
Trump's achievements must never be forgotten! Most importantly of all, he has given We The People a newfound voice, and has given us understanding that change comes from within, from the bottom up! Democracies die in darkness, and we must constantly be fervent in our pursuit to maintain and hold a Republic! And our founding fathers gave us a constitution that clearly outlines what powers they thought the federal government should have, and then the rest of those powers should be delegated to the states for them to decide!

Yours Truly,

Silence DoGood


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EXACTLY Silence DoGood ! Amen

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Excellent piece. I know you were just highlighting the bigger achievements, you missed smaller ones like, lowest to no unemployment among minorities unless they wanted it. An energy program that we need never depend on another country, fairly closed border, the XL Pipeline giving jobs besides oil. Of course slojoe's first action was to close it and reverse everything that Trump had achieved.

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Single handedly, Trump’s most important accomplishment was waking us the heck up!! I’m doing so, he now has a digital army fact checking things the deep state thinking about before they present the lies to the American public. Trump has given us the dirt, he’s given us the solution, he’s given us hope and inspiration. He has given us God again! He is helping us, we the people, take our country back!!! 🙏❤️🇺🇸

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Appointed three fascistic judges who still refuse to strike down vax and mask mandates and refuse to hear cases involving election fraud and transparency. Among many other offenses to the inalienable rights of free people and rights secured in the US Constitution.

Sure, they're better than the Marxist judges appointed by D's. But the Federalist Society's pre-screened list he appointed from made sure none supported natural law-derived inalienable rights or would threaten the authoritarian regime that has become our nation's governance.

Our SCOTUS, with the exception of maybe Justice's Thomas and Alito (and sometimes Gorsuch), is made up of positive law authoritarians, varieties being Fascist or Marxist. Hard to cite that as an accomplishment.

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Turning down the Brunson brothers twice was wrong. They are appealing to be heard yet again!

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And they will appeal time and time again. SCOTUS needs to be the branch that it was intended to be under the Constitution. This country is falling apart while they stand by twiddling their thumbs and come up with "reasons" they cannot rule on a particular filing. Shameful.

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Shameful. When you read this you'll realize why they've been invalidating the Constitution from the moment it was written. The author is a lefty, to be sure. But one often finds uncomfortable truths in the words of their opponents:

The People Who Own the Country Ought to Govern It: The Supreme Court, hegemony, and Its Consequences Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, December, 1987 https://scholarship.law.umn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1371&context=lawineq (23 pages, a lot of it footnotes)

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I think Kari Lake and Raland Brunson cases could have been throttled in order to be taken by SCOTUS at the more efficient timing opportunity

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Hope you’re correct!

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Regarding the "potential" President Trump's indictement that seems coming close:

Employing Bicameral Thinking and Game Theory to the whole context (I think about Putin's arrest warrant issued by ICC yesterday):

- Such moves will put these facts front and centre stage, and It will cast a much darker and deeper shadow behind the scenes, where powerful players will be able to make decisive strategic moves discreetly

- It will provide President Trump and all the Defenders and Fighters of Truth a worldwide media momentum to deploy new narratives

- It will make emerge new evidences and help keep them in the records for everyone to sée them. This will probably destroy some DS / CB/ Dems and Biden mafia narratives

- Regarding some potential coming SCOTUS cases (think Kari Lake or Raland Brunson ones ...), they could offer a timely golden opportunity to file a brief amicus curiae, and maybe even a powerful and overwhelming writ of quo warranto targeting the whole corruption and treason acts in the main branches, structures and agencies of government

This is just my own take and I'd like to have those of anyone who could help to enlight these possibilities...

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Agree about the justices... they are either corrupt themselves or being threatened (more likely, sadly) into not allowing clearly-merited cases on the election theft of 2020 to be heard. No standing is outrageous BS.

I can't imagine Trump would have appointed any specific justices if he knew that they would be such cowards and shirk their responsibilities in such a grave matter.

