The freedom of the individual will never be safe as long as these Elite have power to control. IMHO, the greatest weapon against them is sunlight and never complying willingly with their mandates.

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Yikes... right under our noses. Your research is astounding. Thank you!

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Excellent. Old money vs New Money. (Prejudice amongst elites too) As pointed out by the Unsinkable Molly Brown of gold rush days. Looks like Rockefellers and Morgans were 'allowed' from the new money people. Holland being an interesting focal point. The Dutch have that history of money lending too. Many groups went to them for help. I can see why they all make fun of Americans as our country is only 200+ years old. They all have buildings much much older. We do look silly pointing to aliens as the cause. It's hard for us to even imagine or feel what Old really looks like. For 2000 years 'the church' has been whispering in the ear of every Monarch. Even King Henry the VIII fenagled his way to creating the Church of England, just to get that legit heir, only to have the strongest survivor be a female. (irony)

Thank you Ryan for that very informative piece and the links. It looks like we will all have to figure out what kind of world we really want. If we ever get to Mars, hopefully the colonist domes will be better run.

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What an amazing and informative report! Thank you. I’m going to go back and reread the whole series, as I confess that due to overwork lately, until Part 4, I just skimmed through. These reports are making sense of a great many things about which I’ve wondered, but never dug into.

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thanks again Ryan, I'm currently reading ruled by secrecy by Jim Marrs which also delves into these nefarious scumbags........knowledge is power...i need to read this again tbh

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Bill Marrs is a great resource! RBS was one of the sources I used in putting this together.

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THX RYAN . Excellent Amazing Brilliant to say the least, keep shinning the light of this madness & Evil to conquer the world & slave humanity forever ! WWG1WGA

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They are fake Jews and hide among them. Also some people call them the name stealers.

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Seems like they set up shop in Venice long ago and mostly operate out of Lake Geneva these days while maintaining alpha lodges in Paris, Stockholm, Edinburgh, and Naples. If you were to draw lines connecting all of these lodges look where all of those lodges intersect there is a region near brussels that has special significance. It also creates a sideways cross similar to the flags of Finland, Norway, Sweden, Belarus Etc. Coincidence or is it a signature?

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This group scares me more than the WEF, TLC, and CFR. Seems like these guys are the "beauracrats" of the previous mentioned groups and are really running the operations. They're totally dark, and have no online footprint, no leaks, no squeak... but still things get done. Needs to be taken down and an honest militia of citizen patriots can do it, too!

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Fascinating. I'd heard of the Bilderberg Group and many of the various actors, but the Retinger stuff was new to me, and as a Brit, the Harold Wilson anecdote was intriguing to say the least. Interesting how there seems to be a common thread between freemasons, Jesuits, and Knights Templar organisations... or is it just that they all seem to attract the same swivel-eyed crackpots?

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Very good reportage, Ryan, but how can you write about the Bilderbergers with no mention of the Khazarian Mafia connections?

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I'm building up to it. The Khazar/Venetian Connection is something I've been trying to fully wrap my head around before I write about it. The mention of the Templars was a veiled way of mentioning Venice and the Eleusinian Mystery Religion carried on through the ages as "Red Masonry". I'm still deep in the research phase but that is where all of this going. Thanks for reading!

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Outstanding! 💯

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Great series. Starting to become more aware with a better knowing of net effects from a narrative. I wonder if this series is going to discuss the Babylonian Radhanites?

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I'm trying to determine if the Radhanites were fake-jewish Khazars or in the employ of the Venetians (maybe both?)

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Thanks, good post. I guess we can rest easy knowing that Bilderberger's, WEF'rs and Trilateral's own the planet now. Life in those 15 minute, smart, C40 cities gonna be great.

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Yeah, srsly! 😑

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Over 3000 Bilderbergers are listed at https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Bilderberg/Guests and subpages.

According to https://wikispooks.com/wiki/COVID-19/Perpetrators/Bilderberg over 150 of them have been busy with Covid.

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When I started taking an interest in The Bilderberg Group anyone who even hinted at the existence of the group was immediately put in the same category as flat earthers people who claim to have been abducted by aliens and those who have one-on-one relationships with ancient Egyptian gods.

In spite of this there was incontrovertible evidence that the group existed and the extraordinary levels of security around the venues of their annual jolly suggested they were not getting together to play lawn croquet, nibble cucumber sandwiches and discuss the quality of the year's grape harvest.

The fact that although they are still not exactly committed to transparency, their existence is no longer denied shows we are making progress. Good to know.

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Retinger is not a Polish name but Jewish. Just to make it clear. Our Polish political arena been infiltrated long time ago.

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