Thank you for writing this article. It was awesome. I love how you weave scripture into this. We need more of this as I'm sure many, many Badlanders are true Christians and followers of Christ.

God Bless You and thank you again. All of us know that God wins. Can't wait to see the outcome of this epic battle

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I love to merge the different compartments to develop some bigger picture perspectives! System of Systems thinking. It's amazing how well the different major elements all fit together. Great times. God wins! God bless!

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Love this piece of work, this is by far your best work yet and that is saying a lot because you have put out many jewels.

This really resonated with me and gives me peace and strength at the same time.

One for the ages. Thank you!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Thank you for the kind words! We can absolutely rest in Christ. He is not surprised by what we see. He is not worrying about how it will go. He already knows it was over since before it started. God is the best Warfighter! God bless!

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The church - that is, the Body of Christ, as He recognizes it - needs to go through a similar revolution. It’s already begun in some ways, for large numbers of Believers have abandoned the edifices of organized religion and are meeting in their homes. But now, the entire body of true Christians needs to recognize that they have been in ignorance and/or rebellion regarding their own governmental structures. For the Book of Acts - echoed by many of the Epistles - clearly lays out how each assembly of believers (each individual church) is to be structured: a decentralized body of elders chosen by the congregation based on character traits as laid out in 1 Timothy and Titus. If an elder is particularly gifted at teaching, he can be compensated at the congregation’s discretion. These same elders are the shepherds and overseers of the ‘flock.’ In keeping with the tradition of the apostles, they are to focus their energies on prayer and studying the Scriptures - spiritual endeavors that will inform their teaching. Deacons and deaconesses are to see to it that the physical needs of the flock are addressed. That’s it. There is no Big Man at the top except Jesus. There is no stage, no band, no flashing lights or smoke - just people filled with the Holy Spirit ministering to one another, whether they be pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets, apostles, those delivering a Word of Wisdom or a Word of Knowledge or exercising a healing gift or delivering a message in tongues with the interpretation. And they freely share their possessions with one another - there is no tithing (read: taxes). This current ecclesiastical maze was first initiated by an opportunist named Cyprian only a couple of centuries into the Church’s history. Maybe he was like Diotrophes in 3 John who liked to ‘put himself first’ and drive away anyone he perceived as being a threat to his supremacy.


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The Book of Acts is one of my favorites (they all are, really). I believe the infiltration, overt attacks, non-stop compromise, and ultimate self-implosion of the majority of the mainstream church has very much brought about what I term the "Second Church of Acts." There are modern day Christians. There are followers of Christ. I prefer the latter. As you suggest, in my experience I find many small groups of believers meeting locally, covering ground in the Bible, discussing key issues we are facing, and determining personal and collective strategies to combat locally. They take care of the community, hit the school boards, network with others, attend various missions, etc. to make an impact. It's amazing what can happen when you simply focus on Christ and let the Spirit lead. Man will stumble it's way to the end, no doubt. We really don't like to learn our lesson, or listen to God! Fortunately, NCSWIC. God wins! God bless!

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You’ve just described my church. Of course it’s not big, but we have new members with children joining, we just voted in new elders and deacons and God’s word is the focus. Blessings on clearly seeing. 🙏

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I’m hoping to start all over again in my home.

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Thank you for putting all the dots together. Jesus brought the ordinary people into God's kingdom, they were on the fringe of the religion. His message included even the children, their faith, For of such is the Kingdom of heaven. The Creature from Jekyll Island connects lot of dots to see how we are slaves to a central banking system devoid of asset backing, to their enrichment. It must end. The last chapter of the book written in the 90's is very similar to the economic plan I see come from Trump and his team. Now I need to learn about bit coin, hard for a 77 year old. Maybe it's for the younger generations. But DJT told us on his inauguration that he was returning the power back to the people;. We need to be ready to take ownership of the vision he gives us. Thanks for this substack. Jesus gathers all to Him.

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The esoteric, and historical aspects of what Christ Jesus did for humanity are even more profound that this exceptional piece states but the esoteric aspects were largely covered up by the. Roman Empire in the form of the very evil "Holy" Roman Catholic Church.