Just my two cents...

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Regarding the Justices, I think they could be "silent and stealth" assets just waiting for the more efficient timing and/or a specific "signal" from Q / President Trump / the Good Guys.

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Won't get an argument from me. Better than full on marxists, but certainly not constitutionalists.

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The story is incomplete regarding 45's SCOTUS appointees. While I respect your position, let's see how it plays out.

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Regarding the Justices, I think they could be "silent and stealth" assets just waiting for the more efficient timing and/or a specific "signal" from Q / President Trump / the Good Guys.

Time will tell us the Truth ...


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Or like Justices Franz Schlegelberger and Oswald Rothaug

The Nuremberg Trials: The Justice Trial


"United States of America v. Alstötter et al.

("The Justice Case") 3 T.W.C. 1 (1948), 6 L.R.T.W.C. 1 (1948), 14 Ann. Dig. 278 (1948).

The Justice Trial is one of the most interesting of the Nuremberg trials. The trial of sixteen defendants, members of the Reich Ministry of Justice or People's and Special Courts, raised the issue of what responsibility judges might have for enforcing grossly unjust--but arguably binding--laws. The trial was the inspiration for the movie Judgment at Nuremberg. The movie presented a somewhat fictionalized view of the trial."


"Ingo Muller, in Hitler's Justice: The Courts of the Third Reich, provides a penetrating picture of the workings of the criminal justice system in Nazi Germany. Muller's analysis of the evidence suggests that most German judges--contrary to common opinion--were ultraconservative nationalists who were largely sympathetic to Nazi goals. The "Nazification" of German law occurred with the willing and enthusiatic help of judges, rather than over their principled objections.

Many judges appointed before the Nazi rise to power--because of the economic and social circles that judges were drawn from--had views that were quite compatible with the Nazi party. "


"Most German judges over-identified with the Nazi regime. They came to see themselves as fighters on the internal battlefront, with the responsibility to punish "the enemy within."

Richard A. Posner, federal court of appeals judge and one of the most astute observers of the legal scene, noted that it is not only German judges that might over-identify with popular causes. In The New Republic, Posner wrote:

"Perhaps in the fullness of time the growing of marijuana plants, the "manipulation" of financial markets, the bribery of foreign government officials, the facilitating of the suicide by the terminally ill, and the violation of arcane regulations governing the financing of political campaigns will come to be no more appropriate objects of criminal punishment than "dishonoring the race." Perhaps not; but [the story of the German judges] can in any event help us to see that judges should not be eager enlisters in popular movements of the day, or allow themselves to become so immersed in a professional culture that they are oblivious to the human consequences of their decisions.""

If past is prologue...

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The movie, Judgment At Nuremberg, is available to view for free at Archive.org Well worth the viewing:


The Justice Cases and it's movie treatment will introduce many to the implications of the US Supreme Court decision in Buck v. Bell from over a century ago. That has never been repealed, though some sharp edges were rounded off in the 1940's. That decision was raised as a defense to 'Crimes Against Humanity' charges in the trials. Legitimately. Buck v. Bell has been relied upon and upheld in SCOTUS decisions as recently as 2001. And has implications for the present and future of sterilization, euthanasia, biotech, newgenics, designer babies, even transhumanism:

Buck v. Bell, American Eugenics, and the Bad Man Test: Putting

Limits on Newgenics in the 21st Century

Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, January, 2020


Buck v. Bell: Due Process of Law by Walter Berns

Political Research Quarterly, December 1, 1953


It's all interconnected. A tangled web.

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Two million reasons why I know Amy Coney Barrett is a Fascist. Book deal signed just months after refusing to hear election fraud cases:


Upheld executive power totalitarian violations of free speech, religious freedom rights as 7th Circuit Judge:


Upheld university power totalitarian forced injections of experimental potions as SCOTUS Judge:


That's enough for me to see how it's playing out.

