I have secretly imagined the alliance between the three super powers with their common enemy. Of course, if we knew for certain, it wouldn’t be a worthy well thought out plan. But one can’t ignore their actions, their common battle. President Kennedy, in my opinion, was working behind the scenes and it cost him his life. Once Kennedy was out of the way, the brainwashing began in full force and America began its spiral fall. Women went to work and children were raised by others. The destruction of the family, the hyped sexual content on all media. So many example in that time frame. I hope BB you look into Kennedy at some point, I really believe his work is continuing today.

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JFK, in announcing the NASA project to the moon, proposed that it be a joint mission with the USSR.

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JFK pledged to destroy the three letter agencies. We know what happened to him! And his brother Bobby too. The deception in these agencies has gotten deeper and more antiAmerican since then. I believe DJT was going to finish Kennedy’s work. And hopefully will!

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That’s how I see it Nancy. I think what John F. Kennedy discovered it a story not yet told. I think there is so much we don’t know.

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Try watching The Kennedy Killers, if it is still around!

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Good article. Badlands. Most people don't seem to realize that the 5G war in which we're currently engaged IS WWIII.


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What is 5G exactly? . I hear it talked a lot about, but not getting the entire picture as to why it is so dangerous ?

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5th Generation Warfare; you can get the handbook on same from Amazon. Or do a search on it, Sharon.


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Great article. I feel the same as you do. We are at war and have been for sometime. Your opinion and knowledge of Trump, Putin and Xi makes perfect sense. Keep writing!!

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Yes, indeed! I have observed (even prior to finding your posts) the seeming similarities between what the 3 leaders have been doing. Each apparently has his own role as each faces down different local threats. The disparity between what the media reports on China vs what steps we so Xi taking was what first keyed me to his possible role. Putin’s was the immediate and especially Trump-like vicious attacks by the media upon his move against the evils of the globalists’ proxy state. Taiwan is a proxy state, too , I believe. Anyway the 40,000 level view is the best way to observe the war. We live in exciting times and I’ve often considered this could be a plan developed with a quantum computer. Your assessment is brilliant as always and I always anticipate your posts! God bless you Burning Bright.🙏

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Beautifully said! Keep speaking truth!

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Excellent analysis and insight which I have been anxiously awaiting from alt media for decades. Look no further than Lyndon H LaRouche, who laid the foundations for the U.S. Russia, China, India BRICS+ Alliance in the 1980’s with his proposals for the New Silk Road and Eurasian Landbridge. As a reminder, LHL was an 8 time POTUS candidate who’s was railroaded to prison in 1986 by none other than Robert Mueller. LHL died in 2019, leaving behind a legacy. “The Clash of Two Americas” vol 1-3, by Matt Ehret, CanadianPatriot.org, is a must read for understanding the roots of our heritage and fight with the DS from 1776 to the present.


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I love the BRICS.

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How ironic that it was founded in the 19th Century, American System of Political Economy. It’s what built the Trans Continental Railway in the US and Trans Siberian Railway in Russia. They were planned and intended to link up via the Bering Strait. (Ref: “The Clash of Two Americas” vol 1-3; CanadianPatriot.org).

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Interesting. My parents are from North Platte Ne. The largest working Railroad yard in America. Russia has the largest yard but not in service like US. IF you want to know if there is a recession coming take a ride up the elevator in the Museum in North Platte. Count the dead dogs ( the engines sitting idle on track). You see a lot, then recession coming. Joe Bide let the Union down. He cannot be trusted

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so you post this, on the day Trump announces, "AMERICA NEEDS A SUPERHERO!"

"I have always been drawn to stories. Stories of heroes and villains, myths and legends, good and evil."


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OUTSTANDING Article. I agree with every sentence and paragraph. This is Excellence in digital print, IMHO. Thank You for this thirty thousand foot view. I still have a standing bet of a hundred doillars that Putin will emerge the Hero in the Ukraine Proxy War. The Globalist controled US Backed NATO Enforcers and the EU have done nothing for the Ukrainian People, except enslave them with their Propaganda and Evil Money Making Schemes. These Corrupt Schemes are designed to provide maximum kickbacks to the Western Elitist Puppets, and their WEF GLOBALIST PUPPETEERS. Think FTX... It's only One of Many such Money Laundering Schemes yet to be exposed.

