The Badlands ‘Q for Dummies’ series attempts to ‘dumb down’ one of the most significant open-source intelligence drops of all time, which is partly responsible for triggering the period many refer to as ‘The Great Awakening.’ The series is intended for both newcomers and those looking for a fun review. Start with Chapter 1.
Hello and welcome to Chapter 15 of Q for Dummies! I hope that you all had a fantastic July 4th!
So much has happened since the last time we convened for Chapter 14. The debate was an absolute and total train wreck for Team Puddin’ Chin, and now we see the majority of the DNC stumping for a new nominee as we head towards November.
Not only that, but we’ve seen the Supreme Court levy some monumental decisions—most notably, The Presidential Immunity ruling, and the reversal of the Chevron Deference doctrine. Both of these decisions struck a major blow to the deep state, and as such—and coupled with the debate debacle—[they] are now in full blown panic mode.
Oh, did I mention that the Tri-Sovereign Alliance has been put in everyone’s face, with Vladimir Putin having meetings with Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, and Narendra Modi? Viktor Orban is the de facto President of the EU, and he as well has been meeting with these leaders and as of today, he has another planned meeting with President Trump at Mar-A-Lago. In amongst all of this, we have speculation of Trump’s VP pick running rampant, Trump has come out in strong support of Bitcoin, and a very real WWIII threat seems to grow by the hour.
In this chapter, we will be going over drops #101-110. This will be a little different than normal, as I see a few interesting connections with these posts that could become “future proves past” markers, in addition to the fact that these drops also outline a lot of moves which were being taken against the deep state at the time.
Drop #101 - November 5, 2017:
Q begins this drop by confirming that the most recent update to the Q-Graphic is accurate (please refer to Chapter 14 for a zoomable version of this graphic).
After this, Q then gives us what is known as a “stringer”. More often than not, these messages are not meant for us. Rather, they are meant for operators carrying out the operation against the Deep State.
It is important to remember that the Saudi round-up had taken place a mere day before these drops, and this particular stringer is, in essence, pointing towards an “extraction of Barack Obama”. And of course, an “extraction” can happen through many different methods. It needn’t always be a physical extraction.
As will be shown over the next few drops, this was a plan to draw Obama out, and it worked like a charm. Keep in mind as well, at this time, Obama had been traveling through Asia ahead of President Trump in an attempt to torpedo the incoming talks between Trump and various leaders from that portion of the world—that becomes an important factoid in the next drop.
In essence, this drop is showing us that white hats were tracking Obama. They knew he was in the Philippines at this point, they knew when he left, and they put him on blast.
For my “future proves past” take on this drop: The date is 11/5, which is a delta for our election this year. Could it be that a lot of these drops we will cover today are actually foreshadowing events to take place around, or during our election? Who knows? But all of these 11/5 deltas are very, VERY hard to ignore.
Drop #102 - November 5, 2017:
In this drop, we get another stringer.
This one begins with a set of coordinates that lead to a location in Manila.
At this location we can see there is a hotel named the “Sun Star Grand.”
It is feasible to believe that Obama had potentially met with other bad actors at this hotel, or perhaps another location in this area in an attempt to undermine President Trump’s forthcoming visit to Asia.
Under the coordinates, we see the word “green” appear; this was a go order for operators in the field. Either that, or this drop was meant to scare the utter shit out of Barack Obama.
Think about it—at this time we had the Saudi Purge, Sessions squashing leakers, Durham had just been set in motion, Q had just arrived on scene, and President Trump had already taken various steps that were big blows against the Deep State and their criminal enterprises.
When you take all of that into account, and then you add in the fact that Q-Team just told Barack Obama they were on his every step, it is pretty easy to imagine the fear being fostered within the Deep State at this point.
Drop #103 - November 5, 2017:
Drop #103 is a message being relayed for POTUS, and it is pretty straightforward.
Here, we see President Trump thanking those operators that are active in the field waging kinetic war against the Deep State behind the scenes and out of sight.
Taking another “future proves past” look here, and we again notice the date is 11/5, and the drop is discussing live operations. Just something to keep in mind.
Drop #104 - November 5, 2017:
Again, we have a drop in which Q is telling us that operations are active.
