Even after studying the Protocols for a very short time, it can be concluded beyond ANY doubt that the Bolshevik Jews carried them out EXACTLY as written, against Russia, to turn it into their Jewish Soviet Utopia, where the Bolshevik Jews then proceeded to murder at least 100 million Russian Christians, being financed by the Rothschild Jew/International bankers to take over and destroy Christian Russia - even through World War 2 and after. The idea given here, that Jews fought against Kabbalistic Secret Societies, is the biggest farce and fraud to ever come down the Pike. The Jews CREATED AND CONTROL every Secret Society on earth, which are ALL based upon the Kabbalah and satanism - lol - as well as the Talmudic DOCTRINE OF DEMONS, and the Noahide Laws that demand the be-heading of ALL CHRISTIANS, as Idolators, for worshiping Jesus. The International Banker JEWS control ALL Secret Societies, and created ALL Secret Masonic satanist Societies. Hitler kicked them all out with their banker Over-lords, for that reason. After these Moloch-worshiping, child-sacrificing, satan-loving PARASITES were gone, Germany became the wealthiest Nation on earth within a few very short years - DURING THE DEPRESSION created by the Jewish International bankers. Hitler was made an example primarily to cover up this fact - get rid of the bankers and their Secret Societies, and you will prosper tremendously. They could not allow this fact to be known to the rest of the world. Japan did exactly as Hitler, with the same results. they were BOTH punished, and WAR PROPAGANDA has ensued ever since - found here specifically, being REPEATED like a PARROT, with FALSE INFORMATION created by Zionist SCUM prior to, during and after WW2 - their TOTAL MEDIA/PUBLISHING CONTROL the past 120+ years enabling them.

The Protocols have obviously been carried out as they are written - by the Jews. We can look around today to see that perfectly. They are based upon much earlier (at least 1,000 years) writings of the same agenda, to take over the world and to kill and/or subjugate all the Goyim (non-Jew animals) into their slaves. Read the Talmud and you will confirm EXACTLY that the Protcols came from the same FOUL SATANIC STENCH - the Talmud - confirming beyond doubt that this article is another PROPAGATED lie. Maybe you could call these LIARS that invented the word "Jew" 300 years ago, "Judaeans" or "Yahudi", if they actually had Hebrew genetics, but they don't. The Palestinians have TEN TIMES more Hebrew genetics. This and the fact they follow the Talmud, prove they are exactly who Jesus says they are in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 - LIARS, who are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. The Talmud PROVES this beyond ANY dispute whatsoever - a Doctrine of demons for a synagogue of satan, hand-in-hand - the seed of the serpent/Nephilim. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion MIRRORS the Talmudic theme, so no doubt exists who it belongs to, and who's AGENDA it is. Look up archive-dot-org for "The Talmud Unmasked" and you will see that the totally satanic "racism" that the Jews accuse everyone else of, is the literal foundation of their religion and Doctrine. They have ALWAYS done what they accuse others of - their modus operandi. They are a TOTAL SATANIC FRAUD. And you are their apologist, spreading and PARROTING their lies?

Have you never verified that no PRUSSIAN BLUE exists on ANY alleged "gas chamber" wall, except where it should be, in the TYPHUS eradication chambers? Science itself denies it. So much for 120+ YEARS of Zionist propaganda - poof - gone! Look up "Jews in Biden's CABINET" to see who has been conducting another Jewish Marxist Insurrection the past 4 years, as they did to the Russians and others, this time against America. Read Alexandr Solszhenitsyn's "200 years together" if you want some un-biased truth (among many) about the Bolshevik Jews and their origin - and what they did to 100 million Russian Christians. Find the Protocols at archive-dot-org also - read it for yourself rather than somebody lie to you that they have no relation - compare it to the Talmud, which is kept hidden from the Goyim. Once you confirm the Bolsheviks were 85%+ Jews, the rest of the SATANIC DECEPTION dissolves away. No doubt exists, once all facts are known, that this people are liars, and exactly who Jesus said they are. Their final minute already began - over the Temple Mount on 1-28-2011. Soon God's wrath and a Lake of Fire are coming for them, for oppressing His children. But just prior to that - It was they for whom it was written - "they shall seek death, but death shall flee from them." The party is just getting started. JUSTICE IS COMING.

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This is why it is important to distinguish between 1) actual Torah practicing Jews following Hebrew tradition and 2) Talmud practicing false Jew Khazars who are hell bent on imposing their dominion on the rest of the world that they deem inferior - Jew and Gentile alike.

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Where are these Torah-practicing Jews?

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God’s justice will be served for all of us.

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Great comment BTW, if unpopular as hell.