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The future looks bright! 💪🏼💞

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Leaving aside any questions of individual state's crimes against their populations for a moment, I think this is a scenario that, if true, I would welcome with an open heart.

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🎯 Nice

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Great article.

“The truth was a mirror in the hands of God. It fell, and broke into pieces. Everybody took a piece of it, and they looked at it and thought they had the truth.”

— Rumi

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how do you think this may line up with God's final victory against satan, his deep state minions, and the souls who never submit to God's soverignty? I think you explain beautifly the truth that God sees and works through His Spirit, and servants to bring forth. I often struggle to put into words the scene you created with the mirror. Thank you, and God be with you,stay strong soldier!

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Hello Lara,

Great question.

Is this comment for BB? I agree he does a great job. By using the words “mirror mirror” in the title, he is reinforcing to us his oft sang theme of “ illusionists” and their greatest illusion: the system of systems which includes the media and censorship which presents to us lies. The lies are real in the same way a reflection in the mirror is real. It’s the shadow of the shadow of the Real.

The poem is by Rumi and is ancient wisdom handed down like this:. “You are my other me. If I do harm to you, I do harm to myself. If I love and respect you, I love and respect myself.” Mayan Mirror Philosophy before the darkness infiltrated and took over their culture.

In answer to your question:

God’s law of Free Will is how God’s servants are bringing victory: by provocation. Expending ammo.

Once the dark ones’ ammo is spent, and they have brought themselves to their knees by their own emotional-reactions, their dark master, their “little princes” in the principalities of their hearts that control them--(they do not control themselves,) but instead have always been expendable puppets with which dark plays and discards--only then will they beg forgiveness of the true Master God.

Q provokes

Trump provokes

Who else is provoking?

Am I provoking?

Do the anons go out and draw fire?

Did Saint Stephen provoke Saul?

Did Lord Jesus provoke?

In the Bible, how many of God’s people die and pop right back up? The opposite of death is birth, not life. We are life. What’s to fear with God in our hearts?

“The kingdom of God is within you!” Lord Jesus King James Version Luke 17:21

Is this the victory you were speaking of? Because the victories are tiered. The next level is to make everyone on earth a Saint.


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And the Father will say to to the prodigal sons and daughters, welcome home.

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I may called this a World Revolution (not world war) it is a transformation of human civilization of planet earth. humanity are now creating a new Matrix guided by the universal Law of oneness, diminishing the old suppressive 3D Matrix with the help & guidance of divine forces of universal god creator,

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I remember hearing about BRICS and thinking to myself, it will be Russia, China, and us that save us from the NWO globalist pigs.

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Thank you, as always.

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It's a compelling take. I don't yet entirely buy it though. Here's why:

Trump said he saw the eighth wonder of the world in Racine, WI. That statement should horrify humanity.


Trump was referring to a new Foxconn plant being built to supposedly manufacture high tech screens in the middle of nowhere. Yet, not one screen has ever rolled off the docks at the plant. The negotiations, begun under Koch Brothers' lackey former WI Governor, Scott Walker, to build this plant in the middle of nowhere were beyond bizarre. The patriarch of the demented Koch brothers, one of whom is alleged to be a sexual deviant, made his fortune doing business with Stalin. Speaking of bizarre, ever wonder why Paul Ryan stepped down at the height of his power? He represented a district that included Racine.

Foxconn is substantially a Chinese Communist Party tool despite being in Taiwan. No politician or media person will touch the subject of Racine, WI and Shenzhen, China.

Does anyone know that in 1959 the SC Johnson billionaire family's Johnson Foundation began hosting private high level meetings about China in Racine, WI?


The Johnson family is apparently into multigenerational sexual abuse of children as one of its scions was convicted of sexually abusing his step daughter. Yes, so that's how it is in that family to use a line form Ferris Bueler's Day Off. It's like that in all these Satanic families like the Cheneys, Bush, Clinton, Obama, and Biden Crime Families.


Racine is ground zero for the eternal enslavement plan for humanity. It's also a major child trafficking hub with a private international airport,, a private harbor on Lake Michigan, a nearby military base across the border of Illinois, and weird connections to the Finger Lakes, NY region tattooed on Hunter Biden's back, and genetics labs called Biota, and the Mason Lab affiliated with CIA hub Cornell University, a university from which many of the Johnsons graduated, and to which they donate big money. Cornell is BIG into hotels and hospitality which is a critical industry, just ask Tom Pritzker of Hyatt Hotels, for child trafficking. Kosher Nostra Tom wasn't going to Epstein's Island to play tennis, unless that was a pseudonym for a twelve year old. He's a sick fuck.


