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Sep 8Edited

I'm glad you wrote this article.

Part 1:

It's imperative the people exercise a lot of critical thinking and extreme discretion concerning any information they might be seeing out there.

Remember, the Cabal are specialists in information or should I say disinformation warfare, they specialize in psyops and psychological terror campaigns.

I've already seen the fear mongering starting in the patriot and truther communities.

The so called preppers who are telling everyone they have to get out into the countryside now! they have to be armed to the teeth and have at least 5 years of provisions and supplies.

I've seen youtubers going off the deep end about this and then you throw in a dash of Christian end times "prophets" saying this is all happening as Revelations has laid out.

And to confirm that the MSM starts covering stories like Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes in Aurora CO and in Chicago, all the while the Hells Angels are on their way into "clean house" in Colorado.

Ok before my own thoughts as a preamble.

1) I do believe the Q operation was a combination white hat psyop, disinfo campaign and release of a roadmap for patriots.

2) Devolution is real and is continuing.

3) Patriots are in control and this also means the existence of the Sovereign Alliance(see Trump's grand tour of 2017).

Starting at the 40000' level:

The Cabal are definitely on the move and retreating, it's not always obvious but I think the following is happening as evidenced by events of the past 3-4 months.

Retrenchment into Europe as you've said and the repeat of what happened in WW2 with the Nazis in Western Europe which they turned into Fortress Europe. The Cabal don't control Ukraine anymore and they don't have a strong grip in Eastern Europe, else why would Erdogan and Orban still be alive? They sent a message through the assassination attempt on the Slovakian PM to not challenge the Cabal but so far that isn't working.

Fortress Europe won't be as much of a fortress as they think, Eastern Europe, east of the German border will be more like a neutral buffer zone against Russia. Think of the old Warsaw pact nations from the Cold War.

Most of the NATO countries will form the heart of the New Fortress Europe excluding the Baltic states but including Scandinavia and maybe Finland.

BTW, here's a hint, in 5 years there won't be a NATO...more later.

The buffer zone nations will be the Baltic state, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, the former Yugoslav republics and Turkey.

Finland is an iffy proposition, they're not afraid of Russia but they're not looking for war with Russia so they might go neutral.

The current EU will form the core of the new Cabal empire and unfortunately they're starting their totalitarian march, starting in the UK with their new authoritarian laws on digital speech, also they're moving fast on their EU based vaccination card/digital ID and soon a digital Euro to replace the physical currency.

They need to hold the core of Western Europe and that's the UK, France, Germany and possibly Italy.

The Mediterranean countries are a bit of a toss up because they're not a central to the Cabal except as puppets for trafficking and "trade" with the outside world. Spain looks to be in the Cabal camp but it's not a complete certainty.

Here is the fly in the ointment for the Cabal, they've already undermined their own Fortress and shot themselves in the foot with their massive migrant invasion of the EU. These migrants were to be the new footsoldiers of the Cabal, to instill a reign of terror on Western Europeans and to act as a straw-man target for the anger and hatred of the Europeans.

The EU has it's own monetary system and governance structure so it would be easy to control them through those institutions.

However here is the biggest weakness of Fortress Europe: It's no longer well armed! It only has enough military strength to suppress any internal rebellion by the serfs, but would they be able to stand up to a Russian incursion(not that the Russians would want to).

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Part 3:

I'm not going to be covering the US because Eric does an excellent job of it and I think events in the US are more about optics than it is about real events taking place.

Not to say nothing will happen, but it won't happen the way people think.

Remember the words of Trump, things are going to be better a lot faster than people believe.

Once the Cabal start abandoning their positions in the US government hierarchy and start running for the hills, patriots will march into the power vacuum very quickly.

Also they'll throw everything at Trump to stop him including a 2nd attempt on his life, this time I think Trump really will be well insulated, to the point of where he's Fort Knox.

They'll try and invalidate and refuse to certify the election to cause a constitutional crisis and chaos.

But the Deep State will lose these battles.

Also note what had happened the day after the RNC closed and Trump played Nessum Dorma, the end theme from The Sum of All Fears.


The next day Sheila Jackson Lee, overseer of the Secret Service, dies of "cancer" the same way John McCain died of cancer in August 2018 but was "diagnosed" in July 2017!

In other words the gloves have come off, Trump and the white hats will now take out whomever looks to be a true threat, not only to Trump but to the country as well.

Things are going to get hairy and chaotic starting October, the DS rats will begin fleeing the ship closer to November and after Trump wins(but isn't declared the winner) you'll begin seeing staged accidents and deaths being reported in Dec and especially picking up after January when he's sworn in.

Hollywood is already a corpse, they just don't know it yet and the cult of celebrity is already toast, the few remaining "stars" will fall when the truth about Hollywood really starts to be revealed.

Also Disney as a company is going to collapse in the new year, it's financial resources have already been looted in case people don't understand that those billion dollar flops they've been making were never intended to make money but to transfer money to the deep state.

The same applies to AI and Big Tech, hundreds of billions are being laundered into Big Tech companies for their massive data centers they want to build.

Aside from Elon Musk who did build one, and Meta who halfheartedly admits they're trying to build one, all the rest of these "investments" into AI, hundreds of billions, are being transferred into DS accounts which will vanish, just like the Ukraine funding...

Trump is going to drop the final nuke on the US Deep State in the form of Schedule F, which I think he'll enact as soon as he gets back into office. This will flush the roaches and rats from the lower levels of the swamp and remove their power to obstruct almost instantly.

The rest of 2025 will be spent flushing the US and Canada of these rats and cornering them in Europe. The ones trying to hide in North America are going to find things a bit too hot for them.