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Bravo! Listing DJT's Accomplishments is over vital import given the endless slanderous propaganda campaign waged against POTUS & MAGA. Our enemy must be exposed for Evil Pedo Blood Thirsty Reptiles that they are. And ALL Patriots must honor the Boss who is acting on behalf of the REAL BOSS (GOD). Let the Truth Shine Light into the Darkness. Do it, 45! Do it! We are with you!

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The first order of the day when establishing a new governmental body under the Constitution and Declaration of Independence is to get rid of political "Parties". Individuals need to run on their own cognitive abilities and beliefs and be able to express those to We The People. President Trump was and IS not a politician and he is not owing to any political party. He had to run under one of the parties because that is the way the "system" is engineered. I remember Ross Perot was the same way. But the Deep State went after him while he was running for president and he threatened his family. That was when he opted out. When we get rid of the Deep State and put them all in prison or execute them for their crimes, we can begin to build a better government per the Constitution. And that goes for getting rid of the size of the government. I could go on forever, but a HUGE dismantling needs to happen and we all must be part of it. Need more like Trump and I know they are out there. :)

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Need more armed Americans willing to do the job none have the balls to do.

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NAFTA alone has earned my undying loyalty. Nobody has ever helped me before.

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Great piece, thank you❤️👏🏻

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Thank you, AbsoluteTruth1776. I'll be looking forward to Part Two.

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As will I

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Wow that is an incredible article that everyone needs to know and spread around to other folks. Great job indeed.

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Looking forward to the other parts. Thanks for doing this❤️

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Thank you for listing the first set of accomplishments and some of the private assists he’s made over his career. I’m keeping this one!

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I grant that Trump did some amazing things whether you believe in the military op or not. I will be patient and see if this author is a legitime journalist/patriot or just a dishonest celebrity worshiper to see if the next installment is entitled, "Trump's Shortcomings".

I fear a prejudiced - not truth seeking - as a goal with the title, "President Trump took aim at Big Pharma." How did he 'take on Big Pharma' while installing without mentioning in the next breath he took over $100 million in campaign contributions from Big Pharma and proceeded to balloon the national debt MORE than Obama by not just paying for un-safety-tested experimental gene therapies enriching big Pharma with TRILLIONS - but he also removed ALL safety testing and refused to fire any government worker who was facilitating the greatest atrocity on Americans in the history of our country. You may recall that the CDC admitted to poisoning 98 million Americans with cancer in the 50's and 60's with the polio vaccine. (https://www.naturalnews.com/041345_cdc_polio_vaccine_sv40.html) Over 40,000 children contracted polio as well - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1383764/

So Scott Gottlieb - Trump's Big Pharma FDA appointment (https://www.pharmatimes.com/magazine/2018/september_2018/trump_takes_on_big_pharma) was successful in nibbling around the edges causing all the MSM and industry press to spin this notion "Trump was kicking Big Pharma's ass" all the while he put the guy in who facilitated the biggest government takeover of society in our history.

From the industry mag PHARMA TIMES after Gottleib's appointment by Trump: "In an effort to increase the availability of biosimilars, Dr Gottlieb has recently floated a highly controversial idea - circumventing the need to conduct expensive and time-consuming 'bridging’ studies. "

535,000 American children dead so far from this SINGLE TRUMP Appointed MOVE .

I'm not asking for pieces trashing Trump. I would however expect perspective and balance with truth.

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Trump didn’t try to take down Big Pharma but he definitely wounded him. There was a movement before Trump. I know he doesn’t mind glyphosate killing weeds on his golf course and I oppose that but I’m not going to condemn him for that. It’s complicated