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Excellent post!

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Thank you for your post.

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Thank you for having the courage to address these complex topics. Over the last several years I have run across far too many people on social media who have adamant extreme views about the Jews, Hitler, the Holocaust, the nation/state of Israel, etc. etc.

I have always been astounded anyone would deny the Holocaust took place. But equally astounded that some would "support Israel" without the proper understanding and background historical info.

I come at it from a Biblical perspective, and even that is highly controversial. Enough said.

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Yes it’s a very tangled web that I cannot begin to grasp as a believer and follower of Jesus wrestling with the desire to support “God’s Chosen People” but questioning the utterly corrupt Israeli govt that appears to me to be of the Synagogue of Satan. Praying for discernment always.

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Concur completely and consider that the ‘why’ of the Holocaust might be much different than we’ve been told.

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Absolutely. Humans are digging for truth. So the Europa series did provide a point of new reference for thought that the texts of what really happened throughout much of history, including the Holocaust,, were plagiarized and inflated / exaggerated.

But it seems few ever raise the fact that millions of Christians were killed by the Jews, who were the Soviets in Russia, murdering Nicholas and his wife and children, so the story goes.

Also, the lovely hermetic culture of Cathars in Lanquedoc France, who lived a beautiful life, where the Vatican sent their soldiers to kill millions, just because they could not be manipulated to follow the monotheistic garbage of the Catholic Church. Many say that Jesus shared a hermetic philosophy, also discussed in writings by Plato, who was in prison just because of his philosophy that did not follow the monotheistic dominance that began with Constantine.

Also, blurred facts that many of the inflated numbers of Jews, who died in the holocaust , actually died of the disease from being bitten by lice or fleas, which caused wasting disease. I’m not denying that Jews were killed and that Hitler had his fill of these people is idea of a German civilization. But having watched the entire Europa series during the SCAMdemic, for myself, it painted the picture of Jewish banking Monopoly and their desire to govern and dominate the world through the fake federal reserve, taxation and the like. It is enough for severe irritation regarding the Zionist Jews and thrusts humanity into hate.

Then you have the formation of the word “anti- Semetism “ ” and the overbearing pressure tank that instills fear on humanity and our dismissal and outrage from censorship. Who are the Jews to muzzle the rest of humanity, we ask?

I look forward to the next edition of this article, and dissecting, the lies, the plagiarisms, the exaggerations and rewritten history that seems to fit some sort of MK ultra mind control efforts.

I keep an open mind, and just gather information so that I can drive my own truths until more revealing facts come along.

Thanks for sharing this topic . 😗

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There was no holocaust. That's a fact!

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The holocaust never happened. That's the truth. It's a hard, very hard, pill to swallow. It took me a long time to swallow it but the truth is the truth whether or not p.o.s. authors like this spread outright LIES and disinformation

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There is evidence that no cyanide was ever used in these prison camps. There’s no staining on the walls. The vents were not capped so that the poison would not escape. The seals on the windows and doors were not fabricated to keep the poisons only inside the large shower rooms. There are drains in the floor that would allow all the poisons to drain into their ground water.

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Thanks for your post. I always love to see history and other's viewpoints and documentation about this issue. I try to read the whole Bible through every year (and have for many years) using Young's Literal and other versions / translations to get my own observation and opinions / understandings without modern day Evangelical Religion (man made and in it for the money) in the equation.

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Hitler was the bastard grandson of a Rothschild. The Rothschilds are Khazars, who are Ashkenazi Jews, who are Prussians, who are Nazis. Hitler was bankrolled by the Jews. Hitler hated his bankers. Hitler hated himself. Self loathing is a thing. Holocaust is total bullshit. High rank nazis were and are Jews. Once you connect the dots the picture is very clear. And yes, Jews are the slave masters who are destroying our earth. I can go on but I’m tired.

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This is the kind of inflammatory controversial take I relish because if one subtracts all emotional attachment and only works from facts, evidence, money, motive, and families, there is definitely a cesspool of deception clouding a river of blood in which neither "side" maintains clarity.

I honestly don't know how all of this shakes down, but we know the Khazarians ruled land trade and because of their bloodlusting practices, faced annihilation and their king chose Judaism publicly at that juncture for all his people (but likely secretly later also infiltrated Islam and Christianity - supposition). We know Russians were USA allies until they were overthrown by the Bolsheviks. We know after Russia fell that Brits promised German Rothschilds Israel. We know 25 years later that promise was delivered. We know Hitler could have leveled Britain but didn't, and instead made Bolshevik Russia his target. We know Khazars wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice Jews to promote their agenda of dominion. We know there was ALL FORMS of false horror-inducing propaganda about what German Nazis were doing to Jews, and almost none of it logically holds water, and that narrative was used to justify the imposition of a new Israeli state in the Middle East. If the Red Cross can be trusted, and it can't, but they claimed to take census numbers of Jews during this time and supposedly, there was hardly any actual reduction of the Jewish population. We know for a fact that the 6,000,000 Jew count was used in newspaper articles as early as 1903-1906 and had been printed numerous times. And we know that questioning any part of the holocaust is literally against the law in numerous nations to this day. Since when has Truth require law to guard it? But Lies do.

