Polit Jim, We have always known the end of the story would explain it all, tho it "will not be for everyone". If GOD is our 'man behind the curtain' in all this, and you believed it, you might feel very differently about what is going on. Like starting a construction project..... lots of Demolition in the beginning. The end result shows the necessity of each step.
Polit Jim, We have always known the end of the story would explain it all, tho it "will not be for everyone". If GOD is our 'man behind the curtain' in all this, and you believed it, you might feel very differently about what is going on. Like starting a construction project..... lots of Demolition in the beginning. The end result shows the necessity of each step.
Respectfully, this is the answer of a partisan and not a citizen patriot. Trump truly did much good. He did enact child sex trafficking measures, installed better judges, kept guns available and expanded energy/economy. But he also shredded the Constitution. You may be one of those that think 'the ends justify the means' but our Founders died explicitly to REMOVE one party in party overriding the natural laws of freedom. Is it worth it that 250K-550K CHILDREN have died from a vaccine that Trump funded, facilitated, approved, pushed/sold and (still) lies about? Was it ok for him to ask Americans to follow a medical satanist's directive to take economic, medical and personal freedom from every American because of a fake virus which in fact was a nanotech bioweapon? Is it ok for Trump to attack pro-lifers now and do nothing protect the vote of 2020? If you believe it's fine to follow a "plan" you are not allowed to know and blindly follow that shreds the Constitution - I look forward to your argument against those in power who you don't agree with who want to do the same. God has entrusted me the responsibility to not wait for a savior, but to hold government accountable. If Q was a psyop designed to keep patriots on the sidelines (as Alex Jones and Stew Peters believe) instead of rising up, pushing back and taking our Constitutional and God given authority - you would be hard pressed to design a better one. If it is for 'good' and the plan is to pretend like Biden and the bad guys are in control, but secretly "patriots are in control" while Americans and children are dying worldwide and you are 'pretending' to not be in control letting every financial market be manipulated (possibly even doing it yourself) and familes and lives be destroyed - then you do not believe the in the fundamental truth of the bible or the Constitution. And you might look up Proverbs 3:27.
Polit Jim: I very much appreciate your reply as I don't find many who think differently from me that want to actually engage. So thankyou. I think you expressed pretty well where you are coming from on all this, and I can easily imagine why you would see things as you do, basically at face value. My response is to ask you that if all you see is all there is, then why all the Winning, why all the miraculous, constant, ever-increasing Exposure? I don't like seeing people injured and killed by the vax, either. But neither do I like millions of abortions and a vast network of child torture, slavery, rape, etc! Almighty God Himself is basically allowing these things to continue. Why? Is He evil? No, He has a plan and He asks us to trust Him. He's revealed much of His plan, but the rest we have to accept, as we see that He truly is Love. We see that He sent His own Son to suffer a truly terrible death to bring Salvation.
If millions of people dying will stop the entire population being destroyed or transformed into something half human, then it's ok by me. If it's one of my loved ones, I will mourn, but I hope I will accept what must happen for real CHANGE to come about.
Polit Jim, We have always known the end of the story would explain it all, tho it "will not be for everyone". If GOD is our 'man behind the curtain' in all this, and you believed it, you might feel very differently about what is going on. Like starting a construction project..... lots of Demolition in the beginning. The end result shows the necessity of each step.
Respectfully, this is the answer of a partisan and not a citizen patriot. Trump truly did much good. He did enact child sex trafficking measures, installed better judges, kept guns available and expanded energy/economy. But he also shredded the Constitution. You may be one of those that think 'the ends justify the means' but our Founders died explicitly to REMOVE one party in party overriding the natural laws of freedom. Is it worth it that 250K-550K CHILDREN have died from a vaccine that Trump funded, facilitated, approved, pushed/sold and (still) lies about? Was it ok for him to ask Americans to follow a medical satanist's directive to take economic, medical and personal freedom from every American because of a fake virus which in fact was a nanotech bioweapon? Is it ok for Trump to attack pro-lifers now and do nothing protect the vote of 2020? If you believe it's fine to follow a "plan" you are not allowed to know and blindly follow that shreds the Constitution - I look forward to your argument against those in power who you don't agree with who want to do the same. God has entrusted me the responsibility to not wait for a savior, but to hold government accountable. If Q was a psyop designed to keep patriots on the sidelines (as Alex Jones and Stew Peters believe) instead of rising up, pushing back and taking our Constitutional and God given authority - you would be hard pressed to design a better one. If it is for 'good' and the plan is to pretend like Biden and the bad guys are in control, but secretly "patriots are in control" while Americans and children are dying worldwide and you are 'pretending' to not be in control letting every financial market be manipulated (possibly even doing it yourself) and familes and lives be destroyed - then you do not believe the in the fundamental truth of the bible or the Constitution. And you might look up Proverbs 3:27.
Polit Jim: I very much appreciate your reply as I don't find many who think differently from me that want to actually engage. So thankyou. I think you expressed pretty well where you are coming from on all this, and I can easily imagine why you would see things as you do, basically at face value. My response is to ask you that if all you see is all there is, then why all the Winning, why all the miraculous, constant, ever-increasing Exposure? I don't like seeing people injured and killed by the vax, either. But neither do I like millions of abortions and a vast network of child torture, slavery, rape, etc! Almighty God Himself is basically allowing these things to continue. Why? Is He evil? No, He has a plan and He asks us to trust Him. He's revealed much of His plan, but the rest we have to accept, as we see that He truly is Love. We see that He sent His own Son to suffer a truly terrible death to bring Salvation.
If millions of people dying will stop the entire population being destroyed or transformed into something half human, then it's ok by me. If it's one of my loved ones, I will mourn, but I hope I will accept what must happen for real CHANGE to come about.