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President Trump, being a man, isn't perfect. But then, I voted for him for him to be my president, not my priest, rabbi, or pastor. BTW, let's look at the priests and ministers (men of God) who have made HUGE mistakes!! I don’t see MSM or the others harping on about THEIR ''mistakes'', do you? Those who take great pleasure in trying to drag President Trump down should take a good look at the PERSONAL lives of his accusers, detractors, and obstructionists!! Especially those that are the loudest in their denunciations of this good president! Boy, do we EVER need to investigate those ones to find out the truth about their reasons!!Just knowing what we already know, you can bet your bottom dollar Trump would look like a neophyte in comparison to THEIR actions and what they've been into since entering the political arena with all their promises!! You can bet they'd come off looking much worse if they were closely scrutinized. (Hmmm, IMHO, those that are loudest dissenters are projecting. If they can investigate our president, I think it's high time we REALLY began to investigate them!)SO, now we are agreed that the President isn’t perfect, let me ask -  are you?  In all my 80+ years, I don’t remember ever being as impressed with the accomplishments of ANY president more than I am with President Trump, and I've been voting since the mid 50's (a brainwashed democrat up until 2016) and I say he’s the most honest, and transparent president that we’ve had for a very long time. A VERY long time - decades!!

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Polit Jim, We have always known the end of the story would explain it all, tho it "will not be for everyone". If GOD is our 'man behind the curtain' in all this, and you believed it, you might feel very differently about what is going on. Like starting a construction project..... lots of Demolition in the beginning. The end result shows the necessity of each step.

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Respectfully, this is the answer of a partisan and not a citizen patriot. Trump truly did much good. He did enact child sex trafficking measures, installed better judges, kept guns available and expanded energy/economy. But he also shredded the Constitution. You may be one of those that think 'the ends justify the means' but our Founders died explicitly to REMOVE one party in party overriding the natural laws of freedom. Is it worth it that 250K-550K CHILDREN have died from a vaccine that Trump funded, facilitated, approved, pushed/sold and (still) lies about? Was it ok for him to ask Americans to follow a medical satanist's directive to take economic, medical and personal freedom from every American because of a fake virus which in fact was a nanotech bioweapon? Is it ok for Trump to attack pro-lifers now and do nothing protect the vote of 2020? If you believe it's fine to follow a "plan" you are not allowed to know and blindly follow that shreds the Constitution - I look forward to your argument against those in power who you don't agree with who want to do the same. God has entrusted me the responsibility to not wait for a savior, but to hold government accountable. If Q was a psyop designed to keep patriots on the sidelines (as Alex Jones and Stew Peters believe) instead of rising up, pushing back and taking our Constitutional and God given authority - you would be hard pressed to design a better one. If it is for 'good' and the plan is to pretend like Biden and the bad guys are in control, but secretly "patriots are in control" while Americans and children are dying worldwide and you are 'pretending' to not be in control letting every financial market be manipulated (possibly even doing it yourself) and familes and lives be destroyed - then you do not believe the in the fundamental truth of the bible or the Constitution. And you might look up Proverbs 3:27.

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May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023

Polit Jim: I very much appreciate your reply as I don't find many who think differently from me that want to actually engage. So thankyou. I think you expressed pretty well where you are coming from on all this, and I can easily imagine why you would see things as you do, basically at face value. My response is to ask you that if all you see is all there is, then why all the Winning, why all the miraculous, constant, ever-increasing Exposure? I don't like seeing people injured and killed by the vax, either. But neither do I like millions of abortions and a vast network of child torture, slavery, rape, etc! Almighty God Himself is basically allowing these things to continue. Why? Is He evil? No, He has a plan and He asks us to trust Him. He's revealed much of His plan, but the rest we have to accept, as we see that He truly is Love. We see that He sent His own Son to suffer a truly terrible death to bring Salvation.

If millions of people dying will stop the entire population being destroyed or transformed into something half human, then it's ok by me. If it's one of my loved ones, I will mourn, but I hope I will accept what must happen for real CHANGE to come about.

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Absolutely GOLD!!! thank you!

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Freedom Fox is obviously a sage and learned scholar of judicial history. Can I add a simple variable?

GOD wins. I know. Some readers might snear at those 2 words. But I stand behind them.

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I agree 100% that God always wins.

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