The whole thing is full of shit but there's so MUCH shit it's nearly impossible to declare with certainty any of the motivations and events. Operation Paperclip isn't even noted in the article, nor that water fluoridation programs began in 1945 in the USA just after paperclip concluded.

There are far too many coincidences here to accept any official story, and there is far too much bullshit to accept any conspiracy theories. A total forensic analysis of world history starting from 1789 to 2024 is absolutely required to unpack what ACTUALLY happened and WHY so the world can heal from this lasting trauma.

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There's no such thing as a Nazi. The Germans never called themselves that. They got the derogatory term from (drumroll) the jews.

You're education on this subject is high school level.

I suggest you read the book "the Bad War" by Mike King.

Everything you have beeb taught about Germany WW2 and Hitler is a lie.

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Thank you for exposing the fraud that is the protocols…just another in a long line of ‘tools’ the evil one and his followers have been using to overthrow our worship of God for the pagan occults that previously existed. The Jews are like the rest of mankind and God’s first covenant with them might not be linear in nature, but fulfilled in his time. God was extremely tough on His people when the returned to pagan gods with their focus on child sacrifice.

This does not bode well for the pedophiles and child sacrificing evil-doers today. Thank you for your courage to share! Blessings!🙏

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Please don't believe this garbage article. It's pure propaganda. I promise you I can counter everything he's stated with facts.

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Good explanation on the early occultists who influenced the banking families that we know today. Confusing and you did a good explanation showing the early history in the Bible. What a sorry mess we have on our hands.

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Such a fascinating perspective. So much of it goes against my grain. It gives me a lot to think about. I still have a lot of questions/points of attestation. What about Sabbati Zevi? Weren't the Jews expelled from Europe for practicing blood sacrifice? In the Old testament God says that they did practice these rituals. I have strong biases against the bible as a historical record, and the Church in general, but am always willing to listen to ideas and arguments.

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Although the nine cities were found and existed there is no detailed explanation as to why we pray to One soul God & forget the other 11 !

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Matthew Ehret please please please debate me on this subject! I want to embarrass you. Don't hide behind your computer. You want to lie and push propaganda then try me. You'll be crying by the time I'm done with you. Scum bag.

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Straight up b.s. lies. This is the biggest crock of shit I've seen in awhile. Lying p.o.s. propaganda pusher. You're scum. Low life p.o.s. try debating me on this subject I will utterly destroy you so bad you'll run home to mamma

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Where can we read your detailed views on this topic? Which points are specifically troublesome?

I take it that you do not concur with Richard Poe's recent book: HOW THE BRITISH INVENTED COMMUNISM AND BLAMED IT ON THE JEWS. His presentation to Matthew Ehret's group, and his subsequent interview, lays out his case quite well.

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Ehret is lying p.o.s. or he's completely ignorant.

With all the information out there now on this subject he should know better.

It's just more propaganda pushing from Badlands.

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Can you give some examples of what it is that you disagree with him about or what lies he is telling? Specifics would really help because otherwise the picture is merely smeary, vagueness.

What is the narrative that you are championing?

UPON FURTHER REFLECTION, four days later...

To your comment, which includes, "all the information out there now on this subject he should know better", what is "all this information"? If you were to debate Ehret, what evidence do you have to backup your claims? What does Ehret get wrong? Please explain.

Your silence and non-answering could indicate that you have no arguments. Also, you will not back up your statements and demonstrate where Ehret is allegedly being a "lying p.o.s. propaganda pusher". Your main approach seems to be making statements that are coupled with insults. That doesn't bode well for good case-building.

Can you please help us by explaining your position/s?

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Fake or not,its a top manual for governance,the song remains the same.

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A ton to consider not just for today but from antiquity. Which as we know... like the "blood pits" never really go away. Except to say that "on this rock, I will build my church"... the Caesarea Philippi location at Mt. Hermon. It had zero to do with Peter... only that they were there to witness the declaration of the plan set by Jesus via his Father. In as much.. we continue to see the battles and wars - Narratives and Actuals... sometimes they are the same, more often than not... they are not.

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