
"Godlessness is what got us here in the first place."

Amen, brother. 🙏✝🕊

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Almost exactly two years before these events something happened that I believe put much of this in motion. It is a key part of what is happening today with Joe Biden and Obama.

The real key is the New York Times and their evil collusion with Obama to hide the Biden- Ukraine corruption. One of the NYTimes reporters had done a very thorough job of investigative journalism to put the Hunter connection together and how Joe Biden was pulling strings to benefit Hunter and likely himself.

Before printing this explosive story, they contacted the Obama White House as a courtesy for comment. The NYTimes was told the White House had this under control but the article must not be printed because it would severely harm the CIA’s ongoing investigation an affect national security.

In exchange for hiding the article’s damning evidence, the NYTimes was promised inside information in the future before other organizations were given the same stuff. So, an unholy alliance was begun in November 2015.

The CIA guy who was given the task of designing a credible cover-up was eventually the same guy who became the whistle blower in September 2019 in impeachment No. 1. He was spooked when Trump asked Zelenskyy to help uncover what actually happened with Hunter. That request opened up that whole can of worms again. And, they thought it was under control in 2016.

I happen to believe all of this is why Obama warned Joe Biden that he did not need to run for president in 2020. Obama knew the whole thing would be exposed.

It is a confusion to me concerning what Joe Biden was told in 2015 about the NYTimes article. Was he told anything? Or, did Obama sock the information away as a control over Joe? That makes sense to me based on how these clowns seem to have negative, incriminating files on each other. Control seems to be the key.

I think Joe was told to step down in 2016 so Hillary could run against Trump. Joe was the VP and obviously in line to be the selection, but Hillary got the nod.

One other interesting thought. Who knew Seth Rich was going to give incriminating evidence about all of this skullduggery to the FBI the night he was killed? No one knew but the FBI and Seth. The good guys were there on time and missed the murder by minutes. But, you know their superiors at the FBI had been told about the meeting.

To me, that is proof that the higher ups in the agency were playing both sides. Only they could have set up the killing knowing exactly where and when the Zip drive was to be given to the good agents.

All of this ties together! Q knew all of this and is laying out the plan to expose it all! In hindsight it all fits to perfection and we are now seeing the plan coming together.

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This makes me more convinced that JB was never JB during his entire campaign or presidency. He was placed by design to ensure all the controversy came to light in a very public way without the people being blinded by the political charisma "rizz" Obama carried. I believe much happened behind the scenes after Trump took office in 2017 that radically changed the environment. Perhaps all will be exposed in the future - it certainly promises to be interesting.

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I think you are seeing it perfectly!

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….and the ties to ATF and MS-13…

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I wish I remembered which paper Joe was talking about (NYT or WaPo) but there was a recording of Joe calling Hunter telling him he was aware or read some article and it looked like he (Hunter) was safe from scrutiny. I will research on Marco Polo if I can find it I will add

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That was a completely different article. The one I am describing was in November of 2015. The CIA man who was used for the cover-up invented the Russia, Russia hoax in early 2016 to try to pull Trump into a connection with Paul Manafort who did have some Russian dealings and was helping Trump. The idea was to divert attention from Ukraine and change the subject to Russia plus make the connection of Trump with Russia.

It was a nice idea, but it backfired when Seth Rich was murdered. The FBI and CIA both needed to change the subject away from Seth Rich. So did Hillary because of her e-mail debacle. Bingo, the perfect answer was to bring the dossier to light. It fit the whole false scenario invented six months earlier and all attention immediately jumped to the dossier. The problem was Obama and Biden were both told of the fake dossier plan and agreed to it. Thus, Trump was spied upon and the FBI began using FISA illegally. Every step implicated more and more bureaucrats at higher and higher levels!

The Mueller investigation ate up over two years before it fell apart. Then Trump asked Zelenskyy about Hunter and we were off to the races again!