Annnnd again, I cannot help but notice the date, and it’s relation to the 2024 election.
Q is telling us here that operators are carrying out missions as we speak, and he is requesting prayer. Still, I can’t help but wonder if this will turn into a “future proves past” drop.
Drop #105 - November 5, 2017:
Drop #105 starts off with another request for prayer from Q.
We are then told that operators are going after high risk, and high value targets, and that these operators are in harm’s way. We are reminded to show gratitude for those willing to lay down their lives for our freedom.
Q then indicates that there is more to this story by saying, “more to follow”, which is indeed true, as there is certainly more to come further down the road in the drops.
Drops #106-108 - November 5, 2017:
The reason I stacked all of these drops on top of one another is because they actually go together, and paint a very clear picture of the control being exerted and the game theory on display.
To help drive the point home, I am gonna borrow a couple graphics from our fren
and his Q Drop Publication, which I HIGHLY recommend you check out.Before I get to the graphics, let’s start by examining the first 3 lines of drop #106:
“Nothing is a coincidence”
“We are at war”
“SA cut the strings”
These 3 lines are incredibly relevant.
First, Q reminds us that nothing is coincidental—not with this particular military operation, anyways. He then reminds us as well that we are, in fact, at war—a point that myself and many others have driven home time and time again.
I cannot overstate the importance of Saudi Arabia’s strings being cut, nor the importance of what is about to be shown with the graphics borrowed from
. To me, this period of time absolutely proves that there is a military operation underway.In drop #107, we see Q tell us that a tweet from Barack Obama was actually a coded message. Q then asks us to take note of the timestamp difference between his drop mentioning an Obama extraction and Obama’s tweet.
This graphic from PiP highlights these timestamps:
43 minutes after the Q-Drop, Obama drops that tweet.
Why is that relevant?
In drop #108, we see an Anon make the incorrect assumption that the stringers being posted signified somebody breaking OpSec (Operational Security).
Q tells this Anon, in essence, that they were wrong and that “nothing is as it seems”. Q then ask us “what occurred”, and then he immediately answers that question by telling us that Barack Obama was flushed out.
In the following graphic from
, we see a wonderful example of connecting dots and analysis.Let’s take a look:
In the upper left, we can see Drop #66, in which Q tells us that the CIA had just attacked the Commander In Chief (President Trump). The next day, President Trump tweets about a rogue employee taking down his Twitter account.
This was not a rogue employee, in my view; it was a CIA asset attempting to keep President Trump from sending his own coded tweet, which was the go-code to take down the Saudi Royal Family.
In essence, the Deep State attacked a sitting President in an attempt to keep him from doing his duty. In this case, that duty was helping to take down and purge the corruption from Saudi Arabia.
When you realize that Al Waleed bin Talal at one point owned Twitter, and that he also helped to finance Obama’s journey through university and all the way to the Oval Office, and then you realize how the Muslim Brotherhood ties in, you begin to understand that what happened in Saudi Arabia was not just a clearing out of their corruption, but it also instantly cut the strings of those who were benefiting off of selling our country out to the Muslim Brotherhood.
So, to recap: Trump’s twitter was taken down in an attempt to keep him from sending a go-code to take down the Saudi’s > Q tells us it was an attack on POTUS > POTUS calls it out > POTUS makes Saudi ‘go-code’ tweet > Saudi Purge happens > Q drops the first stringer > Obama sends his coded tweet > mass shooting happens > Obama makes another tweet, which is arguably a veiled threat.
The only power [they] possess at this point is to utilize mass shootings, and that is what happened here.
The extraction/flushing out of Obama was the white hats discovering his codes and how he uses them.
It was basically like Mike figuring out Teddy KGB’s tell at the end of Rounders:
Not only had they figured out his tell, but they also let it be known to Obama that we had eyes on wherever he went—most definitely a “shit yourself” moment for the bad actors.
Now, as an aside - Let’s take a look at another potential marker that may exist here, and which may have existed the entire time, under our noses, without anyone really pointing it out.
Remember drop #26?
Huh. “Once 11.3 verifies as first marker”.