While the Catholic Church has done much good over many centuries it's quite possible it's a net negative for humanity. It's a major child trafficking organization with numerous sick pedophiles in positions of power.

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One day, humanity may learn its lesson about religion and other centralized abstract power hierarches. Unfortunately, people love to LARP holiness. Faith plus nothing is a tremendously easy yoke! I'll stick with that. God bless!

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The evil one successfully nuanced the Roman Catholic ‘religion’ to deceive followers into following him, while believing they were following Jesus Christ.

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Excellent!! Thank you

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thx 🌹🌻🌸💐💚💛💜❤️🌼😍🥰

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Bitcoin reveal good news for The People.

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Great post PIP, makes a ton of sense. Put on the full armor of God. I view this statement as walking your day in Love. Love is a vibrational frequency that vibrates well above fear. Most people are programmed to maintain a low level of fight or flight. So that all the Tell-Lie-Vision has to do is put some exciting music of a specific low frequency and have a talking head read the latest fear based headline and boom... You just got your evening adrenaline fix to increase your fear level for the night. When you maintain a level of Love, God is Love so you install the Full Armor of God. That calm confidence that your back is covered by the best warrior ever. This allows access to higher levels of thought processing due to the Love. Fear restricts the thought process to the survival thought processes which are low vibrational thought processes. The longer you maintain a level of Love vibration the higher access you gain to thought consciousness. You are allowed to control your power and help others to access their own power. Then lead others to power projection via soft war... Peace...

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Thank you! Beautifully said. I have referred to this on the show before, referencing my inability to coexist with certain "low vibe" energy (e.g. watching shows, movies, sports, news, listening to mainstream music, talking heads, being at certain events, etc.). I can simply feel it when I hear it, see it, walk into a room. The Spirit is loud, if you listen. Ultimately, this phenomenon manifest because God is Holy. Completely set apart. Good. Good and evil cannot coexist. Therefore we must exit evil (matrix) as we follow Christ. While a battle will forever wage within on this side, and some attempt the lukewarm path (believers or not), people often trend towards one or the other. This is why local (individual) action has national impact. This is why Bitcoin is so powerful (flips various incentives in-line with Biblical morals). This is why we are not of this world. Good stuff. God bless!

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But I don’t understand the concept of Bitcoin! This is a beautifully written article, so where do I go from here for secure knowledge of it?

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Thank you! As for learning Bitcoin, I recommend you start at 1776.love where we have consolidated some educational resources, have a link to our show, and a variety of other resources. You can set up a free 15 minute consultation with us where we will get you pointed in the right path. Otherwise, join us at https://t.me/bullionbitcoinbs where we put out daily content and analysis of the clown world and the rugs. All good things come in time. Be patient. Work hard. God bless!

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Thank you for info. I will do that. Very much appreciate your opinions.

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Super good article Sean. Thank you 😊

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Perfect timing for this excellent article that includes the essential elements of God’s plan, the rebellious spirit of man, (and our weakness), the brilliant Q plan and now, the responsibility of the American citizens to through off our tyrannical government, and ensure their masters face justice. Vengeance is the Lord’s, but justice and the rule of law is for mankind. Without succeeding in this, there will be no freedom.

You’re not the only one to champion the varied role of block chain technology to be used to obtain individual liberty and I’m not knowledgeable enough to comment, however, how many times in history have we seen God work through man to ensure the underdog wins? I’m confident in Him to know His Will is going to be accomplished.

Thank you for this wonderful, and very encouraging, message….at the perfect time! God bless you.🙏🇺🇸

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Outstanding article! Thanks for demonstrating how the Revolution fits with the life, legacy, and revolution of Jesus the Christ. Points about Nitcoin

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I think I'm going to need a longer name tag! Kek. God bless!

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You covered all the bases 🏟️

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Just south of the border, a non-kinetic revolution took a little longer—40 years. They won the presidency for the second consecutive time, took the House and the Senate with supermajorities, and just passed their first constitutional amendment: addressing the whole judiciary power, Today, 550 federal judges resigned. The election is scheduled for the first Sunday in June next year.🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽

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Satoshi is the NSA. I can never believe government let alone the intelligence community is our savior.

What's more likely is Bitcoin is a simple way to scrape non-productive dollars from M2.

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