opinion, was working behind the scenes and it cost him his life. Once Kennedy was out of the way, the brainwashing began in full force and America began its spiral fall. Women went to work and children were raised by others. The destruction of the family, the hyped sexual content on all media. So many example in that time frame. I hope BB you look into Kennedy at some point, I really believe his work is continuing today.
Good article. Badlands. Most people don't seem to realize that the 5G war in which we're currently engaged IS WWIII.