BTW. Those billions of fiat dollars stored in Deep State banks, they're going to be worth less than Monopoly money, because I think the Alliance and Trump have an alternate currency system all waiting in the wings to implement, once they do that what are those "old" CB Petro dollars going to be worth?

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Looked up Schedule F to see what that is - "Schedule F is a classification within the federal governmentтАЩs excepted service that was established by an October 2020 executive order from the Trump administration... It created a new job category for federal employees in policy-related positions, exempting them from civil service protections and making them easier to remove". Trump and his team are brilliant! Thanks for your insights, GRY.

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Sounds like Schedule F(lush)....lovevit!

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Part 2:

Now this is where the term "think mirror" will come into play.

Trump wants to setup Fortress North America!, the southern border wall could literally stand in as fortress wall!

The reason I say Fortress North America and not Fortress USA is that Canada cannot be allowed to fall to the other powers(friendly or hostile), it certainly can't be allowed to remain in the hands of the Deep State/Cabal, it's too much of a geopolitical risk with Russia eying the far North and polar regions and China eying Alaska the the Bering Straits route.

Also it's natural resources and still relatively low population makes for an economic storehouse for both countries.

How do I know the Cabal are losing Canada? [Of interest mainly to Canadian readers].

A look at the past 6 months has convinced me that the WEF clown Justin Trudeau is in fact controlled by the patriots!

yes I don't have definitive proof of that but I've been watching his behavior the past 9 years since he was installed.

His political popularity has been sliding all this time and even in the 2021 election when it was apparent he wasn't going to land a political majority, he still acted as if he were the most loved politician in Canada.

I put a lot of his attitude down the his clinical symptoms of NPD(Narcissistic Personality Disorder).

But I also notice strange inconsistencies, his behavior after covid and the lockdowns became more erratic.

I've since come to believe that ever since the Trucker convoy and the declaration of the Emergencies Act, Trudeau has been literally and psychologically on the run from the Alliance.

Ever since 2022 he's behaving like someone who it trying to tell themselves they're still in control but they're not.

Since the rise of the new Conservative Party leader, Pierre Poilievre, Trudeau's popularity has been spiraling into the toilet and he can't counter the attacks of the Conservatives in Question Period, he's being ritually humiliated weekly on the floor of Parliament.

And he as done nothing to stop it, except to double down in his destructive policies, even when his own party and MP's are telling him it's too much!

The clincher was back in Jan/Feb 2024 when Tucker Carlson came up to Canada to deliver a message to the Deep State here,

тАЬYes, hi. I couldnтАЩt understand the French part, but itтАЩs Tucker Carlson calling from the United States and IтАЩd be grateful if youтАЩd pass a message onto the prime minister, Justin TrudeauтАЭ, he said.

тАЬWe are coming to liberate Canada. We are coming to liberate Canada, and weтАЩll be there soon. Merci.тАЭ


It was presented in a half joking, speculative manner, it wasn't a joke, it was Trump sending a clear message to the Deep State that they won't find refuge in Canada.

This really rattled and upset the MSM here in Canada, they tried to get the government to bar Carlson from entering Canada and couldn't.

They tried to smear and denigrate the Conservatives here who welcomed him, including smearing Premier Danielle Smith of Alberta.

Now additional events these past 4 months have happened which has accelerated the downfall of the Cabal in Canada.

Justin Trudeau's own party caucus is pushing for him to step down, he's as toxic to the Liberal Party brand as Biden is to the Democrats, but Trudeau refuses to listen and will try and continue on.

Also the Liberal party can't remove Trudeau legally from the leadership position.

In Canada the party leader of the winning party in an election automatically becomes the Prime Minister.

In their vast wisdom the Deep State had the party charter of the Liberals revised so as to delete any clause allowing the leadership position to be removed by a vote of the caucus!.

They can't remove Trudeau legally and he's like a home squatter who refuses to leave!

So last week the leader of the NDP announced he will no longer honor the deal they made to back the Liberals in any non-confidence vote in the House of Commons, which gave Trudeau carte blanche to do as he pleased with government policy.

This deal was reached in 2022 to cement Trudeau's full control over legislation and voting in the House.

The NDP leader, Jagmeet Singh who is also WEF member/puppet and is also a supporter of the Sikh-Khalistani independence movement, he's also banned from travel to India as a terrorist supporter.

Singh pulled out suddenly from their agreement on Monday, with little warning and has been badmouthing Trudeau and the Liberals since then.

This has further weakened Trudeau and made him vulnerable to a non confidence motion, it has also frozen Trudeau's ability to further implement the WEF's agenda this session(fall/winter).

Legally the next election in Canada is supposed to be in Oct. 2025, but it could come as soon as Spring 25 or even this Fall in November!, coinciding with the US election.

It would be an astonishing event if both the US and Canada elected Conservative governments at the same time!

Now in Canada because of the multiparty nature of the government, the Conservative party currently has a 20 point lead over the Liberals.


The NDP+Liberals almost match the Conservative, but if they're split apart it's no contest.

BTW: For those non Canadians, Trudeau and his government are currently keeping confidential the names of 11 MP's who have been suspected of committing treason in Canada.


The Liberals have buried and blocked any public disclosure of the names.

But that block may now come under attack if the Conservatives raise the motion to reveal the names in this upcoming session of Parliament.

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Loooooovve this summary! I'm getting tingly over here :)

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I loved reading all three of your comments here, GRY. Thank you very much! тЭдя╕П

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Me too!!! I pray for Canada everyday. These articles give me such hope! Thank you for sharing.

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