The article you are referring to came around this time when the impeachment failed to bring out the incriminating evidence Trump had asked about. The Democrat Party has successfully blocked the truth over and over again. Or, they were allowed to believe they were successful. The real question is, “Were they, really?”

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By the way, while all of this craziness was being orchestrated by the deep state to undermine Trump, he was busy changing the world balance of power, killing the 1871 act that enslaved America, and hauling 650 plane loads of Gold back home. The main stream media never reported a word about any of that! They were way too busy with TDS to actually see what was happening right in front of them.

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Given your belief of this, I'm curious where you think this is all going financially. We know that tons of gold was recovered. I'm relatively certain that the Vatican has lost it's possession of the world's gold, but that does leave trillions if not quadrillions of value to be distributed (or not) to the people. What are your thoughts?

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I wish I had a definite answer for you. My belief is our financial future is sound in that the actual business of America is still doing well. Our problem is with a government that has paid for our socialism by borrowing to pay for deficit spending. That is why Trump bankrupted the corporation established in 1871. It is kaput! Gone!

But who knows that? How has that affected you? Do you see the problem? How has the bankruptcy of America created a problem for anyone? I find that to be excellent.

So, my answer to your question is, “Who cares?”

Once the whole thing is opened up for discussion it occurs to me that we will have to realize our existing system was not sustainable and we will have to operate a fiscally solid treasury. Medicaid and Medicare are actually the two things creating our annual deficit. Social Security is almost breaking even. So, it will be a matter of honestly figuring out what we want to afford and what we will eliminate. The other side of the equation has to do with growth. A dollar backed by the reclaimed Gold and inflation driven down by sound money and excess energy production should change everything to the good.

I am no expert, but I am excited about our future. It looks to me that America is about to see a new Industrial Revolution. We have everything it will take except for a decent government. Trump has that on the way.

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I got a pep in my step after this read. Thanks for the refresher!

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SA. Good Prince (MBS) Bad Prince (Al Aweed bin Talal) aka Twitface.

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More excellence. Thank you, Paul.

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Amen Paul 🙏🙏🙏

Great article and you correctly drive the point that the first step in this battle has to be to get right with the Lord!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I love this series and hope it is turned into a book / movie.

Can't wait to see Eye of the Storm 3 times per week. You, Joe, and the EOTS crew keep me going. Congratulations and God Bless!

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You made the key point here; our rejection of God in our country has led to where we are today. No wonder God has gifted so many (including so many believers) for this. It’s always been the war between good and evil. As Joe Konner always ends his posts, ‘God wins’

Thank you and God bless you.🙏🙏

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According to news reports about 45 minutes ago Donald Trump was shot in the ear at his rally in Pennsylvania

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Yes, he confirmed it, one person died with another seriously wounded. Quite scary that they got so close.

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The cops and SS knew and did nothing until after the attempt. Two confirmed bystanders interviewed by MSM confirm the claims.

Clowns In America again, I'm afraid. [They] know they're toast if MAGA takes over.

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Thank you Paul 😊 🙏

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Another great breakdown - thank you ! Is there a place to review ALL of Q posts ? Want to share with friends .

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Joe's link is right; here is another page that explains how to use the 'Search' tool, which you find at the upper right of the qalerts.app page:


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Thank you

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Thank you Paul. Praying praying & praying more. Great writing! God Bless!

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Thank you Paul! Going through this again is fun. I am not sure I got as much out of the Q posts the first time around.

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This is the reason that they use deeds of trust to secure real estate except where I live the trustee is a member of the government who is supposed to be a neutral party but how neutral is it when they don’t even establish an actual trust…it’s not and it was all created by the banks in order to steal the land from the people as the borrower is the person who supposedly establishes the trust which means the trust is actually controlled by their creating it and the trustee is someone they choose not the government controlled banks which if you look through history in the United States have been responsible for fraud against the people in the United States….All of this is due to mistaken belief that birth certificates are intended to enslave us that’s not the case at all as they were created to identify the people who were born in this country so they could be rounded up when they start World War III

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