The late U.S. Senator from MN, Paul Wellstone, and George Webb's sidekick, Jenny Moore, were murdered for poking their noses into what is taking place in Racine. George won't talk about Racine. He did say he met Jesus in Racine. Wow, what in heaven or on earth could that possibly mean?

This Badlands' analysis is plausible, maybe more so, hopefully, than a very plausible counter narrative which is there's a civil war waging among dark, occult forces for control of earth while Trump, Putin, and Xi just represent one side in that war, maybe just less dark, but dark, and occult nonetheless. There are revealing analogies betwen the American Civil War and WWIII.

Our Civil War was not anything remotely approaching the lies of propaganda to which we've all been subjected, the first, and foremost being that it was about slavery, whichvwas quite incidental to the Civil War, the second being that it was American, when in reality it was a global war waged in America, and the third being that the Union was righteous, and the Confederacy backward, and evil, when both sides possessed elements of both.

WWIII is entirely about the eternal enslavement of the remnant of humanity that survives the eugenics bioweapon genocide of Trump's Operation Warp Speed, whereas human slavery, at least in the form of servitude of labor, was somewhat incidental to the Civil War, while sovereignty of economic and financial systems was primary. WWIII is a full spectrum war on ALL of humanity by the darkest forces on earth. Those forces are as evil as any in the universe, and their leader is Satan. Evil cannot wage a frontal assault on humanity. It must wage war by deception which involves synthetic heros for it to oppose. Trump may be just that. Watch the stage show play of good versus evil while Trump unleashes Operation Warp Speed, then watch the FTX shit show, followed by the Musk Twitter reveal show, all while a digital currency akin to the Mark of the Beast is moved in place. Every country on earth has taken significant steps toward total digital lockdown, including currency, identification, and others, of their populations. The plan is tank the currect system, the hit the WEF reset button.

Your analysis ignores a mountain of evidence contrary to its conclusions, and ignores, almost entirely, beyond a mere proforma mention, the spiritual dimensions of WWIII being waged on humanity.

China is closer to implementing the totalitarian, full spectrum dominance to eternally enslave humanity than any country on earth while others, like India, are close to enacting a digital lock down, including a digital currency, of their population.

China has been a pilot program for Google, and other "intelligence," and military operations for decades to usento perfect total enslavement, with some willing participation therein of the population. China is where Google develops its programs to get complicity with enslavement by its users.

Xi's actions may just be a more complete tightening of an iron grip. The Uyghurs are, like the Yazidis were, being eliminated because they possess ancient, obscure, sometimes occulted, spiritual knowledge.

The video of socio-psychopath Bill Gates presenting to a group of thugs in U.S. Armed Service how to eliminate the genes that are correlated with human spirituality, based on Harvard researcher Dean Hammer's exceptional work, is indicative of these Satanist's intentions for humaniry as is the eugenics genetic bioweapon unleashed on humanity by Trump's Operation Warp Speed run by US Armed Services, th NIAID, the FDA, the CDC, Big Pharna, Big Tech, Big Media, and Big Governments.

China literally began culturally, and genetically breeding out, often by genocide, any spirituality in their population with Mao, a sexually deviant puppet of the Ashkenazim who did the same thing in 1917 Russia.

Biden, Zuckerberg, and others were in Racine many months before they stole the 2020 elections. They were there piloting their election theft operation using it to rig a billion dollar public bond referendum. Even the prestitutes took notice of how odd it was.


Foxconn is allegedly manufacturing 5G equipment at its Racine plant. It's no doubt working to perfect it as the pulsed microwave weapon it was developed as by our US Army in the 1970's. It's no doubt working to integrate how it works with nanotech injected or otherwise delivered into our bodies. Operation Warp Speed was but a mere pilot program. It was child's play for these Satanists. Our Armed Services have long been Fascist killers as Gen. Smedley Butler wrote about decided ago in War Is A Racket.

Until someone forces Trump to talk about Racine I will not believe he's a white hat. He's just as likely to be a synthetic hero manufactured by Satan as a near genius level distraction. We'll know soon enough.

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