What date was Trump’s twitter taken down again, in what was a very overt attack against POTUS and his ability to protect our nation? Oh, it was 11.2. What date did Trump tweet verifying what had happened?
That’s right … 11.3.
Folks, I believe we’ve already gotten our 11.3 marker. And it was Trump tweeting about his twitter account being taken down because that was, in effect, an act of war, which then allows him to become the “war time President” he always said he was, and opens up all kinds of options to fight back against [them], such as the Insurrection Act, COG, or even Devolution.
Once he was officially attacked while in office, it gave him the legal precedent to do what is needed to save this country.
Drop #109 - November 5, 2017:
This remains one of my favorite drops. It is the prayer of the Archangel St. Michael, along with an image of a sword and fire.
Q replies to the prayer by saying “Amen brother”, and it is drops like these that really drive home the point that we are in a spiritual war above all else.
I don’t care how many guns you own. I don’t care how many sats you’ve stacked, nor how much gold/silver you may possess; I promise you, if you lack God, you will eventually lose in this war. That’s a fact. At this point, if you cannot see the war of good vs evil playing out in front of you, then you may very well be a part of the 4-6% that are lost forever.
I mean no offense; however, this is a spiritual war, and the truth is the truth. Godlessness is what got us here in the first place.
Drop #110 - November 5, 2017:
In drop #110, we are being told that the MSM will fall—that the clown ops they run, and Operation Mockingbird will come down. And I personally believe if you take a look around at the rise of independent journalism, as well as the fact that not many people actually believe anything the MSM has to say anymore, it isn’t hard to see this drop coming to fruition in front of our very eyes.
I suspect there is much more of that to come, and that, before all is said and done with all of this, the MSM will not escape accountability.
That does it for Chapter 15, frens!
I hope you guys and gals enjoyed! As always: Thank you so much for the support. Remember to keep your chins up and your feet moving forward. Adorn your Armor Of God, and remember that God wins!
Until next time, be blessed!
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"Godlessness is what got us here in the first place."
Amen, brother. 🙏✝🕊
Almost exactly two years before these events something happened that I believe put much of this in motion. It is a key part of what is happening today with Joe Biden and Obama.
The real key is the New York Times and their evil collusion with Obama to hide the Biden- Ukraine corruption. One of the NYTimes reporters had done a very thorough job of investigative journalism to put the Hunter connection together and how Joe Biden was pulling strings to benefit Hunter and likely himself.
Before printing this explosive story, they contacted the Obama White House as a courtesy for comment. The NYTimes was told the White House had this under control but the article must not be printed because it would severely harm the CIA’s ongoing investigation an affect national security.
In exchange for hiding the article’s damning evidence, the NYTimes was promised inside information in the future before other organizations were given the same stuff. So, an unholy alliance was begun in November 2015.
The CIA guy who was given the task of designing a credible cover-up was eventually the same guy who became the whistle blower in September 2019 in impeachment No. 1. He was spooked when Trump asked Zelenskyy to help uncover what actually happened with Hunter. That request opened up that whole can of worms again. And, they thought it was under control in 2016.
I happen to believe all of this is why Obama warned Joe Biden that he did not need to run for president in 2020. Obama knew the whole thing would be exposed.
It is a confusion to me concerning what Joe Biden was told in 2015 about the NYTimes article. Was he told anything? Or, did Obama sock the information away as a control over Joe? That makes sense to me based on how these clowns seem to have negative, incriminating files on each other. Control seems to be the key.
I think Joe was told to step down in 2016 so Hillary could run against Trump. Joe was the VP and obviously in line to be the selection, but Hillary got the nod.
One other interesting thought. Who knew Seth Rich was going to give incriminating evidence about all of this skullduggery to the FBI the night he was killed? No one knew but the FBI and Seth. The good guys were there on time and missed the murder by minutes. But, you know their superiors at the FBI had been told about the meeting.
To me, that is proof that the higher ups in the agency were playing both sides. Only they could have set up the killing knowing exactly where and when the Zip drive was to be given to the good agents.
All of this ties together! Q knew all of this and is laying out the plan to expose it all! In hindsight it all fits to perfection and we are now seeing the plan coming together.